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Positive temperature anomaly

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24.12.2011 0:10, Egorus

Why am I so cold in the Sand this year? Maybe my ancestors from the tropics were in my family...? smile.gif

24.12.2011 0:22, Hierophis

No, well, if the temperature is not good, then of course you can freeze, and there is nothing much to do there, if the Tsr is not higher than +15C and a clear south wind - the sea is cold in the spring, as a result it is very uncomfortable, especially at night, and there are practically no animals, you just need to monitor the weather before the trip, so there were no unpleasant moments. If necessary, I can look at it shortly before a specific date, but now no modeling system and no experience will help me find out exactly what exactly will happen for such a period. smile.gif

Now I looked at the data for this region - at the end of April it was very hot in the desert-Tsr was +15-17C, Tmax +25, Cumin +12,
but in early May it was very cold, the total Tanomaln. it was -6C, Tmax +13 Cumin +1 from 2 to 9 May, in this weather I would not just freeze - I would turn into an ice cube, this is some kind of Arctic)))

24.12.2011 1:06, Egorus

Zametano! I'll remind you closer to the trip. umnik.gif (smile.gif)

25.12.2011 22:03, Hierophis

Along the way, events are now taking place that may not be liked by anyone,but who will like it, but the point is that winter seems to be giving up not only the New Year's Eve week, but also the night before the New Year, and in general at least half of January in almost the entire country, even without any significant resistance. Europe...
In the south of Ukraine, you can probably unpack your backpacks and go on a hike in the new year)))
Sengodnya at night in the Gulf of Finland storm, precipitation of all kinds.. and that's it, "winter won't come" again smile.gif
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26.12.2011 17:51, Nicetas

I was in Finnish a couple of hours ago. wind 12ms, waves up to 3 meters

PC260008.JPG — (3.47 mb)

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26.12.2011 19:50, Hierophis

Yes, there, of course, the power of the elements is felt better than on the riversmile.gif, but now it seems to be subsiding, according to the maps, the strongest storm, up to 20 m / s, was at night.
And we still have winter, consider it +1C only in the north of Nikolaev, and here to the south-there is still ice, but in St. Petersburg it is already +6, in Kiev +3 the heat goes from north to south..

But because of the low sun, it won't warm up much, it's still not very warm for hiking, so in mid-January and if it's sunny and more or less quiet, and approx. +8C, then all sorts of animals come out to warm up, mainly bedbugs, some caterpillars, small ground beetles and dung beetles.
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30.12.2011 17:39, Hierophis

So far, in principle, everything is unchanged, especially it is necessary to note the possible rather strong warming at Christmas, from Friday, in the south of Ukraine it is possible to reach +12C, but the forecasting system connects this warming with heavy rains (so far) so it is unlikely that you will enjoy the spring days at an unscheduled hour smile.gif

01.01.2012 21:34, Hierophis

Winter lovers don't want to see it wink.gif
This picture, although it is a forecast of the main trends in the weather on January 3, illustrates the prospect until the 10th, this is a series of three cyclones that will warm us all Christmas holidays! Moreover, rain in the south can only be from the 8th!
These cyclones will affect the entire territory. east. Europe.
Possible Tmax in the south of Ukraine-up to +12C.
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06.01.2012 20:01, Hierophis

Oh my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is it ?!!! )))))))))))))

The picture shows the forecast of cyclonic activity for January 14 - a beautiful ridge of Atlantic cyclones is located in the north, and to the south there are segments of the Azores anticyclone with warm tropical air that will warm us!!!!!!!

In short - this picture is called - " Let's say there is NO winter until the end of January!!!!"

True, 11-12 will have to suffer frosts, up to-5C in the morning - and then-it's warm again!
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06.01.2012 21:58, Коллекционер


07.01.2012 20:37, Hierophis

I'll save it here, so to speak, for history, in short-who wanted winter-get it!!!
Something really weird has changed in the sky mechanics, and GFS has seen it smile.gif
This is the forecast for January 22, I think you can call this picture like this - " hello, scribe!"))))

