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Moscow and the Moscow region

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsMoscow and the Moscow region

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15.03.2014 10:56, AGG

weevil-doritomus more http://coleop123.narod.ru/key/curculioninae/Dorytomus.html
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22.03.2014 11:24, Andrey Ponomarev

Pyrrhia umbra
Moscow region, Serebryano-Prudsky district, Lishnyagi village, on chicory scots (Cichorium intybus) 8.08.2013
First 2 photos in nature
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24.03.2014 13:32, Andrey Ponomarev

Hello everyone.Yesterday I decided to shine a light with a generator in the area of der.Zhukovo Ramenskoye district,the result is depressing.As I assume, in the best case, everything will fly next weekend, because the exit of a butterfly from a pupa-cocoon on average in a week of warm weather.Snow lies thickly in the shady side of the forest.
It looks like the spring views will intersect with the summer ones again.
So we're waiting.
nubeculosa 4pcs
Semioscopis oculella 2pcs
Achlya flavicornis 1pc
picture: IMG_3668.jpg
picture: IMG_3698.jpg
picture: IMG_3671.jpg picture: IMG_3681.jpg picture: IMG_3688.jpg
picture: IMG_3672.jpg
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24.03.2014 18:18, Hierophis

From the middle of this week and especially at the beginning of next week, the prospects for the ETR center are bad, in the evenings there will most likely be a minus, snow may fall, and we have apricots under threat...

24.03.2014 19:01, PhilGri

Hello everyone.Yesterday I decided to shine a light with a generator in the area of der. Zhukovo Ramenskoye district,the result is depressing.As I assume, in the best case, everything will fly next weekend, because the exit of a butterfly from a pupa-cocoon on average in a week of warm weather.Snow lies thickly in the shady side of the forest.
It looks like the spring views will intersect with the summer ones again.
So we're waiting.
nubeculosa 4pcs
Semioscopis oculella 2pcs
Achlya flavicornis 1pc

Thanks smile.gif
Soothed smile.gifFeelings lament that the street is as much as 18 degrees, and I'm in Moscow sticking out, and not in the country under DRL. And reason says that after all, yes, right away from such warmth, everything does not fly away. Alas, there will be a cold snap next.

24.03.2014 19:30, vasiliy-feoktistov

Today I took a walk on the outskirts of the city and I can state: The season in Moscow is open! N. xanthomelas and G. rhamni fly in the mass, the first Carabus nemoralis was found (not under the bark, but just on the road), and almost all the snow has already disappeared.... smile.gif It's a little early this year, but I don't know if it will be any better after such a mild winter wink.gif
In short: Happy New season to all beer.gif
picture: 1.jpg
Savvinsky Pond
picture: 2.jpg
picture: 3.jpg
Nymphalis xanthomelas (Esper, 1781)
picture: 4.jpg
Only from the stain: Carabus (Archicarabus) nemoralis Muller, 1764
picture: 5.jpg
Pyrrhocoris apterus Linnaeus, 1758

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 24.03.2014 20: 23
Likes: 20

24.03.2014 19:49, Maksim M.

I'll just tell you without a photo.I took the children and walked through the storm collector, on the border of the forest and the sports complex, in the old foliage I definitely saw 3 types of ground beetles-a pterostichus with a lilac pronotum and head, a pterostichus and one small one-there was no stain,but tomorrow I will check and try to determine,there were a lot of soldier beetles and small beetles,in general, this collector collects everything that moves, and with its length-500 meters around the perimeter, it will soon kill all ground beetles in the area..This is my soil trap!
Likes: 6

24.03.2014 19:53, vafdog

Today I took a walk on the outskirts of the city and I can state: The season in Moscow is open! N. xanthomelas and G. rhamni fly in the mass, the first Carabus nemoralis was found (not under the bark, but just on the road), and almost all the snow has already disappeared.... smile.gif It's a little early this year, but I don't know if it will be any better after such a mild winter wink.gif
In short: Happy New season to all beer.gif

what about the bug? starved?

