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Andrey, definitely there is sense in uploading pics of larva different ages in case if A) you can; and B) larvae of different ages don't vary only in size.
Dmitry, over the Ukraine - as always, the sources needed in the "add information on the form" it all. And we will continue to formalize or not. Now the data are taken from the Ukraine Fauna Europea. With regard to Russia - it is likely to come from Lampert infa now take away.
Wow, how fast non-illustrated species are now getting illustrations! Will reach 4,000 soon at such a speed.
According to the author itself, the exact date is unknown. The shooting has probably taken place not July 29th but June 25th. Extra photo is deleted.
Question rather than in terminology and searching. Could there be a situation that people of C. pratellus S. whitmerellus will seek or is it very old / buggy version, and it will only confuse people who need C. pratella ...
As a synonym added Agriphila nemorellus, instead Agriphilas nemorellus, because source obvious misprint.
Infu moved here from there. Embodiments meet different names, including and plausible sources. Who has an opinion about the main - write.
Thank you, remove the extra page. Do I understand that the reference to O. Karsholt, J. Razowski (eds.), 1996. buggy and do not have any venatusov in Europe?
No need to delete anything. Tough angle is a tough angle. Ok, where it's all blur in the photo or only half of the wing seen, or an eye and an antenna. Not in this case though.
@Ornithoptera titanoides Sumiyoshi, 1989, Phalaena pavonia Linnaeus, 1758, minor Linnaeus, 1758@ удалены из синонимов
This neighboring species combined. Stay Maculinea ligurica and Maculinea xiaheana. They also transfer to the subgenus Maculinea and, accordingly, to rename P. ligurica and P. xiaheana?
Combined. ZY For a long time some species are not united, because it was necessary to alter the admin interface for this function so as not to wear hand (old outdated, not all data is transferred). Now all I altered now the union will take a little time, but noticeable delay should not be.
I wonder why common names begin with capital letters? Surprise. Also one secondary question, Yury, why so many line breaks?