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P. rapae & P. napi.
Boiled? (Judging by what's seen on this photo I'd stake on athalia, but it's a guesswork anyway...)
This species is identified correctly.
Not semiargus. Rather amandus.
L. tityrus.
O. sylvanus.
This species is identified correctly.
If the same, then yes. :)
IMHO, euphrosyne.
Satyrium pruni.
L. phlaeas.
This species is identified correctly.
Seems to be N. abdominalis (not sure).
L. tityrus.
Ja, ja-ja!
Probably, N. abdominalis.
P. rapae.
Ahlbergia frivaldszkyi.
Igor, would you please be more attentive to labels? Don't mind tityrus in Berminvody, but the 30th of November!
IMHO B. daphne.
Imho, looks rather ilia indeed. Not fully sure though.
P. icarus.
P. icarus.
E. argiades.
E. argiades.
E. argiades. Surely. :)
This is certainly levana (provided that it was shot in Europe). :) There are antennas on its head, what io doesn't have.
What's not exact there... (mechanical voice) There everything is exact! ;)
Probably. Not 100% sure. Let's wait for Zygaena experts' opinions. :)
Not argus. Most probably P. idas. There is idas checked by genitalia nearby this shot location.
This species is identified correctly.
This species is identified correctly.
Don't know for sure.
IMHO C. flocciferus.
C. flocciferus.
O. sylvanus (male).
C. palaemon.
Z. filipendulae.
I met it even at the end of September, in Crimea (rather worn-out), but November, imho, unbelievable.
Igor, would you please say something about this butterfly? Where and who caught it, to what collection and so on.
Even if it was pirithous on the photo, there still would be huge doubts about label, Imho...
Hey, we're not identifying it as "what do we have similar in Europe?" ;)) The label was definitely mistaken.
30th of November??? No way.
Imho, this is not miracle at all, just mistaken labels (sorry to the author...). It's not pirithous. Either not Leptotes.
Yeah, I can see the photo was originally not good. Sorry and sorry once more for such unreasonable harassment. :)
I mean large size. Think, Evgeny is right. This noise "rainbow" around antennas was just so glaring... Even though it's Apatura. ;)
And I'm like a broken record... :) Petr (and Roman), I want to ask if this visual "noise" around antennas was in original shot or as a result of retouching? If last, put this retouching software to the garbage bin...
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