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Crimea, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsCrimea, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

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15.05.2008 19:02, Fornax13

There's probably Phlomis growing up somewhere. tuberosa or something similar. You can specifically podolbitat it-I think pilemiy will become more smile.gif

15.05.2008 20:43, RippeR

.I found pilemia on some plant that I don't know ,I didn't have the camera with me ,but for some reason I couldn't get it - I was so glad to find smile.gifit. next time I'll try not to forget smile.gif?in general ,as I understand it, pilemias are rare ,because I know little about fees and generally have little information about them

.addendum to reports:
picture: 1.JPG yesterday's weevil
picture: 3.JPG . question KDG, if the topic will look smile.gifor cerambixu ?callimus does not have a yellow woolen stripe on the bottom of the penultimate stubble-it can be a different species or just a male
4.JPG promised to Nimrod affinis (the photo is not very good, I took it almost in the dark)
picture: 5.JPG picture: 6.JPG!my dear pilots
picture: 7.JPG an unusual female callimaha from the Crimea, which I wrote about if someone read the report smile.gif
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15.05.2008 23:04, Fornax13

Weevil-Elytrodon bidentatus Steven, 1829.

We didn't have much of a pillbox, either, until I figured out what they were sitting on. It is tall and labiate with large leaves, almost odorless, and blooms with purple-pink flowers. Looks like it? smile.gif
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16.05.2008 8:20, RippeR

there were no flowers on the bushes that they were sitting on, but it looks like a lip-colored plant - something like wild mint, probably with silky leaves..

17.05.2008 1:54, RippeR

moths of the day before yesterday, euknemid and aphodius today-aphonia in flight, euknemid on a young broken tree.

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17.05.2008 2:07, Fornax13

Nice, so we've already flown smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif
Euknemid-Melasis buprestoides (Linnaeus, 1761),
with such athonians in the photo is difficult. And the big aphodius?
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17.05.2008 2:28, Vlad Proklov

moths of the day before yesterday, euknemid and aphodius today-aphonia in flight, euknemid on a young broken tree.

Moths -- ?Incurvaria sp. and Pancalia leuwenhoekella.
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17.05.2008 8:33, RippeR

aphodium 5.5 mm. i.e. small. I understand that it is difficult to identify such a person , but it is not necessary smile.giffor me and it is more for Nimrod-suddenly something interesting for him smile.gif

20.05.2008 9:54, Serg Svetlov

Dear colleagues, I would like to know if the barbel Tetrops praeusta and Molorchus minor in the Moscow region is a mass species or not

Yes, mass species of Molorchus now fly on flowers (well, for example mountain ash) near spruce forests, and Tetrops look near apple trees, oaks(they fly under them), I often came across buckthorn flowers
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20.05.2008 13:03, Alexandr Rusinov

Tetrops can be more easily detected by examining the leaves of apple trees, buckthorn, honeysuckle and similar trees and shrubs from below. I think a good effect will be given by shaking on a spread rag, but sometimes it is just visually possible to detect 10-15 pcs. per excursion in the right season.

22.05.2008 21:15, RippeR

Something no one writes almost.. What, no one goes anywhere?
I've been going almost nowhere lately.. frown.gif
Although I went to the place where there used to be 2 ravines with noggels.. I looked at the houses that stand smile.gifon nogellas, I saw Astragalus of Pontus - there is little of it in the neighborhood, nothing on it.. for many yearssmile.gif, and in general, nothing interesting has flown there, except for one alveus. The rest - alfakariensis, erata, chiala, icarus and argus in the mass, 1 dull polyxene and a little more different nonsense.. But there are a lot of beautiful interesting flowers - different sage, astragalus, all sorts of lip-flowers.

