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18.01.2014 17:46, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #26774

Meant both photos featured the same specimen.

17.01.2014 23:51, Bad Den: comment on Collecting data on where and what butterfly species are protected

вопрос остается прежним - как часто Вы будите обновлять соответствующие страницы? (ВНИИ ОП, за несколько лет, смог с генерировать книжку по состоянию на 2004 тока в 2008-м)  гребанные бюрократы!Вопрос мотивации

17.01.2014 17:26, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Fix bugs in the catalog and on pages species

Now everything is normal. Thank you!

16.01.2014 21:06, Andrey Ponomarev: comment on photo #15243

Yep, :-))

15.01.2014 20:07, Shamil Murtazin: comment on Collection of data, where some species are protected (Red Book, etc.)

Yes, sites of red books and electronic versions from different sources ... Interested in more adequate and the inclusion of species in the book. Most often it is just a very bright, beautiful butterflies. As swallowtail or birch moth in Bashkortostan.

15.01.2014 20:05, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #24743

He likes macro as well =)

14.01.2014 20:24, rpanin: comment on Brachinini Bonelli, 1810

Старая тема почему-то исчезла. Пришлось создать новую.Aptinus (Aptinus) acutangulus Chaudoir, 1876 13 ммSW-Montenegro, Dinaric Alps, Herceg Novi, Vrbanje, Mt Orjen h=1800m, 13-19.VII.2012, Manfred Egger leg. Картинки:Aptinus__Aptinus__acutangulus_Chaudoir__1876.13_mm.jpg — (167.46к)   

14.01.2014 19:21, rpanin: comment on Subtribe Molopina Bonelli, 1810 (Abax,Molops, Percus, etc.) Carabidae

Molops (Tanytrix) ?marginepunctatus Dejean, 1831.самка, 22mmNE-Italy, Vicenza prov., Lumignano env., Berici Hills, 11.IV-21.IX.2013, Manfred Egger leg.Сообщение было отредактировано rpanin - 14.01.2014 19:21 Картинки:Molops__Tanytrix__marginepunctatus_Dejean__1831.22mm.jpg — (297.16к)   

14.01.2014 14:06, Zoran Bozovic: comment on photo #26742

To Mr. Александр Жаков, intention is to show position of eggs, for those who can not see them!

13.01.2014 21:45, Zoran Bozovic: comment on photo #26708

Thank You!

13.01.2014 21:44, Zoran Bozovic: comment on photo #26706

Thank You!

13.01.2014 21:42, Zoran Bozovic: comment on photo #26699

Thank You!

13.01.2014 20:00, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #22942

Thanks to all who replied... Just can't tell the difference, that's it.

13.01.2014 16:21, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Changing of the image status

Peter, let me quote George: "Yuri Semeykin, 01/12/2014 13:32 Hello, Peter! A couple of times I tried to download Minois dryas, but failed. This I have a glitch or website? And yet for the title. This site Minois dryas there, but it is not in the Far East and determinants Korshunova. Maybe now the butterfly on the other.I called? "So I'm trying to prove that now validly Minois dryas I do not ...

13.01.2014 8:11, Shamil Murtazin: comment on Request for functionality in the "Edit old"

thanks a lot :) signed photo collection ....

12.01.2014 23:05, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #26736

Igor, only pics identified by other users get confirmed, or when you first upload a picture with a status "tentatively identified" and then have to move it to "confidently identified".

12.01.2014 20:49, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #7970

More sureness, please? :)

11.01.2014 22:20, Black Coleopter: comment on Information plates on entomological boxes

Семейство, род и др. таксоны гравировкой на металической пластне (напр. латунь), на мой взгяд смотрится благородно.

11.01.2014 17:48, Ele-W: comment on Butterfly Park & Insect Kingdom, Sentosa. Singapore

Здесь я бы тоже каждое крылышко зафиксировала бы, но свет ужасен. И вспышка не спасает.

11.01.2014 17:48, Ele-W: comment on Butterfly Park & Insect Kingdom, Sentosa. Singapore

Последний кадр.

11.01.2014 9:14, Artem Branshteyn: comment on photo #12238

Collected in Nizhny Novgorod region.

10.01.2014 23:22, Peter Khramov: comment on Comments to supraspecific taxa

Well, since I went to a booze, then you can leave the comments now not only to the species (and subspecies, and other types of morphs in the pages), but also to any supra-species taxa up to superfamily inclusive. Comments write pages to appropriate taxa, and you can even watch them in one section of the Community.

