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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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25.05.2016 18:41, ButterflyGirl

Zaporozhye. obl, May, in a meadow in the grass.

picture: IMG_8863_640.jpg

25.05.2016 19:39, Геннадий Шембергер

Capnodis tenebrionis
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25.05.2016 20:54, Zum-Graat

Moscow region, Klin, 25.05.16
picture: SDC12258_edited.jpg
picture: SDC12280_edited.jpg
3. It seems similar to 1, but with some dented elytra
picture: SDC12291_edited.jpg
picture: SDC12297_edited.jpg
5. Cantharis livida?
picture: SDC12313_edited.jpg
picture: SDC12343_edited.jpg
picture: SDC12350_edited.jpg
Thank you in advance.

25.05.2016 21:51, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. May 25.
Amara fulva?

user posted image user posted image

This post was edited by Woodmen - 05/26/2016 10: 00

25.05.2016 22:51, Natali22206

Good evening! Please look at my ladybirds shuffle.gif
All May, Ryazan region.

1. user posted image

2. user posted image

3. user posted image

26.05.2016 8:48, Urman

Into a soil trap in a pine forest on a sphagnum swamp. North of the Omsk region, forest zone, 11 mm.

picture: DSC03408.JPG
DSC03408.JPG — (326.21к)

26.05.2016 11:37, Tivanik

Good evening! Please look at my ladybirds shuffle.gif
All May, Ryazan region.

1. Calvia quatuordecimguttata
2. Propylea quatuordecimpunctata
3. Harmonia axyridis

This post was edited by Tivanik - 05/26/2016 11: 37
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26.05.2016 15:13, scarit

Into a soil trap in a pine forest on a sphagnum swamp. North of the Omsk region, forest zone, 11 mm.

Chlaenius costulatus Mots.
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26.05.2016 21:11, s585


Help with beetles please. May 26, 2016, Tula region, Zaoksky district
Staphylins on mushrooms, barbel (Mesosa myops (Dalman, 1817)?? on the already faded blackthorn, zlatki (Trachys minuta)?? on the goat willow.


picture: _DSC8142.jpg

This post was edited by s585-05/26/2016 22: 33

27.05.2016 19:43, lazardin

I tried to reshoot raduzhnits
1picture: DSC07353.JPG
picture: DSC07365.JPG
2picture: DSC07390.JPG
picture: DSC07404.JPG
3picture: DSC07428.JPG
picture: DSC07437.JPG

This post was edited by lazardin - 05/27/2016 19: 44

27.05.2016 20:21, ИНО

Please specify your poetry:

picture: ______130.jpg
picture: ______133.jpg
picture: ______132.jpg

The size of a standard tsetoniya auratu (even at first I took it for it) Donetsk, oak forest, the other day. Found crushed on the path.

This post was edited by ENO - 27.05.2016 20: 22

27.05.2016 23:57, smax

I tried to reshoot the rainbow girls

Here, too, is not the most grateful company for determining from the pictures.
I can recommend to consider (with the help of optics and a determinant)
on the subject of:
1) - impressa
2) - thalassina
3) - самка versicolorea
Likes: 1

28.05.2016 0:06, smax

Please specify your poetry:
The size of a standard tsetoniya auratu (even at first I took it for it) Donetsk, oak forest, the other day. Found crushed on the path.

duc, speciosissima melkaya

28.05.2016 3:00, ИНО

Thank you, I didn't know that they vary so much in size, after meeting with large ones, I thought it was some other kind.

28.05.2016 3:26, ИНО

Here is another crushed one, collected in the city on the sidewalk two weeks ago, of the same size and color, but the type, in my opinion, is already different, I assume P. affinis:

picture: ______185.jpg
picture: ______186.jpg

Or not?

And, perhaps, not quite a relevant question in this topic, but how best to catch them today? They sit high in the crowns, fly rarely, and catch the eye even less often (crushed ones don't count). Crown traps with mash - so that's for drowned people, but I need live ones to try to introduce them to the culture. Maybe they are more active at certain times of the day?