I was still in the forests of Lozova (zapuvednik Kadry). We found a bunch of scopoli, some mysticus, 2 morimus - I got a small female, 2 mesozoic curculionoides. Caught about 4-6 Hoplias, I think there may be something interesting.. Of these, almost all are brown, like philanthus, but it seems with some more interesting color, i.e. they seem to be a little more pubescent, or ocheshuennye, and 1 hoplia is black, but it seems a different kind than last year's black ones, since it has some kind of brownish black, and like the color of the bottom is a little different shine it has.. But it's hard to say anything about hoplies from their appearance - Nimrod needs to sit over them smile.gif
On the branches of colorful bushes and trees were kalosomes inquisitor, 1 of which was black and blue in color, and all the others were ordinary.
From butterflies slapal 1 large female zorka, 1 Everes altsetas, a couple of mnemosyne, one of which is a pretty yellowish female with a large volume of blackness, but with a slightly crooked wing edge and stained in its sticky liquid (although everything is not as strange as it looks according to my description-later I can make a photo if anyone is interested).
On the trunk of a tree in the forest sat a shovel-according to the scoops of Ukraine, it was not possible to determine frown.gif
Phytoecia cylinders were flying in the forest glade.
The last tauricums (dorcash) were crawling.
There were also a few humeralis cortoders in the colors, which are quite a lot this year. We also managed to remove a couple of anoploder rufipes from the flowers..
Generally quite boring..

And now there are already Moldovan Cortoders, which I can't reach in any way due to lack of time and lack of weather.
And in general, I want to go to the forest for barbels.

Write reports!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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22.05.2008 21:19, AntSkr

In the Moscow region, there will be no reports for at least another week... it's raining all the time, and it's cold... the weather, in general, is terrible...
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22.05.2008 21:29, Zhuk

Yes, in Moscow, the PPC is full and for a long time...
I generally leave on Monday for a summer internship near Istra until June 13. Here then mego report zabatsayu smile.gif.

23.05.2008 16:53, taler

Ah, RippeR, ah well done!I remember, about 2 years ago, I was too shy to write, but now weekly reports are as planned!And the Crimean photo report-there are no words at all!!!Keep it up !!!
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23.05.2008 18:17, Трофим

I went to the Internet by chance and was in Kozhushne-Kapriany on the 15th. I walked 15 km with a shastik from Kojusna to Kapriany. In addition to the completed route and fatigue, there are also advantages. With 12 pieces of excelences and 14 morimuses, so I'm ready to exchange all the weapons. There are 2 huge males. And yesterday I returned from a three-day excursion from Sarat. The catch is just super, since I added 6 or even more species to the collection of barbels, we need to understand.I'll write a report about Sarat Meresheny later.
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23.05.2008 21:23, RippeR

it's always like this - you can't force it first, then you can't stop it smile.gif

Photos of barbels in the studio! It is very interesting to see especially barbels, other beetles and butterflies.

27.05.2008 8:33, svm2

24.05.08, Kiev region, the vicinity of the village. Potashnya (N 50°42,796’, E 29°43,377’), mixed forest near a swamp, occasionally drizzling, at 4 o'clock in the morning 12°.We used 2 DRV 250 lamps, from 21-30 to 4-00
Here is such a structure
picture: IMG_1743.jpg

*-a lot(10 or more)

M. tiliae, S. ocellata* - very flying, H. pinastri

T. batis, T.ocularis & or, F. lacertinaria, W. binaria, D.curvatula* & falcataria,

I. pallidata, C. pendularia, C. annularia, C. punctaria*, T.
comae. S. mucronata?, X. spadicearia, ferrugata, designata, E. biangulata, unangulata, E. tristata, alternata, C. pectinaria, E. capitata (1 unborn specimen), E. nebulata, H. flammaolaria*, Eupithecia 4 two types of opr. postponed (one is defined as nanata), L. halterata, P. sexalata.
L. marginata*, L. adustata, L. bimaculata*& temerata, C. pusaria, P. dolabraria, L. chlorosata*, M. notata*& liturata*, C. clathrata, B. piniarius, H. punctinalis, C. cinctaria, A. punctulata, L. hirtaria-belated.

C.curtula & pigra, F.bifida, D.dodonaea, P.tremula, P.capucina, P.bucephala.

A.alni, psi, megacephala, euphorbiae, rumicis, C.ligustri.
L.thalassina,S.reticulata, M.pallens.
O.plecta, D.rubi, X.c-nigrum,


C.pudibunda are mostly flying females.