24.03.2014 19:58, vasiliy-feoktistov

what about the bug? starved?

yes.gif And then I put it on a piece of wood and took a picture. The first trophy of the year (although it is common), and without a stain in my pocket in the season I do not leave the entrance smile.gif
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24.03.2014 23:02, Maksim M.

Yes, Vasily, just the fact of the appearance of zhuzhel-24.03-unexpectedly early, but 25.03. I will already be armed to the teeth!

27.03.2014 16:34, AlexIva

Today. Moscow. Found a great Lycia pomonaria sitting by the window. Third nocturnal species this year after Apocheima hispidaria and Eupsilia transversa.
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27.03.2014 16:52, vasiliy-feoktistov

Today I decided to go on a reconnaissance trip to the forest near the village of Torbeevo, Lyuberetsky district of Moscow region, in the hope of getting to my favorite power line clearing. I never got on it: there's plenty of water still on the side where I usually go into the forest. I was not upset and wandered a little with the camera around the village smile.gifitself, I already saw in my opinion the entire set of daytime butterflies possible at this time with us. Fly in the mass of N. xanthomelas and N. vaualbum: and the second in the same quantities as the first, which is surprising. It seems that vaualbum is also becoming a mass species in our country, as is xanthomelas. Single Gonepteryx rhamni: even strange confused.gif
Archiearis parthenias has already taken off. However, while also in one copy.
In general, I was satisfied with the walk.
to A. Y. Elez: Andrey, the maple tree has already started to flow as I thought (I looked at the litter under the tree).
I offer you a few photos:
picture: 1.JPG
picture: 2.JPG
picture: 3.JPG
image: ____. jpg
Oozing maple
picture: valbum1.jpg
picture: vaualbum.jpg
Nymphalis vaualbum (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
picture: xanthomelas1.jpg
picture: xanthomelas.jpg
Nymphalis xanthomelas (Esper, 1781)
picture: rhamni.jpg
Gonepteryx rhamni (Linnaeus, 1758)
picture: parthenias.jpg
Archiearis parthenias (Linnaeus, 1761)
Well that's probably all for today smile.gif

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 03/31/2014 19: 48
Likes: 20

27.03.2014 17:04, Fyodor

Has anyone met io this year in the Moscow region?

27.03.2014 18:15, Andrey Ponomarev

Russian does not believe until it checks.
25-26. 03. 2014 Gennadich and lepidopterolog decided to visit Poplar before the cold snap.
Daytime temperature +20 at night +10, two DRL lamps 250 lanestris none.
It certainly flew better than in Zhukovo, but the species composition is rather weak.
Mass species Achlya flavicornis.
So you can't fool Mother Nature.
picture: IMG_5764.jpg
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So happy opening of the new season to all of you,and we opened it with dignity
picture: IMG_5778.jpg
The next day, taking a huge bottle of mineral water similar to scuba gear, Anatoly and I swam to the peat bog to chase away the green snake and extinguish the internal fire.because I couldn't drive.
I must say that the road through the swamp was greatly transformed in a place with fire ponds.
picture: IMG_5894.jpg
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From memory what was
Achlya flavicornis
Phigalia pilosaria 1
Lycia pomonaria
Eupsilia transversa
Conistra vaccinii
Lithophane consocia?
Lithophane furcifera?
Brachionycha nubeculosa
Semioscopis oculella
Semioscopis steinkellneriana
Acleris notana?
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29.03.2014 14:06, Fyodor

Moscow, Izmailovsky Park, 24-28. 03. 2014.

Only Nymphalis xanthomelas is among the mace – sawyers, and only moth - moth species are Archiearis parthenias, Alsophila aescularia, Phigalia pilosaria, Lycia pomonaria, and Agriopis marginaria.

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11.04.2014 3:40, John-ST

First Spring

Railway station

The first spring lol.gifcame I took a walk in the other direction, picking at the rotten birch trees.
There was still some snow in the forest. Here and there the first mother-and-stepmother crawled out.
In the mass flew xanthomelas, buckthorn and a single L-white.

