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Central, South and East Asia outside the former USSR

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18.01.2011 18:43, lerth

Wild mash is simple!

Nah, that's really cool! Then it is all brought in a divine form, mounted and works for many winters...
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19.01.2011 4:09, Виктор Синяев

So ... winter... It's boring...
Pour it out... Four in the morning, only...

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19.01.2011 18:34, Yakovlev

Mosolov's catch, Dec2010, 50 years old, growing moon.
chopped small things, but there are also large ones in packages.
Sev.Thailand, a state bordering Burma.

Cocoonworms, limacodids, bombicides, cossids, hawkmothers can be defined

19.01.2011 18:37, Konung

Cocoonworms, limacodids, bombicides, cossids, hawk moth can be identified

scoop is also possible

19.01.2011 18:39, swerig

you can also use a dustpan

daytime users can also be identified.
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19.01.2011 21:01, Yakovlev

You can determine everything, the question is-is it correct? In the scoops released by V. Kononenko under the auspices of Pinratana, there are quite a lot of indeterminate species. Isn't it? I don't remember who wrote the diaries, but somehow they don't often look at the types there. Thailand, especially sevenyi, is a very complex territory with a huge number of new species. One of the centers of biodiversity for many groups of butterflies.
Although of course, apparently on the daily 90 percent can be raised. Hardly in scoops. I think if you totally catch in different parts of Thailand-there will be about 50 percent of species that do not have a name (at least in the qualifiers). This may not be the case, but it's unlikely. Vladimir Konenko generally took the liberty of releasing the first guides on the scoops of Indochina. This is a huge step. But full reports are very far away. The group is huge. Its biodiversity in Indochina is nightmarish... Hundreds of new species, a huge layer of routine work...

This post was edited by Yakovlev - 19.01.2011 21: 03

20.01.2011 6:47, Konung

You can determine everything, the question is-is it correct? In the scoops released by V. Kononenko under the auspices of Pinratana, there are quite a lot of indeterminate species. Isn't it?

I do not argue, but most of the bright types are easily identified. It is clear that among all the dullness there may be difficulties, but nothing is impossible! smile.gif

20.01.2011 10:25, Bad Den

* slaps her knee in frustration*
From zhezh! How I felt that everyone in Thailand should catch a scoop!

04.05.2011 22:30, Виктор Синяев

Let's go ... for the Butterflies!
Congratulations on the upcoming season! Welcome finds!!!
Pour it! We have Nolito...

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12.07.2011 18:52, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

My last trip to Vietnam (May-June 2011). I take this opportunity to thank the management of the Russian-Vietnamese Tropical Center, which supported our project, and all our colleagues in the field!
Buzyamap National Park, border with Cambodia.

Photographed at the time of camping, a winged termite (Termitidae, Macrotermitinae).
picture: IMGP0931.JPG

forest road in the nature reserve
picture: IMGP0941.JPG

Our camp. Living under an awning. It was very unpleasant during thunderstorms.
picture: IMGP0948.JPG

lunch, also known as dinner
picture: IMGP0934.JPG

forest trail, pay attention to a large amount of litter-by the end of the wet season, it is almost gone
picture: IMGP0952.JPG

termites on a tree trunk (Hospitalitermes sp.)
picture: IMGP0954.JPG

the same termites
picture: IMGP0955.JPG

dipterocarp fruit, dipterocarp is a genus of dominant trees
picture: IMGP0957.JPG

since I am a "wrong" entomologist, I do not have a stain in my hands, but a jar of alcohol
picture: IMGP0962.JPG

the forest looks like a mosaic of dark areas and brightly lit glades
picture: IMGP0964.JPG

picture: IMGP0965.JPG

syroezhki, very close to our own
picture: IMGP0967.JPG

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16.07.2011 18:48, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

Continuation of photos from Vietnam. Buzyamap National Park.

A small river. As I have already written, to my great surprise, by the second half of May, the wet season has not really started yet. At the height of the wet season, the river becomes impassable.

The river has a forest with developed undergrowth.

Fancy caterpillar.