This post was edited by svm2-02.06.2008 16: 26
Likes: 14

27.05.2008 15:50, Трофим

Sarata-Meresheny 19.05.08-21.05.08
So, how it all happened. I had a week off, and after the exams, I decided to use it. And I went to my favorite village for three days. The trip made me very happy, I exceeded my plan for barbels. If last year I have for the whole of 2007, the collection was replenished by 7 types of barbels. Then for 2008, of course, I wanted 8 types. So, I will list only the barbels that were there.First 7 new types:
1. Lioderus kollari
2. Rhopalopus clavipes (prosiotrel antennae-spines are present)
3. Agapanthia villosoviridiscens
4. Poecilion alni-for a long time I wanted this small barbel, spoymat. Kravivy it all the same. And finally - with a mad mowing, all that I saw-one copy was found in the net.
5. Plagianotus arcuatus-asta is generally cool. Detritus thought. I wonder if the species is cooler than detritus, and how rare it is. I'll have a couple to trade. I'll be happy to exchange it for floralis and detritus, just with more pleasure.
6. Pogonocherus hispidulus – in my opinion, he is the most. For identification, I put up a photo.
7. Asemum striatum-the history of this barbel is generally interesting. Imagine I'm walking through a broad-leaved forest, and suddenly, out of nowhere, they are pine trees. And not just one, but 20 pieces, all felled, and a few standing ones. I've never seen such a neighborhood anywhere else. Oaks and pines, and only on this small piece. And this is my God, it is on it that I find another view.

Here are the cases. Now the rest of the barbels:
1. Stenocorus quercus and ♂ and ♀
2. Phytoeciz cylindrical
3. P. pustulata (I have no luck on virgula yet)
4. Dinoptera collaris
5. Theophilea subcylindricollis
6. Agapanthia violacea
7. Strangalia nigra
8. Mesosa curculionoides
9. Cerambyx scopoli
10. neoDorcadion bilineatum
11. Dorcadion tauricum
12. Anaglyptus mysticus
13. Rhagium sycophanta (bumped into me while I was sitting resting on a stump)
14. Chlorophorus figuratus
15. Morimus funereus
16. Grammoptera ruficornis
17. Cortodera humeralis ♂, and maybe something more interesting. But I will determine this later
for a total of 24 species of barbels for a three-day excursion, of which 7 are new. This is the month of May. From leaf eaters all the usual. Perhaps only interesting cryptocephalus coryli, one chrysolina (I put up a photo but I doubt that it will help, you will need to turn it under a microscope). Hispy as many as 4-5 copies. I set traps on ground beetles, you can say not even in the forest. 2 carabus came running, if I'm not mistaken, Carabus ulrichi – if they are, then this is just a class. I caught a few weevils, but especially nothing extraordinary, I'll probably take care of this family sometime in the winter. I wandered through the forest for three days, we wound not so much, only 23 km. I got to the forester, he got impudent, thought that I was from the city, so I had a lot of money, I asked 5 cu for viewing wild boars (there is less than a pupaar in the zoo in the city, and he decided to make a profit). So I caught a glimpse of them, very careful animals. How I didn't sneak up hoping to take a picture. I'm up on the paddock, they're down, I'm down they're up on the top, eventually I'm sick of it. Another interesting animal came across a fox hole, better I did not come across at all. For 12 seconds that I sat at the burrow, and at a distance of 1-2 meters, 20 fleas jumped on me, so you can envy the efficiency. And of course, I was not spared ticks, which I shot 10-15 pieces per day. But in my opinion, we don't have encephalitis, but still, who knows.... Mosquitoes, midges-who liked all the sweaty T-shirt that stuck in their eyes, that's probably all the midges that I had to face, but nothing like that. Put the lamp, however, only 2 days. On the first day, nothing special, but on the second it's not bad, 3 piri-but killed. Epicalia villica 1 copy. And either Khrushchev or someone, but the beetle is interesting. Here is a short summary of the main thing-and a three-day excursion took place.
P / S/ also caught Thanasimus sp. and T. formicariusa 6-7 specimens each. everyone. Leafhopper 6 mm, and crunch, I'm not sure that the crunch is 11 mm.

This post was edited by Trofim - 27.05.2008 15: 51

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27.05.2008 15:59, Bad Den

And either Khrushchev or someone, but the beetle is interesting.
This is not crunch, this is Trox sp. More precisely Nimrod will say smile.gif
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27.05.2008 19:23, rpanin

Sarata – Meresheny 19.05.08-21.05.08

5. Plagianotus arcuatus-asta is generally cool. Detritus thought. I wonder if the species is cooler than detritus, and how rare it is. I'll have a couple to trade. I'll be happy to exchange it for floralis and detritus, just with more pleasure.