Lycosides were being chased around the ground. Various flies came out
Calliphoridae Pollenia sp.

A few ants were hanging out with flies on the shrunken birch trees.
Under the lagging pieces of bark, subcorns were encrypted
Aradus betulae (Linnaeus 1758)

And here is such a yummy treat
Endomychus coccineus (Linnaeus 1758)

Picking at the thawed birch trunks on the ground brought a standard set of beetles: atrata in the mass, and almost half of them were brown, at best one in a dozen came across a few years ago; from the beetle only caniatus, nemoralis before the ever-memorable drought was about 50/50, even nemoralis a little more, and a little bit of some small beetle like oblongopunctates, with the same drought stopped coming across wintering Chrysolina staphylaea; a little ampedus and plus a couple of bonuses

Tetrix subulata (Linnaeus 1758)

Uloma culinaris (Linnaeus 1758)

Cassida (Cassida) vibex Linnaeus 1767, maybe just dead from last year, I've never seen wintering cossids before.

I got some rather large black staphylin and a camel larva, to my surprise the larva devoured staf. Now it is sitting in a "bank", periodically fed with ragi larvae.
Raphidioptera sp

Along the way, I picked a couple of shrunken Christmas trees, in addition to the larvae of ragweed, dead bark beetles and philodromus, I managed to get hold of a podkornik, although a little disabled
Aradus pictus Baerensprung 1859

In general, the landscape looked rather bleak, a "white muzzle"came out into the sky
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16.04.2014 18:17, Andrey Ponomarev

14-16.04. 2014 Poplar-Voinova Gora.
I fished in Poplar from 14 to 15, the temperature that in the evening that at night +6.
Years old weak, 4 or 5 individual scoops (Orthosia incerta, Orthosia populeti and Brachionycha nubeculosa)
On April 15, the forecast is more favorable,so I decided to take a ride on the peat bog to see the passage and the future fishing spot.
picture: IMG_3700.jpg
picture: IMG_3702.jpg
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picture: IMG_3719.jpg
I decided to stop here on the siding, do not interfere with hunters who can pass at night and the biotope is also suitable on one side of the reed thickets on the other young growth of birch and aspen
picture: IMG_3723.jpg
picture: IMG_3724.jpg
picture: IMG_3725.jpg
There were flies like this on the old cattail leaves
picture: IMG_3732.jpg
picture: IMG_3734.jpg
Arriving at the dacha, I decided to visit Voinova Gora, since there was enough time until the evening, and the weather seemed to be raging,+14 heat with clearings.
Here is a monument that shows you the way to Voinova Gora, I think that this is a sculpture of Comrade Kirov because it stands on the street of the same name.I didn't notice it before,but now the trees and bushes around it have been cut down, the pedestal has been plastered, and this is a completely different matter.
picture: IMG_6150.jpg
Nothing interesting about the walk.Still asleep.
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For Ilya Ustyantsev yes.gif
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In the evening, leaving the lamp on at the dacha, I rushed to the peat bog, elated with the anticipation of success.
After watching the Petrovsky sail blown by the wind for one hour and not seeing anything at all,or maybe something was just not noticed, I decided to retire to the base.
picture: IMG_6223.jpg
On the base, too, there is little fun,on the screen is a male Odontosia sieversii (fresh) and several spring moths.At one o'clock in the morning, I went to bed but did not turn off the lamp (I need females of Odontosia sieversii and Odontosia carmelita).
I woke up at 4: 42 and lo and behold, I got the impression that the awakening began even though the full moon shone like a searchlight in the sky.
picture: IMG_6288.jpg
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picture: IMG_6433.jpg
Summary -"Brood week"
at the weekend, everyone should catch
What was, from memory
Semioscopis oculella
Semioscopis avellanella
Semioscopis steinkellneriana
Eriocrania sp.
Acleris lipsiana
Achlya flavicornis
Odontosia sieversii
Biston strataria
Lycia hirtaria
Trichopteryx carpinata
Brachionycha nubeculosa
Orthosia gothica
Orthosia incerta
Orthosia populeti
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16.04.2014 20:11, Ilia Ustiantcev

