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Euproctis similis, probably, of the last age (the red pigment is less). But there should be already next generation in junior ages in September, this one seems to be late from the previous brood... Suppose, it's damaged with myco or something (looks unhealthy, faded, with no brushes, in unnatural pose).
You can use it for free, but I'll give it to you for 3000 rubles...Sample images will help you sell it. Unfortunately, such cameras are often (always?)used in the past. They are not equipped with Macintosh software.
I already asked look in the topic Buying-Selling-Exchanging insectson page 21 from post 1033 to 1042 incl. There's a bitof Luck
Heh, well, about the thirst for profit - this will be too fat It's rather just a sense of possessiveness, well, or some other reasons, I do not know, maybe it's a pity that so much money is spent on photo equipment, and all sorts of anonymous photos are posted on their websites. There I have a cheap soap dish, so I probably do not shake over the pictures ))) It is better to spend money on the ...
Tibicen plebejus Scop., 1763Krasnodar Region, B. Utrish settlement, August 2011... and its lino covers (ibid.)Cicadetta montana Scop., 1772Altai Republic, Teletskoye Lake, mouth of the Chiri River, 18.07.2011
CossidaeArmenia,Jermuk,h=2150,22.07.97Pamir,Jelandy,29.07.90 Pictures:2_________________h_2150_22.07.97.JPG — (3.94мб) 6_________________h_2150.JPG — (4.31мб) Cossus________________29.07.90.JPG — (4.18мб)
- gender-specific))(c)3xycRip the honey suitcaseOut of the vintage chest.Eighteen lovely ladiesdied in the drawing room.They came to the churchyardto choose graves.Only the choice was not easy.Everyone is tearfully beautiful.Here is one opened mouth,Glows neon.And the captivating chantPours out like a chime.And the other – the cloudsare torn by the top of the prism.Rest for centuriesAfter the ...
XIV Congress of the RUSSIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETYInformational letter: Petersburg, August 26-September 1, 2012 Abstracts and the registration fee required for their publication will be accepted by the Organizing Committee until March 20, 2012 (the deadline).(inf. letter and in the appendix)This post was edited by Musolin - 01.12.2011 19: 52 ...
A list of diurnal mace species found in the Teberdinsky area of the reserve of the same name for the period 2003-2011 from the beginning of June to the end of August. sem. Hesperiidae 1. Ochlodes sylvanus (Esp, 1778) 2. Hesperia comma ( L., 1758) 3. Thymelicus lineola (O., 1808) 4. Thymelicus sylvestris (Poda, 1761) 5. Carterocephalus palaemon (Pal., 1771) 6. Carcharodus orientalis Rev.,1913 7. ...
And how about modern means of reducing the population of mosquitoes of domestic production, for example, the Electrofrog system is able to reduce the population of bloodsuckers by attracting and destroying females.This Mosquito Killerthe mosquito killer has serious tests on its website It would be interesting to try. Although carbon dioxide was also used as bait in sharper traps, maybe this one, ...
..entomological net-alas, not a perpetual motion machine... the fabric cap of the net in the second year of life simply decays..... if they work, of course, and not blow the dust off it...
so far, no one can say this, because the specialists have not seen it. I can't take a picture through mbs, because I have a photo with 52 holes in it. There is a microscope for micro-preparations, but I don't attach anything to it either. it is necessary to look for either a narmalny mikrik with a photo, or to construct a drawing projector, but with drawing I finally have trouble. and my portable ...
Sell MSP-1 in good condition. 7 thousand rubles.Novosibirsk.This post was edited by Sonya - 26.11.2011 14: 12
Generally, yes. People often wondered exactly MO. But for this infa need centralized. For by region out of the blue, you can take, for example. And Defense to and micro was ... Otkel reliable?
The exhibition "A Life Devoted to Science: Dedicated to the Memory of Dmitry Vladimirovich Obydov, entomologist and researcher" has been extended until December 4, 2011.The exhibition "The Last Expedition", dedicated to D. V. Obydov's trip to the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory and Abkhazia in 2010, also opened in the adjacent exhibition hall. The exhibition presents photographs taken ...
Good evening! The bottom line is this. I know that many people here have perfect expensive photo equipment, so I appeal to anyone who can help:I need photos of weevils and their body parts for my interactive identification of weevils in the Saratov region. Which ones can be viewed in the search engine itself at: want to gradually fill in ...
Barbel-glasshouse It is also encrypted under the cover of bindings, as well as glass cases. We also have 2 genera of such mosses in the Metropolitan Area: Necydalis and Molorchus.
it would be better if you captured the whole gamut of transitions from briony to napi. I once scored 2 boxes from one place-in the north of Nizhny Novgorod region - in one meadow I did so, with all the dope, I collect all transitions (forms) and generations. By the way, I get a certain buzz. Great in small)))))