The landscape is almost our forest. Clearings along the river are secondary-first there were clearings, then they were overgrown with bamboo, and then the bamboo died and burned out. The result is a stunning "orchid fields".


Vegetation in the clearing, everything is covered with abundant fall.

Individual giant trees.

Opinions are divided: either it's a parasite, something like broomrape, or an ephemeral plant whose foliage and flowers develop at different times.

Across the river is a primary dipterocarp forest, considered a climax community.

Again termites Hospitalitermes sp.

And this is the view from the hill, about 5 km from Cambodia.
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30.07.2011 7:36, Yakovlev

So the summer passed
90 days in the field. 6 countries
returned from friendly Kazakhstan yesterday. Reports on Mongolia and Kazakhstan are somewhat later.
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01.08.2011 22:41, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

I continue my report on Vietnam.

Usually, bambuchatniki are considered to be confined to disturbed forest areas. But they are also found in the forest.

Digging for termites.

Under the cover of the forest.

The leech is on the substrate and already on me.

Lagerstroemia sp. - a large tree with constantly falling bark, perhaps this is an adaptation against epiphytes.


A large nutcracker. It's funny, but the Vietnamese believe that the tincture on these beetles has a miraculous effect on potency.

Such a guest came to our camp.

We fed him wild mangoes.


Our camp is in good weather.

View from the mountain: the first row of hills is still Vietnam, and then-Cambodia.

Fishing with a lantern at night. This is the only way to collect most of my objects.

The scorpion hole. In the dark, scorpions sit half-out of their burrows and wait for prey. Unfortunately, they can see well and hide quickly when illuminated by a flashlight (the arrow shows a claw).

Predatory grasshoppers (Conocephalinae, Agraeciini).

Cockroach Allacta sp.

Large ptitseyad. Also afraid of the light, and does not like to be photographed.

Day. Down by the river.

Globitermes sulphureus termite garden.

Termite swarming (Macrotermitinae gen. sp.)
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07.08.2011 11:58, Evgenich

This year I visited southern China. For forty days from May to early July, my friends and I walked in the mountains of Yunnan Province near the border of China with Laos and Vietnam. There are mostly low mountains located here. The height of ridges and peaks, as a rule, does not exceed 3.5 km. There is no alpine zone, because the forest grows up to the very peaks, i.e. to heights of 3.5 km, sometimes a little more. This is typical of southern China. We visited several mountain ranges.
I'm not an entomologist and I don't collect insects. Therefore, I limited myself to photos of those organisms that were available to my camera. I post only insects. I shot soapbox, so the quality of some photos leaves much to be desired. Don't kick too hard. smile.gif I would be grateful if you could help me identify the insects.

This post was edited by Evgenich - 07.08.2011 16: 01

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07.08.2011 12:17, vasiliy-feoktistov

36) Cethosia biblis Drury, 1773
7) Heliophorus ila De Nicéville 1896 (some subspecies)

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 07.08.2011 12: 27
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07.08.2011 12:38, Zhuk

2.3 Female Biston suppressaria
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07.08.2011 12:57, Pavel Morozov

N37 - crested Mimopydna ?sikkima (? magna)
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07.08.2011 15:41, Dracus

12 - Mecopoda sp.
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07.08.2011 16:18, Evgenich

10 - Hind wing of the mottled bird-Erasmia sanguiflua

This post was edited by Evgenich - 08/21/2011 18: 36

14.08.2011 16:00, Yakovlev

And the report on the trip to Mongolia in May of this year
is compiled by P. Kosachev (botanist), A. Shalimov (botanist), Vitalya (driver), Artur (my child) and me.
We visited the Gobi-Altai and Kobdo aimags. The success rate is very high - they will be published later and displayed on the site as publications.
Mileage 4,200 km. Estimate of 90 t. p
. photo by P. A. Kosachev.

This post was edited by Yakovlev - 14.08.2011 16: 36

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14.08.2011 16:32, Vlad Proklov

Report on a trip to Tuva in 2009 25.05-15.06.

