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Who is it? Identification of different orders of insects

Community and ForumInsects identificationWho is it? Identification of different orders of insects

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16.05.2013 20:18, Alexandr Zhakov

Today, in a cedar-larch park on a stump, I found this insect with a length of 5 mm. What can it be? Sverdlovsk region, Karpinsk

larva of some reticulatoptero

17.05.2013 8:50, KingSnake

She can't live in Moscow, but this is her direct and harmless relative.

Not dangerous? Yeah! My palm was swollen for a couple of days after this infection bit my finger. True, there was no pain, only swelling and that's all.

This post was edited by KingSnake - 05/17/2013 08: 51

18.05.2013 18:27, Hierophis

Who's that?" smile.gif
The size of a little more than a millimeter, but I somehow did not like the appearance of this bug at once, it is very suspicious, it looks like a tarkan )
I took a picture today in the steppe

user posted image

19.05.2013 2:57, Victor Titov

Who's that?" smile.gif
The size of a little more than a millimeter, but I somehow did not like the appearance of this bug at once, it is very suspicious, it looks like a tarkan )
I took a picture today in the steppe

It seems to me that this is the larva of some erect-winged creature... What's that?" There is one idea, but it seems implausible to me.

19.05.2013 13:00, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

IMHO, more like a cicada? First instar larva (s)? It would be nice to have a PVO look - for the subject of an erect-winged larva.

19.05.2013 18:41, Hierophis

Dmitrich, I doubt that this is the larva of the most erect-winged, large and thickwink.gif, But the cicada is for sure! True, ordinary cicadas do not look like this, this one is absolutely amazing.
True, it moves like an erect wing, the hind legs are thickened and the femoral part is expanded to the base. I'll try to put it in straight wings..
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21.05.2013 15:08, zuk

suddenly, out of nowhere, less than a millimeter in size, some arachnid appeared, most likely a tick:



22.05.2013 23:59, Riin

Good day! Tell me, please, what kind of insect is this?
Region-Pskov region, photo from 22.05.2013
(lost a pair of legs in the process of fishing).
They appeared a couple of years ago.
Dimensions: torso-2 mm in diameter, length-approx. 8 mm (the scale is visible in the match). box), flexible like a worm, black color, transparent wings. They fly smoothly and cluster in large swarms over apple trees (mid-May). By the beginning of June, they disappear, and green caterpillars with a length of 20 mm appear, descending on spider threads. They eat all the leaves and flowers on apple trees. Sometimes they appear on plums, oaks and hawthorns. Then they disappear until the next year.

picture: ___1.JPG

23.05.2013 0:50, Dima DD

Good day! Tell me, please, what kind of insect is this?
Region-Pskov region, photo from 22.05.2013
(lost a pair of legs in the process of fishing).
They appeared a couple of years ago.
Dimensions: torso-2 mm in diameter, length-approx. 8 mm (the scale is visible in the match). box), flexible like a worm, black color, transparent wings. They fly smoothly and cluster in large swarms over apple trees (mid-May). By the beginning of June, they disappear, and green caterpillars with a length of 20 mm appear, descending on spider threads. They eat all the leaves and flowers on apple trees. Sometimes they appear on plums, oaks and hawthorns. Then they disappear until the next year.
It seems that the box contains a female thick-legged mosquito Bibio sp., like this:
They have nothing to do with green caterpillars, because the larvae live only in the soil.

23.05.2013 17:51, comprachicos

Good evening. Please help me determine it. N. Novgorod, May.

1.Chrysopa perla?
picture: DSCF0264.JPG

23.05.2013 19:18, IchMan

Good evening. Please help me determine it. N. Novgorod, May.

1.Chrysopa perla?

Yes, she

This post was edited by IchMan - 05/23/2013 19: 18
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27.05.2013 13:18, lisyaa11

hello, tell me who it is, I found 20 pieces in the bathroom

picture: IMG_0114.jpg
IMG_0114.jpg — (266.1к)

27.05.2013 13:52, Alexandr Zhakov

hello, tell me who it is, I found 20 pieces in the bathroom


27.05.2013 13:58, vasiliy-feoktistov


Yes it's already been done here:
I got confused myself with this puparium.

27.05.2013 14:10, lisyaa11

I apologize for these topics could not figure out how to ask a question in the topic all the time some error was flying out...I deleted the extra stuff like ...
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28.05.2013 9:58, аруд

Good people!
Help me identify the centipede. Orel region, coniferous forest? May.
Thank you in advance.

picture: 67.jpg
67.jpg — (72.87к)

29.05.2013 6:30, AlexEvs

or maybe there is still a photo of a centipede? nothing definite can be said about this one. and please remember the size
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29.05.2013 16:24, аруд

for AlexEvs
Yes, the photo is not of the best quality, the object was in motion all the time, and also the only one. And the size is 40-50 mm. Slightly better photo after the F-shop, but it will not solve the problem.
Thank you.

picture: 67.jpg
67.jpg — (106.63к)

29.05.2013 16:53, Alexandr Zhakov

for AlexEvs
Yes, the photo is not of the best quality, the object was in motion all the time, and also the only one. And the size is 40-50 mm. Slightly better photo after the F-shop, but it will not solve the problem.
Thank you.

