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Moscow and the Moscow region

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsMoscow and the Moscow region

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05.02.2014 17:53, AlexIva

Here I want to tell you about the butterflies that I have bred this year, and at the same time participate in the discussion of the issue of breeding pavonias.
The summer collection of caterpillars was pulled out on December 22, and on New Year's Eve the first butterfly was hatched. As a matter of fact, I didn't have anything but pavonias for the whole of January, but they are quite enough. I bred pavonias for the second time, and the first time was successful, because in 2011 all the caterpillars died. I collected them in the Vladimir region, but I brought them out and fed them at the dacha in the Moscow region. I collected a total of 22 caterpillars, of which 19 pupated. From the moment of pupation of all and until December 22, the pupae lay quietly on the glazed loggia in a hatching box. The temperature did not drop below zero, I freed the pupae from all branches and leaves and put them on a layer of earth in a box. On the specified day, I pulled them out into the heat, and on the tenth day, the first male was already hatched. The pupae, all but one of them, were cocooned, I didn't touch them, I didn't prune them, I didn't do anything with them. And the pupa without a cocoon (the caterpillar did not finish building) was alive for a while, and then everything, apparently, something was broken. I have 18 pupae left. While they were still there and after the flight started, I sprayed all the boxes under the table with water once or twice a day (2 with pavonias and 2 with others). In the box, each pupa was accompanied by a dry raspberry stick, prepared from the summer (I fed them wild and garden raspberries and rose leaves). The butterfly crawled out of the chrysalis lying on the ground, crawled a little, climbed on a branch and calmly spread its wings. The result is that all those who got out fully spread their wings. True, one of them didn't have a sawyere on departure (the other one I foolishly broke off myself.) And in the end, I bred 14 pavonias, despite the fact that before that I caught all one female. By the way, out of 14 specimens, there are 5 males and 9 females, I wonder why? My version: I found mostly large caterpillars, and some of them are no longer in June, but in early July. And that's why I gathered more females than I should have, more than males. Wingspan: males: 42-46 mm; females: 53-63 mm. I think I've fed you enough. The remaining four will most likely not be displayed, although anything is possible...
And photos (I chose some, and so I took quite a lot of photos and videos):
picture: 1______.JPG
picture: 2______.JPG
picture: 3______.JPG
picture: 4______.JPG
picture: 5______.JPG
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05.02.2014 18:05, TEMPUS

The remaining four will probably not be displayed, although anything is possible…

Or maybe they will. Don't bury them prematurely. Maybe they've gone to re-wintering and won't hatch this year? Pavonia pupae can be in diapause for up to three years.
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05.02.2014 18:15, AlexIva

If they went for a second wintering, then it's good. They will continue to lie in the same box.
But, for example, oak cocoonworms (Lasiocampa quercus) can stay for the second winter. And then I have one from this year, the other from last year, the second has a chance to get out?

05.02.2014 18:57, TEMPUS

But, for example, oak cocoonworms (Lasiocampa quercus) can stay for the second winter. And then I have one from this year, the other from last year, the second has a chance to get out?

Specifically about the oak cocoonworm (Lasiocampa quercus) do not know, do not know. But the pupae of some other species of cocoonworms can lie for several years, this is a well-known fact.

06.02.2014 19:20, Andrey Ponomarev

Electrophaes corylata
M. O., Ramenskiy district,Zhukovo village, on the birch,28.08.2013
picture: IMG_4131.jpg
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picture: IMG_6310.jpg
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07.02.2014 14:39, Andrey Ponomarev

A couple more newborns.
1 Tethea or
M. O., Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, pos.Poplar,on aspen, 23.06.2013
picture: IMG_3801.jpg
picture: IMG_3809.jpg
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picture: IMG_8706.jpg
picture: IMG_8710.jpg
picture: IMG_8711.jpg
picture: IMG_8713.jpg
picture: IMG_8716.jpg
2 Cyclophora albipunctata
M. O., Ramenskiy district,Zhukovo village, na bereza,28.08.2013
picture: IMG_4542.jpg
picture: IMG_6378.jpg
picture: IMG_6390.jpg
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07.02.2014 23:25, vasiliy-feoktistov

