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Moscow and the Moscow region

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08.07.2013 20:54, Andrey Ponomarev

July 6-8, Poplar,Voynovo-gora, Nerskaya.
Poplar night 6-7
picture: 1top.jpg
picture: 2.jpg
picture: 3.jpg
picture: 4.jpg
In the afternoon, I went for a walk on the moor for Lycophotia porphyrea, but I didn't see them,but Rhagades pruni fly in abundance and only males,females sit on the heather.
picture: 5__Lycophotia_porphyrea.jpg
picture: 6__Rhagades_pruni.jpg
picture: 7.jpg
Fresh Nymphalis antiopa flew out
picture: 8.jpg
Nerskaya 6-7, we were very disappointed with behemoth.
picture: 1ner.jpg
Voynovo-Gora day on July 6
picture: 1v_gora.jpg
picture: 2.jpg
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picture: 4.jpg
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picture: 19.jpg
picture: 20.jpg
Isn't that Epinotia thapsiana, by any chance?"
picture: 21.jpg

The post was edited by Gennadich - 08.07.2013 21: 00
Likes: 18

09.07.2013 14:17, Vlad Proklov

My five kopecks in the O-Zuyevsky district:

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09.07.2013 22:28, Sungaya

Sergiev Posad district, Zolotilovo village, July 06-08.

Arctiidae: Arctia caja, Eilema depressum, Callimorpha dominula, Miltochrista miniata, Phragmatobia fuliginosa, Thumatha senex, Spilosoma lubricipedum,

Geometridae: Idaea biselata, Scotopteryx chenopodiata, Xanthorhoe ferrugata, Thalera fimbrialis, Aplocera praeformata, Idaea aversata, Scopula immutata , Pterapherapteryx sexalata, Eulithis prunata, Cyclophora pendularia, Cabera exanthemata, Scopula nigropunctata, Perizoma alchemillatum, Ectropis crepuscularia, Lomaspilis marginata, Selenia tetralunaria, Euphyia unangulata, Idaea dimidiata, ?Pasiphila debiliata, Ecliptopera silaceata, Arichanna melanaria, Xanthorhoe quadrifasciata , Eupithecia succenturiata, Eupithecia icterata, Eulithis pyropata, Colostygia pectinataria, Chiasmia clathrata,

Noctuidae: Macdunnoughia confusa, Rivula sericealis, Laspeyria flexula, Agrotis exclamationis, Mythimna ferrago, Hoplodrina octogenaria, Cosmia pyralina, Protodeltote pygarga, Autographa jota, Pseudeustrotia candidula, Xestia ditrapezium, Aedia funesta, Mythimna impura, Lacanobia thalassina, Agrotis clavis, Hypena proboscidalis, Hoplodrina blanda, Polia bombycina, Apamea remissa, Mythimna conigera, Mythimna turca, Cucullia umbratica, Diachrysia chrysitis, Deltote bankiana, Lygephila pastinum, Diachrysia stenochrysis, Lacanobia oleracea, Xestia triangulum, Parascotia fuliginaria, Oligia latruncula, Trachea atriplicis, Meganola albula, Caradrina morpheus, Scoliopteryx libatrix, Apamea monoglypha, Axylia putris, Paracolax tristalis, Autographa gamma, Graphiphora augur, Apamea rubrirena, Melanchra persicariae, Acronicta megacephala , Anaplectoides prasina, Ipimorpha retusa, Autographa bractea, Autographa excelsa, Trisateles emortualis, Enargia paleacea, Chortodes fluxus, Eurois occultus,

Lasiocampidae: Malacosoma neustria, Euthrix potatoria , Dendrolimus pini,

Notodontidae: Pheosia gnoma, Clostera curtula, Gluphisia crenata , Notodonta ziczac ,

Drepanidae: Drepana falcataria, Thyatira batis , Habrosyne pyritoides, Falcaria lacertinaria,

Sphingidae: Deilephila elpenor,

Lymantridae: Lymantria dispar, Lymantria monacha

In general, it flies a lot, but there is nothing to take.
This year, some strange Photedes fluxa - with darkening of the reniform spot. It may be common, but this is the first time I've seen them. Apamea rubrirena and Ipimorpha retusa - I am always happy with this, they are rare for me.
And an interesting large white fire pit. Isn't it the one that Gennadich has from Poplar?

zolotil0907.jpg — (1.06 mb)

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09.07.2013 22:52, Vlad Proklov

Sergiev Posad district, Zolotilovo village, July 06-08.
And an interesting large white fire pit. Isn't it the one that Gennadich has from Poplar?

