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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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10.07.2008 19:26, Zhuk

here are some more moths

all right.
Likes: 1

10.07.2008 19:38, PG18

And for what reasons? I just want to understand how to distinguish?

Please continue to indicate the region of origin of the copy, or, at the very least, your place of residence in your personal data.
In this case, if the Hebrew part of Russia, then definitely adippe, based on the androconies on the vst. p. kr. n. st. z. kr. is actually quite atypical...

10.07.2008 20:57, ButterflyGirl

Please tell me what these moths are called? Photos taken in Ukraine.
Thank you.
picture: 07.jpg
picture: 08.jpg

10.07.2008 21:05, AntSkr

and it's not really a moth...

10.07.2008 21:58, Zhuk

Please tell me what these moths are called? Photos taken in Ukraine.
Thank you.

These are the scooper butterflies (Noctuidae)
1 - Tyta luctuosa
2 - Emmelia trabealis
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10.07.2008 22:07, barry

Help... Camptogramma bilineata?
The circles in the center are confusing...
Kharkiv, 08.07.2008.

picture: IMG_9110.jpg
IMG_9110.jpg — (138.21к)

10.07.2008 22:08, Zhuk

Help... Camptogramma bilineata?
The circles in the center are confusing...
Kharkiv, 08.07.2008.

yes it is.
Likes: 1

10.07.2008 23:40, barry

Problematic leaf wrappers for me (as far as I can understand)...
Kharkiv, June.

1. probably faded Archips crataegana?
picture: IMG_8106.jpg

picture: IMG_7171.jpg

picture: IMG_8094.jpg

picture: IMG_87360.jpg

10.07.2008 23:46, Vlad Proklov

Problematic leaf wrappers for me (as far as I can understand)...
Kharkiv, June.

1-3-rather, Archips rosana
4 - Tortrix viridana
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11.07.2008 10:01, AntSkr

What is the difference between Cucullia lucifuga and Cucullia umbratica?

12.07.2008 9:04, Mylabris

Dear colleagues, is this Colias erate?
caught in the Trans-Ili Alatau at a height of 2000 m.

picture: colias.jpg
colias.jpg — (143.52к)

picture: colias1.jpg
colias1.jpg — (138.29к)

12.07.2008 11:12, Ilia Ustiantcev

During the week, I got...
1.user posted imageCatoptria falsella?
2.user posted image
3.user posted image
4.user posted imageEupithecia trisignaria or veratraria? kotbegemot, in the macro list, today's date is marked as unapproved. Please also see this photo of gumenuk-a from Moscow region: http://macroid.ru/showphoto.php/photo/3074
5.user posted imageThe smallest one I've ever taken. Gracillaride?
6.user posted image
7.user posted imageWhite stripe on the wing - the consequences of a fatal blow through the window!
8.user posted imageThis one or 3 isn't Dichagyris signifera by any chance?
9.user posted imageAgriphila inquinatella bright?
10.user posted imageIt is not good to post butterflies that are identified 3 times a month, but still, is it Apamea monoglypha?

12.07.2008 12:02, Mylabris

Dear experts, Is it possible to determine the appearance of this very shabby specimen? It reminds me of Cupido buddhisto. 10/07/08, Trans-Ili Alatau, 2600 m.

picture: cupido.jpg
cupido.jpg — (130.01к)

picture: cupido1.jpg
cupido1.jpg — (146.65к)

12.07.2008 14:07, Mylabris

I also ask for help with the satyrs. The first one reminded me of some kind of Chazara enervata a la albino (the copy is not shabby, fresh), the second - no options at all.

This post was edited by Mylabris - 12.07.2008 14: 10

picture: chazara.jpg
chazara.jpg — (136.31к)

picture: chazara2.jpg
chazara2.jpg — (137.33к)

picture: satir2.jpg
satir2.jpg — (139.7к)

picture: satir.jpg
satir.jpg — (132.36к)

12.07.2008 15:33, Vlad Proklov

I got it in a week...

1 - Catoptria falsella
2 - Trachycera advenella
5 - Argyresthia pruniella
6 - Cnephasia ?asseclana
9 - Catoptria verellus

On Jupiter pass - I do not know their Russian" face " absolutely. In general, it is necessary to climb into macro books, and I am now running away to the field. If I come back and no one answers, I'll take a look.
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12.07.2008 22:50, Vlad Proklov

I got it in a week...

Oh, I don't know. Let them correct it smile.gif
3, 8 - ?Apterogenum ypsillon
10 - Mesapamea secalis/didyma. Apamea monoglypha - it's healthy!
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12.07.2008 23:00, Zhuk

10 - Mesapamea secalis/didyma. Apamea monoglypha - it's healthy!

And in my opinion, this is monoglypha.

7-umm...maybe Apamea crenata?

This post was edited by Zhuk - 12.07.2008 23: 03
Likes: 1

12.07.2008 23:05, Ilia Ustiantcev

She's healthy. smile.gif
What's wrong with eupithecia? By leps.there are two types of total output.

13.07.2008 0:19, Alexander Zarodov

Is this Xestia baja? Moscow neighborhood, July.

picture: lep0807121.jpg

13.07.2008 9:31, Zhuk

Noctua pronuba is more similar. Have you seen the rear fenders?
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13.07.2008 10:11, Alexander Zarodov

Noctua pronuba is more similar. Have you seen the rear fenders?