A female pavonia has just come out of the Vladimir caterpillar collections (I got all the cocoons for breeding) jump.gifThe experiment succeeds perfectly.... Ugh-ugh-ugh smile.gif
I have already told you enough about these fees here and therefore I will not repeat myself.
Here it is, krasava, drying out:
PS The method of breeding is specially shown: gauze (bandages, etc.) is hung on the wall of the insectarium (terrarium, which I now use for this case), to which cocoons are attached. And the whole thing is regularly sprayed (once a day) with water from a spray bottle for indoor plants.
picture: female.JPG

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 08.02.2014 10: 45
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09.02.2014 17:47, Andrey Ponomarev

The entire development cycle of Epirranthis diversata.
M. o., Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, pos.Poplar,peat
bog 27.04.2013
picture: IMG_0630.jpg
picture: IMG_0631.jpg
female 5.05.2013
picture: IMG_0694.jpg
picture: IMG_0702.jpg
picture: IMG_0709.jpg
picture: IMG_0774.jpg
12.05.2013 fed aspen
picture: IMG_1987.jpg
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picture: IMG_7393.jpg
9.02.2014 female
picture: IMG_7395.jpg
Corrected the message 3252 today
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11.02.2014 20:03, Andrey Ponomarev

With your permission, I will continue.
Isturgia arenacearia
M. O., Serebryano-Prudsky district, Lishnyagi village, 8.08.2013 on alfalfa (Medicago sativa)
picture: IMG_5839.jpg
picture: IMG_5841.jpg
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picture: IMG_5891.jpg
picture: IMG_5892.jpg
picture: IMG_5894.jpg
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11.02.2014 20:11, Andrey Ponomarev

Chlorissa viridata
M. O., Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, pos.Voinova Gora,6.07.2013 on Artemisia campestris
picture: IMG_5524.jpg
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picture: IMG_7715.jpg
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12.02.2014 12:04, vasiliy-feoktistov

I'll post it here, perhaps. After all, although the caterpillars were collected in the Vladimir region, they were fed in Zheleznodorozhny, on local forest raspberries (they refused to eat garden raspberries). Just an hour ago, the first male Saturnia pavonia was born . The caterpillar that formed it appears in this report dated June 20 2013: http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtop...dpost&p=1415121
Spring is just around the corner, comrades, although it's -20 degrees outside Dubak right now jump.gif
Although I don't have such a home studio as Gennadich, I still took one photo wink.gif
I would like to express my gratitude to Sasha Boldyrev (aka Sungaya ) for valuable recommendations on breeding beer.gif
I forgot to write: the cocoon was moved from the balcony to the heat on January 22, 2014. Approx. it took a week.

A female pavonia has just come out of the Vladimir caterpillar collections (I got all the cocoons for breeding) jump.gifThe experiment succeeds perfectly.... Ugh-ugh-ugh smile.gif
I have already told you enough about these fees here and therefore I will not repeat myself.
Here it is, krasava, drying out:
PS The method of breeding is specially shown: gauze (bandages, etc.) is hung on the wall of the insectarium (terrarium, which I now use for this case), to which cocoons are attached. And the whole thing is regularly sprayed (once a day) with water from a spray bottle for indoor plants.

Continuation: 2 more females in the morning (+ 2 males already in the spread did not take pictures). "The process has started" jump.gif :
picture: 1.JPG
UPD: 2 more females at 14: 50 Moscow time.
+1 male at 17: 15
+1 female at 18: 00
+1 female at 18: 50
Total of the day: 3 males and 6 females. Everything is in excellent condition, no defects.
It seems that there is no end to this.........

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 12.02.2014 20: 20
Likes: 17

15.02.2014 15:54, Andrey Ponomarev

Full cycle of development of Plagodis
pulveraria. M. O., Poplar, female, 31.05.2013
picture: IMG_1240_Plagodis_pulveraria_______.jpg
eggs 2.06.2013
picture: IMG_1242.jpg
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15.02.2014 15:57, Andrey Ponomarev

Cyclophora pendularia
M. O., Poplar, caterpillars on willow,16.08.2013
picture: IMG_2871.jpg
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picture: IMG_5952.jpg

This post was edited by Gennadich - 02/15/2014 17: 57
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21.02.2014 20:45, Andrey Ponomarev

