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Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Confidently identified / Vera Volkotrub → Gastropacha clathrata / Tentatively identified / Irina Nikulina.
SaddyDon't take words too close. Gentlemen are trying to convey inf. that we are talking about a banal migratory species that cannot be specially protected, with the exception of complex protection of places where it occurs, at extremely low temperatures its pupae will die (do not overwinter), and wait for the next arrival...)) And local pathos is an integral part of the entomological branch of ...
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Maniola jurtina / Confidently identified / Male / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Imago / Elena Volynets → Calliteara pseudabietis / Male / Irina Nikulina.
It is doubtful that anyone here will answer you at points in Georgia. Personally, I know the closest point - ocd. Maikop (forest near the ring road), on burnt pines, and the weakest and thinnest trees are affected. There is a point for Sowing. Iran, but doubtful, because there are almost no forests at all. What the guidelines for Transcaucasia (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan) are based on, most ...
It looks almost exactly like M. murinus above the post. Among several dozen from the Crimea is unlikely to be found – not found among several thousand from Central Asia I agree with you, mine are all light, those that are larger with a mottled pattern, that are smaller in sandy yellow color.
Hello dear ColleaguesMany species have been added to my exchange listCerambycidae,,Cetoniidae,Buprestidae,Melolonthidae... from Madagascar,Chili,Congo,Tanzanie,Espagne,France...I am always interested in Carabus,Cicindelidae,Calosoma,Dorcadion ( Ibero.,pedest.,eodo.) Cetoniidae,and cacadidae from all country.Do not hesitate to ask me my exchange list.Notice to amateur collectors or beginners, do ...
South Ossetia, Tskhinval region, wasteland, 24,05,2013 Komarov Yu. V. and soon I sent you an email, see your email addressThis post was edited by AGG - 27.08.2018 14: 21
And no one wants to hang out and order some smurdyachok themed from pindos?There is something interesting there, I will order in any way, but you can also distribute the delivery if the people catch up...
Well - defined road wasps are Auplopus carbonarius (Scopoli, 1763) [Pompilidae]. The spider's legs are bitten off after it is paralyzed. It makes individual rounded cells from clay, which it places in suitable ready-made cavities, usually in wood.Spiders are not specially dragged to you, but simply dropped. Often pompils don't return for lost loot.
We are looking for an assistant for spreading and packing insects. Voronezh.More like a part-time job, but orders are quite frequent. Work from home. We will provide you with the necessary equipment. Write to or
The accuracy of determining coordinates using GPS in general and in principle is not a constant value, and even more so in relation to maps. Maximum accuracy is provided by geodesic-class military devices, each of which has its own secure communication channel with satellites with ID codes, carried out on at least 8 subchannels, and receives undistorted data from satellites (at least in the ...
Hello,I wonder what kind of phenomenon (in the photo) we found Satis on the river in the Nizhny Novgorod region. A dead swarm of insects, and there are also dead insects inside the swarm.No one knows why this is so?Maybe the name of the river is still Styx? Then it is quite understandable...
Zhukova's costume consists of two parts: an inner one, made of mesh with large holes, and an outer one, made of fine mesh with cuffs on the sleeves. Similar in description to what is sold under the name "Bodyguard".The one that was written about above, I t. h ..