Briefly, but noticed that yellowish-reddish. She flew away quickly. Big one!

This post was edited by Double A-13.07.2008 10: 32

13.07.2008 15:22, barry

Help with a pigeon-one individual (two photos), and like Erynnis tages?
Both are from Kharkiv.
picture: IMG_4119.jpg
picture: IMG_4123.jpg

2. Erynnis tages?
picture: IMG_4393.jpg

13.07.2008 23:57, Zhuk

Briefly, but noticed that yellowish-reddish. She flew away quickly. Big one!

so pronuba smile.gif

13.07.2008 23:59, Zhuk

Help with a pigeon-one individual (two photos), and like Erynnis tages?
Both are from Kharkiv.

1 - Everes argiades
2 - Erynnis tages
Likes: 1

14.07.2008 0:59, Kharkovbut

1 - Everes argiades
2 - Erynnis tages

1: female, 2: male. smile.gif
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14.07.2008 4:49, Mylabris

Gentlemen, help me deal with mother-of-pearl (?) from the Trans-Ili Alatau, I'm stumped for something.

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (137.98к)

picture: 1a.jpg
1a.jpg — (139.33к)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (140.3 k)

picture: 2a.jpg
2a.jpg — (138.76к)

14.07.2008 10:36, Guest

niobe, bottom - female aglaia

14.07.2008 10:40, Guest

yes, yolk -erate,
golubyanka-argiolus, satyr-autonoe.

14.07.2008 11:00, Сергей-Д

Help identify the butterflies!
1. Steppe, on wild onion or garlic flowers
picture: P8110001.jpg
2. Carcharodus alceae?
picture: Carcharodus_alceae_und.jpg
picture: Carcharodus_alceae_up.jpg
3. Colias (hyale, alfacariensis)?
picture: Colias_sp..jpg

14.07.2008 11:28, Трофим

2. In my opinion, it is the most Carcharodus alceae
3. hyale or alfacariensis can be said either by the preimaginal stage, or by the genitals. I once heard that one of the signs is a black border, which in alfakareensis goes along the marginal edge of the wing a little further than in chyale. On the basis of which it would be possible to assume that the first butterfly is hiale, and the second is alfacereensis. But this is not accurate.
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14.07.2008 15:24, akulich-sibiria

Hello, help me clarify the types. Siberia, into the light. with the first two types it is difficult, either different types, or the variety of colors is such..another view was presented on the previous page
1-Amanthes C-nigrum
picture: P1020120_.jpg
2-Amanthes triangulum
picture: P1020119_.jpg
3-Hydroecia micacea ?
picture: P1020118_.jpg
4-no options
picture: P1020121_.jpg

14.07.2008 20:26, Mylabris

niobe, below-female aglai

Just confused by the "aglai" color - white spots on the edges and generally pale colors, the upper outer corners of the front wings are also very light... Or is this normal?

14.07.2008 20:35, Mylabris


Are both satyrs autonoi? It seems to me that these are two different types. And at avtonoi (I looked at the ace) there are no such spots:

picture: satir2_.jpg
satir2_.jpg — (142.95к)

14.07.2008 22:32, Filin

Is this Argus?
user posted image

15.07.2008 5:48, Mylabris

Is it Parnassius apollo merzhbaheri or something else?

picture: parnassius.jpg
parnassius.jpg — (136.11к)

15.07.2008 9:42, Papilion

to Mylabris
is definitely an apollo, but it's hard to tell by subspecies. First of all, you need to specify the collection point. In appearance: at the top is a female yes merzhbaheri, and the male at the bottom is still moscovitus.
to Filin
That's right, male argus.

This post was edited by Papilion - 07/15/2008 09: 50
Likes: 1

15.07.2008 11:05, bials

Help determine the scoop catch mol.gif. M. O Odintsovo district.
1. picture: ____ _ _ 01.2.jpg
2. picture: ______02.2.jpg
3. picture: ______03.1.jpg
4. picture: ______05.jpg
5. picture: ______06.jpg
6. picture: ______10.jpg
7. picture: ______12.jpg
8. picture: ______08.jpg
9. picture: ______09.jpg
10. picture: ______13.jpg
11. picture: ______14.2.jpg
12. picture: ______18.jpg
13. picture: ______21.jpg
14. picture: ______19.3.jpg
15. picture: ______22.jpg
16. picture: ______23.1.jpg
17. picture: ______24.jpg
And hoods
18a. picture: ____________1.01.jpg
18b. picture: ____________1.02.jpg
19A. picture: ____________1.1.jpg
19b. picture: ____________1.2.jpg

15.07.2008 11:12, bials

More moths. From there-the same.
1. picture: __________02.jpg
2. picture: __________14.jpg
3. picture: ___________________________09.2.jpg
4. picture: _________05.jpg
5. picture: _________08.jpg
6. picture: _________10.jpg
7. picture: _________11.jpg
8. picture: __________________01.jpg
9. picture: ___________________2.jpg

15.07.2008 12:04, Guest

Are both satyrs autonoi? It seems to me that these are two different types. And at avtonoi (I looked at the ace) there are no such spots:

Sergey, don't hesitate here.
Likes: 1

15.07.2008 16:06, Vlad Proklov

Help identify the butterflies!

1 - Brachodes sp.
3 - let's guess? Top C. alfacariensis, bottom C. erate.
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