Hypena crassalis
M. O., Poplar, peat bog, mowed on the heather, 16.08.2013, although in theory it should be on blueberries or blueberries, and maybe next to the heather caught a blueberry bush in the end, she lived on my heather and pupated safely.
picture: IMG_0261.jpg
picture: IMG_2353.jpg
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Leucoptera malifoliella
М.О.,пос.Voinova Gora, on the apple tree,6.07.2013
picture: IMG_5332.jpg
picture: IMG_5335.jpg
Pupa accidentally fell out of the cocoon, 7.09.2013
picture: IMG_6610.jpg
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picture: IMG_6630.jpg
And this one from Zhukovsky city Park was collected on rowan 22.06.2013
picture: IMG_9555.jpg
picture: IMG_9556.jpg
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24.02.2014 14:19, Andrey Ponomarev

Yesterday, a female Dendrolimus pini
appeared. M. O., Poplar, eggs from a female who came into the world, 2.06.2013
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female caterpillar 24.07.2013
picture: IMG_2583.jpg
picture: IMG_2588.jpg
female caterpillar 30.07.2013
picture: IMG_2591.jpg
female and male caterpillars 12.08.2013
picture: IMG_2596.jpg
female caterpillar 25.08.2013
picture: IMG_3445.jpg
picture: IMG_3469.jpg
male caterpillar 25.08.2013
picture: IMG_3487.jpg
picture: IMG_3488.jpg
picture: IMG_3500.jpg
male caterpillar 18.01.2014
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picture: IMG_3605.jpg
female caterpillar 18.01.2014
picture: IMG_3610.jpg
picture: IMG_3611.jpg
both tracks for size comparison 18.01.2014
picture: IMG_3613.jpg
male and female cocoons 5.02.2014
picture: IMG_3827.jpg
male and female pupae 6.02.2014
picture: IMG_3828.jpg
female pupa 6.02.2014
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24.02.2014 15:20, Valentinus

Yesterday, a female Dendrolimus pini
appeared. M. O., Poplar, eggs from a female who came into the world, 2.06.2013

I really respect your pictures of the stages of development of different types of butterflies!!!
Great informative pictures!
I would like to register all this in the system. confused.gif
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24.02.2014 16:05, Andrey Ponomarev

I really respect your pictures of the stages of development of different types of butterflies!!!
Great informative pictures!
I would like to register all this in the system. confused.gif

Which system? confused.gif

24.02.2014 16:23, Valentinus

A site, of course, with specific essays.

24.02.2014 16:41, Andrey Ponomarev

A site, of course, with specific essays.

So there are already a great many such sites,why create another one?
My photos are used on several such sites. smile.gif
And as a storage device, I have my own page.

24.02.2014 17:00, Valentinus

I've looked at your page several times, but it's not systematized enough.
And there are not so many of our sites with this quality of images.
What sites use your images?

24.02.2014 17:34, Andrey Ponomarev

I've looked at your page several times, but it's not systematized enough.
And there are not so many of our sites with this quality of images.
What sites use your images?

http://lepiforum.de/lepiwiki.pl (374 views)
Butterflies and beetles of the Moscow region
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26.02.2014 11:40, Andrey Ponomarev

Lomaspilis marginata
M. O., Poplar, caterpillar on aspen 16.08.2013
picture: IMG_2251.jpg
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picture: IMG_2270.jpg
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26.02.2014 14:43, Andrey Ponomarev

Sosnovy pililshchik.
M. O., Nerskaya station 1.08.2013 on sosna
picture: IMG_2594.jpg
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26.02.2014 19:15, Eidalon

This morning on my way to work I found Nymphalis xanthomelas sitting on the ground in a daze. The season is open jump.gif
Please also evaluate whether I straightened it normally, after all, my first straightened butterfly smile.gifSo as not to flood here-write to private.

UPD: indeed, there was a mistake with the definition, thank you for correcting me

This post was edited by Eidalon - 26.02.2014 19: 55

picture: 26.02.14.JPG
26.02.14.JPG — (167.35к)

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26.02.2014 19:36, TEMPUS

This morning on my way to work I found Aglais urticae sitting on the ground in a daze. The season is open jump.gif
Please also evaluate whether I straightened it normally, after all, my first straightened butterfly smile.gifSo as not to flood here-write to private.

