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25.06.2018 14:56, AGG

the trouble is that in addition to "a few bucks" in this group, something is rarely done

25.06.2018 18:40, Mantispid

Probably our appolonchiki have already flown... Last year, I think they caught it in mid-July.

29.06.2018 20:52, AlexIva

Today, Zerynthia polyxena has been discovered in the Vyaznikovsky district of the Vladimir region ! A total of 9 caterpillars were found on the roadside in the thickets of kirkazon.
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29.06.2018 21:35, AGG

there are such "flooding" or anything unusual

29.06.2018 23:43, Vlad Proklov

Today, Zerynthia polyxena has been discovered in the Vyaznikovsky district of the Vladimir region ! In total, 9 caterpillars were found on the roadside in the thickets of kirkazon.

It is there, I saw a photo of caterpillars a few years ago somewhere in LiveJournal. But the author didn't answer me where exactly frown.gif

And you can tell me the exact location (at least in a personal message) - put a point on the map for me.

30.06.2018 8:42, AlexIva

Turn to Seltsovy derevenki, right at the sign.
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09.07.2018 9:41, AGG

To ensure that the weekend was not wasted, Vovka and I (Komaroff) decided to visit the protected areas of the Pritambovye – the remains of floodplain oak forests running along the Tsna River from the chemical plant to the settling tanks of the city's CHPP smile.gif
There were several goals: to photograph Phengaris teleius; to catch an unknown animal that lives inside the stems of high elecampane and check the inflorescences of meadowsweet for stenokorusov and bronzok Fiber.
Unfortunately, the krovokhlebka in that place has not yet bloomed, as well as the elecampane, and it is not high this year, and on individual flowers of the meadowsweet there were only golden bronzes. But a pig will find dirt everywhere, and even more so an entomologist wink.gif
Ochlodes sylvanus flew en masse (it was fun to watch males attack flying Scolia hirta to defend their territory), Thymelicus lineola, Aphantopus hyperantus, Hyponephele lycaon, Maniola jurtina, Melanargia galathea, and the second generation of Pararge aegeria, Celastrina argiolus, and Cupido argiades came out. We took a few Satyrium w-album pieces each.
I collected two Chrysolina eurina females in a small clearing! jump.gif Now in the Tambov region caught 3 beetles. With St. John's wort, I mowed down a few apions, and with drooping smolevki, incomprehensible Sibinia.

Chrysolina graminis
picture: DSC06635_1.jpg

Chrysolina eurina and Satyrium w-album biotope
picture: DSC06633_1.jpg

Thistle ? prickly, was it found on it ?Tychius. In the background is the sump tank of the combined heat and power plant
picture: DSC06658_1.jpg

There were many different megahilids
picture: DSC06629_1.jpg

From the mullein, I picked up a few Cucullia lychnitis caterpillars, those that are more mature
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picture: DSC06624_1.jpg

Grybochek in diameter slightly more than 40 cm
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At the end of the hike, we came to a sun-baked sandy glade, where there was nothing alive except a blooming cumin. My attention was drawn to the small jackets of willows and I went to check them for leaf eaters. What was my surprise when I found hundreds of Chrysomela tremula. Until this spring, I had only one specimen caught in 1996. In the spring, we found several beetles in the west of the Lipetsk region, and here on each leaf a group orgy smile.gif
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Vovka in the role of a ruler wink.gifbehind his back copulate chrysomelae shuffle.gif
picture: DSC06651_1.jpg

This post was edited by AGG-09.07.2018 19: 02
Likes: 14

09.07.2018 13:53, Mantispid

... In a small clearing gathered two females Chrysolina eurina! jump.gif Now in the Tambov region caught 3 beetles. With St. John's wort, I mowed down a few apions, and with drooping smolevki, incomprehensible Sibinia.

Chrysolina eurina is cool beer.gif

And Sibinia is not incomprehensible, it is either pellucens or viscaria.
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09.07.2018 13:59, komaroff

Well, since this is the case, I'll add a couple of photos from myself, but the quality is not very good, I took them on my phone.

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12.07.2018 10:03, Kallima

Yesterday I went to my vacant lot to see how the motley birds were doing.
Zygaena centaureae is not present, and in the place where they met,the vegetation was severely burned out. Aft they have a bluehead? It is not enough this year. And in general, mottled birds are not numerous, ordinary ones are also not dense. That's what there are a lot of,so it's swallowtails! Dozens of them are worn. For the first time I saw a giant scolia! I didn't think they were dating here. Steppes are rare, but sometimes I see them, and where did this beauty come from?

