A small entry on the topic of the seminar and a couple of photos in the blog: https://insecta.pro/ru/community/444437.
1. The main community/forum page loads noticeably faster than the last couple of weeks. We will try to speed it up even more (it still lags behind the loading speed of other site pages). 2. The information on the forum section pages (topic lists) has become clearer — the second duplicate of links has been removed, tonal accents have been shifted. In addition, for each element of the topic ...
[quote=Alexandra P.,26.06.2024 23:44] Здравствуйте!Подскажите, пожалуйста, известны ли кому-либо из Вас достоверные места обитания нижепредставленнЗдравствуйте Alexandra, У меня есть некоторые позиции из вашего списка бабочек Среднего ...
After one of the changes, images in the forum/community topics stopped being reduced correctly. Now the situation is fixed. By default, images are shown in a reduced size (408 pixels), and when you hover mouse pointer over them, they are automatically enlarged to full size.
Topic for discussion in the section of the site dedicated to finding colleagues by geography and by group of insects. There is no section yet, but the topic is already there. The section itself will start working in late October or early November.
The search engine for entomologists (previously announced as "Entomologists in your city") starts working on the site. The system is designed to allow you to search for entomologists and people who are interested in insects (specialists, amateurs, and professionals) - by city/region of residence (find neighbors that you didn't know about, as well as find local specialists in the region where you ...
Corrected data. Gerris insularis (Motschulsky, 1866) → Gerris (Macrogerris) insularis (Motschulsky, 1866) [380].
Andrey, I moved the photos, I can’t put Alexey as the one who identified it (he’s not registered on the website), the only option is to put the info in a comment to the photo in the Editing photos section of your account.
1. Now you can search the site not only by the name of taxa, but also by any text information. Enter the required query in the window at the top right of any page and click "Find". If you are searching for a non-taxon (or if you are searching for a taxon but the search didn't yield any results), enter the query in the search box with Yandex on the search page, and the search will be performed for ...
Corrected data. Not identified / Male → Filatima djakovica / Confidently identified / Female / Friedmar Graf.
In the Community/Forum section, new sections have been introduced — "Literature and Web Resources" with announcements and discussions of literature, as well as websites, and "Offline Events" with announcements of new exhibitions and offline conferences, impressions of past ones, as well as descriptions of permanent exhibitions. The corresponding topics have been moved to these sections. Now ...
Most of the non-English comments and topics are translated to English now. The quality of the translation will not always be perfect, so if you notice something unclear in the text, just ask what the author meant or ask me to correct the translation.
Try contacting Bezborodov https://www.zin.ru/Animalia/Coleoptera/rus/bezborod.htmThank you very much! I am glad to get any advice, any help.
Hello, I'm confused about synonymy. Please tell me, what is the correct name of the Siberian silkworm now? As far as I understood, Dendrolimus superans sibiricus Chetverikov was excluded from its subspecies.Now it is called Dendrolimus superans Butler orDendrolimus sibiricus ChetverikovI would be very grateful for the answer and it would be nice to have a link where to read about it. Thank you in ...
New sections have been introduced and old ones have been adjusted. Insect identification, Colleagues search, Education/Job search/Vacancies, Congratulations and... Obituaries. Unfortunately, the last section already has 59 topics... Many topics have been sent to "Travel and Expeditions", which were previously simply in the general section of the forum. Please read the explanations under the ...