Yes, Scirpophaga praelata.
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11.07.2013 11:32, Fyodor

Serpukhov district, Luzhki district-Republic district, 10.07.2013

Thymelicus sp.
Muschampia tessellum
Pyrgus alveus
Carcharodus alceae
Carcharodus flocciferus

Lycaena alciphron
Lycaena phlaeas
Lycaena tityrus
Lycaena virgaureae
Aricia artaxerxes
Cupido argiades
Polyommatus coridon
Polyommatus daphnis
Phengaris alcon
Phengaris teleius
Satyrium ilicis
Satyrium spini

Boloria dia
Brenthis ino
Argynnis adippe
Argynnis paphia
Issoria lathonia
Limenitis camilla
Melitaea athalia
Melitaea diamina
Melitaea didyma
Araschnia levana
Aglais io
Nymphalis vaualbum
Polygonia c-album
Vanessa atalanta
Vanessa cardui
Coenonympha arcania
Coenonympha glycerion
Erebia aethiops
Aphantopus hyperantus
Hyponephele lycaon
Maniola jurtina
Lopinga achine
Pararge aegeria
Melanargia russiae

Papilio machaon

Leptidea ?sinapis
Gonepteryx rhamni
Colias hyale
Pieris napi
Aporia crataegi

Thalera fimbrialis
Idaea ochrata
Idaea serpentata
Ematurga atomaria

Autographa gamma
Macdunnoughia confusa
Mythimna ferrago

Zygaena ephialtes
Zygaena filipendulae
Zygaena lonicerae
Zygaena viciae

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17.07.2013 10:49, vasiliy-feoktistov

Not exactly a report, but rather just want to share information:
Prionus coriarius (Linnaeus, 1758) has already appeared in Muscovy.
The presented 2 females were collected last night (16-17. 07. 2013). Here: Moscow, Eastern Administrative District, Bogorodskoe district (at work).
You can already search for it wink.gif

picture: 001.JPG
001.JPG — (170.73к)

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17.07.2013 11:25, Kitty-13

Not exactly a report, but rather just want to share information:
Prionus coriarius (Linnaeus, 1758) has already appeared in Muscovy.
The presented 2 females were collected last night (16-17. 07. 2013). Here: Moscow, Eastern Administrative District, Bogorodskoe district (at work).
You can already search for it wink.gif

About 3 weeks ago, on the way to work, I found a hefty crushed female, and on the 7th, a male arrived at the light

17.07.2013 11:41, STG

On the 8th at night, a female was crushed by a frightened office security guard (Moscow, Preobrazhenskoye),
on the 10th in the evening, a male flew on a tree to the balcony (Moscow Region, Solnechnogorsk),
on the 13th in the morning, a male was sleeping on the ground in the middle of a spruce forest (Moscow Region, Solnechnogorsk).

17.07.2013 19:36, Ilia Ustiantcev

Again, I have all the moles on the screen alarmed, black freaks))
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17.07.2013 19:53, vasiliy-feoktistov

Again, I have all the moles on the screen alarmed, black freaks))

And correctly they will do tongue.gifWell, which is not yet predators: then they would generally bite all the scales in half with such strong mandibles wink.gif

17.07.2013 21:19, Black Coleopter

You can already search for it wink.gif

It's been a couple of weeks since they showed up.

17.07.2013 21:37, vasiliy-feoktistov

It's been a couple of weeks since they showed up.

These are the first ones I met this year. And in previous years, I never found them before July 10: usually from the end of July to the end of August, they are found.

31.07.2013 6:40, Kitty-13

I don't know in what topic to ask, I'll ask here. Can you tell me where in the nearest Moscow region you can get bumblebees and proserpine? I've never met her in our area. And isn't it too late to look for the first caterpillars?

31.07.2013 7:21, vasiliy-feoktistov

I don't know in what topic to ask, I'll ask here. Can you tell me where in the nearest Moscow region you can get bumblebees and proserpine? I've never met her in our area. And isn't it too late to look for the first caterpillars?

