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Who is it? Identification of different orders of insects

Community and ForumInsects identificationWho is it? Identification of different orders of insects

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11.09.2014 12:24, Konstantin Lyutov

No, it's not ringed. This is castrensis or franconica.

good afternoon, but do not tell me what are the differences between the clutches of these three species ? It's just that I've only ever seen ringed masonry in nature...

11.09.2014 21:55, Lars

Hello everyone Tell me, please, who is this? smile.gif

Germany, Dusseldorf

picture: _1175.jpg
_1175.jpg — (682.3к)

11.09.2014 22:32, Alexandr Zhakov

Beetle, staphylin sem.Staphylininae
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11.09.2014 22:59, Lars


11.09.2014 23:21, Victor Titov

Hello everyone Tell me, please, who is this? smile.gif
Germany, Dusseldorf

Beetle, staphylin sem.Staphylininae

You can also specify-Ocypus sp.
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15.09.2014 20:09, okoem

And I laid out caddiswort and mayflies a little higher. Are they definable or not?

Caddis fly (I was told) Stenophylax sp. And before the view from the photo caddis flies are usually not definable.

good afternoon, but do not tell me what are the differences between the clutches of these three species ? It's just that I've only ever seen ringed masonry in nature...

Ringed masonry on the branches of woody plants. And on the grasses - masonry of "grass" species-castrense and franconica. If the masonry was found in the steppe, then most likely castrense, and if in the mountains, then most likely franconica.
In the Eagle, if I am not mistaken, of the three species listed, there is only the ringed one.
Likes: 3

16.09.2014 8:15, bakamushi

Caddis fly (I was told) Stenophylax sp. And before the view from the photo caddis flies are usually not definable.

Do mayflies have a chance for identification or a dead number?

16.09.2014 10:22, okoem

Do mayflies have a chance for identification or a dead number?

I don't know... shuffle.gif

20.10.2014 20:30, VAZ

It smells of marzipan, lives under driftwood and rocks, and lays ooteka. Luang Prabang, Laos.

picture: DSCN2876.JPG
DSCN2876.JPG — (306.93к)

10.11.2014 12:56, toledo

Tell me, please, what kind of insect? They began to meet in the apartment with frightening regularity. Sumy, Ukraine (10.11.2014).
Thank you in advance.

picture: IMG_20141110_114106.jpg
IMG_20141110_114106.jpg — (215.76к)

10.11.2014 13:22, Victor Titov

Tell me, please, what kind of insect? They began to meet in the apartment with frightening regularity. Sumy, Ukraine (10.11.2014).
Thank you in advance.

This is not an insect - it is a millipede common flycatcher (Scutigera coleoptrata). It often settles in a person's home, and the predator feeds on insects.

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 10.11.2014 13: 23

10.11.2014 13:37, Alexandr Zhakov

Tell me, please, what kind of insect? They began to meet in the apartment with frightening regularity. Sumy, Ukraine (10.11.2014).
Thank you in advance.

Red Data Book of Ukraine smile.gif

17.11.2014 21:21, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. June 30.

user posted image user posted image

17.11.2014 21:31, Victor Titov

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. June 30.

In my opinion, some kind of hemerob (Neuroptera squad).

17.11.2014 21:57, Woodmen

In my opinion, some kind of hemerob (Neuroptera squad).

Yes, of course gemerob. Aren't there any specialists available for the view?

20.11.2014 21:44, Семен Семеныч

You are very lucky - this is Drepanepteryx algida, a rather rare animal.
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20.11.2014 22:10, Семен Семеныч

20.11.2014 22:13, Семен Семеныч

Crimea. Sudaksky district 25.04. Xanthostigma?

No, euxina is a background view in Crimea...

20.11.2014 22:18, Семен Семеныч

Can you identify caddis flies? The place of capture is unknown, the wingspan is 5.5 cm. At least until Rod, if possible. Thank you in advance

Either Phryganea or Agrypnia (there are 3-4 real contenders <up to the species>, but there is no collection for comparison at hand, and memory is already failing...)

20.11.2014 22:23, Семен Семеныч

Good evening! Can you identify a camel? Moscow region, May 26.


male xanthostigmy

20.11.2014 22:38, Woodmen

You are very lucky - this is Drepanepteryx algida, a rather rare animal.

Oh how! Thank you very much!

I'll venture another question. Below shown will be Hemerobius nitidulus?
Photo from July 5. Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region.

user posted image

22.11.2014 2:11, barry

14.11.2014 Kharkiv region, Kharkiv district, okr. village. Khoroshevo
Floodplain of the Uda river. Forest-steppe. Sifting detritus.
~ 5 mm.

picture: CRW_70040.jpg
picture: CRW_70161.jpg
picture: CRW_70170.jpg

This post was edited by barry - 11/22/2014 13: 21

22.11.2014 16:07, Victor Titov

14.11.2014 Kharkiv region, Kharkiv district, okr. village. Khoroshevo
Floodplain of the Uda river. Forest-steppe. Sifting detritus.
~ 5 mm.