"Herel around the clock" is 5!!!
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14.08.2011 16:33, Vlad Proklov

And the report on the trip to Mongolia in May of this year
is compiled by P. Kosachev (botanist), A. Shalimov (botanist), Vitalya (driver), Artur (my child) and me.

Did you put a loaf on your belly?
I respect you.

15.10.2011 13:30, SergeyB

Visited Bali (Indonesia) from October 4 to 14 of this year. It was a honeymoon trip, so not a particularly big catch. I used to fish with a net. This is the first time I've been to the tropics. Here. Don't judge me harshly smile.gif
Thanks for your attention!

This post was edited by SergeyB - 10/15/2011 13: 31
Likes: 26

05.11.2011 11:48, scarabaeinae

Please tell me if heliocopris midas lives in southwestern India, in the Goa region.
Sincerely Vladislav

06.11.2011 20:02, Bad Den

Please tell me if heliocopris midas lives in southwestern India, in the Goa region.
Sincerely, Vladislav

This will need to be checked wink.gif

12.11.2011 18:58, Bad Den

In Goa, it is warm and sunny, you can say hot. Daytime butterflies fly, it is difficult to catch them, but it is possible. The local population looks at catching insects benevolently, but it is not recommended to say that they die completely in the stain - this has a bad effect on karma. I found that beetles more or less decently fly to the light in one place, today I collected several ground beetles of Siagona sp., dung beetles, water lovers and floaters. Tomorrow we will visit there more prepared (this time we took only money and a duty stain). From the moths sucked exhausterom in the hotel a few moths.
I only saw the elephant droppings next to the elephants, I didn't dare approach the elephants - they are very healthy animals, and xs, what is on his mind - he behaves somehow strangely. So the final answer to the question "does heliocopris midas live in southwestern India, in the Goa region" can not yet be given.

This post was edited by Bad Den - 11/12/2011 20: 29
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12.11.2011 19:47, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

What's the current season? Is it raining?

Be careful with elephants, the beast is really unpredictable. Because of these cattle, we were not allowed to work in the most interesting place at night in Vietnam.

12.11.2011 20:03, Bad Den

Now it's dry. +33 to +40

12.11.2011 20:18, swerig

In Goa, it is warm and sunny, you can say hot. Daytime butterflies fly, it is difficult to catch them, but it is possible. The local population looks at catching insects benevolently, but it is not recommended to say that they die completely in the stain - this has a bad effect on karma. I found that beetles more or less decently fly to the light in one place, today I collected several ground beetles Siagons sp., dung beetles, water lovers and floaters. Tomorrow we will visit there more prepared (this time we took only money and a duty stain). From the moths sucked exhausterom in the hotel a few moths.
I only saw the elephant droppings next to the elephants, I didn't dare approach the elephants - they are very healthy animals, and xs, what is on his mind - he behaves somehow strangely. So the final answer to the question "does heliocopris midas live in southwestern India, in the Goa region" can not yet be given.

Catch butterflies closer to the beach (see the bushes 200 meters from the sea) or go to the Ghats. For port wine with papaya, ground beetles go right on the hotel balcony
. Tell the locals what's for the photo!!!!

This post was edited by swerig - 12.11.2011 20: 19
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22.11.2011 22:53, Bad Den