And personally, I will add-yes, it will not be!!! ))))) Forecasts for such a period are usually not made, especially such cold ones)))

07.01.2012 21:21, DanMar

Ay-ay! After a lucky streak comes a bad luck streak = (weep.gif redface.gif.

07.01.2012 21:33, Hierophis

Damn Clinton, and most importantly-they give this invasion, in principle, in the mid-climate time frame for such processes-that is, like, a realistic forecast.
This cold will be very difficult to push out of here later - the Atlantic is weakening, and the sun has not yet come into effect, all February and half of March will be a nightmare of Arctic cold, brrrr.
Moreover, judging by the analysis, the "event" will be supported by serious non-security forces - the Siberian AD will come out from the north, from the west - a hybrid of Scandinavian and Azorean - in general, it will be squeezed in a vise and start freezing us all )))

The main thing is at least snow so that it was first and then this permafrost, and it is better that it does not exist at all!!!!!!!!
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09.01.2012 0:08, DanMar

Damn Clinton, subtly =). Bill

09.01.2012 0:34, Hierophis

Heh, this is still from the old TV joke-Damn Clinton )))
By the way, I dare to write that so far there is a clear struggle between the bony forces of frost and the forces of life-giving Heat, and so far in favor of Heat!! But while we will not say "gop", otherwise the gopniks will run together)), and wait for the 10th day, there will already be b. m. it will be clear who is who and how smile.gifmuch

09.01.2012 2:32, DanMar

green.gif I agree, I will eat up! Clint Blinton, Knight De Bill Clinton, yeah. Found =)

10.01.2012 17:59, Hierophis

So far, such news - according to all signs, tin in the form of twenty - thirty degree frosts does not pass to Ukraine!!!! On the 18th, the permafrost reaches exactly north.the eastern border and then returns to where it came from smile.gif
But the whole next week may be frosty, up to-10C Cumin frown.gifAnd snow will be tight, especially in the south.
So far, and then you look-everything will change for the better!!!!

10.01.2012 21:33, Hierophis

Here it is-our spring in winter-this is a sharp turn of events!!!
On January 18 near England - 945 hPa, wind speed up to 110 km / h on water-power and strength!! Sorry, English lords, it may be a little patty, but we will not have "winter"))))))))
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15.01.2012 17:11, DanMar

When will winter recede?

16.01.2012 13:54, Hierophis

Yes bad prospects smile.gif
The Atlantic cyclone predicted for the 18th day is already in orbitsmile.gif, so to speak , but on the 18th it will come out to" combat positions " (although not one, but a range of them), it seems much weaker than it was predicted on January 10, and the Siberian anticyclone at this time will be stronger than ever smile.gif

In general, everything will be decided on the 18th of the day, of course, it will not be possible to push the cold-breathing SIBAC beyond the Urals from the first time, but most likely from 20 to 24 it will get much warmer in Ukraine! But this will be accompanied, especially at the beginning, by snow, blizzards of all sorts, and other garbage, and then rain..
At the same time, not very good events for us should also occur beyond the Urals - the core of cold with T ok-50C from all Oymyakon and Verkhoyansk will descend to Lake Baikal. Lake Baikal and to the west, while SibAc will strengthen and expand and will sub* * * along the way of its air flows all this Oymyakon frozen right in our direction frown.gif

In general, whatever it was - Spring is coming soon! smile.gif After January 20, the sun will come into effect, every 10 days after January 20, its height will increase by three degrees, and the duration of the day by 30 minutes!
So shto... winter is not in vain angry ))))

Filter matyukov of course burns))) Here I was noticed for the word "scribe")) and now, thanks to this filter, some kind of horror has come out at all

This post was edited by Hierophis - 16.01.2012 13: 58
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18.01.2012 14:28, Hierophis

Well this is the 18th day smile.gif
As you can see from the actual map-the fact is slightly different from the forecast, well, not surprisingly, after all, the forecast for 8 days, and a specific, but presumably the most possible, option is taken.