Cute flea. smile.gif

22.11.2014 22:59, Arikain

14.11.2014 Kharkiv region, Kharkiv district, okr. village. Khoroshevo
Floodplain of the Uda river. Forest-steppe. Sifting detritus.
~ 5 mm.

Possibly Hystrichopsylla talpae.

This post was edited by Arikain - 11/22/2014 23: 00
Likes: 1

24.11.2014 16:30, Valentinus

Tell me, please, what kind of animal? mol.gif
Dagestan, May (in my opinion), to the light. Several copies arrived.
Slightly larger than Ascalaf.
picture: DSC06744.JPG
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25.11.2014 10:17, John-ST

Tell me, please, what kind of animal? mol.gif
Dagestan, May (in my opinion), to the light. Several copies arrived.
Slightly larger than Ascalaf.

Ascalaf is, Bubopsi s I think hamatus

This post was edited by John-ST-25.11.2014 10: 18
Likes: 3

25.11.2014 14:32, Valentinus

Ascalaf is, Bubopsi s I think hamatus

I didn't know there were night Ascalafs!

26.11.2014 10:03, John-ST

I didn't know there were night Ascalafs!

I don't know how nocturnal they are, askalafov never caught them, but on the Don I was born with several ant lions in three weeks, while during the day there were many more of these same comrades and they flew in the heat for thirty, unexpectedly for me, very quickly, so that even with a net it was difficult to keep up with them it's problematic, but without a net, there's nothing to think about.

26.11.2014 19:16, Valentinus

I don't know how nocturnal they are, askalafov never caught them, but on the Don I was born with several ant lions in three weeks, while during the day there were many more of these same comrades and they flew in the heat for thirty, unexpectedly for me, very quickly, so that even with a net it was difficult to keep up with them it's problematic, but without a net, there's nothing to think about.

I found information on the web, they say that they lead a nocturnal lifestyle. How do they hunt at night? Maybe at dusk, really? They don't fly during the day. confused.gif

30.11.2014 20:04, mishanya11

Hello, can you tell me what kind of insects they are? I saw it in the bathroom, I suspect that it could have fallen out of the children's heads, it doesn't look like lice, it doesn't look like fleas either, size 1 - 2mm, we live in the Komi Republic.
picture: DSC_0125_7.jpg
picture: IMG_0978_2.jpg
picture: IMG_0983_11.jpg

30.11.2014 23:55, Dima DD

Hello, can you tell me what kind of insects they are? I saw it in the bathroom, I suspect that it could have fallen out of the children's heads, it doesn't look like lice, it doesn't look like fleas either, size 1 - 2mm, we live in the Komi Republic.
The first two photos show collemboles, while the third shows a hay eater. They do not pose any danger, they often appear/live in too damp places, in the same bathrooms. To get rid of them, it is necessary that the room is dry and clean.

02.12.2014 20:48, gstalker

Germany 02.10.14
Forficula auricularia ?

picture: CM141202_18320602.jpg
CM141202_18320602.jpg — (312.82к)

09.12.2014 17:56, slimthug161

hello tell me what is in the photo, settled in my apartment for the second year I kill them and they all appear!

picture: IMG_2631.JPG
IMG_2631.JPG — (296.01к)

09.12.2014 18:02, slimthug161

here's another mutant.... maybe someone will come in handy) photographed in the summer

picture: P40602_234023.jpg
P40602_234023.jpg — (301.35к)

picture: P40602_234035.jpg
P40602_234035.jpg — (292.9к)

picture: P40602_234030.jpg
P40602_234030.jpg — (314.78к)

15.12.2014 10:36, gumenuk

Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Hripani neighborhood, na romashke, 15.06.2014.

picture: 2013.06.15__DSC08516.jpg
2013.06.15__DSC08516.jpg — (304.53к)

16.12.2014 14:49, John-ST

Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Hripani neighborhood, na romashke, 15.06.2014.

thrips - Thysanoptera
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20.12.2014 3:56, bam2006

On the head of a friend fell here is such an individual! confused.gif confused.gif confused.gif
Who knows what it might be?

picture: _____2.jpg
_____2.jpg — (49.85 k)

image: ____. jpg
____.jpg — (56.77к)

29.12.2014 0:57, Семен Семеныч

On the head of a friend fell here is such an individual!

Lop-winged bird from sem. Corydalidae... And where did it happen?

29.12.2014 1:01, Семен Семеныч

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29.12.2014 1:23, Семен Семеныч

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. September 11.

user posted image

Limnephilus sp. (Limnephilidae)
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