10.01.2014 22:57, Peter Khramov: comment on The ability to translate your comments into English

Now for the comments to fotam, types and themes of the Community there is an additional window - the translation into English. If you are nice to know the language and you want the English version of your commentary was just your unique or if you have time for that little alleviate the hard life of our interpreter - this box is for you.If you have used tags in your text (insert pictures, changed ...

10.01.2014 21:35, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #21668

Scopula geometrid, no chance to ID this properly as it's quite worn-out. :(

10.01.2014 18:00, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #3650

The uncertainty of the ID is connected with that the region is quite distant and there can be similar local species as well.

10.01.2014 17:45, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #3323

The uncertainty of the ID is connected with that the region is quite distant and there can be similar local species as well.

10.01.2014 15:43, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #17788

Not sure if I guessed the year right. Thanks. :)

10.01.2014 0:46, Peter Khramov: comment on Zoran from Serbia: wrong identifications

Doubles who found removed. If someone else will find that this - write in the comments to fotam also cleaned up. Zoran, okay, well, we're all to understand.

10.01.2014 0:44, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #20255

Photo moved, double deleted.

10.01.2014 0:25, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #13576

Basil Sergienko is also for Idaea serpentata.

09.01.2014 23:47, Wild Yuri: comment on Propagate the stag beetle

Они с ужасом бежали оттуда. Им нужны трухлявые большие дубы. Верю, что они их нашли.

09.01.2014 22:09, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #26729


09.01.2014 21:03, Igor Sakhno: comment on photo #25496


09.01.2014 20:53, Zoran Bozovic: comment on photo #25998

Thank You!

09.01.2014 20:49, Zoran Bozovic: comment on photo #25915

Moderator is O.K., i made mistake by copy/paste name. I appologize for this. Brain kaput!

09.01.2014 13:33, Peter Khramov: comment on Anticlea derivata

Thank corrected.

09.01.2014 13:33, Peter Khramov: comment on Acasis viretata

Thanks for the tip, changed.

09.01.2014 1:18, Eddy Verfaillie: comment on photo #9836

Both comae as griseata are present in Estonia. As far as I know, only genital examination can give a certain determination.

08.01.2014 16:50, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Bombyx huttoni

I think it is necessary to remove all comments from this page. And it creates a separate subject devoted to issues zoonomenklatury, classification, etc., etc. The page type is somehow not quite good this discussion looks.

08.01.2014 16:07, Peter Khramov: comment on Bombyx mandarina

Ugums, corrected.

08.01.2014 0:58, Peter Khramov: comment on And that's why in such a situation not hochut play videos?

Well no. With standard subtitles all the rules. But when the movie subtitle is not complete, but there are some thread somewhere in the vast web, then they can be out of sync. If you absolutely do not sync, pause, and so different - Then it is all right, God bless him. But often the situation when during the whole movie the subtitles are lagging behind, say, for a couple of seconds.Usually it is ...

07.01.2014 20:19, AGG: comment on Difficult Agrilus

  Жаль только, что далеко не столь свежие ревизии по Aphthona и Longitarsus никто никуда в открытую не выкладывает...а они есть? дай ссылку на название, а там может и нароем

07.01.2014 17:43, Svetlana Shchavelina: comment on photo #23541

Hidari irava?

07.01.2014 14:46, Zoran Bozovic: comment on photo #25952

Thank You!!!

07.01.2014 14:42, Zoran Bozovic: comment on photo #26060

Yes, sorry, 66 years, brain chocked!

07.01.2014 14:11, Zoran Bozovic: comment on photo #26097

Thank You, Sir.

07.01.2014 11:03, AGG: comment on Arctiidae and some other butterflies of Ecuador

я точно рехнусь с этими бабочками. вроде, всё отсортировал, но пока вчера фотографировал ещё 3! вида обнаружил 36 ? Eupseudosoma ? aberrans37 ? Eupseudosoma sp может просто самка того же вида Сообщение было отредактировано AGG - 07.01.2014 11:31

07.01.2014 2:58, Peter Khramov: comment on Dysphania ares

Thanks for the tip, fixed.

07.01.2014 2:57, Peter Khramov: comment on Itame chinensis

Thank corrected.

07.01.2014 2:56, Peter Khramov: comment on Asovia maeoticaria

Thanks, fixed.

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Insecta.pro: international entomological community. Terms of use and publishing policy.

Project editor in chief and administrator: Peter Khramov.

Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

Thanks to all authors, who publish materials on the website.

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