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12.07.2018 10:55, Fyodor

Aft they have a bluehead?

Oh, and also the Poreznik's stallion (Seseli libanotis).
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12.07.2018 13:24, Vlad Proklov

For the first time I saw a giant scolia! I didn't think they were dating here. Steppes are rare, but sometimes I see them, and where did this beauty come from?

It moved north to the Kaluga, Vladimir and Nizhny Novgorod regions.
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12.07.2018 20:03, AGG

the other day, a call to work-SOS!!! hornets attack-I arrive-a hundred, maybe more, males of giant scolia for several square meters. meters. picked up - showed the woman who was most worried, as a result, premature xxx ( not with Kallima) will be said smile.gif
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12.07.2018 20:22, Vlad Proklov

Kallima and AGG, and where exactly in the Oryol and Tambov regions, respectively, did they meet?

In Zhukovsky, I'd like to look for it - in the area of DOSES - and there are plenty of rhinos...

12.07.2018 21:32, Kallima

Kallima and AGG, and where exactly in the Oryol and Tambov regions, respectively, did they meet?

In Zhukovsky, I'd like to look for it - in the area of DOSES - and there are plenty of rhinos...

On the southern edge of the city, a vacant lot on the former airfield. The runway is clearly visible on the satellite map. I often go there for many years, convenient-five minutes from home and a wildlife sanctuary smile.gif. Around the dacha, and there are rhinos in compost heaps. I saw these wasps only in the Crimea and the Caucasus, so I was very surprised.
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12.07.2018 21:41, AGG

we have been flying around the city for 2-3 weeks in the private sector. all rhinos were devoured smile.gifby something they are not enough this year, compared to last years
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12.07.2018 21:46, KM2200

I saw these wasps only in the Crimea and the Caucasus, so I was very surprised.
You have some outdated information ) For example, in Kiev, they are quite common, I see them every year.

12.07.2018 21:47, Mantispid

We've already had some flights. The dead are lying around)

12.07.2018 21:50, Vlad Proklov

We've already had some flights. The dead are lying around)

So I remember, in Engels they dissected in the month of May!

12.07.2018 22:12, Kallima

You have some outdated information ) For example, in Kiev, they are quite common, I see them every year.

Yes, I did not think that only there, unexpectedly we had a meeting.

13.07.2018 18:26, komaroff

Today's small hike to the Tatarsky Val beyond the Polynkovsky cemetery. In the photo - bluehead, scolia, krovokhlebka (+biotope Ph. teleius), Io, xylocopa, cypress. Scolias are significantly less than a week ago, xylocop is enough. From pigeons-Lycaena tityrus, Glaucopsyche alexis, Phengaris teleius (but no longer fresh), Polyommatus daphnis (finally females appeared), also caught unidentified so far yellow and mottled, and. interestingly, Melanargia galathea f. leucomelas, in the photo above (standard-shaped galatea-in the mass, specially looked, f. leucomelas only 1 caught)

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14.07.2018 23:28, Kallima

Today I was at the airfield again, looking for Zygaena centaureae. I found a new point, one kilometer away from the previous one. Here, near the birch grove, the humidity is higher, and the bluehead is not burned out. There are also a lot of stallions. These mottled birds flutter two or three times in the field of view.

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15.07.2018 9:47, Sergey Didenko

Report on the traditional week-long trip to Zadonye for katokals, from July 6 to July 14. This year we went a month earlier than last year. Deductions were just beginning, 30 pieces arrived in the last couple of days. But this year there was a massive flight sponsor and Gimeneev. In general, they took more than 100 sponsors (it was possible to take at least a thousand, but why?), 80 gimeneyev, 30 nupt, 20 promiss (they were massively, but broken), 15 converse, 50 puperper (there were a lot, but after last year they didn't really want to take it), 6 fulminates (this one is clearly the earliest, there were a lot of torn ones in the trash), 6 lupines (just started), 3 fraxinias (just came out), 10 elects (this year they failed there), 50 neonyms (there were a lot of them, they didn't take them). There are all 12 types in the community, with a total of more than 400 pieces. From the rest, fresh oak hawks flew in, it's strange, they usually fly there a month earlier. Deer beetles are plentiful on the current elm tree and on our baits. Large green bronzes-affinis? - flew with a zarakterny hum. On the Don, there was good fishing for carp, crucian carp and other white fish, it didn't come to spinningsmile.gif, chrysanthemums flew in the beam, but it was stressful to run in 35 degree heat for them. From the unusual - salpuka was born, I thought that the phalanx does not walk north of the Astrakhan region. Even at night, a snake was crawling on the poplar tree, probably some kind of runner, just as they did not know that they were there. The rest will be completed by Mikhail and Sergey. Mattresses with the rest of the material on scales from Sergey. Yes, on the way back during the ambulance stop, I caught some barbel (aspen?), separately on the mattress, and mottled ephialt.