Hemaris tityus (Linnaeus, 1758) flies during the day and likes to visit the flowers of the bark beetle, smolki in the second half of May / first half of June.
Proserpinus proserpina, (Pallas, 1772) moth: caught in the morning on dandelions only on 06-05-2001 and did not meet again. Proserpine caterpillars should be found on Cyprus.
Both species were caught in the vicinity of my city: 10 km. from MKAD to the east.
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31.07.2013 12:55, Kitty-13

Hemaris tityus (Linnaeus, 1758) flies during the day and likes to visit the flowers of the bark beetle, smolki in the second half of May / first half of June.
Proserpinus proserpina, (Pallas, 1772) moth: caught in the morning on dandelions only on 06-05-2001 and did not meet again. Proserpine caterpillars should be found on Cyprus.
Both species were caught in the vicinity of my city: 10 km. from MKAD to the east.

Thank you) The fact that I flew by with butterflies, I already realized this long ago, so I was hoping to look for caterpillars. But it looks a little late already frown.gif

31.07.2013 14:04, Seneka

And this month I was caught in Malez's trap by a moose. Tore up, the bastard and inherited. I found it on Sunday. frown.gif
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31.07.2013 19:15, Sungaya

And this month I was caught in Malez's trap by a moose. Tore up, the bastard and inherited. I found it on Sunday. frown.gif

Is the copy even assembled?

01.08.2013 23:26, Maksim M.

And I have 2 cows, see bikes..

04.08.2013 19:57, Sungaya

Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, pos. Poplar, 02-04 August 2013 (at Gennadich's)

Hepialidae: Triodia sylvina

Drepanidae: Falcaria lacertinaria, Drepana falcataria, Thyatira batis, Tethea ocularis,

Geometridae: Geometra papilionaria, Cyclophora pendularia, Timandra comae, Idaea dimidiata, Idaea emarginata, Catarhoe cuculata , Epirrhoe alternata, Camptogramma bilineatum, Euphyia unangulata, Pelurga comitata, Cosmorhoe ocellata, Ecliptopera silaceata, Eulithis prunata, Eulithis testata, Anticollix sparsatus , Perizoma alchemillatum, Eupithecia centaureata, Eupithecia icterata, Cabera exanthemata, Lomaspilis marginata, Macaria notata, Chiasmia clathrata, Hypomecis punctinalis, Ematurga atomaria, Ennomos autumnarius,

Lasiocampidae: Malacosoma neustria, Euthrix potatoria ,

Sphingidae: Deilephila elpenor, Hyles gallii, Mimas tiliae, Smerinthus ocellatus

Notodontidae: Notodonta dromedarius, Notodonta tritophus , Notodonta ziczac, Pheosia gnoma, Pheosia tremula, Phalera bucephala, Ptilodon capucina, Clostera anastomosis, Clostera pigra, Cerura vinula, Stauropus fagi, Clostera curtula.

Arctiidae: Eilema complanum, Setina irrorella, Pelosia muscerda, Phragmatobia fuliginosa, Spilosoma urticae,

Lymantriidae: Lymantria monacha, Lymantria dispar

Noctuidae: Rivula sericealis, Schrankia costaestrigalis, Colobochyla salicalis, Herminia grisealis, Hypena proboscidalis, Catocala pacta, Abrostola tripartita, Abrostola triplasia, Macdunnoughia confusa, Diachrysia stenochrysis, Autographa gamma, Syngrapha interrogationis, Plusia putnami, Protodeltote pygarga, Acronicta alni, Acronicta ?psi, Acronicta rumicis, Amphipyra ?pyramidea, Amphipyra tragopoginis, Trachea atriplicis, Actinotia polyodon, Helotropha leucostigma, Hydraecia micacea, Amphipoea ?fucosa, Apamea crenata, Apamea monoglypha, Apamea ophiogramma, Mesapamea secalissecalella, Mesoligia furuncula, Brachylomia viminalis, Cosmia trapezina, Enargia paleacea, Ipimorpha subtusa, Lacanobia thalassina, Lacanobia oleracea, Mamestra brassicae, Sideridis rivularis, Mythimna straminea, Ochropleura plecta, Diarsia dahlii, Eurois occultus, Xestia c-nigrum, Xestia baja, Agrotis segetum, Agrotis vestigialis, Coenophila subrosea, Protolampra sobrina.

