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Moscow and the Moscow region

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27.05.2013 16:37, AntSkr

Do Tau virgins fly? It seems that they need an injection to start.

This is guaranteed to be the case with pavonians (and probably with the whole genus), but it may not be the case with tau, although I can't say for sure.

27.05.2013 17:47, Sungaya

It seems that female endromis also begin to fly after mating. I don't want to say that the unfertilized don't fly at all, but if they do, they're already looking for a place to lay eggs.
In continuation of the topic: female "wingless" moths (sitting quietly) I most often met at about the same height on the trunks-a meter and a half. Of course, I can't see anything higher than five meters, but at a three-meter height it would be quite possible to see them if they were there. I rarely found them quite at the bottom at the roots and rarely above 2 meters, although I inspect the trunks from the roots and up to where I have enough vision. Apparently, after hatching, they crawl onto the trunk without the intention of running straight up, but to dry off and wait for the male. And after waiting, they start looking for a place to lay eggs.
I mean, it doesn't make sense for females of non-feeding species to crawl or fly before mating.

27.05.2013 22:38, Sungaya

I went to d today.Zhukovo, for food for your pets.I took an old soap dish, a backpack and a small net and set off.Before collecting food for the caterpillars, I decided not to hunt them much and take pictures of what I would see interesting,and at the same time take a walk.In general, I am happy with the walk, if not for the rain.
Here's what we managed to see and capture in nature.Almost all photos of butterflies were taken at home for well-known reasons.There are a lot of infected caterpillars, I hardly found canned food, but there is probably no guarantee.
I would be grateful for the help of identifying animals..

Red barbel - Oedecnema gebleri is cool!!!
Lymantria monacha
Sphrageidus similis
Erannis defoliaria (3шт.)
Diloba caeruleocephala
Euthrix potatoria
Malacosoma neustria
Lycia hirtaria
Leucoma salicis
Ptilophora plumigera

27.05.2013 23:07, Ilia Ustiantcev

Gennadich, what kind of creepy creature is this? I didn't know that we have such a thing, it's definitely a gelechiid, and not Ethmia quadrillella?
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27.05.2013 23:50, Victor Titov

I would be grateful if you could help me identify animals.

Leaf beetles in the first three photos-Smaragdina salicina

These barbels were hanging out in the hazel grove.

Leptura aethiops

And this one was sitting on a willow tree

Oedecnema gebleri
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28.05.2013 15:56, Andrey Ponomarev

Gennadich, what kind of creepy creature is this? I didn't know that we have such a thing, it's definitely a gelechiid, and not Ethmia quadrillella?

Exactly, and I then looked at the kangaroo house and rolled my lips.

28.05.2013 16:01, Vlad Proklov

That's right, and I looked at the kangaroo house and rolled my lips.

"Kenguryatnik" - this is a sign of animals of the Gelechioidea family, and not just the Gelechiidae family! umnik.gif
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28.05.2013 16:22, Andrey Ponomarev

"Kenguryatnik" - this is a sign of animals of the Gelechioidea family, and not just the Gelechiidae family! umnik.gif

What do you think about Tineida?

28.05.2013 16:29, Vlad Proklov

What do you think about Tineida?

I find it difficult to answer...

29.05.2013 11:19, Fyodor

Chekhov district, Vaulovo village, May 24-27, 2013

During the day and into the light:

Pyrgus malvae
Carterocephalus palaemon

Boloria dia
Araschnia levana
Aglais io
Polygonia c-album
Vanessa atalanta
Vanessa cardui
Coenonympha pamphilus
Pararge aegeria

Papilio machaon

Gonepteryx rhamni
Leptidea sp.
Colias hyale
Aporia crataegi
Anthocharis cardamines
Pieris napi

Hyles gallii
Mimas tiliae
Smerinthus ocellata

Drepana falcataria

Chlorissa viridata
Timandra comae
Scopula floslactata
Scopula immorata
Cyclophora quercimontaria
Xanthorhoe designata
Xanthorhoe ferrugata
Xanthorhoe fluctuata
Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata
Xanthorhoe spadicearia
Cosmorhoe ocellata
Epirrhoe alternata
Electrophaes corylata
Ecliptopera silaceata
Eupithecia assimilata
Eupithecia vulgata
Pterapherapteryx sexalata
Plagodis dolabraria
Plagodis pulveraria
Cepphis advenaria
Lomographa bimaculata
Lomographa temerata
Aethalura punctulata
Ematurga atomaria
Lomaspilis marginata
Chiasmia clathrata
Odontopera bidentata
Pseudopanthera macularia
Paradarisa consonaria
Opisthograptis luteolata
Macaria liturata
Siona lineata
Cabera pusaria