This post was edited by ENO - 05/28/2016 03: 30

28.05.2016 8:46, Михалис

Here is another crushed one, collected in the city on the sidewalk two weeks ago, of the same size and color, but the type, in my opinion, is already different, I assume P. affinis:

This is affinis
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28.05.2016 8:49, Михалис

As for trapping, I first thought about the crown, of course, but if alive, then it comes to mind either to climb a tree with a large net and catch them there on the fly, or, again, to find a place where they feed - a crack with leaking tree sap - there they can be collected simply by hand. But, again, this place is most likely at a high altitude.

28.05.2016 9:30, lazardin

or make a crown, without drowning (somewhere I saw a photo on the forum, so translucent, in the bottom a piece of PET bottle with bait and a rag, and in the lid a hole for the entrance with a piece of pipe), the catch is less, but also collecting alive

I found a photo here
picture: ____________036.jpg

This post was edited by lazardin - 05/28/2016 09: 57
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28.05.2016 12:09, stierlyz

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28.05.2016 12:10, Woodmen

Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region, May 20, on Sambucus racemosa.

user posted image

28.05.2016 14:53, ИНО

or make a crown, without drowning (somewhere I saw a photo on the forum, so translucent, in the bottom a piece of PET bottle with bait and a rag, and in the lid a hole for the entrance with a piece of pipe), the catch is less, but also collecting alive

I found a photo
here [attachmentid ()=263136]

I've already seen this photo and even made something similar out of a five-liter PET cylinder, except for a couple of dustpans, which are badly skinned, piles of flies and ants-nothing. Even the squirrel's fur remained on a strip of scotch tape, which this structure was attached to the tree trunk. I used to make heating traps, there was a bigger catch, but again-aki without bronzes. Probably, the fact is that we have very, very few of them, not like, for example,in the floodplain forests of the Seversky Donets. Still, I suspect that an active search with a net on a long stick (I have one for picking apricots) would be more effective, but I would like to know at what time of day they move more actively: in the morning, in the middle of the day, or in the evening.

This post was edited by ENO - 05/28/2016 14: 54

28.05.2016 14:53, Barnaba

or make a crown, without drowning (somewhere I saw a photo on the forum, so translucent, in the bottom a piece of PET bottle with bait and a rag, and in the lid a hole for the entrance with a piece of pipe), the catch is less, but also collecting alive

It is precisely this trap that bronzes do not fall into so well, it is difficult for them to get knocked up. From simple zhivolovok under bronzes I use a 4-5l bottle from under drinking water, in one of the walls of which a U-shaped slot measuring from 15x15cm is made in 2/3 of the height (below the upper constriction), so that the hand can get through. The cut tongue is first bent outwards for access to the bottle and a large-pored foam soaked in bait is placed on the bottom (it is easier to wash it than a rag, for reusable use). In the opposite wall from the slot, at a height of 3-5cm from the foam rubber, several small holes are made so that the smell spreads well. Then the tongue bends back and the top is bent slightly inside the bottle, so that a gap with a height of 2-3cm appears on top, into which it is easy for the bronze to fly. The trap for the plastic eye of the lid on a nylon cord is suspended at the desired height in a convenient place where the marks are marked or can be bronze (it is desirable to have a removable swing sinker for throwing the cord through the branch). The free end of the cord is fixed at the bottom with a margin for descent. As a live trap and for greater catchability, this trap needs to be checked often (at least once a day, in the evening, and preferably 2-3 times a day), so it is important to choose a good place so that it does not catch on the descent and ascent. I usually load and hang several traps near the camp from early morning on trips during the planned day, and keep them until dark, checking a couple of times. The bait can be very different, usually a mixture of strong-smelling juice (apricot, peach, etc.) with a small amount of natural kvass and liquid honey, and it is best to add tree juice and crushed bark from local trunks, if available. It works best as long as the mixture is fresh enough. In general, the effectiveness is very dependent on the correct choice of location and bait. It is clear that in addition to bronzes, many other things are caught, from deer to erotilids. This would seem to be the simplest thing, it is done in 5 minutes, and how much was described wink.gifby
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28.05.2016 15:04, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. May 25.

user posted image user posted image

28.05.2016 15:31, ИНО

Barnaba, thanks, I'll try. Before foam rubber and mash with the addition of oak bark from sochniki (I think there is a special yeast that gives a special smell), I did not reach, but I did not reach this design of slots. And at what height is it better to raise?