Cossidae: Phragmataecia castaneae.
Likes: 4

05.08.2013 13:32, Andrey Ponomarev

Hello everyone.
I'm looking at the M. O. is the butterfly fishing over?
Then I will resume it after a short break.
from 26.07 to 4.08.2013 three points were caught: Poplar,Voinova Gora and Nerskaya.
I post the most and not very interesting.
Caryocolum blandella
picture: 1__Caryocolum_blandella.jpg
Assara terebrella was caught with a hippopotamus last year in Nerskaya,now it is also in Poplar.
picture: 2__Assara_terebrella.jpg
I don't know this one
picture: 3.jpg
Autographa mandarina
picture: 4__Autographa_mandarina.jpg
Syngrapha interrogationis
picture: 5__Syngrapha_interrogationis.jpg
Catocala electa is a surprise to me
picture: 6__Catocala_electa.jpg
Catocala pacta fly with a delay apparently affected by the cold weather.
picture: 7__Catocala_pacta.jpg
Coenophila subrosea
picture: 9__Coenophila_subrosea.jpg
Diarsia dahlii
picture: 10__Diarsia_dahlii.jpg
Mythimna straminea
picture: 11_Mythimna_straminea.jpg
picture: 12.jpg
picture: 13.jpg
picture: 14.jpg
Charissa ambiguata?
picture: 15__Charissa_ambiguata.jpg
I don't know these guys
picture: 16.jpg
picture: 17.jpg
picture: 18.jpg
picture: 19.jpg
A female rhino was born
picture: 20.jpg
We were returning from the swamp after a night of fishing and almost ran over a local aboriginal who was mistaken for a hummock,but everything turned out fine.They thought it was a baby bird,but it flew away like a fucking rocket.
picture: 21.jpg
Voinova Gora,that's how it's written on the sign in Orekhovo-Zuyevo, and on the sign in front of the village, Voynovo-gora, so figure it out.So they went to zepa,I will write in the old way.
Agonopterix kaekeritziana
picture: Agonopterix_kaekeritziana.jpg
Autographa mandarina
picture: Autographa_mandarina.jpg
I don't know this fire note,if anyone can tell me, thank you.
picture: IMG_9766.jpg
Nerskaya Street
picture: 1.jpg
picture: 2.jpg
picture: 3.jpg
picture: 4.jpg
picture: 5.jpg
picture: 6.jpg
picture: 7.jpg
picture: 8.jpg
Pararge aegeria
picture: 9Pararge_aegeria.jpg
Hyponephele lycaon
picture: 10Hyponephele_lycaon.jpg
Speyeria aglaja
picture: 11Speyeria_aglaja.jpg
picture: 12.jpg
Idaea ochrata?
picture: 13.jpg
And the only butterfly that made you happy at night is Crypsedra gemmea
picture: Crypsedra_gemmea.jpg
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05.08.2013 16:08, Ilia Ustiantcev

Gennadich, can't the firefly be Selagia spadicella? The third scoop - I think this is a form of Coenophila subrosea.
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05.08.2013 20:46, Olearius

Charissa was obscurata
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05.08.2013 21:08, Sungaya

I don't know these

1, 2-Mesapamea secalis / secalella
3-also think subrosea (female)
4-I think Apamea crenata
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06.08.2013 18:43, gonkem1986

The splyushka owl!The rarest bird in MO. Not every year is celebrated.
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07.08.2013 22:21, Fyodor

From August 2 to August 6, I caught in the Chekhov district, from which I will single out Amphipyra perflua, Catephia alchymista, Sabra harpagula, as well as a completely fresh male Angerona prunaria.

On August 6, I was in Serpukhov district on the route Luzhki village-Respublika village. The following species were found there:

Thymelicus sp.

Lycaena dispar
Lycaena phlaeas
Lycaena tityrus
Lycaena virgaureae
Aricia artaxerxes
Cupido minimus
Plebejus argyrognomon
Polyommatus icarus
Thecla betulae

Argynnis sp.
Argynnis paphia
Issoria lathonia
Aglais io
Nymphalis xanthomelas
Vanessa atalanta
Hyponephele lycaon
Maniola jurtina
Coenonympha pamphilus
Pararge aegeria

Gonepteryx rhamni
Colias hyale
Pieris napi
Pieris rapae
Pontia edusa

Camptogramma bilineata
Scopula immorata
Idaea sp.