Plagionotus detritus -much cooler. Meets three times less often than arcuatus
Carabus Carabus (Eucarabus) ullrichii ullrichii
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27.05.2008 23:13, RippeR

whiskered hispidulus, right. As for collari , you need to look, there are still similar types, I would not have solved them so quickly without experience, since I myself have not yet figured them out.
Grammoptera may not be ruficornis-report black or red mustache bases.
Cortodera - if the flowers are most likely humeralis, there are few options here. if there are conifers, there is a better chance of femorata, if there is any chance at all that we have them, but this is not for me. If in the field on the grass, it can be villosovediscens or.. In principle, there can be nothing else - everything normal seems to be purely steppe and chalk.. But the photo must be sent to the studio - then we will be able to tell you exactly - otherwise there will only be mistakes, since the group is very poorly studied and there are no keys to it.
For me, that arcuatus, that detritus is not weighty.. Although I didn't catch many of them myself, it was because I didn't get to their characteristic places at the right time. The Floralises are the same. only found in other places.
In general, after conversations with M. L. Danilevsky, I began to treat barbels more tolerably-it's not because of their rarity , which is completely imaginary ONLY because of our lack of ability to collect them.. What is really interesting is Cornumutilla quadrivittata, Akimerus schaefferi, Cortodera moldovana and related species, as well as what has not yet been described - new species and subspecies.. The rest is mostly banal, which we simply do not know how to "cook" - we do not look well and are not in the right place.

Dr. Morozzz says Look for the truth smile.gifin the forest - go straight in and follow the trail, on the trails and in areas with sparse vegetation there are egeria.

Now about yourself smile.gif
Again I visited a small remnant of virgin land somewhere near the village of Cricova.
the place is interesting. This time it was more interesting. However, there was very little of the butterflies - except for a large number of bellargus, which scurried from side to side and quickly rubbed, as a result of which only 4 ideal males were brought. There was Phoebus, and a lot of egg yolks, which were also very difficult to catch, were flying back and forth.
The main hope was for Kortodera moldovana or other steppe kortodera. Alas, I don't see them there, as I stared hard at all the plants of all kinds and mowed hard.
But I was visited by other pleasant species-Opsilium-either molybdenum or uncinate, a couple of red blood cells, like oni. Opsilia coerulescens, 4 pieces, a pair of Pilemia hirsutula, who chose only 1 bush from a pile of identical labial flowers.. A couple of cute crunchers, a bunch of obscure hairy beetles with spurs on their legs. Cool kozheed, some kind of trachis, like not imnuta-there are no stripes on the ass and saddles in the field on lipotsvetnykh, on which we also sat, only a different bush; a couple of cool skrytoglavs, a couple of not very impressive beetles and some interesting small beetles.

Before the photos immediately questions:
- Who knows the type of lip-flowers that are depicted in the photo - they were chosen by a couple of pilemias.
- Who is a hairy bug, even a family.
"Who is the hairy gray-and-white sovko?"
"Can I say something about the leatherhead?" It is interesting - for the first time I see such a color, and even in size it is larger than 2 times, or even more, ordinary flower kozheedikov.
- if someone can say something very accurately about opsilia?
- Hrushchik-the question you know yourself to someone-our main smile.gifscarabeidolgu Can not determine the type, to the fact that it can be very difficult smile.gifBut simply interesting-is it something serious or just another nonsense? I mean a brown one with a black apron, on a red background. smile.gif
Also included as a bonus are:
a flattened scoop + a mole - who is hu? Caught two weeks earlier.
And Hoplia, too, at about the same time - on flowers. Just so that Nimrod can look - it's clear and so that you can't tell from the photo, but hoplia has an interesting brownish color, different from other black species, which may turn out to be an even different species smile.gif

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27.05.2008 23:33, Bad Den

"- Who is a hairy bug, even a family."
Dasytidae, like Henicopus sp.
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27.05.2008 23:38, Fornax13

I won't tell you about the labiaceae, I think it's either Phlomis or Stachys. By the way, just in these genera live unicolored Trachys (and even some filth).
Hairy beetle with spurs-Enicopus pilosus (F.) - such a dasytid.
Crunchers on flowers -?? Blithopertha lineolata (F.-W.).
and on a red background that-maybe some Omaloplia?

Kozheeda would be better to straighten out. And what size is it? If in mm smile.gif

This post was edited by Fornax13-27.05.2008 23: 39
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27.05.2008 23:58, RippeR

kozhezhor almost 5 mm. to straighten in any way frown.gifSmall and paws constantly twists.. But we'll see what happens.