About EP2K)))
According to the weather on weekends, the minimum temperature on the night from Sat to Sun is about 5 degrees, so we try not to climb into the lowlands, it will be colder there. Sun-Mon slightly warmer. Fri-Sat full cold weather, up to 3 degrees. During the day - from 14 on Friday to 19 on Monday. Unfortunately, it is clear and cloudless, the moon is from 80 to 60% (waning)

16.04.2014 22:06, TEMPUS

At one o'clock in the morning, I went to bed but did not turn off the lamp (I need females of Odontosia sieversii and Odontosia carmelita).

Can I talk about this moment in more detail? It turns out that females of O. sieversii and O. carmelita fly late at night, later than males? I also want to catch the females of the above-mentioned tufts (so far I've only come across males), so I ask.

16.04.2014 23:20, John-ST

  First Spring
I got some rather large black staphylin and a camel larva, to my surprise the larva devoured staf. Now it is sitting in a "bank", periodically fed with ragi larvae.
Raphidioptera sp

Missed the pupal stage.
Ready-made camel
Inocellia crassicornis (Schummel, 1832) ex larva

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17.04.2014 14:30, Andrey Ponomarev

Can I talk about this moment in more detail? It turns out that females of O. sieversii and O. carmelita fly late at night, later than males? I also want to catch the females of the above-mentioned tufts (so far I've only come across males), so I ask.


17.04.2014 19:58, vasiliy-feoktistov

Today I got bored of sitting at home and decided to take a walk in the vicinity of the village of Poltevo, Balashikha district, Moscow region. Actually, the goal was not to collect insects, but to visit the "Ant Reserve". This is my name for a unique place where 20 large anthills are located on a small area. The main thing is that there are no anthills anywhere else in the area.
Of the butterflies along the way were seen:
Gonepteryx rhamni (Linnaeus, 1758) (many)
Nymphalis xanthomelas (Esper, 1781) (mass)
Nymphalis vaualbum (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775) (isolated)
Aglais io (Linnaeus, 1758) (isolated)
Actually nothing special, but still nice.
I offer you a few photos from today's walk:
picture: 1.JPG
Sky and pine trees
picture: 2.JPG
Lesnaya polyana
picture: 3.JPG
picture: 4.JPG
Swamp, and behind it the village of Poltevo
picture: 1.JPG
Siberian forest?

On the way, I came across an abandoned pioneer camp "Druzhba" near the Lytkarinsky optical glass factory. Once children rested here, it's sad:
picture: 1.JPG
Central Alley
picture: 2.JPG
picture: 3.JPG
picture: 4.JPG
Basketball court
Why do we have everything all around us like this, in one place? weep.gif

The actual purpose of the hike:
picture: 1.JPG
At the first anthill noticed a snake:
picture: 1.JPG
Which I caught in order to get a closer look. When I caught it, it gave off such a stench that it made a lump rise in my throat. A defensive reflex, however (this is something that snakes tend to do) smile.gif
picture: 2.JPG
And a lizard
picture: 3.JPG
I don't know what they were doing there. Did you catch ants?
Another couple of anthills:
picture: 2.JPG
Some anthills are fenced off for some reason:
picture: 3.JPG
The activity of the" population " of such anthills is noticeably lower than that of non-fenced ones... Interesting....

picture: 1.JPG
Gonepteryx rhamni (Linnaeus, 1758)
picture: 2.JPG
Aglais io (Linnaeus, 1758)
picture: 3.JPG
Nymphalis xanthomelas (Esper, 1781)

Went to the end point of the route.
Churches of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the estate of Poltevo:
picture: 1.JPG
And the remains of the Linden Park at the estate:
picture: 2.JPG
Ancient pine, larch and linden trees:
picture: 3.JPG
picture: 4.JPG
picture: 5.JPG
Probably remember everything and everyone. The story, however smile.gif
Anyone can read about the estate "Poltevo" and the church itself here (interesting) wink.gif
Typical insects that always accompany lime trees:
picture: 4.JPG
Pyrrhocoris apterus Linnaeus, 1758
Well, that's all, perhaps. I apologize for the not quite entomological report mol.gif
I still hope that it will be interesting.
Likes: 22

17.04.2014 20:15, Kovalevsky

Siberian forest?

