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22.05.2018 11:57, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #70569

Corrected data. Cucullia inderiensis / Evgeny Komarov → Cucullia boryphora / Basil Sergienko.

22.05.2018 6:08, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #70562

Corrected data. Carabidae / Ivan Tislenko → Anisodactylus binotatus / Evgeny Komarov.

21.05.2018 8:51, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #70545

The first male in the collection. Females occasionally come across, but finding a male is generally a huge success. Finally here it is. And I found it right in the city, on my street, on the sidewalk :)

20.05.2018 14:46, ollshepp: comment on German wasps

Interesting instance

20.05.2018 14:26, Evgeny Komarov: comment on Hedyphanes coerulescens

Corrected data. Hedyphanes corulescens (Fischer de Waldheim, 1822) → Hedyphanes coerulescens (Fischer de Waldheim, 1822).

19.05.2018 11:29, Boris Loboda: comment on photo #67415

This species is identified correctly.

19.05.2018 11:29, Boris Loboda: comment on photo #67416

This species is identified correctly.

19.05.2018 7:52, Alexander Belousov: comment on photo #70475

It is the one!

18.05.2018 17:51, Irek Yusupov: comment on photo #67373

Solieria sp.

18.05.2018 17:43, Irek Yusupov: comment on photo #70432

Calliphora vicina https://diptera.info/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=84749#post_353492

18.05.2018 14:39, t00m: comment on Where is the best place to look for caterpillars?

Has anyone looked for L. dumi caterpillars? I'm going to look for them in late May or early June in the afternoon, can anyone give any instructions on how to find them?Once I found it in the evening on a blade of grass. Their goslings grow perfectly on a dandelion from an egg. there is a problem of pupae not to kill, very picky to humidity

17.05.2018 14:47, Sergei Eremin: comment on Job offer, Moscow region


16.05.2018 14:06, Irek Yusupov: comment on photo #58489

Micropeza corrigiolata

16.05.2018 9:17, Dmitrii Musolin: comment on Halyomorpha halys

Dear colleagues, good afternoon!The shield bug Halyomorpha halys is actively spreading around Sochi, in Abkhazia, Georgia. No one has the opportunity to collect several individuals, put them in alcohol/vodka and send them to St. Petersburg? Not necessarily from Russia. Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other countries are also interesting. You can also use dry material, although it is worse.I am ready to ...

15.05.2018 14:47, Sergei Eremin: comment on An entomologist needed (job offer)


15.05.2018 12:12, Арсений Гоцуляк: comment on Help me identify the bug

By the way, this morning I did a second inspection of apple trees and saw exactly the same beetle, but with a black head. When jumping, it makes a characteristic clicking sound.

12.05.2018 21:29, Albert01: comment on Prussians

We dealt with them by using some kind of poison in a brown syringe

12.05.2018 17:18, Андреас: comment on Who is gnawing on the tree?

Hello. I don't want to start a new topic.A friend of mine from Sochi asks-who eats wooden floors at her old dacha, located 5 km from the sea? So far, all she finds are piles of wood dust spilling from the ceiling to the floor.He thinks about the "bark beetle"; - but the bark beetle, like, - will not eat a shriveled tree for so long? Does he indulge in secondary infection? Around the ...

11.05.2018 19:35, Anatoliy Kuzmin: comment on Tomostethus nigritus


11.05.2018 17:42, Opatrum: comment on Observations in nature: insects. Stavropol Territory

Report No. 7. " Surroundings of Kugulta village "(Stavropol Territory, Grachevsky district; 10.05.18)Quite an interesting trip.The link contains a folder that contains the full report and selected photos.Pay attention to the "comments" to each photo (briefly indicate where it was photographed, and other comments) (file-properties-details).https://yadi.sk/d/PqgqWr633VjCDuIf you have any questions ...

10.05.2018 20:44, Андреас: comment on Expected hatching from the found pupa

It lay open on the ground. - Do you need a photo of the pointed lower end in good resolution?"What kind of saturnia can there be in Bodaibo?"...This post was edited by Andreas - 10.05.2018 20: 45

10.05.2018 12:15, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #70454

Corrected data. Imago → Female.

07.05.2018 0:25, НадяД: comment on Please help me!

Thank you very much!

03.05.2018 8:33, goltsevan: comment on Help me determine it. What kind of insects?

thank you so much for your clarification.

01.05.2018 13:48, Vladimir Deryabin: comment on photo #70436

This species is identified correctly.

30.04.2018 22:11, Irek Yusupov: comment on photo #65189

Orthotylus sp.

