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Do you want a paw or a mustache? Works, perfection itself! The fair was held and if it is not a secret how much such a work of art costs, it is not the desire of the seller, but the price for which the work was sold. I once again express my admiration!
Corrected data. Aplocera / Confidently identified / Shamil Murtazin → Aplocera plagiata / Tentatively identified / Irina Nikulina.
Understood, Sasha, thank you! I'm sure I can't figure it out on my own) And xanthodippe is also in Blue (resp. and on our website) available for Primorye, so the choice is great)
The leaf is intact, the caterpillar could get onto it from any plant. Forage plant is under big question.
Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Confidently identified / Imago / Robot → Archips dichotomus / Tentatively identified / Female / Irina Nikulina.
Finally, in addition to the drawing and description, we managed to find good images of Archips dichotomusin the RDV Insect Identification Guide (vol.5, part 3, p. 136). The image of the female appeared on the Lepiforum, самца (паратип) – нашла здесь ...
And that's how I write my nickname, if it's not decoded. My conscience is clear, I wrote who defined it)
Yes, the differences here are clear and striking. Thanks!And special thanks for the hint regarding the size, indeed, having a different-sex pair of the same species in front of your eyes, it is easy to compare it with the defined instance! (The same "German" and "Austrian" difference in wingspan-1cm!)
Corrected data. Cerambycidae / Imago / Jack Sammerbey → Stenurella melanura / Female / Boris Georgi.
with dragonflies also-as quickly as possible to remove the insides and dry and in 90% of the color-although less bright - but preserved without blackening., at least the watchers were very beautiful with a blue belly-put in the collection of reference university.
great ad samples [attachmentid()=271425]Similarly, I was struck by the subject of the ad. Interesting leisure time for entomologists)) I have nothing to do with the site administration. It's a pity that the site isn't actively developing, as the library is very good.
Third, some authors interpret the name aeolus Wyatt as a homonym of aeolus Fruhstorfer, 1917, but this is not the case. The names are suggested in different genera.
[ Нормальный энтомолог вместо того, чтобы полчаса ставить одного жука, зорко следя за тем чтобы нога вниз не ушла или усик не под тем углом отогнулся, должен наукой заниматься. ]Вот честно скажу - аккуратно расправить и ...