Yes, it is.
Likes: 1

19.04.2014 7:43, Sergey Didenko

Tonight. Dacha near O-Zuyevo. No Lanestris, no Androis, lots of Siversies. The rest of the gray mass did not mind the cold, more than a hundred flew exactly, although by one o'clock in the morning it had turned cold to minus two degrees.
Likes: 10

19.04.2014 16:04, vasiliy-feoktistov

19.04.2014 Moscow, Eastern Administrative District, Bogorodskoe
district This morning, I went out to smoke on the porch at work rolleyes.gif
picture: nemoralis.jpg
Happy New Year to all beer.gif
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19.04.2014 21:23, Чегар

Vasil, save this Swedish family for me. Good animals.

19.04.2014 23:16, vasiliy-feoktistov

Vasil, save this Swedish family for me. Good animals.

Postponed it. And I'll also help you out smile.gif.
Likes: 1

20.04.2014 2:07, PhilGri

For the first time in a year, I lit up the DRL 250 + three black lumks at my dacha near Zvenigorod.
Two micras and a lone Cerastis rubricosa arrived. And that's it!
And where at least a couple of banals like Eupsilia transversa, Orthosia gothica, Achlya flavicornis... At least for the background would be ...

This post was edited by PhilGri - 04/20/2014 17: 50
Likes: 7

20.04.2014 21:14, Pavel Morozov

Tonight. Dacha near O-Zuyevo. No Lanestris, no Androis, lots of Siversies. The rest of the gray mass did not mind the cold, more than a hundred flew exactly, although by one o'clock in the morning it had turned cold to minus two degrees.

Seryozha, if you can, please pick me some sivers, especially the females.
And then, something I have no friendship with them.))

20.04.2014 23:05, PhilGri

Seryozha, if you can, please pick me some sivers, especially the females.
And then, something I have no friendship with them. ))

Oh, and I have no friendship smile.gifFor all the time only one male caught.

21.04.2014 1:15, PhilGri

Tonight's night near Zvenigorod is also poor, but at least something...
Semioscopis oculella (1), Brachionycha nubeculosa (1), Orthosia gothica (2), Orthosia populeti (1), Panolis flammea (1), Achlya flavicornis (1).
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21.04.2014 7:21, Eidalon

I went to the Oka platform on Sunday. First, I explored the left (if you stand on the platform with your back to Moscow and face the bridge over the Oka) part of the coast, unfortunately, for a year there is very much shit, plastic bottles and other garbage are lying everywhere. On the other side, although there is not much garbage, there are a lot of kebabs and quite large areas of burnt dry grass in the fields. I also had to constantly inspect my clothes for ticks, as there are a lot of them this year.
From butterflies:
inachis io-massively
nymphalis xanthomelas - not much
aglais urticae-a few
polygonia c-album - a few
Pieris napi - a few
Gonepteryx rhamni - a few

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21.04.2014 7:33, Fyodor

Chekhov district, Vaulovo village, 19-20. 04. 2014

in the daytime:
Boudinotiana notha
Pieris napi
Pieris rapae
Gonepteryx rhamni
Aglais io
Aglais urticae
Nymphalis xanthomelas
Polygonia c-album

into the light:
Anticlea derivata
Trichopteryx carpinata
Agriopis marginaria
Lycia hirtaria
Biston strataria
Achlya flavicornis
Brachionycha nubeculosa
Lithophane socia
Orthosia gothica
Orthosia cruda
Cerastis leucographa
Likes: 11