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10.08.2013 18:10, Andrey Ponomarev

We visited Ilya and Lishnyaga on August 7-8,and we were there exactly one year ago.
The first night is +17, the second is 10.5, the day is hot +27.
Paracossulus thrips did not arrive, at night the species composition was not very diverse.
Russian paradoxes.
picture: 1.jpg
picture: 2.jpg
picture: 3.jpg
picture: 4.jpg
picture: 5IMG_4348.jpg
picture: 6IMG_4404.jpg
Hyponephele lycaon
picture: 8Hyponephele_lycaon.jpg
picture: 9______.jpg
picture: 10IMG_4548.jpg
picture: 11IMG_3158.jpg
Argiope bruennich
picture: 12Argiope_bruennich.jpg
picture: 13Argiope_bruennich2.jpg
Polyommatus coridon
picture: 14Polyommatus_coridon1.jpg
picture: 15IMG_4611.jpg
We examined an abandoned quarry with Ilya,caught a female Protoschinia scutosa in it, which threw eggs, I'll try to bring it out.
picture: 16IMG_3160.jpg
picture: 18IMG_3163.jpg
picture: 20IMG_3165.jpg
picture: 21IMG_3166.jpg
picture: 22IMG_4626.jpg
picture: 23Zygaena_filipendulae_1.jpg
picture: 24Zygaena_filipendulae_4.jpg
picture: 25Oedipoda_coerulescens.jpg
picture: 26Boloria_dia.jpg
Cupido minimus
picture: 27Cupido_minimus3.jpg
Nymphalis io
picture: 29Nymphalis_io.jpg
picture: 28Nymphalis_io1.jpg
Afternoon on thistle.This scoop I don't know,Ilya identified it as Mythimna conigera
picture: 30IMG_4983.jpg
Cucullia absinthii
Picture: 31Cucullia_absinthii_2.jpg
Dysstroma citrata?
picture: 32Dysstroma_citrata1.jpg
Polyommatus thersites?
picture: 33Polyommatus_thersites.jpg
picture: 34IMG_5209.jpg
Gelechia cuneatella
картинка: 36Gelechia_cuneatella.jpg
картинка: 35Gelechia_cuneatella1.jpg
Dichomeris limosellus
picture: 37Dichomeris_limosellus.jpg
picture: 38Dichomeris_limosellus1.jpg
picture: 39Dichomeris_limosellus2.jpg
Epirrhoe galiata
picture: 40Epirrhoe_galiata.jpg
Heliomata glarearia
picture: 41Heliomata_glarearia.jpg

The post was edited by Gennadich - 18.08.2013 15: 48
Likes: 31

11.08.2013 12:35, Sergey Didenko

It seems that in the middle zone, the year for butterflies is minus. I have never seen such empty screens as this weekend in early August. Everything is extinct. Judging by the message of Mikhail in the Ryazan region is the same ... nya.
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12.08.2013 11:41, Seneka

Friends! Nikitsky Nikolay Borisovich (Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of Moscow State University, Zoomuseum, Coleoptera) this Wednesday (August 14) urgently needs 1-2 (and no restrictions at all) assistants for a field trip to the Kolomna district, in the vicinity of Golutvin. He doesn't have access to the Internet right now, and he doesn't have a phone connection. It rarely happens that he has no one to go with, but it happened. It will be very difficult for him to go alone, if at all possible. I can't, because it's a working day. The places are interesting, there will be time for manual collection and photographing, and his fees (window and soil traps) will probably be able to pick up, because he doesn't need much. Help consists in carrying water to the place (1 km) and in working with traps with your hands to help. In general, not hard. If necessary, I can even borrow my super backpack smile.gif(I have 1 day, tomorrow). He will provide the rest himself.

If you can't do it yourself, ask around with your friends, maybe someone will respond.

12.08.2013 17:52, mikee

It seems that in the middle zone, the year for butterflies is minus. I have never seen such empty screens as this weekend in early August. Everything is extinct. Judging by the message of Mikhail in the Ryazan region is the same ... nya.