Woodmen, Ampedus sp.

This post was edited by ENO - 05/28/2016 15: 40
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28.05.2016 15:48, Woodmen

Woodmen, Ampedus sp.

With ampedus, it's more or less clear, but it won't work out to the end?

28.05.2016 16:42, Barnaba

[quote=ENO,28.05.2016 15: 31]
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28.05.2016 20:10, bials

Help with the bug mol.gif
found on aspen:
a picture: _____________01.1.jpg
b picture: _____________01.2.jpg

28.05.2016 20:33, Mantispid

Help with the bug mol.gif
found on aspen:

duc drilled Hylecoetus dermestoides
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29.05.2016 14:14, Barnaba

With ampedus, it's more or less clear, but it won't work out to the end?

With them, it can be difficult to take photos from the same angle. A number of species with red elytra differ mainly in the details of the pronotum structure and, partly, in size. Yours, with a high probability, A. sanguineus-should be large (12-17mm).
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29.05.2016 15:14, Liparus

duck drilled Hylecoetus dermestoides

Rare?I took this one in Georgia on a pine log

29.05.2016 17:28, Anton Kozyrev

Saratov Region, June 2015. Help with Calosoma before the species.
picture: IMG_2244_copy.jpg

29.05.2016 20:31, Tivanik

Help with the leaf beetle. Saint Petersburg, 29.05.2016
Chrysomela tremula ???

picture: IMGP6745.jpg
picture: IMGP6744.jpg
picture: IMGP6739.jpg

29.05.2016 21:45, Evgeny Kotelevsky

Dear experts, please help us with the definitions of beetles!

All beetles arrived on the screen on 28.5.2016 in the vicinity of the village of Leninskoe (Engelsky district, Saratov region).

1 - Calosoma auropunctatum?

2 - Oryctes nasicornis?

3 - ?

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (621.53к)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (648.31 k)

picture: 3.jpg
3.jpg — (581.27к)

29.05.2016 23:19, Barnaba

Saratov Region, June 2015. Help with Calosoma before the species.
picture: IMG_2244_copy.jpg

Calosoma (Caminara) denticolle Gebler, 1833.
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29.05.2016 23:22, Barnaba

Dear experts, please help us with the definitions of beetles!
All beetles arrived on the screen on 28.5.2016 in the vicinity of the village of Leninskoe (Engelsky district, Saratov region).

1 - Calosoma auropunctatum? yes.gif

2 - Oryctes nasicornis? yes.gif

3 - Ochodaeus chrysomeloides
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30.05.2016 1:30, Andrey Ponomarev

M. O., Dorogali, 29.05.2016
picture: IMG_33_____________.JPG
picture: IMG_34_____________.JPG
picture: IMG_26_____________.JPG
picture: IMG_11_____________.JPG

30.05.2016 1:37, Victor Gazanchidis

Gennadich, the last beetle of Judolia sexmaculata (Linnaeus, 1758)
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30.05.2016 2:16, Barnaba

M. O., Dorogali, 29.05.2016

1st Bostrichus capucinus, 2nd Asemum striatum, 3rd already identified.
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30.05.2016 16:23, Radik

Help pozhta with Curculionoidea. Tatarstan, Nizhnekamsk district, okr. der. Blagodatnaya street.
May 29, 2016

30.05.2016 16:53, ИНО

Is it possible to identify a beetle at least to the genus from such an indecent angle:

picture: ______382.jpg

I was sitting in the cell of a polysta wasp's nest, but I couldn't get it without damaging the nest. Yesterday, Donetsk, steppe slope of Balki.

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