Colobochyla salicalis
Eilema sororcula
Hypena rostralis
Spilosoma lubricipeda
Spilosoma lutea
Euclidia mi
Euclidia glyphica
Pechipogo strigilata
Minucia lunaris

Pharmacis lupulina

Macrothylacia rubi

Acronicta alni
Acronicta rumicis
Subacronicta megacephala
Deltote pygarga
Abrostola tripartita
Autographa gamma
Autographa mandarina
Macdunnoughia confusa
Ochropleura plecta
Lacanobia suasa
Lacanobia thalassina
Euplexia lucipara
Hada plebeja
Hadena confusa
Agrotis exclamationis
Xestia c-nigrum

Drymonia dodonaea
Notodonta dromedarius
Gluphisia crenata
Furcula bicuspis
Pheosia gnoma
Pheosia tremula
Ptilodon capucina

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29.05.2013 11:55, Fyodor

Serpukhov district, Luzhki district, May 27, 2013

Pyrgus malvae
Carcharodus alceae
Carterocephalus palaemon
Carterocephalus silvicola

Callophrys rubi
Lycaena phaleas
Lycaena tityrus
Cupido argiades

Boloria euphrosyne
Boloria dia
Issoria lathonia
Melitaea athalia
Melitaea cinxia
Aglais io
Nymphalis vaualbum
Vanessa cardui
Coenonympha pamphilus
Pararge aegeria

Papilio machaon

Hemaris tityus
Hyles gallii

Gonepteryx rhamni
Colias hyale
Colias myrmidone
Anthocharis cardamines
Aporia crataegi
Pieris napi

Cyclophora albipunctata
Scopula floslactata
Idaea pallidata
Timandra comae
Epirrhoe rivata
Catarhoe cuculata
Scotopteryx ?mucronata
Aethalura punctulata
Ematurga atomaria
Chiasmia clathrata
Pseudopanthera macularia
Lomographa bimaculata
Bupalus piniaria
Paradarisa consonaria
Cabera pusaria
Siona lineata

Diaphora mendica
Parasemia plantaginis
Euclidia mi
Euclidia glyphica
Pechipogo strigilata

Autographa gamma

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Likes: 23

30.05.2013 13:29, vasiliy-feoktistov

Well, I will briefly report on how I went to" work at work " in Moscow smile.gif.
Moscow, Eastern Administrative District, Bogorodskoe district, night of May 29-30, 2013.
The catch, of course, is "sparse", but this is stinking Moscow and I'm on duty (especially not razgulyeshsya).
It all started with the capture of the moth Timandra comae A. Schmidt, 1931
under a lantern from the DRL, and I already thought that this was all. But suddenly, in the morning, a woman turns to me and says that she is afraid to go to the toilet because there is something hefty, fat and scary sitting there. They say: "remove this muck." I go in there, and this is a huge female Hyles gallii (Rottemburg, 1775). Apparently at night it flew through an open window into the light that burns there all the time and settled on the wall. I picked it up in the stain and now I'm thinking about writing a geographical label. It comes to mind: "Moscow, Eastern Administrative District, Bogorodskoe district, on the light, in the toilet" shuffle.gif
By the way: the fresh appearance of the female suggests that she was born somewhere nearby, and did not fly from afar. And this is Moscow.
Such are the cases:

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 30.05.2013 18: 26

picture: my_work.jpg
my_work.jpg — (157.78к)

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30.05.2013 14:50, PhilGri

Yesterday, a male Aglia tau
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30.05.2013 18:05, STIGMA

Today, I couldn't believe my eyes, the Prague metro area saw two males Tausmile.gif
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30.05.2013 21:22, Hierophis

By the way: the fresh appearance of the female suggests that she was born somewhere nearby, and did not fly from afar. And this is Moscow.
Such are the cases

You are all so surprised by the facts of detecting insects within Moscow that you get the impression of complete sterility of the Moscow expanses lol.gif

30.05.2013 21:31, vasiliy-feoktistov

You are all so surprised by the facts of detecting insects within Moscow that you get the impression that the Moscow expanses are completely sterile lol.gif

Term industrial zone does it tell you something? Industrial zone "Kaloshino" it's within walking distance. In short: live in Moscow and you will understand everything wink.gif

30.05.2013 22:26, Hierophis

Term industrial zone does it tell you something? Industrial zone "Kaloshino" it's within walking distance. In short: live in Moscow and understand everything wink.gif

I looked at this case in Google , personally, a huge forest area in the form of a "liver"smile.gif, which stretches over a microscopic industrial zone in that area, says a lot to me wink.gif
Not only is it like the largest forest area near Moscow, but the place is also generally surrounded by woodlands.
A bad butterfly, maybe it was flying from one forest to another, along the way it needed to, and it flew into the toilet like a civilized one,and here you are..