As a result, the expected (by whom as smile.gif) cyclone is located slightly to the north, approx. at 1000 km, and a little weaker, the expected depth was 945 HPa and 960 HPA came out, this is a big difference, all this is not in favor in the fight against wintersmile.gif, there is also no southern cyclone that is on the old map, which should have been in the south of Italy-this is a plus. Approximate boundary of SibAC approximately acc. predicted - this is a minus, and we have all already felt this minus. smile.gif

In general, the borders of SibAC are so strong, and the anticyclone itself is so unyielding (still, up to 7,000 km in length) that this cyclone will struggle to break through and squeeze through, squeezing the borders of the SBAC and destroying itself at the same time, will fall apart into fragments, reassemble into an orderly structure, but still break through close to SIBAC on Monday!!! On the map below, you can see a beautiful confrontation... which should end with the displacement of SibAC 2000 km to the east!!!

Heat will arrive in Ukraine from the 20th and will last in the north until the 26th, and maybe even longer, it will be seen later)

18.01.2012 14:35, Hierophis

This is the very confrontation, its apogee, Monday, January 23.
On the right you can see the Siberian anticyclone, with the letter H in the center, on the left - a cyclone, with the letter T centered almost over Ukraine.
It is very interesting to imagine what kind of power and great forces of nature are concentrated on the border of these two giant vortices!!!!!
As a result, this confrontation lasts for almost a day, after which SibAC sharply "bounces 2000-2500 km to the east by Tuesday evening, freeing the road, the cyclone also almost collapses, but "survives" and continues on the free road to the north-east!!! opening the way for your "fellow human beings".

Surface temperature at the time of the confrontation, which is shown on the map - in the southern sector of the cyclone, that is, over Ukraine, from +1 to +10C, over the SibAC possessions from-15C to-30C.

This post was edited by Hierophis - 18.01.2012 14: 39

20.01.2012 19:53, Hierophis

While it is warm again in the south of Ukraine, the "first snow" that fell this morning is melting...

But predictive systems do not allow fans of early spring and warmth to relax wink.gif
And so, you can half-subscribe to a screenshot of one of the forecast options for February 2.
How to call it, I'd better keep quiet, otherwise again someone will not like it)))

20.01.2012 22:09, DanMar

Something else.? Minus 20???

20.01.2012 22:33, Hierophis

Uh-huh, once again smile.gifSibAC seems to be trying to break out into the European open spaces, but at the same time the Atlantic is already tired, the Mediterranean has cooled down - go to the north. Africa even got through the cold, about our World Cup I don't say anything at all...
So a little bit will give the Atlantic bird a break - it will already be here from the 27th with its "invigorating frosts" smile.gif
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22.01.2012 11:51, Nicetas

There will be no winter!

This post was edited by Nicetas - 22.01.2012 11: 53

22.01.2012 13:26, Hierophis

Nitsche nitsche ... We will soon roast this pet of yours on our own, warm up its icy heart with the growing spring sun, turn it into Azorets wink.gif))))))

27.01.2012 21:57, Hierophis

Numerical predictive systems show, I must say, quite good accuracy. Trends that were noticed 7 days ago remain, and even increase.

The image shows the prev. calculation for February 2. In the picture above - also, only for the 20th day)

The total expected duration of poholadinium is approximately 10 days, taking into account the past two.
In the south of Ukraine, I do not remember this type of frost for my observations, there was a minimum of b-26C in 2006, but one day, and the cold season itself with extreme lows lasted approx. three days.
True, then there was still a big plus - a very large snow cover, but even in this case, the entomofauna, the avifauna was very badly affected.
This cold snap is aggravated by the fact that in addition to the simple dominance of a Siberian-type anticyclone with very warm air at altitude, which would quickly be replaced by warming up in good sun, massive and very extensive cold cores are coming to us from under the Altai Territory...

