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Keeping and breeding butterflies

Community and ForumInsects breedingKeeping and breeding butterflies

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28.03.2010 18:49, Grigory Grigoryev

So, if the caterpillar crawled through the snow in March, then it is most likely Phragmatobia fuliginosa. Only they run through the snow in early spring. After wintering, they do not eat, they immediately pupate.
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28.03.2010 19:28, Бабочник

well, in the photo of the caterpillars of the bears, about the bears and tell...
By the way, bears can also be fed with purchased parsley in extreme cases if there are absolutely no tops on the street.

29.03.2010 0:15, pollyholly

I read that the caterpillars of this species should pupate immediately after waking up.Should I take her outside?our house is very warm.it is unlikely that it will pupate here, and there is not much to feed yet.what do you recommend?

29.03.2010 12:00, london

put it in a dry container with a reserve of food, do not worry if it is not active for some time, let nature do its job. If all goes well then urticaria will survive

29.03.2010 18:25, Бабочник

what does urticaria have to do with it?

30.03.2010 14:18, london

I apologize for the caveat I go through the categories of molneinosno walk and did not read correctly smile.gif

30.03.2010 16:29, okoem

maybe it's better to take it somewhere?I don't think I'll find food for her right now frown.gifuntil it's almost winter... Advise something, please!

Take it and let it out into the wild, and it will find what it needs.
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01.04.2010 10:46, pollyholly

I took it)
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25.04.2010 14:48, AndreyF

Manual pairing umnik.gif





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29.04.2010 9:23, Бабочник

Send links to Yandex. Checkout.
Only sometimes you have to fix Saturn with your fingers better-closer to the tip of the abdomen. Not all males are as resourceful as this movie hero.
And in sailboats, if the male does not open the valva, you can lightly (very carefully and gently!)open the valva. tap the soles of your feet with the pad of your finger.

29.04.2010 10:30, MayaBark

Help me too))
I found a goose (probably brought on daffodils) light green, with a slightly lighter stripe on the side. and small (barely noticeable) white dots on the back in several rows. it is covered with tiny light hairs. the head is completely green. In general, some kind of scoop)
for several days I stubbornly ate lettuce leaves, cabbage, and gnawed tulips. in 4 days it has grown to 3.5-4.5 cm
. a few days ago, it stopped eating, but it is not active - it is sitting in one place. I don't see any signs of pupation. "is this normal behavior?" or is she sick and going to give her soul to God?...
thank you in advance

This post was edited by MayaBark - 04/29/2010 10: 31

29.04.2010 11:45, Acid1977

Dear forumchane, perhaps the question is not in the subject:

how to determine in the field whether a female (moth in particular) has been fertilized or not?

29.04.2010 19:58, okoem

is this normal behavior? or is she sick and going to give her soul to God?...
thank you in advance

Fill it with soil. Dry.
Some scoops, if the soil is not filled, die. They need to pupate (or estivate), but they can't do without soil.

Dear forumchane, perhaps the question is not in the subject:

how to determine in the field whether a female (moth in particular) has been fertilized or not?

If it flew, it almost certainly mated. In general, according to my observations, butterflies mate almost immediately after leaving the pupa.

29.04.2010 20:12, swerig

If anyone needs it, there are Annona sp seeds (Vietnam)
And a photo of the fruit itself (in the center)

сайгон_рынок970.JPG — (2.73 mb)

30.04.2010 8:59, Acid1977

If it flew, it almost certainly mated. In general, according to my observations, butterflies mate almost immediately after leaving the pupa.

Do they actively fly after laying? How often do females that have already been "swept away" come into the world?

30.04.2010 16:55, okoem

Do they actively fly after laying? How often do females that have already been "swept away" come into the world?

I don't know. But in my opinion, even from the most desirable female, you can still get a couple of eggs. Just don't forget to feed them.

05.05.2010 21:44, Rivendell

Hello, please tell me what conditions are needed for this caterpillar .and what is this caterpillar ? I'm an aquarist myself and I want to have butterflies right now too smile.gif)))

user posted image

05.05.2010 21:51, Dr. Niko

Hello, please tell me what conditions are needed for this caterpillar .and what is this caterpillar ? I'm an aquarist myself and I want to have butterflies right now too smile.gif)))

Scented woodpecker Cossus cossus. When did you find the caterpillar?