The view is not defined correctly. This is not A. urticae! This is Nymphalis xanthomelas (Polychromous black-red): http://www.insectamo.ru/rhop/37-rhop/nymph...lis-xanthomelas

As for unraveling, it's quite normal for a beginner.

PS Today in the city on the asphalt found basking daytime peacock's eye.
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26.02.2014 21:43, Sungaya

Sosnovy pililshchik.
M. O., Nerskaya station 1.08.2013 on sosne

Gilpinia sp.
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27.02.2014 15:10, Andrey Ponomarev

Hadena capsincola
M. O., Poplar, on the white sandman(Melandrium album)14.08.2013
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Fucking cannibalism
picture: IMG_4964.jpg
The only survivor 6.09.2013
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28.02.2014 19:32, Andrey Ponomarev

Today I took a ride in Zhukovo for birch,aspen and mountain ash branches for my winter pets.Snow in the forest is still decent and it lies in a solid infusion, so in this infusion I saw young caterpillars of Euthrix potatoria and one even moved on it and this at a temperature of +3. confused.gif
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28.02.2014 23:56, Wave Storm

This morning on my way to work I found Nymphalis xanthomelas sitting on the ground in a daze. The season is open jump.gif

The view is not defined correctly.
PS Today in the city on the asphalt found basking daytime peacock's eye.

And how many degrees (temperature) do you have?

01.03.2014 5:44, TEMPUS

Low temperature: on the day of detection of Aglais io, a maximum of three to five degrees in the shade, in the sun a little more. The butterfly was sitting on the asphalt and was very sluggish and sedentary.
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05.03.2014 16:38, Andrey Ponomarev

Protoschinia scutosa (male) from Linden eggs today.
I've posted tracks before.
picture: IMG_8772.jpg
Cerura vinula yesterday while I was at work managed to get worn out.
Poplar peat bog, on aspen 28.07.2013, honestly thought that it would not survive because on the back you can see the parasite's attempts to lay its offspring.
picture: IMG_6201.jpg
picture: IMG_6202.jpg
picture: IMG_6203.jpg
picture: IMG_6210.jpg
The caterpillar in winter weaves a very dense cocoon in which the pupa overwinters, the cocoon was not photographed because it was woven using a paper napkin that I used in a condensate jar. shuffle.gif
picture: IMG_6270.jpg
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07.03.2014 10:25, Andrey Ponomarev

Cabera pusaria
Poplar on the birch 17.08.2013
picture: IMG_1286.jpg
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picture: IMG_7969.jpg

The post was edited by Gennadich - 07.03.2014 10: 27
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08.03.2014 14:28, Andrey Ponomarev

Today i.e. on March 8 Cabera exanthemata was released We
look at it compare it smile.gif
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Zhukovo na iva 28.08.2013
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09.03.2014 18:14, Eidalon

Today I went for a walk in Bitza, there is still a lot of snow in the forest, nothing flies from butterflies yet, but there are a lot of N. Xantomelas in the city and on the edge of the forest. But polychloros and other wintering nymphalids I never came across.

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09.03.2014 18:54, STG

Well, the weather...
Today, Moscow region, Solnechnogorsk district, under the bark of fallen birch trunks in a mostly spruce forest.
Carabus granulatus - 19-22 mm, Rhagium mordax-18 mm, Pterostichus aethiops-13 mm, Pterostichus oblongopunctatus-12 mm, Phosphuga atrata-11 mm, Ampedus pomorum (?????) - 10 mm.

picture: 9_______2014_3.jpg
9_______2014_3.jpg — (117.75 k)

picture: Ampedus_sp.jpg
Ampedus_sp.jpg — (57.24 k)

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09.03.2014 21:43, А.Й.Элез

Today on a power line in the north-west vicinity of the platf. Wheezing.
A male lemongrass flew (on the northern side of the clearing).
A search under the bark yielded nothing of interest.
Conifers (especially spruce) are badly damaged by bark beetles (but not only); in general, the prospects for the forest there are depressing.
There are many caterpillars in the snow, almost exclusively potatoria.

