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As for distinctions between species, there is even a special section to add the info on the species description page, not very popular though, not many fill this out. If it can be designed another way, more handy, please tell me and I'll try to think it over.
As for discussions, so they get risen when someone has something opposite to what's said or something to add to the preceding message. Or ...
Thought the preview of a wing, not leaf.
Vasily, so what's about location, sure ID?
Moved just as photo #20279.
Moved just as photo #20279.
Moved just as photo #20279.
Goes to.
Moved just as photo #20291.
Moved just as photo #20291.
Moved just as photo #20291.
Moved just as photo #20291.
Goes to.
Yury, why not to talk this over on the very species photo page or on the taxon one? The final info may be added to species descriptions what's already enabled as a feature. In case this doesn't seem convenient, what will be better then? Let's consider and I'm ready to make necessary changes.
Thanks, moved.
Moved to "undetermined".
Moved to L. capitella "uncertain".
Any thoughts, to "uncertain" or what?
Goes to "identified successfully".
Thanks for the confirmation, moved.
Andrey, Sciota rhenella has photos of different specimen?
Goes to.
Yury, why not to pose questions from amateurs to pros right now, what does the website lack?
Photo moved. To correct Alexandr's reply: for uncertain IDs there is a special checkbox (Species is identified) "Tentatively" to mark, or if you seriously doubt then just note the ID with a question sign in the "author's comment" field. But this doubt may be different, especially when someone else took part in the ID, from for one...
Nearly two years passed and the moth has already become a citizen.
Guys, thanks for the ID. Photo moved.
Also this: if you can identify no more than genus or any higher taxon, please note that as "author's comment". This kind of taxa will be used later, not now.
Great, moved.
Goes to.
Goes to.
Ok, moved from "undetermined" to E. crepusculata "uncertain".
Alexandr, what about this new one?
Enough for "uncertain"?
Male moved.
Goes to.
Moved, "uncertain".
Goes to.
Goes to.
Goes to.
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