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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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17.01.2019 13:20, John-ST

It looks like barbel beetles, something like Tetropium castaneum.

17.01.2019 15:15, grechanka

Oh, really! Thank you so much, he's the one!!!

17.01.2019 15:51, Dmitry Vlasov

If they are taken out of the sofa , then it (the sofa) was made by "craftsmen" from the wood infected with barbels in the forest and untreated / untreated wood... I also got my hands on "sofa" barbels of this type.

18.01.2019 10:39, gumenuk

Help me identify leaf beetles
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Hripan railway platform area, dacha

picture: DSC02383.jpg
DSC02383.jpg — (597.05к)

19.01.2019 13:36, hugoUN

Please help me with the genus of leaf beetle. The package says A. smaragolineuse Philippines 06.2017. Agestica, agelasa or who?

19.01.2019 14:23, Bad Den

Please help me with the genus of leaf beetle. The package says A. smaragolineuse Philippines 06.2017. Agestica, agelasa or who?

Can I take a photo of the label itself? I think it should be smaragdinus, because "smaragolineuse" is not very similar to Latin.

19.01.2019 16:00, hugoUN


19.01.2019 17:22, Bad Den


I think A. smaragdineus
Can ask the person who gave the beetle away? What will he say?

19.01.2019 22:51, Sergeyy

Help me determine it. You are welcome.
Belarus. Minsk region 25. 07. 2018

picture: IMG_0730.JPG
IMG_0730.JPG — (294.32к)

picture: IMG_0735.JPG
IMG_0735.JPG — (288.64к)

20.01.2019 0:45, John-ST

Help me determine it. You are welcome.
Belarus. Minsk region 25. 07. 2018

Stictoleptura rubra, самка
Likes: 1

22.01.2019 16:34, Necrocephalus

Help me determine it.

1. 15.05.2016
Moscow region, Mytischenskiy district, Manyukhino village
[attachmentid ()=309968]

2. 02.07.2016
MO, Zheleznodorozhny, na svet
[attachmentid ()=309969]

3. 09.07.2016
MO, Zheleznodorozhny, na svet
[attachmentid ()=309970]

4. 12.07.2016
MO, Zheleznodorozhny, on light
[attachmentid ()=309971]

5. 17.09.2017
Moscow region, Zheleznodorozhny, l / p Kuchino
[attachmentid ()=309972]

Th-that nobody defines these...
1. Probably Harpalus affinis. But according to this photo - only 80%
2,3 Amara apricaria
4. Apparently Amara bifrons
5. Pterostichus oblongopunctatus apparently.. but he's kind of weird.. What's the size? didn't get caught?

This post was edited by Necrocephalus - 22.01.2019 16: 40

22.01.2019 18:50, John-ST

Th-that nobody defines these...
1. Probably Harpalus affinis. But according to this photo - only 80%
2,3 Amara apricaria
4. Apparently Amara bifrons
5. Pterostichus oblongopunctatus apparently.. but he's kind of weird.. What's the size? didn't get caught?

Thank you.
I'll take a look at the pterostichus, maybe the September one is still there.

22.01.2019 21:17, Alexandr Rusinov

5. Pterostichus oblongopunctatus apparently.. but he's kind of weird.. What's the size? didn't get caught?

And it seems to me rather quadrifoveolatus....
Likes: 1

22.01.2019 22:37, Dmitry Vlasov

I think it's more like quadrifoveolatus....

Not a fact, the lower legs are brown, but rather a sign of oblongoguttatus
Likes: 1

23.01.2019 10:47, John-ST

The pterostichus from the previous post is not available.

Help me deal with these beetles, if they are undefined before the species, I will be completely satisfied with the genus or group of species.

All 17.06.2016 MO, Railway, to the light.






23.01.2019 16:17, Necrocephalus

1. Acupalpus
2. Stenolophus mixtus
3. Acupalpus
4. Anthracus consputus
5. Badister из Baudia
6. Stenolophus mixtus
Likes: 1

23.01.2019 19:07, John-ST

Thanks for the help.
Another batch of small ground beetles.

All MO, Railway, to the light

7. 17.06.2016

8. 20.07.2016

9. 20.07.2016

10. 30.07.2016

11. 30.07.2016

23.01.2019 20:17, Necrocephalus

7. acupalpus for some reason I want to say parvulus
8,9. Bembidion type femoratum
10. Trechus quadristriatus
11. Bembidion type biguttatum
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24.01.2019 11:03, John-ST

Thank you so much for your help.