On the screen - not a single catocala, not a single hawk moth, a single bear-fuliginosa, single pine cocoonworms... There are very few scoops, tufts, and moths. A search of the oak forest showed that C. sponsa is present this year in a single number, in contrast to previous years. But, absolutely fresh. And a month ago in Orenburg region they were less fresh smile.gifIn previous years at this time already flew and C. fraxini, not to mention C. nupta. Something is not right this year, although in recent years everything is not so... Xanthomelas awoke from diapause, and A. ilia was found both very broken and absolutely fresh. There are still a lot of relatively fresh mother-of-pearl paphias in the forest, even L. camilla caught my eye. In general, we are waiting for further developments.
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12.08.2013 18:51, А.Й.Элез

a year on the ass.
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12.08.2013 18:57, vasiliy-feoktistov


How's that?"
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12.08.2013 23:53, Seneka

How's that?"

A tattoo, probably... smile.gif

18.08.2013 15:47, Andrey Ponomarev


Oops the problem is out shuffle.gif

The post was edited by Gennadich - 19.08.2013 08: 16

18.08.2013 16:35, vasiliy-feoktistov

Oops not a link came out shuffle.gif

Andriukh, well, again, after all, it is written together: PROBLEM umnik.gif
Improve yourself shuffle.gif
Everyone has blunders sometimes and don't get upset beer.gif

18.08.2013 20:26, Andrey Ponomarev

Andriukh, well, again, after all, it is written together: PROBLEM umnik.gif
Improve yourself shuffle.gif
Everyone has blunders sometimes and don't get upset beer.gif

I. S. Turgenev

yes.gif I'm lol lol.gif

18.08.2013 21:23, Andrey Ponomarev

All right, then.
As colleagues wrote above, there is no night fishing.It seems that the end of the years is something that was hatched earlier, and a new wave has not yet appeared, although the nights of August 10,11,12,13 are quite warm from +17 to +20.Then everything is much sadder +7.5. Nevertheless, a brief report.
Poplar 10-18 August.
Peat bog
picture: IMG_3176.jpg
Possibly Cychrus caraboides
picture: IMG_3190.jpg
picture: IMG_3197.jpg
picture: IMG_3250.jpg
Newt was rescued from the well
picture: IMG_3251.jpg
We went for a walk with Sungaya to the peat bog for fox caterpillars,of which there are plenty
picture: IMG_3264.jpg
picture: IMG_3281.jpg
picture: IMG_3305.jpg
picture: IMG_3308.jpg
picture: IMG_3323.jpg
picture: IMG_3326.jpg
picture: IMG_3327.jpg
picture: IMG_3328.jpg
And this competitor crawled into the light(he didn't kill the hornet)
picture: IMG_3344.jpg
picture: IMG_3345.jpg
picture: IMG_3346.jpg
Voinova Gora August 12
picture: IMG_3220.jpg
picture: IMG_3230.jpg
picture: IMG_3231.jpg
picture: IMG_3238.jpg
picture: IMG_8775.jpg
picture: IMG_8883.jpg
picture: IMG_8932.jpg

The post was edited by Gennadich - 18.08.2013 21: 24
Likes: 20

21.08.2013 2:48, PhilGri

I ran across the field and the edge of the forest in Skorotovo near Zvenigorod. Unfortunately, there are very few butterflies in general, despite the good weather. I was very much counting on a mourner-but I didn't see frown.gifany Nymphalids at all: apart from a few Nymphalis c-album and a couple of worn Argynnis paphia, only admirals. But there are relatively many admirals right now. Everything is in excellent condition.
A week ago I caught a female Lasiommata maera.

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picture: IMG_1262ww.jpg
IMG_1262ww.jpg — (66.13к)

Likes: 21

22.08.2013 13:08, Kitty-13

Just now, about 20 minutes ago, in the city center, I saw an absolutely fresh, clean perelivnitsa on a puddle, like ilia, although who knows. Is this second generation already working? Or a highly stretched first one?

22.08.2013 13:51, vasiliy-feoktistov

Just now, about 20 minutes ago, in the city center, I saw an absolutely fresh, clean perelivnitsa on a puddle, like ilia, although who knows. Is this second generation already working? Or a highly stretched first one?

This is a second-generation A. ilia. This fact has already been observed in Muscovy for several years in a row: http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/10365
Likes: 1

22.08.2013 18:21, Kitty-13

This is a second-generation A. ilia. This fact has already been observed in Muscovy for several years in a row: http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/10365

How long do they usually fly? We were not lucky with the first generation, maybe this time we will be able to catch confused.gif

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