28.05.2008 0:19, Nimrod

Good day, gentlemen!

Gentlemen RippeR & Trofim, of course, I will help you with the definition, but if you don't mind, I will ask you to wait until next week. You need a clearer Trox photo, namely the slope of the elytra, the lateral part of the pronotum and elytra, and even better-the aedeagus (if any).
It's strange, but why can't we create separate, specialized topics dedicated to defining individual groups? In my case, the scarabaeidocomplex? You see, this topic reminds me of a parade of Chinese tanks-until it loads everything, and then also rape the mouse wheel in search of the right one.... My poor traffic!
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28.05.2008 0:22, Fornax13

In kozheedah main thing-mustache smile.gif

28.05.2008 1:45, RippeR

I just straightened my mustache smile.gif

Wait is not a problem wink.gif
I fully support the idea about partitions - this will really be more convenient.

28.05.2008 8:02, svm2

C. ligustri -straightened

28.05.2008 8:46, Serg Svetlov

Dear Trofim, About barbels can be expressed taku thought, well done!!!, got out, caught, identified!!! Just be more careful when collecting:Poecilium alni ssp. alni L is simply collected on oak twigs in huge quantities, find a freshly fallen oak and they are yours, mowing for Phymatodes is cool, the second option: break twigs from the same oak, put them in a canvas bag, tie them and just take them out. As for Ropalopus , I saw macropus Germ from Ukraine with clear spines on the antennae, clavipes F is larger and much larger than macropus. Pogonocherus is exactly the hispidulus Pill. Yes, and Plagionotus: of course, arcuatus L occurs much more often than detritus L, although both are very common species.
RippeR! Oberea is exactly Amaurostoma erythrocephala Schrank, and Phytoecia skore Opsilia molybdaena Dalm, although it is a female and shabby, but still uncinata Redt is more "fluffy", there is a clear sign: uncinata has a lower lobe of the eye more cheeks significantly (look under binoculars)
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28.05.2008 12:30, Oshkad

I want to share about the results of fishing, which I spent last weekend in the Poltava region, Novosanzharsky district. From the day butterflies came across satyrs, pigeons, fatheads. Typical representatives of meadows. At night, for the first time, I tried to catch the light. I used a 250-watt split DRL.I didn't expect this! I didn't have time to catch all the butterflies I needed, which flew to the screen. 3 hawk moth (1 poplar,2 medium wine),several ursins, 3 Saturnia pyri,as well as a large number of moth moth and a scoop arrived. Yesterday I calculated how many species were added to my collection. Approximately 50. Beetles really flew a little. 1 a dead eater of some sort,both a female and a male lunar copra.
Later I will post a detailed list of all that spoymal.
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28.05.2008 12:59, Swansson

Sarata-Meresheny 19.05.08-21.05.08
So, how it all happened. I had a week off, and after the exams, I decided to use it. And I went to my favorite village for three days. The trip made me very happy, I exceeded my plan for barbels. If last year I have for the whole of 2007, the collection was replenished by 7 types of barbels. Then for 2008, of course, I wanted 8 types. So, I will list only the barbels that were there.First 7 new types:
1. Lioderus kollari
2. Rhopalopus clavipes (prosiotrel antennae-spines are present)
3. Agapanthia villosoviridiscens
4. Poecilion alni-for a long time I wanted this small barbel, spoymat. Kravivy it all the same. And finally - with a mad mowing, all that I saw-one copy was found in the net.
5. Plagianotus arcuatus-asta is generally cool. Detritus thought. I wonder if the species is cooler than detritus, and how rare it is. I'll have a couple to trade. I'll be happy to exchange it for floralis and detritus, just with more pleasure.
6. Pogonocherus hispidulus – in my opinion, he is the most. For identification, I put up a photo.
7. Asemum striatum-the history of this barbel is generally interesting. Imagine I'm walking through a broad-leaved forest, and suddenly, out of nowhere, they are pine trees. And not just one, but 20 pieces, all felled, and a few standing ones. I've never seen such a neighborhood anywhere else. Oaks and pines, and only on this small piece. And this is my God, it is on it that I find another view.

Let me ask you: how are all these barbels caught?