05.05.2010 22:17, Rivendell

only what I found in the yardsmile.gif)))

06.05.2010 11:26, Dr. Niko

only what I found in the yard smile.gif)))

Colleagues can correct me, I think this is a two-year-old caterpillar that has finished feeding and is looking for a place to pupate. Take a plastic container, fill it with loose soil 8-10 cm thick, and put the caterpillar there. In theory, it should burrow into the ground and pupate in it. After two weeks, you can pull out the pupa and just put it on the ground and wait for hatching. Well, stick a stick in the ground so that the butterfly spreads its wings on it.
You can also read about this species here: http://www.ecosystema.ru/08nature/insects/78.php
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06.05.2010 11:53, vasiliy-feoktistov

Colleagues can correct me, I think this is a two-year-old caterpillar that has finished feeding and is looking for a place to pupate. Take a plastic container, fill it with loose soil 8-10 cm thick, and put the caterpillar there. In theory, it should burrow into the ground and pupate in it. After two weeks, you can pull out the pupa and just put it on the ground and wait for hatching. Well, stick a stick in the ground so that the butterfly spreads its wings on it.
You can also read about this species here: http://www.ecosystema.ru/08nature/insects/78.php

That's right. C. cossus caterpillar is possible in April-early May (Moscow region). I found it myself in late April and in mid-May I received a cocoon with a pupa without any feeding and brought out an imago.
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06.05.2010 12:54, Rivendell

thank you very much, right now I really want to wander around looking for caterpillars of daytime butterflies smile.gif).... I have 3 free aquariums ....... I want the paludarium to have butterflies . smile.gif))

11.05.2010 23:17, MayaBark

Help with the caterpillar.
Brought into the house two weeks ago with a bouquet of flowers 2 cm baby.
About two weeks of eating daffodils, tulips, lettuce leaves grew to 4.5-5cm. for the last few days, it has been burrowing into the ground for a day, but at night it is sedentary and yesterday it did not eat anything at all. Lives in a shaded aquarium on the balcony (19-23C), the ground is about 4 cm.
Help us determine what kind of butterfly it is, and what conditions are needed for pupation?.

Ps. what a dark spot appeared on the "forehead".

IMG_7199.jpg — (166.48к)

IMG_7196.jpg — (318.7к)

24.05.2010 19:33, Dr. Niko

People, please tell me some general methods of stimulating a caught pregnant female butterfly to lay eggs. I mean, so far, only those with different sawyers caught in the light. Here the question arises - it's night in the yard, and as if you don't go anywhere particularly for food plants. What to do? Leave in some container until morning or? My little experience so far shows that in the morning the female does not show a special desire to lay eggs. Maybe of course she wasn't pregnant.

In general, I really ask everyone who knows to speak out smile.gif beer.gif smile.gif

This post was edited by Dr. Niko - 24.05.2010 19: 34

26.05.2010 23:17, Dr. Niko

Strange... Zero response... People, I don't seem to be asking you to reveal the secret behind seven seals smile.gifCan someone still share the information?

27.05.2010 18:05, Alligator

Raznousye usually throw the grass anywhere in captivity, most likely the female has already spawned, or simply is not ready to rush yet (but there will most likely be a non-brood)! And so caught in the light of females raznoustyh need to put in some kind of cage if you want to get green! I didn't do any special stimulation, they were rushing like this!
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27.05.2010 19:46, okoem

People, please tell me some general methods of stimulating a caught pregnant female butterfly to lay eggs. I mean, so far, only those with different sawyers caught in the light.

I can tell by the scoops. You put the female in a cage, there is also fodder (a petiole in water so that it does not dry out) or bark, or sand, depending on where she lays her eggs in nature. Put a piece (for example) of an apple in the cage so that the female can feed. Make sure that all this does not dry out, and that ventilation/humidity is normal. And wait.
But in general, different groups can have their own specifics. And sometimes every genus / species.
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27.05.2010 21:12, Alligator

I have several types of scoops (I don't remember exactly which ones), for example, rushing directly to the screen!

01.06.2010 21:50, Avalanche


DSC00272.JPG — (825.48к)

DSC00274.JPG — (829.41к)

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09.06.2010 11:04, Николаевич

The caterpillars of the big peacock's eye came out.Interested in food, and other nuances for their successful growth.

This post was edited by Nikolayevich - 09.06.2010 13: 04

16.06.2010 14:41, molek

mechet caviar drevotochets odorous(in full swing)

16.06.2010 23:18, okoem

Help us determine what kind of butterfly it is, and what conditions are needed for pupation?.