This post was edited by sdi - 15.07.2018 11: 24

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16.07.2018 14:34, коты

Bronzovka, most likely not Affinis, but Netocia aeruginosa. Affinis are actually small beetles, maybe slightly larger than Aurata...

17.07.2018 20:07, Stas Shinkarenko

The snake is a patterned skidder, which is common throughout the region in floodplain and bayrachny biotopes.

18.07.2018 12:51, Sergey Didenko

The snake is a patterned skidder, which is common throughout the region in floodplain and bayrachny biotopes.

I see, thank you. Are phalanxes also common, especially in Zadonye (right bank of the Don)?

19.07.2018 21:08, Stas Shinkarenko

I see, thank you. Are phalanxes also common, especially in Zadonye (right bank of the Don)?

I can't say for sure. I rarely visit Zadonye, and even more so with an overnight stay. I haven't heard anything from my colleagues. But in Volgograd and the surrounding area is full of solpugs.

22.07.2018 0:24, А.Й.Элез

In Ostrogozhsky district of the Voronezh region, I met Hamearis lucina quite fresh today. In other years, this species was already flying around by May 10, and it was not possible to meet it in June. And now it's the second half of July; maybe the acceptable second generation is breaking through so early. For a delay of something very strong.

Still here from interesting things-in the mass prut korydon, while only males, and meleager (mostly males), and even sometimes comes across arion (even the freshest, although the normal age was already in mid-June!); galatea go both sexes and still come across the freshest (i.e. departure is still underway), although years it usually starts in the second decade (rarely in the first) of June. Cervus is no longer visible (in mid-June I was in the mass), rhinoceros, dorcus and bronzes are still not visible (except for aurata, which is full). In general, it seems that the locals are right that this season here is somewhat delayed. Sappho, which usually flies here from the first decade of May and comes across God forbid until the middle of June, was caught three times on the edges of the forest. In mid-June, by the way, I celebrated the Odonteus armiger evening festival here this season. Vikrama here usually flies around by mid-May, and this year and in mid-June, not only complete invalids flew, but also the freshest specimens, and the freshest ones were much larger (which led to a little reflection, first of all, about the doubtfulness of superimposing the second generation on the tails of the first, which, if it flew for so long, then very much it flew out late, then it's just too early for the second one). At the same time, podalirium today has already begun with the second generation, as it should.

The area (surviving or abandoned agrocenoses, steppe, bayrachny oak forests, etc.) is very interesting in relation to karabuses: for many years, neither in glasses, nor even as I have not even seen a single specimen, it is already somehow uneasy. In general, it is poor with karabids, but such a zero for karabuses that - at least in my poor zoogeography - there is nothing to compare it with (I was in Tianjin in May on personal business, so even there in the city park formed on the hill (from urban construction waste) and around it, I found the same one carabus). One hope remains for the most bare chalk in Divnogorye, I haven't really checked them yet, and there could well be karabuses.

This post was edited by A. J. Elez - 07/22/2018 00: 36
Likes: 5

23.07.2018 0:02, Andrei Dolgikh

Something is wrong with the activity here. Has everything already been captured and studied? I'll pay my five kopecks.
We have a day of +32, the heat-stuffy. He moved a little and was already wet. Plus, there are lots of small horseflies. People are saved only in the water. At night, a little better - the temperature drops to +23. You can even work! While the sprayer is crawling around the field, a little candle is lit. Most years-until one o'clock in the morning, and then until dawn - only Kaya and the grass silkworm disturb the peace. I would like to see catocal, of course, but..... even the braga rags were completely silent, except for the curious hornets. Well, the main violators of the night's peace of mind:

This post was edited by major65-23.07.2018 00: 14
Likes: 10

23.07.2018 0:10, Andrei Dolgikh

Deer beetles are plentiful on the current elm tree and on our baits.

What caught, if not a secret? I mean the composition of the baits. shuffle.gif

23.07.2018 11:36, mikee

What caught, if not a secret? I mean the composition of the baits. shuffle.gif

In the personal account :-)
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23.07.2018 23:54, Kemist

Bronze of course pronounced Protaetia (Cetonischema) aeruginosa. Protaetia (Eupotosa)affinis is characterized primarily by a developed posterior parotid depression on the elytra with rows of dots, which is not present in Protaetia (Cetonischema) aeruginosa. The size is not important, you can find a tiny copy of the first type and a huge second.

