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We discussed on the phone, why you need to leave. Accordingly, while the reserve. If someone else will be some questions about the removal of his photographs (author asked to leave, and I did not immediately deleted), it is necessary to pronounce these questions (preferably in the phone) when I enumerated the reasons the author will be not enough, then I foty deleted. Iethe last word of a ...
If it would have been solved to the author, that the author had the opportunity to direct disposal. Negotiate the situation with fotami with numbers less than 5,000 and 10,000 for Skype ...
I saw a dragonfly larva, but I didn't take it because I don't know what to feed. do they almost all eat anything smaller than their own size? the larva was small, see poltora
Interesting. Label with the inscription " K. Gemelyan" indicates that the instance belongs to the Gemelyan collection. I don't have exact information about it, but in the ZIN collection there are such labels on at least some beetles from the Caucasus, and the collections are from the end of the 19th century. It can be assumed that the collection was collected in the last quarter of the 19th ...
if there are settlements of tailors, there are definitely Arhopala - you can only bring it out by cutting the nest -you will have to feed everything
Peter is unfolding butterfly, which is shown here: must be linked to the group. I, again, it is impossible to relate in any way (
Add photo underside and the top replaced. Now I put a couple of them and that's enough. Although little here :)
Abdomen, unfortunately, over time, it has lost much color and good that even the wings were green. A green moths expose any chemical treatment, you should not - you can make it worse (
Wings I overlooked :) So there is no other. I exhibited what I consider it necessary to put in the work and do not order :) Now here's the puzzle, another found at: looks like another Amphipoea showed up in the bins. On one of those that exhibited unlike before. Put is in neoprene., To guess where it is better to do :)
Unfortunately, bezetiketochnye ( These butterflies have been given to me as an inheritance, widow of the late, very good friend of mine, and just, a person close to me in spirit: