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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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30.03.2019 11:06, Victor Titov

help determine Saratov 05,07,2018

Copris lunaris, male and female.

30.03.2019 11:17, Slavinator

Saratov region, Engelsky district

picture: ____2.1.JPG
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picture: ____2.2.JPG
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31.03.2019 10:18, AGG

Saratov region, Engelsky district

1-as an option, dirty Otiorhynchus ovatus
2-Meligethes sp.
Likes: 1

02.04.2019 14:44, Раду Кибзий

Hello! Can you help me identify the bug? Chisinau neighborhood, May 2, 2018. Thank you in advance!

It's a pity that no one knows my bug... so far. confused.gif

02.04.2019 15:21, AGG

It's a pity that no one knows my bug... still. confused.gif

Cantharis ? rustica
Likes: 1

03.04.2019 7:40, Gans75

Ukraine, Rivne region, July 9.
Mordella holomelaena ?
picture: Mordella_holomelaena.jpg
picture: Mordella_holomelaena_2.jpg

03.04.2019 15:17, Раду Кибзий

Hello! Please tell me, is this Cantharis rustica? Chisinau neighborhood, May 12, 2018. Thank you in advance!

picture: P1420728_2__1024_.jpg
P1420728_2__1024_.jpg — (380.78к)

03.04.2019 20:29, NIKITA TIMOSHEV

URL #31436 help identify zhukov

04.04.2019 15:41, usiaz

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.
Southern border of the North Taiga subzone.
Pine forest. On the banks of the Vatiegana River. Nizhnevartovsk district.
Date 2017_07_22
Is this Arhopalus rusticus? Is it possible to determine the gender?

picture: IMG_3872.JPG
IMG_3872.JPG — (301.53к)

picture: IMG_3873.JPG
IMG_3873.JPG — (327.24к)

picture: IMG_3879.JPG
IMG_3879.JPG — (309.63к)

04.04.2019 15:50, usiaz

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra. Nizhnevartovsk district.
Southern border of the North Taiga subzone.
Pine forest. On the banks of the Vatiegana River.
On the basis of foresters, near the sawmill.
2017 year. July 22.
Is it Monochamus urussovi or Monochamus sutor? Is it possible to determine the gender?

picture: IMG_3885.JPG
IMG_3885.JPG — (293.03к)

picture: IMG_3889.JPG
IMG_3889.JPG — (296.36к)

04.04.2019 20:22, Dmitry Vlasov

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra. Nizhnevartovsk district.
Southern border of the North Taiga subzone.
Pine forest. On the banks of the Vatiegana River.
On the basis of foresters, near the sawmill.
2017 year. July 22.
Is it Monochamus urussovi or Monochamus sutor? Is it possible to determine the gender?

Monochamus galloprovincialis ♂
Likes: 1

04.04.2019 20:23, Dmitry Vlasov

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.
Southern border of the North Taiga subzone.
Pine forest. On the banks of the Vatiegana River. Nizhnevartovsk district.
Date 2017_07_22
Is this Arhopalus rusticus? Is it possible to determine the gender?

Yes, ♀
Likes: 1

07.04.2019 0:31, MacrohunterLS

Ciscaucasia, (today) The first size is about 1 cm, the second 5-6 mm

picture: P4061097.JPG
P4061097.JPG — (293.26к)

picture: P4061117.JPG
P4061117.JPG — (290.29к)

picture: P4061136_2.JPG
P4061136_2.JPG — (291.56к)

07.04.2019 12:35, vladleksey

Good day everyone!
Dear forumchane, experts, help, please, in determining these bronzes.
The only thing I know is that they're from Africa.

picture: 20190407_123232.jpg
20190407_123232.jpg — (295.67к)

07.04.2019 12:36, vladleksey

View one. Miscellaneous colors

07.04.2019 19:55, Bad Den

Good day everyone!
Dear forumchane, experts, help, please, in determining these bronzes.
The only thing I know is that they're from Africa.

Rhabdotis sobrina

08.04.2019 16:42, vladleksey

Rhabdotis sobrina

Thank you very much!

08.04.2019 19:23, usiaz

The date is April 5.
Is it possible to determine the beetle's family, genus, species, and sex from these images? Dermestidae?
Length 3 mm.
In a wooden building, in a heated room caught.

This post was edited by usiaz-08.04.2019 19: 27

picture: 20190405_174058.JPG
20190405_174058.JPG — (288.5к)

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20190408_113352.JPG — (792.57к)

picture: 20190407_104611.JPG
20190407_104611.JPG — (722.64к)

picture: 20190405_175305.JPG
20190405_175305.JPG — (301.04к)

picture: 20190406_193149.JPG
20190406_193149.JPG — (292.86к)

08.04.2019 23:36, Bad Den

The date is April 5.
Is it possible to determine the beetle's family, genus, species, and sex from these images? Dermestidae?
Length 3 mm.
In a wooden building, in a heated room caught.

Megatoma tianshanica (it seems to be her), male

09.04.2019 7:30, Dmitry Vlasov

Megatoma tianshanica (like her), male

Only in the Reference Book that identifies quarantines... the shape of the mace is not very similar. I also tried to understand what it is (URL 31340), but I didn't find out (some people think that M. graeseri, others that M. tianshanica)

09.04.2019 8:01, Bad Den

Only in the Reference Book that identifies quarantines... the shape of the mace is not very similar. I also tried to understand what it is (URL 31340), but I didn't find out (some people think that M. graeseri, others that M. tianshanica)

I identified them as graeseri, but I was convinced that it was tianshanica.

09.04.2019 8:39, usiaz

I identified them as graeseri, but I was convinced that it was tianshanica.

What morphological features should be recorded on the image to accurately determine the species?

09.04.2019 13:04, Dmitry Vlasov

I identified them as graeseri, but I was convinced that it was tianshanica.

Who, if not a secret? You can contact pm

09.04.2019 13:09, Dmitry Vlasov

What morphological features should be recorded on the image to accurately determine the species?

The mace of the male's antennae is clearly visible in the photo. I'd like to see some more genitals. And it is better to send a copy/copies (I'm not sure about the photo) Jiri Hawe

09.04.2019 14:55, usiaz

The mace of the male's antennae is clearly visible in the photo. I'd like to see some more genitals. And it is better to send a copy/copies (I'm not sure about the photo) Jiri Hawe

Thanks! Accepted.

09.04.2019 21:03, Mantispid

The mace of the male's antennae is clearly visible in the photo. I'd like to see some more genitals. And it is better to send a copy/copies (I'm not sure about the photo) Jiri Hawe

Khava's name is Yura. Or am I missing something? lol.gif

09.04.2019 21:09, Dmitry Vlasov

Khava's name is Yura. Or am I missing something? lol.gif


11.04.2019 12:34, usiaz

The mace of the male's antennae is clearly visible in the photo. I'd like to see some more genitals. And it is better to send a copy/copies (I'm not sure about the photo) Jiri Hawe

Received a response from Jiri:

Jiri Háva to you16 hours ago
Dear colleague,
yes this is tianschanica.
Best regards, Jiri
Likes: 2

11.04.2019 19:30, AGG

  Получен ответ от Иржи:

Jiri Háva to you16 hours ago
Dear colleague,
yes this is tianschanica.
Best regards, Jiri

а отличительных признаков он случайно не дал?
и если "в природе" таксон "graeseri! ?

Сообщение было отредактировано AGG - 11.04.2019 22:52

12.04.2019 17:35, usiaz

Можно ли определить род, вид и пол усача?
70 км на север от Киева. Вышнегородский район.
14 июня 2018 года.
В приусадебном хозяйстве.

картинка: DPP_0001.JPG
DPP_0001.JPG — (275.88к)   

картинка: DPP_0003.JPG
DPP_0003.JPG — (282.68к)   

12.04.2019 19:17, Bad Den

Можно ли определить род, вид и пол усача?
70 км на север от Киева. Вышнегородский район.
14 июня 2018 года.
В приусадебном хозяйстве.

Agapanthia какая-то.

12.04.2019 21:48, NIKITA TIMOSHEV

And after the rain, you can find floating beetles on land?

13.04.2019 0:59, Bad Den

  А после дождя можно на суше найти жуков плавунцов?

Они ночью летят на свет

13.04.2019 15:29, Aksin

Подскажите, пожалуйста, это кто-то из Margarinotus? Фото сделано в середине апреля в Ртищевском районе Саратовской области.
картинка: IMG_9587.JPG

13.04.2019 15:48, Fornax13

  Подскажите, пожалуйста, это кто-то из Margarinotus? Фото сделано в середине апреля в Ртищевском районе Саратовской области.

Скорей, кто-то из Saprinus. В любом случае, Saprininae

Сообщение было отредактировано Fornax13 - 13.04.2019 15:49
Likes: 1

14.04.2019 21:06, Shamil Murtazin

14.04.2019, Кармаскалинский район, Республика Башкортостан
Какой-то мирмекофильный жук. Собран рядом со входом в гнездо.
Haeterius sp.?

картинка: IMG_6453.jpg картинка: IMG_6462.jpg картинка: IMG_6476.jpg

Сообщение было отредактировано rumpelstiltskin - 14.04.2019 21:06

15.04.2019 7:16, Dmitry Vlasov

  14.04.2019, Кармаскалинский район, Республика Башкортостан
Какой-то мирмекофильный жук. Собран рядом со входом в гнездо.
Haeterius sp.?

картинка: IMG_6453.jpg  картинка: IMG_6462.jpg  картинка: IMG_6476.jpg

По фото такую мелочь определять неблагодарное дело, но на Hetaerius ferrugineus - похож. Посмотрите фото в сети и сравните со своим жуком (если конечно его взяли). Например: https://www.biolib.cz/en/taxonimage/id24081/?taxonid=5221

15.04.2019 9:50, Elena Sergeeva

Добрый день! Можно ли по такому состоянию определить хотя бы до семейства/рода этого жука? Тюменская обл., г. Тобольск, во влажной древесине сухобочины тополя (мертвый), 12.04.19.

картинка: 1.JPG
1.JPG — (136.55к)   

картинка: 2.JPG
2.JPG — (119.84к)   

15.04.2019 10:16, Bad Den

  Добрый день! Можно ли по такому состоянию определить хотя бы до семейства/рода этого жука? Тюменская обл., г. Тобольск, во влажной древесине сухобочины тополя (мертвый), 12.04.19.

Мне напоминает слоника из подсем Cossoninae
Likes: 1

15.04.2019 11:52, OEV

  Добрый день! Можно ли по такому состоянию определить хотя бы до семейства/рода этого жука? Тюменская обл., г. Тобольск, во влажной древесине сухобочины тополя (мертвый), 12.04.19.

Cossonus cylindricus Sahlberg, 1835 smile.gif
Likes: 1

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