21.04.2014 19:11, Andrey Ponomarev

On April 19-21, we visited my dacha with Ilya U.
We fished at two points, in Poplar and on Voinovaya Gora, and also climbed during the day on a peat bog.
Flying is already much better than last weekend, but the nights are still cold on the first night the temperature dropped to zero, on the second to +3.3.
I do not post many photos.
And so the first night was spent at the base in Poplar, Ilya and I on a peat bog in its vicinity.
picture: IMG_3742.jpg
Fresh males of Epirranthis diversata flew to the light in the swamp,that in Poplar, while females were rabid in the swamp during the day.
picture: IMG_6569.jpg
picture: IMG_6568.jpg
picture: IMG_6637.jpg
Caloptilia elongella or Caloptilia betulicola,I don't know
picture: IMG_6664.jpg
The female Odontosia sieversi sat on the screen in Poplar and waited for us until 00: 30 at night when we returned from the peat bog (already threw eggs jump.gif)
picture: Odontosia_sieversi.jpg
I hope that this is a female Xylena vetusta,(with eggs while silence confused.gif)
picture: Xylena_vetusta.jpg
Clostera curtula, isn't it a little early for her?
picture: Clostera_curtula.jpg

Ampedus balteatus Swamp Day Trip Beetles
picture: Ampedus_balteatus.jpg
I don't know
picture: IMG_6859.jpg
Chrysomela collaris
picture: Chrysomela_collaris.jpg
This female Acilius sulcatus knocked down with his hand on the site when she was flying
picture: Acilius_sulcatus.jpg
Voinova Gora 20.04.2014
DRL 250 plus two energy-saving UV lamps
picture: IMG_3751.jpg
Apocheima hispidaria
picture: Apocheima_hispidaria.jpg
Orthosia miniosa
picture: Orthosia_miniosa.jpg
And here comes the disturbing music, is it Orthosia opima or the banal Orthosia incerta?
Instance 1
picture: Orthosia_opima.jpg
Instance 2
picture: Orthosia_opima1.jpg
In general, the trip was not bad.

The post was edited by Gennadich - 21.04.2014 19: 39
Likes: 21

21.04.2014 22:05, PhilGri

Suddenly Drepana falcataria!
I've never met her so early.

+ Scoliopteryx libarix, Orthosia gothica / munda / cruda/, Lycia hirtaria, Aethalura punctulata and some other small flower moth.

Despite the warm night, the air, unfortunately, is still very frail.

This post was edited by PhilGri - 04/22/2014 03: 26
Likes: 7

22.04.2014 10:05, Alexander73

Dear forum participants.There is such a question for those who catch light in the Moscow,Tula and adjacent regions:
Has anyone caught or ever caught aspen(Laothoe tremulae) and blind(Smerinthus caecus) hawkmoth in the above-mentioned Moscow or other adjacent regions?If there are any finds, please provide some information.

If it is still relevant, I can inform you that aspen was caught once on June 9, 2012 near the village of Vostryakovo-2 in the Domodedovo district.

+another one, ibid., June 01, 2014

This post was edited by Alexander73 - 03.06.2014 10: 32

22.04.2014 10:31, MAX67

Aspen hawks regularly fly to Khripani (this is Yegoryevka).
A blind man, in 10 years of observation, has never arrived. But they say that it should be found in our area.

22.04.2014 11:51, Sergey Didenko

Gennadich, yes, this is Opima.
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22.04.2014 13:28, PhilGri

If it is still relevant, I can inform you that aspen was caught once on June 9, 2012 near the village of Vostryakovo-2 in the Domodedovo district.

Aspen caught not often, but not once near Zvenigorod.

23.04.2014 1:25, А.Й.Элез

In Kolomenskiy district in the village. In the late 1990s, Macroglossum, V. P. Volkov, and A. Y. Elez repeatedly caught aspen and blind hawk moth. As far as I remember, the blind man was also caught at both biological stations of Moscow State University (Zvenigorod and Chashnikovo). You can also view information on these species on the website "Butterflies of the Moscow region", for finds near Moscow, the main photos on this site are labeled.

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