31.05.2013 0:34, vasiliy-feoktistov

I looked at this case in Google, personally, a huge forest area in the form of a "liver" speaks a lot to me, which stretches over a microscopic industrial zone in that area
, not only is it like the largest forest area near Moscow, but that place is also generally surrounded by woodlands.
A bad butterfly, maybe it was flying from one forest to another, along the way it needed to, and it flew into the toilet like a civilized one,and here you are..

This array is called Losiny Ostrov National Park
To the left is also quite large Sokolniki Culture and Recreation Park

31.05.2013 12:49, алекс 2611

Leaf beetles in the first three photos-Smaragdina salicina

Viktor, I'm sorry, but it could also be Smaragdina flavicollis. These two species must be distinguished by their genitals. At least this is the case for Benkovsky.
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01.06.2013 15:51, Kemist

A specimen of Dendroxena quadripunctata

01.06.2013 16:16, Black Coleopter

A specimen of Dendroxena quadripunctata was found in the center of Moscow

I assembled it on 16.05.2013 on the Kursky Railway Station Square. The specimen was slightly crushed, but this did not prevent it from being spread out well. The beetle is found rather infrequently.

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01.06.2013 16:25, vasiliy-feoktistov

I assembled it on 16.05.2013 on the Kursky Railway Station Square. The specimen was slightly crushed, but this did not prevent it from being spread out well. The beetle is found rather infrequently.

I found it only 2 times. By the way: in the forest where we climbed a year ago (Torbeevo/Gullies), which is also near Moscow.
Here they are, my dears. Found with an interval of 6 years: on the left, 23.05.1999, and on the right, 24.05.2005.
And I didn't find any more: a good beetle in Muscovy.

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 01.06.2013 16: 54

picture: dendroxena.jpg
dendroxena.jpg — (141.58к)

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01.06.2013 16:57, Kemist

My copy was found in the Elektrozavodskaya metro area, not far from Kursky train station. I've never found this view before.

01.06.2013 17:01, Dracus

Is it really that rare? I meet him every year near Ramenskoye (practically in the city). Or is it just about Moscow?

01.06.2013 17:03, vasiliy-feoktistov

My copy was found in the Elektrozavodskaya metro area, not far from Kursky train station. I've never found this view before.

Where are the oaks it should be: a predatory bug and catches caterpillars on the oaks like-like. The truth is rare here.

02.06.2013 19:11, Ilia Ustiantcev

Another small report from Pestovo, Odintsovo district of Moscow region. There was almost nothing left of the spring butterflies, and summer species flew out, including atalia and avrinia. At night, the most delicious find was Apamea illyria, Conisania luteago and a lot of Bupalus piniaria also arrived.


This is certainly not the Cicadetta montana itself, but a clear proof that it exists in Pestovo)
Likes: 13

03.06.2013 17:26, Vlad Proklov

I went for a walk in Zhukovsky Park:


Definitions of flies and beetles are very welcome =)

This post was edited by kotbegemot-03.06.2013 17: 27
Likes: 7

03.06.2013 17:35, AGG

I went for a walk in Zhukovsky Park:


Definitions of flies and beetles are very welcome =)

Stictoleptura (Stictoleptura) maculicornis (De Geer, 1775)
Anthaxia (Melanthaxia) quadripunctata quadripunctata (Linnaeus, 1758)
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03.06.2013 18:16, vasiliy-feoktistov

I went for a walk in Zhukovsky Park:


Definitions of flies and beetles are very welcome =)

Vlad, these goldsmiths can be found dofiga with us now on buttercups, dandelions, etc
. Do not worry that you did not collect: another "car" will be smile.gif

03.06.2013 18:31, Fyodor

Yesterday, 10 days earlier than last year, I went back to the neighborhood of S. Andreevskoe Odintsovo district. I came across fresh Lycaena helle, but Boloria eunomia did not meet, apparently it has not yet flown out. And the general list of what I saw is as follows:

Carterocephalus palaemon
Carterocephalus silvicola

Lycaena helle
Celastrina argiolus
Polyommatus icarus

Boloria selene
Euphydryas aurinia
Melitaea athalia
Araschnia levana
Aglais io
Polygonia c-album
Vanessa atalanta
Vanessa cardui
Coenonympha pamphilus

Gonepteryx rhamni
Aporia crataegi
Pieris napi
Pieris rapae

Aglia tau

Chlorissa viridata
Thera variata
Parectropis similaria
Plagodis pulveraria
Ematurga atomaria
Pseudopanthera macularia
Lomographa bimaculata
Lomaspilis marginata
Cabera pusaria
Siona lineata

