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30.12.2018 23:37, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #54502

most likely Minettia lupulina

30.12.2018 23:37, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #54500


30.12.2018 23:35, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #54493


30.12.2018 23:34, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #51162


30.12.2018 23:33, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #51161


30.12.2018 23:32, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #62167

It seems to be Syrphidae

30.12.2018 23:31, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #56279


30.12.2018 23:31, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #54486


30.12.2018 23:31, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #51159


30.12.2018 23:30, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #54487


30.12.2018 23:30, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #56021


30.12.2018 23:30, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #54482


30.12.2018 23:29, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #54485


30.12.2018 23:29, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #54480


30.12.2018 23:28, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #54479


30.12.2018 23:27, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #61893


30.12.2018 23:27, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #67780


30.12.2018 23:26, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #55171


30.12.2018 23:23, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #67916


30.12.2018 23:23, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #67917


30.12.2018 23:23, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #60758

Volucella pellucens

30.12.2018 23:21, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #58883


29.12.2018 22:31, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #73518

Lophopidae, Aluma ocellata det. psyllidhipster (inaturalist.org)

29.12.2018 22:30, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #73519

Lophopidae, Aluma ocellata det. psyllidhipster (inaturalist.org)

29.12.2018 21:15, Andrey Ponomarev: comment on photo #4113

This species is identified correctly.

27.12.2018 13:12, AnnetLepidopterolog: comment on Manduca Sexta - how keep in the house?

You would have corrected some of the text using an online translator.:Still hungry larvae hatching from eggs, these butterflies lay on the leaves. Plant blooms depend on pollen spreaders in order to reproduce. Also the tobacco plant suffers from if pollinators, Read this and you won't fall asleep later. And the advice on cleaning up waste products is, of course, correct. Thank you for paying ...

22.12.2018 11:00, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #15813

Corrected data. Agrochola lota / Vitaly Gumenuk → Actinotia polyodon / Andrey Ponomarev.

22.12.2018 10:59, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #72476

Corrected data. Not identified → Junonia orithya / Confidently identified / Alex Dumchus.

22.12.2018 10:58, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #18041

Corrected data. Selenia lunularia / Tentatively identified / Vitaly Gumenuk → Selenia tetralunaria / Confidently identified / Andrey Ponomarev.

22.12.2018 10:58, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #18043

Corrected data. Selenia lunularia / Vitaly Gumenuk → Selenia tetralunaria / Andrey Ponomarev.

22.12.2018 10:57, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #10806

Corrected data. Agrochola lota → Agrochola macilenta.

19.12.2018 12:26, Nemov: comment on Evolution of insects

In nature, the above-mentioned variants could be implemented almost simultaneously on geological time scales. Moreover, it is almost certain that the insects themselves came to land in different species, in different places, and not at the same time, even on a geological scale. What is 1 million years for the Devonian? It won't show up on the prints, it will be like 1 geomig, and for the ...

18.12.2018 15:04, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #24771

Corrected data. Psoricoptera gibbosella → Psoricoptera speciosella.

18.12.2018 15:04, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #24770

Corrected data. Psoricoptera gibbosella → Psoricoptera speciosella.

18.12.2018 15:03, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #24769

Corrected data. Psoricoptera gibbosella → Psoricoptera speciosella.

18.12.2018 15:03, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #24768

Corrected data. Psoricoptera gibbosella → Psoricoptera speciosella.

18.12.2018 15:03, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #24773

Corrected data. Psoricoptera gibbosella → Psoricoptera speciosella.

18.12.2018 15:03, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #24772

Corrected data. Psoricoptera gibbosella → Psoricoptera speciosella.

16.12.2018 17:37, Andrey Ponomarev: comment on Elachista utonella

It is now called Biselachista utonella (Frey, 1856)

16.12.2018 0:14, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #72487

Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Vladimir Bobow → Mocis annetta / Irina Nikulina.

15.12.2018 21:16, Сава: comment on Hawk Moth Content

Hello!I'm not a professional entomologist, but my daughter and I grew a lot of hawkmoth. The pupa should overwinter in a cool dark place (up to -10 degrees C). For example, put it in a jar (at least 3 liters) on the balcony, between the windows, if such a place is available - something like a barn, etc. It is important to try to observe the humidity regime so that the pupa does not" dry out " ...

14.12.2018 19:21, Andrei Dolgikh: comment on Enotmological pins transportation by plane

What really smehuechki there. When a girl suddenly says "they'll be right with you" and puts your passport in a desk drawer, it's not fucking funny. And when they fit, so finallyIn this case you need to have a second passport

09.12.2018 15:21, Andrei Dolgikh: comment on Insect control. Bark beetle control

As Boris Georgevich Popovichev told me (I liked the expression) - if bark beetles have settled a tree, then it is already a warm corpse. In general, the female lays the uterine passage and lays testicles on the sides of the passage, which gnaw through sinuous passages under the bark. Perhaps there is some kind of mastic to cover the flight holes. In general, it is absolutely necessary if you ...

06.12.2018 11:26, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #72437

Corrected data. Tentatively identified → Confidently identified.

05.12.2018 10:47, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #71643

Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Vera Volkotrub → Cucullia / Alexandr Zhakov.

02.12.2018 3:30, Vernon Antoine Brou Jr.: comment on Sesiidae collecting in Louisiana, USA

Examples of self designed sesiidae pheromone traps. Pictures:TRAPS_1_2_3_Page_3cr.jpg — (560.26к) TRAPS_1_2_3_Page_1cr.jpg — (293.12к) TRAPS_1_2_3_Page_2cr.jpg — (291.87к)

01.12.2018 12:31, ihlindham: comment on Translation of monographs on entomology

I did so, but, unfortunately, I can't find translated monographs of authors from the USSR period

29.11.2018 10:52, Larinus: comment on How to grow a woodcutter beetle larva?

Restore what was before the intervention with a shovel. That is, pour the earth into some container, put the larva in its tunnel in the root, cover it with a second fragment of the root, tie this piece of root tightly with a strip of cloth and put it in the ground. Tighten the container with a tight mesh. Periodically water so that the soil does not dry out.

21.11.2018 11:24, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #70653

Corrected data. → Geometridae.

21.11.2018 10:21, Hardrim: comment on Determination of an insect by the eggs left behind

Thank You

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