26.04.2018 9:20, Jim: comment on An opportunity from Khabarovsk to Novosibirsk

Dear colleagues! Maybe one of you is flying from Khabarovsk to Novosibirsk from May 10 to 15? I really need to send a parcel with live samples.

24.04.2018 10:27, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #70416

Corrected data. Not identified → Limenitis camilla / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.

22.04.2018 22:01, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #70410

Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Elena Volynets → Trichopteryx ustata / Irina Nikulina.

22.04.2018 22:00, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #70409

Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Elena Volynets → Trichopteryx ustata / Irina Nikulina.

22.04.2018 19:56, Irek Yusupov: comment on photo #65214

There is an opinion: Phytocoris nowickyi.

20.04.2018 15:49, А.Й.Элез: comment on 13th International Congress of the Entomological Forum and 11th International Entomological Fair

Photo from the congress (remainder). Pictures:IMG_0858.JPG — (3.8мб) IMG_0868.JPG — (3.46мб) IMG_0871.JPG — (3.46 mb) IMG_0867.JPG — (3мб) IMG_0866.JPG — (3.55мб) IMG_0865.JPG — (3.32мб) IMG_0863.JPG — (3.55мб) IMG_0862.JPG — (3.24мб) IMG_0859.JPG — (3.71мб)

16.04.2018 9:17, Ольга Титова: comment on Depressariidae

Sakhalin23.10.2017 and 09.04.2018.Agonopterix intersecta (Filipjev, 1929) [Depressaria] (Depressaria roseocaudellaStringer, 1930; Cerostoma aino Matsumura, 1931). Gus. on Ligularia, Adenocaulon, Petasites, Senecio, Syneilesis and other Asteraceae. Russia: Yu-Sah., N-Amur., Wed-Amur., Yu-Kur., Approx. - Japan, With Mongolia.From the Annotated catalog of insects of the Far Eastern Federal District ...

14.04.2018 18:25, Evgeny Komarov: comment on Calomera littoralis

The taxons were merged. Calomera littoralis and Calomera lunulata were merged.

14.04.2018 9:30, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #65926

Corrected data. Cicindela restricta / Vasiliy Feoktistov → Cicindela gemmata / Evgeny Komarov.

14.04.2018 9:29, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #43693

Corrected data. Cicindela restricta → Cicindela gemmata.

12.04.2018 23:52, ИНО: comment on Collecting insects in batches

Why would a collector need 100,500 copies of a single species, even of the highest quality? Syllogomania combined with excess living space? Or is he still not only and not so much a collector as a merchant? Well, for this category of people, the only possible answer is "Yes, yes, and yes again" - which is clearly stated in the second part of my previous post.

11.04.2018 18:25, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #70317

Corrected data. Apamea remissa → Mesapamea.

10.04.2018 8:58, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #50421

Corrected data. Cephalota elegans → Cephalota deserticola.

10.04.2018 8:57, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #50422

Corrected data. Cephalota elegans → Cephalota deserticola.

09.04.2018 18:58, Peter Khramov: comment on Specials and discussion store Naturaliste


06.04.2018 9:23, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #69593

Corrected data. / → Siona lineata / Alexandr Zhakov.

06.04.2018 9:23, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #69594

Corrected data. / → Siona lineata / Alexandr Zhakov.

05.04.2018 8:01, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #69483

Corrected data. Not identified → Polyommatus thersites / Tentatively identified / Alexandr Zhakov.

05.04.2018 7:53, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on Microbiston lanaria

Corrected data. lanaria (Eversmann, 1852) was removed from the synonyms list

04.04.2018 21:02, Grigory Grigoryev: comment on Oleg Legezin has died

Unexpected sad news ... I wasn't at the fair, but in the morning they called, then Andrey Elez called... I know Oleg Grigoryevich from the time of his residence in Tajikistan, I can't even remember how many years already. He was an interesting, kind, enthusiastic man. My condolences to my family and friends. ...Grigoriev

01.04.2018 12:56, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #69359

Corrected data. Mariya Gornova → Irina Nikulina.

01.04.2018 12:55, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #69358

Corrected data. Mariya Gornova → Irina Nikulina.

31.03.2018 22:40, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #69289

Corrected data. Cymindis lineata / Andrey Ponomarev → Cymindis decora / Evgeny Komarov.

31.03.2018 22:39, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #69288

Corrected data. Cymindis lineata / Andrey Ponomarev → Cymindis decora / Evgeny Komarov.

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Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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