Euclidia glyphica
Spilosoma lubricipeda

Likes: 14

03.06.2013 19:03, AGG

Anthaxia (Melanthaxia) quadripunctata quadripunctata (Linnaeus, 1758)

Vlad, these goldsmiths can be found dofiga at us now on buttercups, dandelions, etc
. Do not worry that you have not collected: there will still be a "wagon" smile.gif

honestly speaking, there is a small "ambush" with this species shuffle.gifif I'm not mistaken, then a few years ago Europeans described a species of vdoynik, it seems Ilya (Mantispid) gave a link to this article here.... they differ in the sculpture of the head and the width of the forehead

This post was edited by AGG-03.06.2013 19: 06
Likes: 2

03.06.2013 22:19, vasiliy-feoktistov

May 31-June 2, Poplar,Voinova Gora.

Leaf beetle with eggs Labidostomis tridentata (Linnaeus, 1758)
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03.06.2013 22:47, AGG

Egg-eating leaf beetle Labidostomis tridentata (Linnaeus, 1758)

I wouldn't be so sure, especially without the male's genitals wink.gif(a depressing situation, so now I'm "pulling" everyone to find differences in females by spermothecae, so as not to "depend on males", which are usually given in the defining tables) let's focus on the genus smile.gifrecently caught such a bug on a birch tree, and when "pulled"afigel! about the color of prsp and spots on the shoulders - forget it umnik.gif

ps Gennadich cool scoops beer.gif

This post was edited by AGG-03.06.2013 22: 58
Likes: 1

04.06.2013 3:24, vasiliy-feoktistov

I wouldn't be so sure, especially without the male's genitals wink.gif(a depressing situation, so now I'm "pulling" everyone to find differences in females by spermothecae, so as not to "depend on males", which are usually given in the defining tables) let's focus on the genus smile.gifrecently caught such a bug on a birch tree, and when "pulled"afigel! about the color of prsp and spots on the shoulders - forget it umnik.gif

I didn't catch others east of Moscow (don't forget about the region). And even more so, the appearance is very characteristic of him and the size is most likely about 1 cm. That is why I am so sure.
P. S. I do not see the shoulder spot on the outer edge of the elytra, unlike the smaller L. longimana, in which it is very pronounced and which I came across only on the border with the Ryazan region (Alpatievo).
Now there is no time to argue so-as the next departure to the Vladimir region is planned. (in the evening, most likely, the report will be), but I still put it on tridentata.

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 04.06.2013 04: 30

04.06.2013 17:28, Andrey Ponomarev

I didn't catch others east of Moscow (don't forget about the region). And even more so, the appearance is very characteristic of him and the size is most likely about 1 cm. That is why I am so sure.
P. S. I do not see the shoulder spot on the outer edge of the elytra, unlike the smaller L. longimana, in which it is very pronounced and which I came across only on the border with the Ryazan region (Alpatievo).
Now there is no time to argue so-as the next departure to the Vladimir region is planned. (in the evening, most likely, the report will be), but I still put it on tridentata.

The size is 1cm and there is yes.gif

04.06.2013 17:44, vasiliy-feoktistov

The size is 1cm. and there is yes.gif

He is (bold dot)smile.gif. Uff.... Current arrived: it is necessary to prepare a report.....

05.06.2013 20:33, Vlad Proklov

We went with Gennady to Zhukovo:

Likes: 11

05.06.2013 23:05, алекс 2611

I wouldn't be so sure, especially without the male's genitals wink.gif(a depressing situation, so now I'm "pulling" everyone to find differences in females by spermothecae, so as not to "depend on males", which are usually given in the defining tables) let's focus on the genus smile.gifrecently caught such a bug on a birch tree, and when "pulled"afigel! about the color of prsp and spots on the shoulders - forget it umnik.gif

I agree with Vasily. Both here and in the Moscow region, the choice is small.
And who are you awesome on the birch caught?

06.06.2013 2:47, Dmitry Vlasov

I agree with Vasily. Both here and in the Moscow region, the choice is small.
And who are you awesome on the birch caught?

Just to deal with this "small choice". For example, in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, there are large labidostomis (those copies that A. O. B. watched). turned out to be L. lepida

06.06.2013 9:04, алекс 2611

Just to deal with this "small choice". For example, in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, there are large labidostomis (those copies that A. O. B. watched). it turned out to be L. lepida

So you also have L. lepida? Interesting. Thanks for the information.
We have (according to Romantsov) only tridentata and longimana

This post was edited by alex 2611-06.06.2013 09: 06

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