24.07.2018 11:45, Andrei Dolgikh

In PM :-)

I'll try it out today.

24.07.2018 11:59, Andrei Dolgikh

Do I understand correctly that there are both Autographa bractea and Autographa excelsa, or is this a trick of the eye? They fly at the same time, in the mass and on the screen, blindly, and even in the semi-darkness, I don't really distinguish them:

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24.07.2018 12:37, molek

Andrey, good afternoon!
I wanted to know: is there anything interesting about the diaries right now?
I haven't fished in the area for three weeks already, having finished A. iris, A. adippe during the summer.

24.07.2018 18:06, Pavel Morozov

Do I understand correctly that there are both Autographa bractea and Autographa excelsa, or is this a trick of the eye? They fly at the same time, in the mass and on the screen, blindly, and even in the semi-darkness, I don't really distinguish them:

Yes, it is: top-bractea, bottom-excelsa
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25.07.2018 12:59, Andrei Dolgikh

I tried lures for catocal. Conditions: ancient oaks, maples, linden trees and birches stand alone on the high bank of the river. Between the river and the trees - a dense undergrowth of oaks, birches and hazel. Almost FULL MOON - 90%!!! When the sky is absolutely clearfrown.gif, the wind speed =0!!! I hung up the bait in the evening. The fragrance!!! At 3.00 I went to check it out.... A dozen and a half completely fresh and drunk fulminates in the board (I took a couple for the report) and a few of those in the photo below. And, well, yes, and, apparently, completely nocturnal and ubiquitous insects-hornets. Well, not bad for the first time.
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25.07.2018 23:27, Barnaba

The area (surviving or abandoned agrocenoses, steppe, bayrachny oak forests, etc.) is very interesting in relation to karabuses: for many years, neither in glasses, nor even as I have not even seen a single specimen, it is already somehow uneasy. In general, it is poor with karabids, but such a zero for karabuses that - at least in my poor zoogeography - there is nothing to compare it with (I was in Tianjin in May on personal business, so even there in the city park formed on the hill (from urban construction waste) and around it, I found the same one carabus). One hope remains for the most bare chalk in Divnogorye, I haven't really checked them yet, and there could well be karabuses.

Divnogorie is already in the neighboring Liskinsky district. Interesting chalk hills with relict pine trees are much closer, NW from Korotoyak, in the Mordva tract on the South bank of the river.Potudan (the same one from Plato's story). In general, the places there are pleasant and interesting, I recommend it. I only saw it briefly, passing through, but I liked it. As for bonuses, most likely, you are not looking for them there. And now the season for forest-steppe karabuses is, frankly, low. I can't say for sure about the Ostrogozhsky district, I haven't reached it yet with glasses, although I've been going for a long time. It is more developed in terms of cx than neighboring countries to the south, but not radically. On the right bank of the Don, both to the north, in the area south of Voronezh, and to the south, in the Liskinsky and Pavlovsky districts, according to my data, there are reliably C. convexus (bayrachny and plakorny forests, April-June), C. cancellatus (edges of various forests, May-September), C. marginalis (mainly plakorny forests, May- June and August-September), C. granulatus (the wettest areas of floodplain and upland forests, rare), C. stscheglowi (mainly floodplain forests along the Don, May-July, rare). There are unverified data on a few modern finds of S. hungaricus scythus (not very disturbed sedimentary areas), and in general it was described from Divnogorye. It is better to look for it in early May or in the fall, now there will be nothing. In general, from mid-July to the second half of August, many, especially more xerophilic, bivoltine species have a pause, and monovoltine ones have already ended. But in general, carabuses are rare on bare cretaceous rocks, rather in adjacent biotopes. There is approximately 50-year-old information about C. sibiricus haeres (edges of upland forests, steepened slopes of gullies in the upper third, May-June and August-September), but I know it only from neighboring regions - Lipetsk and Rostov, and from Kursk another form (fossulaticus). According to literature data, the Ostrogozhsky district does not contain C. aurolimbatus (plakorny and rarely bayrachny forests, probably from the end of May to September); C. estreicheri (bayrachny forests in the lower third of mostly watered gullies, May-June) is also very likely, but I know both species in the region only from the left bank of the Don. Naturally, C. clathratus is possible in backwaters and old trees (May-October), but it is not easy to catch it. I would not rule out the possibility of finding C. glabratus (it is located north, but south of Voronezh, June-July), and even C. exellens (June-July). There are definitely 7-8 types, even if you exclude rarities. If you find anything, I would be grateful for the information. The best ways are glasses of 10% vinegar or night excursions with a good guide along dirt roads and trails at the right time along the borders of suitable biotopes. In other ways, you can only find it randomly. Hygrophilous species can sometimes be removed from shelters in the wettest areas during the dry season, but this is generally ineffective.
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26.07.2018 13:52, Andrei Dolgikh