It would be a good idea to tell us in which part of the world you found it... shuffle.gif
In general, it is similar to Aporophyla sp. (shovel). If so, it will burrow into the soil and will estivate until the end of summer, then pupate and a butterfly will come out in the fall.

17.06.2010 13:06, Musson max

Good day to all.
On May 29, I and Vis in the Kiev region found a fairly large population of Polyxena on kirkazon jump.gif.
picture: 29.05.2010___Kievska_obl. _ Obukhovsky_district _ _ _ village.Казин__ДК_Междуречье_3_3____Zerynthia_polyxena.JPG
picture: 29.05.2010___Kievska_obl. _ Obukhovsky_district _ _ _ village.Казин__ДК_Междуречье_3_2____Zerynthia_polyxena.JPG

We decided to wait a little while until the caterpillars grow up in natural conditions and return for them at the last stage.
Thus, on June 10, we arrived at the site and collected the smallest part of what was crawling there smile.gif- 17 pieces. 2 was taken by Vis and 15 was taken by me.

on June 16, we have the following picture: 1 pupa, 13 in the state of "just about" smile.gifand 3 still crawling and eatingsmile.gif, not a single corpse smile.gif
picture: 16.06.2010___ _ Kiev_ _ _ added__ _ _ 29.05.2010_Kievska_obl. _ Obukhovsky_district _ _ _ village.Казин__ДК_Междуречье_3_7____Zerynthia_polyxena.JPG
picture: 16.06.2010___ _ Kiev_ _ _ added__ _ _ 29.05.2010_Kievska_obl. _ Obukhovsky_district _ _ _ village.Казин__ДК_Междуречье_3_6____Zerynthia_polyxena.JPG
picture: 16.06.2010___ _ Kiev_ _ _ added__ _ _ 29.05.2010_Kievska_obl. _ Obukhovsky_district _ _ _ village.Казин__ДК_Междуречье_3_3____Zerynthia_polyxena.JPG
picture: 16.06.2010___ _ Kiev_ _ _ added__ _ _ 29.05.2010_Kievska_obl. _ Obukhovsky_district _ _ _ village.Казин__ДК_Междуречье_3_2____Zerynthia_polyxena.JPG
picture: 16.06.2010___ _ Kiev_ _ _ from _ caterpillar_prepared_ _ _ _ 29.05.2010_Kievska_obl. _ Obukhovsky_district _ _ _ village.Казин__ДК_Междуречье_3_1____Zerynthia_polyxena.JPG

I understand that in the best case, I will see fresh Polixenes around the end of next year, right? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
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17.06.2010 15:28, Vis

Yes, and I have not yet pupated one, in my opinion now they have a "transition age" smile.gifof

18.06.2010 11:01, Эрик

Recently caught the next porcupine, please help me classify.. Well, what to feed.. confused.gif

picture: SA500021.JPG
SA500021.JPG — (13.78к)

18.06.2010 11:03, Эрик

Another photo. smile.gif

picture: SA500024.JPG
SA500024.JPG — (17.71к)

18.06.2010 13:41, Бабочник

Maxim, that's right, the butterflies will not be released until the spring of next year, because polyxena gives one generation per year.
Eric, this is a bear that looks like Kaia.
Good food-forsythia, for example. And so you can feed almost any tops - dandelions, plantain, etc.
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28.06.2010 13:06, guest: илья

I have a black caterpillar with white thin stripes. She is constantly burrowing in the ground, and recently ate a little leaf. Tell me, please, what kind of butterfly will come out of it, what to feed the caterpillar?

28.06.2010 13:17, vasiliy-feoktistov

I have a black caterpillar with white thin stripes. She is constantly burrowing in the ground, and recently ate a little leaf. Tell me, please, what kind of butterfly will come out of it, what to feed the caterpillar?

Well, if it burrows in the ground,then you don't need to feed it already (it looks like it's going to pupate).
About the view: Not bad photo (it's hard to tell without it).
I can only add: someone with a different sawyere (nocturnal).

28.06.2010 21:49, okoem

Well, if it burrows in the ground,then you don't need to feed it already (it looks like it's going to pupate).

Not a fact. Scoops can be buried for a day, and go out to eat at night.

Tell me, please, what kind of butterfly will come out of it, what to feed the caterpillar?

Ilya, this description is unlikely to identify your caterpillar. Although, as an option-a scoop of Tholera sp.
What to feed - you have already answered this yourself - with the same leaf.

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