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29.05.2013 17:27, AlexEvs

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30.05.2013 8:03, Елизавета Рысенкова

Please tell me who it is.

Tver region, Torzhok 25.05.2013
picture: IMGP7461.JPG

30.05.2013 12:07, Dima DD

Please tell me who it is.
Tver region, Torzhok 25.05.2013
Sessile-bellied hymenopteran sawfly of the family Tenthredinidae.
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30.05.2013 14:42, Stozhkovdi

Hello. Pavlovo, Nizhny Novgorod region. Please tell me who it is? 30.05.13
user posted image

This post was edited by Stozhkovdi - 30.05.2013 14: 45

30.05.2013 14:55, vasiliy-feoktistov

Hello. Pavlovo, Nizhny Novgorod region. Please tell me who it is? 30.05.13

The weevil mosquito. I think Ctenophora (tanyptera) dorsalis (Walker, 1848)/

30.05.2013 16:11, алекс 2611

The weevil mosquito. I think Ctenophora (tanyptera) dorsalis (Walker, 1848)/

Tanyptera atrata ?
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30.05.2013 16:23, vasiliy-feoktistov

Tanyptera atrata ?

I don't know them: I just assumed. Well at least I didn't make a mistake with the genus/subgenus smile.gif

30.05.2013 20:51, king13

Can you tell me what kind of insect it is?
Tambov region, Petrovsky district, 30.05.2013, evening

picture: IMG_5865.JPG
IMG_5865.JPG — (173.53к)

picture: IMG_5860.JPG
IMG_5860.JPG — (218.68к)

30.05.2013 20:52, vasiliy-feoktistov

http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtop...dpost&p=1410586 wink.gif
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01.06.2013 11:22, аруд

Can you tell me what kind of entity (bug -?)? Size -2 mm max. Always noticed on the ground. Thank you.

picture: 1d.jpg
1d.jpg — (276.82к)

01.06.2013 11:29, vasiliy-feoktistov

Can you tell me what kind of entity (bug -?)? Size -2 mm max. Always noticed on the ground. Thank you.

An earth mite. Probably Trombidium holosericeum (Linnaeus, 1758).
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02.06.2013 23:41, аруд

Please note: specialists! Can you tell me if there is a given animal with two yellow stripes-the gray Russian goose Rossiulus kessleri? Or the gray foxtail-Sarmatoiulus kessleri. There is a certain difference in the names, however, on the Macroid, and from the same author. Not fatat a few sharpness in the photo, sorry. Bryansk region, June. Thank you in advance.

This post was edited by arud - 02.06.2013 23: 58

picture: 88.jpg
88.jpg — (124.73 k)

03.06.2013 22:38, AlexEvs

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10.06.2013 11:29, Волчонок

Hello, dear specialists. A question of this nature: there is a verbal description of a certain insect, transmitted to me from an eyewitness. The witness himself is not a young man and lives quite far from civilization. He asked me to find out on the Internet what kind of animal he met. Actually, the beetle itself is about the size of a tall man's thumb, and there is a staggered pattern of five dots on the abdomen under the wings. By the way, such a strange thing: grandpa did not see the middle pair of legs, as if they do not exist, but on the head there are two antennae about a centimeter long each.

16.06.2013 13:23, comprachicos

Good afternoon. Please define it. 14.06.2013, Nizhny Novgorod.
1.Ectobius sylvestris?
picture: DSCF0596.JPG

This post was edited by comprachicos - 06/16/2013 13: 23

16.06.2013 21:03, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

If the edges of the black spot on the pronotum are not blurred or sharp, then yes.
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25.06.2013 17:25, guest: Никита

What is this miracle?) I've seen them with different wing colors, red eyes, and short wings. Size approx 5 7mmuser posted image

25.06.2013 17:33, guest: Никита

Date of shooting 25.06.2013 19: 23 Uzbekistan, Tashkent

02.07.2013 12:26, guest: Мария

Dear friends, we caught a "beast" with our daughter yesterday near the entrance of a multi-storey building in the Moscow region, near the arboretum. The insect is large, the size of the body is 3.5-4 cm, huge whiskers (lamellar? sectional?), with a yellow spot on top at the beginning of the abdomen.
user posted image
user posted image
user posted image
user posted image
user posted image

02.07.2013 13:07, vasiliy-feoktistov

Dear friends, we caught a "beast" with our daughter yesterday near the entrance of a multi-storey building in the Moscow region, near the arboretum. The insect is large, the size of the body is 3.5-4 cm, huge whiskers (lamellar? sectional?), with a yellow spot on top at the beginning of the abdomen.

Monochamus urussovi (Fischer von Waldheim, 1806) (male). In the Moscow region, it develops mainly on spruce trees.

02.07.2013 16:01, guest: Мария

vasiliy-feoktistov, thank you so much for your prompt response!
Release into the wild, apparently, is not worth it, the pest is still, but we will know what to feed it. We have pines, firs, and larch trees in our park.

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