In the south of Ukraine, the current minimum values are not yet clear to me, there is not enough experience to adequately analyze forecasts in such a situation. I read somewhere that the weather forecasters suggest that the east will reach -35, but this is also OBS, it can be anything, as the process is very dynamic. In principle, it can be anything, it can be so that in the south of Ukraine there will be Cumin not lower than -20, even despite the fact that in the east it can be -30, and it can be so that-zo will be in the south somewhere.
There is a possibility of sea freezing.
If the temperature drops to-10C or lower over the sea, there will be quite a strong sea soaring in the north.

Now interseno of course, what consequences for our nature will bring such processes, since so far we have almost no snow cover... In places where there are norms. snow cover - nothing unusual for nature should happen.

01.02.2012 21:57, DanMar

Yes, the cold really came, so far at least approx. -20 in Kiev.

01.02.2012 22:21, Hierophis

Yes, this is kapets.
Today will be the coldest night in this series of frosts, but the main thing is that these colds are not going to go away in principle. In the best case, something will happen after 10, and so, while after 4 in the south of Ukraine and in the center it will slightly warm up, in the Crimea it may snow a little, but next week in the south there will be solid snowfalls, freezing rain, then again under -30. And in general, I think that now the returns of cold weather will be regular and we will be hammered with cold weather until the end of March frown.gif
Because it is enough to launch such a guide here once - and this is already for a long time..

01.02.2012 22:30, Egorus

I am making a request for a weather forecast for the end of April and beginning of May in Aleshkinskiye Peski.
I'll figure it out myself.
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01.02.2012 22:35, Hierophis

Of course, now anyone will understand - if the sea in the vicinity freezes - then there will be dubak all April )))

01.02.2012 22:51, okoem

Yes, the cold really came, so far at least approx. -20 in Kiev.

In Feodosia now -20. By morning, it will probably be even lower. eek.gif

01.02.2012 22:56, Hierophis

okoem, is the sea frozen over? In theory, you should not?

01.02.2012 23:05, okoem

okoem, is the sea frozen over? In theory, you should not?

Well, it won't freeze that fast.

02.02.2012 0:13, DanMar

Yeah, it won't be winter, but it's still snowing.
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02.02.2012 0:35, Hierophis

HAHAHAHA, too, to me, the great Kyrgyz magician, and justifies himself as the last weather forecaster )))
There will be no winter, there will be no winter )))))))))))))))
And he talks like that, you can see that it's a shame!

That's why they had to look at the American long-term climate model and believe it for more than a month smile.gif

That cat... which is contained in Kyrgyz.. ))) Biorobots ))))) Barack Obama smile.gif
This is the takeaway smile.gif
I believe this is the influence of the Chui Valley.. an abnormal location. There, goovryat, recently even trionyx found! )))))))))

Plus a fresh invigorating forecast from the European progn. models for February 11-so as not to doubt-the sea will freeze, it will not freeze, whether there will be straight wings,or not.. smile.gif
-25 at an altitude of 850, this is up to -35 near the ground smile.gif

This post was edited by Hierophis - 02.02.2012 00: 47

02.02.2012 11:14, Hierophis

Temperature values at 6UTC in Ukraine. Almost all - records for min. T for February, but the truth is like no one took the thirty-year plan.

In Kiev it was -29, in Nikolaev-24, in Donetsk -25, in Kerch -21.5

02.02.2012 13:20, Hierophis

As for the thirty-year-olds, I think I was wrong, there is such data .

Hence, the coldest place in Ukraine was the peninsula of Crimea!!!!!

Semenovka -32
Shchors -31
Boryspil -31
Bila Tserkva -30
Ovruch -30
Belopolye -30
Cherkassy -31 Zolotonosha -31 Chigirin -30 Smela -34
Kamenka -30 Brody -33
Frankovsk -31 Kolomyia -30
Selyatin -31

Belogorsk -30 Klepinino -30 Nizhnegorsk -36

04.02.2012 15:45, DanMar

Today there is a blizzard, so there is a snow cover!
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