A short report on a trip to Goa (India)
We went with my wife, were there from 10 to 17 November this year. We stayed in a hotel «Resort Rio».
Initially, we planned to go to Thailand, Koh Samui or Phuket. But shortly before the planned departure, Bangkok began to flood and there were panic fears among relatives that everything would be washed away with all the islands. Therefore, we urgently had to change our plans.
My wife wanted to see the ocean, and I, if possible, to catch six-legged animals, well, so as not to be expensive. The Caribbean islands fell away because of the high cost, Sri Lanka-because of strict prohibitions on fishing for anything. The remaining option is Goa. I started reading about this place on the Internet. Some write: GOA (just like that, through caps) is paradise, on other sites – about all sorts of horrors and what the main thing is that things are not lost. Special thanks to swerig for his help in finding a tour and many practical tips about the local environment.
After landing at Dabolim Airport and passing through all the entry formalities, we drove to the hotel. Along the way, I looked out for dragonflies and butterflies flying over the road, read signs with poems on road signs (there were funny ones, such as" Drive carefully, there is no spare life "or"Don't drive like hell, put on a helmet"). I counted about a dozen species of butterflies, then lost my way. Having checked into the hotel, we realized that today "they won't let us eat here", so we moved to the nearest beach (Baga Beach) in search of a catering establishment and look around. The lawns on the hotel grounds were regularly watered and in this regard, life there was full of life-butterflies flew, bedbugs crawled. With difficulty restraining himself, he did not snatch the net and start fishing right from the main entrance, but limited himself to photographing.
It was dark when we returned from the beach, so it was possible to assess the intensity of summer in the light. Street lamps (outside of populated areas, on non-main roads and just paths), very rare, were long fluorescent lamps that illuminated a small area and apparently with a low level of radiation in the UV range, since there were very few insects hovering around them, even butterflies (including microbes) were practically absent.
The main preparations for the light were made in a cafe on the outskirts of Baga, where even some beetles flew. Moreover, the bulk of insects arriving at the light are all sorts of cicadas and small bedbugs.
During the "excursion" (in quotation marks, just took a taxi and went there-for economic reasons) to the spice plantation in the vicinity of Ponda, it was suggested to ride an elephant + take an elephant trunk shower. The elephant, which turned out to be a male in a very excited state, stood next to his litter and did not inspire confidence. Therefore, I examined the litter from afar, nothing large was crawling on it, and I decided not to go any closer (this is to the question of Heliocopris).
My wife and I chose to visit Arambol Beach (about 23 km from the hotel), we got there on a rented scooter, so the main fees are made on this beach.
The locals either didn't pay attention to the fact that I was swinging the net through the bushes, or they were interested in whether this net was used for fishing. In the aforementioned cafe, they asked if the insects I put in a closed plastic container would die. On the last day, one couple from Russia, after watching me, made a verdict – this is how they collect "pollen" (I mowed the bushes on the path to the Arambolskaya landmark-Banyan tree, under which a local authoritative Rastafarian meditates in clouds of hemp smoke, and then teaches wisdom to everyone who came to him).

List of collection points: http://g.co/maps/ukq8b
Next, photos of mattresses (all of them) well, just a photo (if someone can tell me more specific names of "sea reptiles", I will be grateful smile.gif):

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22.11.2011 23:29, swerig

Isn't that the elephant???

P1010051.JPG — (1.48 mb)

23.11.2011 0:05, Bad Den

Isn't that the elephant???

No, the one with normal tusks was

What kind of butterflies did I take a picture of, by the way?

This post was edited by Bad Den - 11/23/2011 00: 07

23.11.2011 0:17, swerig

201.JPG Danaus chrysippus____433.jpg
in my opinion Eurema hecabe____446.jpg
Junonia atlites
____1120.jpg Zizula hylax female
____1134.jpg Catopsilia pomona____1138.jpg
hard to see, but judging by the tails of Jamides celeno or Lampides boeticus
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23.11.2011 0:19, swerig

123.JPG -APPARENTLY KINGFISHER lol.gif lol.gif

23.11.2011 0:39, Bad Den

123.JPG " probably Kingfisher lol.gif  lol.gif

yes.gif The glass is half full!!!

23.11.2011 12:02, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

Shells No. 258 - Conidae / Olividae. In conchology, I'm a big fan, especially since it looks like the individuals are juvenile.
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13.12.2011 21:15, barko

A short report on a trip to Goa (India)
Next, photos of mattresses (all of them) well, just a photo (if someone can tell me more specific names of "sea reptiles", I will be grateful smile.gif):
artificial dustpan on the mattress - Eublemma anachoresis

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20.02.2012 13:06, swerig

Cambodia 2012

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20.02.2012 14:07, Bad Den

Cambodia 2012

Did I ask you about the beetles?"

20.02.2012 14:08, swerig

I've only seen it this way.

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