30.05.2008 12:54, Трофим

2 RippeR
Collari, villosoviridescens - all in pins, if you take a photo, you still can't really see anything. I'll look at the gramopter-the base of the mustache (it's really small). Vilosoviredescence in the field, mowing, determined by green. Unfortunately, there are no other keys.
2 Nimrod
Will be done, but also later.
2 ssacad

Poecilium alni-very, very many young oak branches I raked with a net and looked carefully at the twigs themselves, and mowed under the oak. So for me, this is a long-awaited find.
Ropalopus-possibly macropus, this is once again under the microscope and on the measurement. If 9 mm and spikes beyond 3 members to 8 seem (then clavipes), and if not, then it is not destined.
We have plagianotuses not such a frequent thing – at least not every day you come across places where 12-15 individuals are waiting for you.

2 Swansson
If exactly seven species, then in addition to plagianotus, and asemum-mowing. Lioderus kollari – mowing on a forest path, other mowing in clearings in the forest, except for vilossoviredescens and ropalopus (mowing in the field).
If in general, most of the barbels were mowing, special attention was paid to flowers. And in the spring, some of the richest places for barbels are flowering hawthorn bushes, spiraea, Viburnum lantana, then elderberry is connected. I'll tell you a secret about plagianotuses, I've reviewed a lot of oak logs. But they were exactly on the so-called abandoned sanitary clearings – where the logs were overgrown with moss (the moss itself was dried up). It was on such logs that I came across one clearing and found plagianotuses. Everything else is mostly mowing.
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01.06.2008 1:48, RippeR

Today, Capriany.
I only spent about 4 hours in the woods. The catch is quite meager. Barbels, except for 2 tabacicolor nothing, although there were a lot of stumps and logs. From babchoek-flew a lot of argus and a couple of shovels in the forest, and a bunch of moths. From beetles-Potosii affinis and fieberi, a couple of dorcus, abach, and a little change.

First of all, entertainment for Nimrod: I found bronze pupae - I wonder whose? Do they come out so late?
And a photo of some lucanus scaraboid?
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d()=41270] the image is no longer on the site: 7.JPG  the image is no longer on the site: 8.JPG 

accidentally threw it in the freezer along with other flasks shuffle.gifHave an idea whose? a dustpan?
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Does it look like a hipster?
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Platidema.. I wonder what kind of violacea or something else? I found it under the bark of a hornbeam log. Confused by the horns and the lack of a purple hue, although it stinks just as harshly.. smile.gif
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Who's that?" Even a family?
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1.JPG — (205.49 k) 31.05.2008-14.06.2008
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14.JPG — (58.89 k) 31.05.2008-14.06.2008
Likes: 12

01.06.2008 7:36, Mylabris

Who's that?" Even a family?
It looks like a pollen-eater.
Likes: 1

01.06.2008 9:24, guest: Necrocephalus

chernotelka-Platydema dejeani Cast. A more interesting species than violacea.
Who's that?" Even a family? "looks like a leaf beetle from Galerucinae, something like Luperus?"
Likes: 1

01.06.2008 11:04, Fornax13

Who's that?" Even a family?

And how and where did you collect it?
P.S. If necessary, I can post the keys for Anthaxia and Cratomerus in a few days. From the "Fauna of the USSR" .
Likes: 1

01.06.2008 12:37, Dmitry Vlasov

Of course you should!

01.06.2008 21:17, RippeR

today, Dolna. Naper on cutting down, but especially interesting nchiego..
I went to the fields where I caught 20 Calamobius phylum last year - this year everything is mowed and plowed - in the end, neither mowing nor inspection helped frown.gif
I found a cute-looking Alicia Metallica, and maybe not her-then Nimrod for a new photo.
In the clearing, after a very long inspection of a large number of logs and all that, I found 1 scopoli, 2 Xylotrechus antilope, 2 X. rusticus and 1 Mesozoic curculionoides.. In general, that's all.. A - 1 more Fimatodes testaceus..

By the way, a tip to Trofim: check out Phymatodes testaceus on the Internet - it's more like it, not a callari.

Photos will be available tomorrow.
Likes: 3

01.06.2008 21:18, RippeR

Another message:
one friend went to Codry, collected about 15 Gnorimus nobilis, some scopoli (or rather a lotsmile.gif) and even 1 Cerambyx cerdo, a male..

02.06.2008 11:07, Трофим

2 RippeR
Version with testaceus I looked at. I have a list of barbels already compiled and about 90 % of the photos for all the listed barbels are uploaded. My phone still looks like a collary. Patience, the photo will be released in a month. As it is now, while the university is loaded.

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