P.S. By the way, the freshest Rhagium inquisitor under the bark of dead pine trees was marked on 28.02.2014 in Victory Park in Moscow.

This post was edited by A. J. Elez - 09.03.2014 21: 51
Likes: 10

10.03.2014 17:01, STG

Today I took another walk (Mosobl, Solnechnogorsky district). On the street +11 eek.gif
Here is a piece of normal local forest (with prey, C. nemoralis):
picture: 1_Carabus_nemoralis.jpg
Here is a river valley in the forest (also with prey, N. xanthomelas):
picture: 2_Nymphalis_xanthomelas.jpg
Here, in fact, the local river itself-Radomlya.
picture: 3_River.jpg
Here is a dam on the river (here we extract water hares).
picture: 4_Lake.jpg
And here is the forest itself from the inside. A couple of years ago, you could walk along the wide paths with a baby carriage and breathe the air. And now - these are the "prospects": frown.gif
picture: 5_Forest.jpg
picture: 6_Forest.jpg
picture: 7_Forest.jpg
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11.03.2014 15:52, Ilia Ustiantcev

Well, the 2014 butterfly season in Moscow can be considered open - this night Phigalia pilosaria flew out! Snow remained in the city only in the parks, in the most heated places mother-and-stepmother bloomed - in short, spring has begun! I'm not even talking about overwintering nymphalids. However, early spring is usually unstable in terms of weather, and now near-zero temperatures with snow are drawn for the beginning of next week.
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This post was edited by Ilya U - 03/11/2014 15: 54
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12.03.2014 12:45, AlexIva

Yes. the season is open! Podolsk, March 9 and 10. The first - Vanessa L-white saw in the city on the 9th, and the next day already in the park and on the bank of the Pakhra River a lot of polychromatic, lemongrass and another L-white. All clean, flying well and not even very faded.
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14.03.2014 3:00, John-ST

Winter report first

Before the new year, apples were brought from the dacha, a couple of days later the final trophy of the past year appeared
Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus 1758)

The opening of the season, as in the past two years, can already be said traditionally, was a pet
[attachmentid ()=195174]

At the very end of winter, on 27.03.2014, I took a walk with Malaya to the forest in the vicinity of Zheleznodorozhny in order to look for boros. We went to the site of a fire three years ago in a pine forest, which is a huge clearing littered with burnt pines, with several dozen single-standing withered trees and partially withered and withering along the edge of the clearing.

Moskovka - Parus ater Linnaeus 1758

Upon arrival at the site, they found a clearing that had been cleaned up to stumps and was worn out by equipment, with a warm car standing on the far outskirts, there was nothing like this in November. Apparently they are going to ponatykat the next dachas. frown.gif

On the first pine tree, there was nothing but wintering spiders and the remains of dead bark beetles.

Next was a shrunken spruce with ragweed and rotten larvae and dead bark beetles
[attachmentid ()=195180]

About a dozen pines, mercilessly peeled off by woodpeckers, did not bring anything new except for the next larvae and two adult ragweed

Rhagium (Rhagium) inquisitor Linnaeus 1758

Finally, a dead, dilapidated boros and a pair of larvae were almost successfully found
[attachmentid ()=195182]

A small pine stump brings an unexpectedly good catch in the form of several Thanasimus femoralis, an adult Pytho depressus and a small ground beetle

[i]Pytho depressus [/i]Linnaeus 1767 in person

Ground beetle, identified at a glance as Dromius (Dromius) fenestratus (Fabricius 1794)

Finally, under the remains of the bark of another stripped pine tree, you can find "goal number one" in the amount of two pieces and as a bonus a thyroid gland and a small weevil

Boros schneideri (Panzer 1795)

Ostoma ferruginea (Linnaeus 1758)

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Further searches except for spiders, ragweed larvae and rotten things do not bring anything. It starts to freeze. Some fluff flies through the air, settling in an invisible coating on the bare branches of shrunken fir trees, flashing bright sparks in the slanting rays of the sun at a certain angle of view (what looks like white lumps on the branches in the photo is actually the glare of light refracted by fluff, the fluff itself, if you do not come close, is almost invisible, if you do not take a couple of steps to the side will be the usual shrunken Christmas trees)
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