There, but the sky is overcast, there is no moon! Typical bait users(all en masse). Metalloid wasn't on the bait, but was just sitting on a tree.

This post was edited by major65 - 26.07.2018 13: 54
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27.07.2018 4:44, А.Й.Элез

Divnogorie is already in the neighboring Liskinsky district. Interesting chalk hills with relict pine trees are much closer, NW from Korotoyak, in the Mordva tract on the South bank of the river.Potudan (the same one from Plato's story). In general, the places there are pleasant and interesting, I recommend it. I only saw it briefly, passing through, but I liked it. As for bonuses, most likely, you are not looking for them there. And now the season for forest-steppe karabuses is, frankly, low. I can't say for sure about the Ostrogozhsky district, I haven't reached it yet with glasses, although I've been going for a long time. It is more developed in terms of cx than neighboring countries to the south, but not radically. On the right bank of the Don, both to the north, in the area south of Voronezh, and to the south, in the Liskinsky and Pavlovsky districts, according to my data, there are reliably C. convexus (bayrachny and plakorny forests, April-June), C. cancellatus (edges of various forests, May-September), C. marginalis (mainly plakorny forests, May- June and August-September), C. granulatus (the wettest areas of floodplain and upland forests, rare), C. stscheglowi (mainly floodplain forests along the Don, May-July, rare). There are unverified data on a few modern finds of S. hungaricus scythus (not very disturbed sedimentary areas), and in general it was described from Divnogorye. It is better to look for it in early May or in the fall, now there will be nothing. In general, from mid-July to the second half of August, many, especially more xerophilic, bivoltine species have a pause, and monovoltine ones have already ended. But in general, carabuses are rare on bare cretaceous rocks, rather in adjacent biotopes. There is approximately 50-year-old information about C. sibiricus haeres (edges of upland forests, steepened slopes of gullies in the upper third, May-June and August-September), but I know it only from neighboring regions - Lipetsk and Rostov, and from Kursk another form (fossulaticus). According to literature data, the Ostrogozhsky district does not contain C. aurolimbatus (plakorny and rarely bayrachny forests, probably from the end of May to September); C. estreicheri (bayrachny forests in the lower third of mostly watered gullies, May-June) is also very likely, but I know both species in the region only from the left bank of the Don. Naturally, in the backwaters and oxbow lakes, snowfall is possible [???] (May-October), but it is not easy to catch it. I would not rule out the possibility of finding C. glabratus (it is located north, but south of Voronezh, June-July), and even C. exellens (June-July). There are definitely 7-8 types, even if you exclude rarities. If you find anything, I would be grateful for the information. The best ways are glasses of 10% vinegar or night excursions with a good guide along dirt roads and trails at the right time along the borders of suitable biotopes. In other ways, you can only find it randomly. Hygrophilous species can sometimes be removed from shelters in the wettest areas during the dry season, but this is generally ineffective.
I've been using these methods for years, but it's obvious that I'm in the wrong places or out of luck. If there were even half as many small mammals as carabus, I would consider it a success. Actually, I reported about the carabuses in passing, just as an observation, and not on the verge of suicide, and without them there is enough interesting stuff here.

The pine slopes above Potudan, there was a case, examined on the opposite bank from Soldatsky, about east of Ezdochny. I also examined the pine forests in the Petropavlovsk area to the full depth from the shore; everything reeks of plantings a mile away-except for pine, even the borovaya vegetation is almost undeveloped, and the fauna seemed very eurytopian. Probably, we are just spoiled here by pine forests near Moscow.

I do not mean Divnogorye within the museum limits, but as the entire chalk hill, cut by gullies and pitted by quarries, and in this capacity it strongly goes into the Ostrogozhsky district, rests almost on the borders of Ostrogozhsk - at least, it goes beyond the last railway station before it (126th km), and only here do vegetation and insect species change.

In general, thank you for the information, especially by type. Red highlighted the incomprehensible.

This post was edited by A. J. Elez - 27.07.2018 04: 49

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