Remnants of beetles near Moscow.

MO, Railway, on light

1. 17.06.2018
Bembidion ruficolle?

2. 17.06.2018
Dromius schneideri?

3. 17.06.2018

4. 12.07.2018

5. 12.07.2018
Badister unipustulatus?

24.01.2019 17:49, Necrocephalus

Bembidion ruficolle yes, he's the only one we have. not otherwise, the sand is nearby.
Dromius schneideri yes, only it seems to be called
Harpalus latus in a different way now
, most likely Badister lacertosus Badister
unipustulatus I think yes
Likes: 1

24.01.2019 18:19, Grummen

Harpalus looks very much like smaragdinus with its flattened sides of the pronotum

Or is this the angle confused.gif

This post was edited by Grummen - 24.01.2019 18: 20

24.01.2019 19:10, John-ST

Thank you.

Don ground beetles.

All Volgograd region, Nizhne-Chirskaya St., to light

1. 29.04.2014

2. 24.06.2016

3. 24.06.2016

4. 24.06.2016

5. 25.06.2016

25.01.2019 14:27, Radik

Good hour.
It may be possible to identify an overseas bug
Turkey, Manavgat/Alanya, in the ROC. Kizilota, sandy beach.
36.703053, 31.580005

25.01.2019 15:44, hugoUN

Help identify weevils. Black from Costa Rica, red from Vietnam.

25.01.2019 16:42, Mantispid

Help identify weevils. Black from Costa Rica, red from Vietnam.

Yes, the male palmarum seems to be Rhynchophorus palmarum. A local pest. Although maybe in Costa Rica and something else lives similar, who knows...

25.01.2019 16:59, John-ST

Good hour.
It may be possible to identify an overseas bug
Turkey, Manavgat/Alanya, in the ROC. Kizilota, sandy beach.
36.703053, 31.580005

I think blackie is from Erodiini.

25.01.2019 17:20, Bad Den

Good hour.
It may be possible to identify an overseas bug
Turkey, Manavgat/Alanya, in the ROC. Kizilota, sandy beach.
36.703053, 31.580005

Zophosis dilatata, probably
Likes: 1

25.01.2019 20:17, Grummen


I apologize for the quality of the images

The flagellum is 7-segmented. Thighs without teeth. The claws are loose. Uncus is not developed

Grypus brunnirostris (Fabricius, 1792) ?

picture: Grypus_brunnirostris_1.jpg
Grypus_brunnirostris_1.jpg — (293.22к)

Picture: Grypus_brunnirostris_2.jpg
Grypus_brunnirostris_2.jpg — (284.04к)

Picture: Grypus_brunnirostris_3.jpg
Grypus_brunnirostris_3.jpg — (308.58 k)

picture: Grypus_brunnirostris_4.jpg
Grypus_brunnirostris_4.jpg — (301.68к)

26.01.2019 9:01, Mantispid


I apologize for the quality of the images

The flagellum is 7-segmented. Thighs without teeth. The claws are loose. Uncus is not developed

Grypus brunnirostris (Fabricius, 1792) ?

please read the red label under your message

26.01.2019 10:56, Grummen

please read the red caption below your message

Aww, sorry.

Belarus, Brest region, Olmanskie bogs
Captured in late July 2018

This post was edited by Grummen - 26.01.2019 10: 57

26.01.2019 12:52, Mantispid

Aww, sorry.

Belarus, Brest region, Olmanskie bogs
Captured in late July 2018

Then yes, Grypus brunnirostris
Likes: 1

26.01.2019 18:28, John-ST

A couple of stock weevils.
If possible, at least until Rod.

1. 24.03.2016
Sochi, Agur gorge, on dryakva
[attachmentid ()=310206]

2. 23.04.2016
Moscow region, Mytischenskiy district, Manyukhino village
[attachmentid ()=310207]

27.01.2019 8:55, Mantispid

A couple of stock weevils.
If possible, at least until Rod.

1. 24.03.2016
Sochi, Agur gorge, on dryakva
2. 23.04.2016
MO, Mytischensky district, Manyukhino village

1. Trichopterapion holosericeum
Likes: 1

27.01.2019 15:47, MIV

Is it possible to identify these elephants? At least up to the clan-tribe.

