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Library of books on applied Entomology

Community and ForumLiterature and websitesLibrary of books on applied Entomology

vadimver, 30.09.2016 14:09

Hello, dear forum participants! I'm making a list of my collection of books on applied (urban) entomology. So far, it is limited to materials on medical disinsection, as well as the Soviet library located here - http://insectalib.ru/books/. Books on general entomology, such as those written by Beibiyenko and Mirzoyan, are not recommended, as they are already available.

If anyone knows interesting books or results of scientific research related to this field, even on related topics (ecology, ethology and biochemistry, parasitology), please advise me, I will be very grateful.

Foreign sources are welcome. As an example, here is the link http://cmr.asm.org/lens/cmr/25/1/164
Here is a large scientific article (114 thousand characters) about bed beetles - their current epidemiological significance and features of the fight. Found it via mendeley.com

If someone wants to participate in the work, we are looking for the author of popular science articles
in the corporate blog on the topic of controlling insects and rodent pests. Preferably, with knowledge of English, in order to search for information in foreign sources and actively use this material for author's articles.


30.09.2016 17:27, AGG

great ad samples beer.gif
Likes: 2

02.10.2016 23:57, Bad Den

Well, advertising on the side and at the bottom of the page is contextual, showing what the user was interested in recently (they are trying to sell me a Nissan, for example). And in the text of the page, yes, the enemies did harm smile.gif

user posted image

03.10.2016 6:36, vadimver

great ad samples beer.gif

Similarly, I was struck by the subject of the ad. Interesting leisure time for entomologists)) I have nothing to do with the site administration. It's a pity that the site isn't actively developing, as the library is very good.

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