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28.06.2018 6:03, KCN: comment on Microseconds. Insects are smaller than infusoria

It can move from cell to cell, as in tardigrades or rotifers. This also happens in nature. They probably have a fat body, as without it. I wonder if there are tracheae? At this size, they also become optional.

26.06.2018 17:53, ТатьянаТол: comment on What bites (microscopic)? We've been living in a house with insecticides for six months

+ Pictures:viber_image.jpg — (46.47 k) 0_02_05_d52195eb8e3ec18e73b6582e7324d48a131f29875ba2b8da308b94ac99a7e5ef_63fcd03f.jpg — (51.62 k)

26.06.2018 9:30, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #70665

Corrected data. Geometridae / Elena Volynets → Eupithecia / Irina Nikulina.

26.06.2018 9:29, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #70666

Corrected data. Notodontidae / Elena Volynets → Furcula bicuspis / Irina Nikulina.

26.06.2018 9:28, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #57187

Corrected data. Opodiphthera / Alex Dumchus → Opodiphthera sciron / Igor Ivannikov.

26.06.2018 9:27, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #57188

Corrected data. Opodiphthera → Opodiphthera sciron.

26.06.2018 9:25, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on Opodiphthera sciron

Corrected data. Neodiphthera sciron (Westwood, 1881) → Opodiphthera sciron (Westwood, 1881).

24.06.2018 15:03, Evgeny Komarov: comment on Scarabaeus acuticollis

Corrected data. Scarabaeus acuticollis Motschulsky, 1849 → Scarabaeus (Scarabaeus) acuticollis Motschulsky, 1849.

24.06.2018 14:55, Evgeny Komarov: comment on Scarabaeus sacer

Corrected data. Scarabaeus sacer Linnaeus, 1758 → Scarabaeus (Scarabaeus) sacer Linnaeus, 1758.

24.06.2018 14:30, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #48499

Corrected data. Scarabaeus typhon → Scarabaeus pius.

24.06.2018 14:15, mihel60: comment on Help who it is and how to deal with them

It's strange - this is the first time I've seen such beetles! Try treating it with a construction antiseptic so that they don't eat up your wooden house or barn?!

22.06.2018 18:49, lazardin: comment on Who is it

Some bug

20.06.2018 16:55, Olga Voronova: comment on photo #70796

This species is identified correctly.

19.06.2018 12:51, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #47201

Corrected data. Chrysolina sanguinolenta → Chrysolina gypsophilae.

16.06.2018 9:37, Gray-Ejik: comment on Pterophoridae-Fingerflies - Plume moths

Amblyptilia punctidactyla (Haworth, 1811) det. Ustyuzhanin P. Ya.Novosibirsk region, Salair Ridge, border of Maslyaninsky and Toguchinsky districts, Suenga River valley. 10.06.2018This post was edited by Gray-Ejik - 16.06.2018 15: 40 Pictures:Amblyptilia_punctidactyla__Haworth_1811_.jpg — (284.51к)

14.06.2018 0:05, meddinov: comment on Bee wolf

Also interested in

13.06.2018 11:52, maxigg: comment on Subgenus Pachystus (Carabus)

Handsome man

13.06.2018 9:43, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #70630

Corrected data. Dixus eremita → Dixus obscurus.

13.06.2018 9:42, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #66006

Corrected data. Dixus eremita → Dixus obscurus.

13.06.2018 9:42, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #66005

Corrected data. Dixus eremita → Dixus obscurus.

13.06.2018 9:42, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #66004

Corrected data. Dixus eremita → Dixus obscurus.

13.06.2018 9:41, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #49527

Corrected data. Dixus eremita → Dixus obscurus.

09.06.2018 21:48, Irek Yusupov: comment on photo #58801

Protophormia terraenovae

09.06.2018 17:06, Михалис: comment on Insect drawings

Sweet-smelling Calosoma sycophanta 13.05.2018Colored ballpoint pens, watercolor pencils. Pictures:Calosoma_sycophanta.jpg — (306.63к)

09.06.2018 16:12, Irek Yusupov: comment on photo #58836

Thyridanthrax sf. fenestratus

06.06.2018 0:15, danshes: comment on Wing nervuration. Software for analysis

Interesting question

05.06.2018 17:14, artmel: comment on Please refer to synonyms

Wow, spic.

04.06.2018 22:02, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #70687

Corrected data. Calathus fuscipes / Imago / Sergeyy Tjabut → Poecilus versicolor / Male / Evgeny Komarov.

04.06.2018 22:01, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #70688

Corrected data. Calathus fuscipes / Imago / Sergeyy Tjabut → Poecilus versicolor / Male / Evgeny Komarov.

04.06.2018 14:40, Margo263: comment on Help me identify it

Skin-eating beetle larva. Thank you.

04.06.2018 10:51, Irek Yusupov: comment on photo #60538

Heptatoma pellucens

04.06.2018 8:43, Irek Yusupov: comment on photo #60414

Villa sp.

03.06.2018 19:40, cengiz bostanci: comment on photo #70673

This species is identified correctly.

03.06.2018 16:24, Irek Yusupov: comment on photo #66874

Sargus cuprarius

03.06.2018 16:15, Irek Yusupov: comment on photo #58445

Hybomitra cf. sexfasciata

03.06.2018 13:57, Vorona: comment on Formalin

I hope you're joking. Where is Murmansk, and where is the World Cup?.. But no matter how true it turns out to be, we have all sorts of things...

02.06.2018 23:20, Irek Yusupov: comment on photo #66593

Lauxania cylindricornis

02.06.2018 23:03, Irek Yusupov: comment on photo #62169

Prosena siberita

01.06.2018 11:46, Dmitrii Musolin: comment on Pieris rapae: we need specimen from Russia

someone has a very wild imagination and a lot of free time )) and I took care of the pollution, and the security of the country, and counted other people's money 3 times ))people responded to this request and sent the material to me. sending it to the United States was quite inexpensive - either 150 rubles, or 200-I don't even remember. it's all very simple.

31.05.2018 21:00, Irek Yusupov: comment on photo #66880

Dolichopus ungulatus

29.05.2018 15:56, Irek Yusupov: comment on photo #58835

Chrysops divaricatus

27.05.2018 17:07, Irek Yusupov: comment on photo #66885

Tabanus bromius

27.05.2018 15:55, Irek Yusupov: comment on photo #66984

Chrysops viduatus

27.05.2018 12:10, Irek Yusupov: comment on photo #60843

Please change it (the possibility of self-editing is blocked).

25.05.2018 23:52, cengiz bostanci: comment on photo #70617

This species is identified correctly.

24.05.2018 16:34, Irek Yusupov: comment on photo #67064

Myoleja lucida

22.05.2018 22:48, Irek Yusupov: comment on photo #67067

Myoleja lucida https://diptera.info/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=84845#post_353810

22.05.2018 22:44, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #70571

So Cucullia inderiensis, then no, only Cucullia boryphora, it is probably too late for them.

22.05.2018 19:11, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #70570

Corrected data. Cucullia inderiensis / Evgeny Komarov → Cucullia boryphora / Basil Sergienko.

22.05.2018 16:01, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #4367

Corrected data. Drasteria flexuosa / Alexandr Zhakov → Drasteria saisani / Eddy Verfaillie.

Next page

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Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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