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There is not enough information about the number of species and the number of instances. If I had a large collection, I would sell butterflies caught in Germany on American or Australian forums, where the demand for it will be higher than here. There is a reason to sell by the piece.
Thanks, photo moved to C. lacunana. Will be added to Syricoris genus as the database is updated as usual.
A more adequate analogy: I'll take the usual macro 2.8, set it to infinity, and remove it. Then I'll screw on the rings, focus the lens to the minimum distance, and shoot again. And there, and there everything is OK (except for the cases I described earlier).
So your birmanica was recently described - you can take the description and try to look at the original source.
By the way, I noticed that Google translates texts into English much better than into Russian, so I always use English translation.
If in the pictures it is, then in the Moscow region (MO. Ramensky district, Khripan) it periodically arrives at the light in July. Pictures:15.07.2011___DSC01980.JPG — (310.63к) 22.07.2011___DSC02480.JPG — (290.75к)
Epipsestis stueningi Yoshimoto, 1988China, SichuanEarly autumn alpine species, endemic to Southwestern China. Pictures:Epipsestis_stueningi.JPG — (249.11к)
If anybody needs one (in Saint Petersburg), please, take it out not to get lost. Connect by e-mail ("at" instead of "sharp"). The contact person is Fedosov Y. V.
The color of hind wings can vary much from very light to dark grey, and females are colored even darker. I didn't boil females. leuconota is not a synonym to latesco, just before these moths from Ukraine were named such. Now the puzzling thig is what's actually in Ukraine? latesco and/or trisignata. :)
BUT still, they are not Uganda and not PenguinI want to say that you have gone too far in comparison
I came across it today (maybe "boyan") and almost fell under the table with my head. Take a look . Well, how can this be done? What are the people heading for? And the main thing is called "Collection of insects" Right now, the main thing is to convert them to Our Faith, brethren! They drag out their lives, not knowing the Fire of Grace and Entomological Enlightenment with Tears on their Hands! ...