1. Sakhalin, Yu-Sakhalinsk, g Chekhov. L - 12 mm
picture: 1._L__12____________________________________._17.06.2000.jpg

2. Ibid. L - 12 mm
picture: 2._L__12____________________________________._17.06.2000.jpg

3. Kazakhstan, Trans-Ili Al. L-11 mm
picture: 3._L__11_______________________________________._______._23.06.06.jpg

4. Ibid. L - 9 mm
picture: 4._L__9_______________________________________._______._23.06.06.jpg

5. Ibid. L - 14 mm
picture: 5._L__14______________________________________.____________._1.07.06.jpg

6. Zap. Sayan, hr. Ergaki. L-13 mm
picture: 6._L__13_________._________._______._17.07.09.jpg

27.01.2019 16:21, Honza

Photos from a Colleague to Italy, Please help with the definition
of VII. 2016-CHINA - EE, Sichuan, Maoxian, M. te Jiudingshan, 3000m

22 mm
picture: tn_Cinese.jpg

This post was edited by Honza - 27.01.2019 16: 21

27.01.2019 21:01, Mantispid

Is it possible to identify these elephants? At least up to the clan-tribe.

1. Catapionus viridimetallicus (Motschulsky, 1861)
2. Also, but bald.
3. Catapionus sp., it would be a good idea to run it according to the revision of the Formacek - Revision der Rüßlergattung Catapionus (available online). Sometimes it turns out to go out on view. If you still use the work of Kazakova, then it can come out very well.
4. The first thought is Scepticus, but the mustache is embarrassing. Do you have vibrissae on the sides of the pronotum? Are the claws fused together or not?
5. Trichalophus almost certainly T. boeberi (Schönherr, 1826), the suture on the posterior slope protruding?
6. Hylobius (Callirus) gebleri Boheman, 1834
Likes: 1

28.01.2019 20:08, MIV

[quote=Mantispid,27.01.2019 22:01]

2. It should be the same. I don't remember what it was built on. 1.06.17.
picture: 2_________________._____.____._______________._________________._1.06.17._leg.__.______.jpg

3. On krovokhlebke. Small - 3-4 mm. 30.06.17.
picture: 3________________________________._____________________________________________________._30.06.17..jpg

4. Identified as Haplorhynchites pubescens. L-5mm with proboscis. 13.06.17.
картинка: 4_____________Haplorhynchites_pubescens__Fabricius__1775_______._____.____._______________.__________________________._13.06.17._leg.__.______.jpg

28.01.2019 21:48, Mantispid

[quote=MIV,28.01.2019 20:08]  

4. The first thought is Scepticus, but the mustache is embarrassing. Do you have vibrissae on the sides of the pronotum? Are the claws fused together or not?
5. Trichalophus almost certainly T. boeberi (Schönherr, 1826), the suture on the posterior slope protruding?


4. Vibrissae on the sides of the pronotum I did not see, and the claws are clearly fused.
5. Indeed, the suture on the back of the elytra protrudes.

Here are some more elephant beetles. The pictures aren't very good, but still...
All from ocd. Krasnoyarsk.

1. On a young growth of aspen. 11.06.17. Trubkovert poplar?

2. It should be the same. I don't remember what it was built on. 1.06.17.

3. On krovokhlebke. Small-3-4 mm.
. Identified as Haplorhynchites pubescens. L-5mm with proboscis. 13.06.17.
4. Hmm. Then this is also such a Catapionus.

1,2. Byctiscus rugosus (Gebler, 1830)
3. Auletobius (s. str.) sanguisorbae (Schrank, 1798)
4. I pass.
Likes: 1

29.01.2019 6:55, Викторович

Recently (21.1.2019), a beetle hatched in the room.
I suspect it's a shiny-chested spruce barbel.
I have never encountered this type before, so I am not completely sure that the definition is correct.
The cut of the trunk of an old spruce tree was delivered on December 3, 2018. Under the bark were barbel larvae (length 5,8, width 2,0 mm). The saw was delivered from the vicinity of Teguldet, Tomsk region.
Please identify the beetle (body length 10.1 mm).

picture: 4.jpg
4.jpg — (273.75 k)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (324.4 k)

picture: 3.jpg
3.jpg — (308.18к)

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (316.33 k)

29.01.2019 19:04, I.solod

Photos from a Colleague to Italy, Please help with the definition
of VII. 2016-CHINA - EE, Sichuan, Maoxian, M. te Jiudingshan, 3000m

22 mm
picture: tn_Cinese.jpg

as a variant
of Carabus (Neoplesius) jiudingensis jiudingensis Deuve, 1994 n. jiudingshanensis Deuve, 2007 C-Sichuan:Maoxian:Jiuding Shan, 31:40:03N/103:52:33E/3000m

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