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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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19.08.2008 21:45, Vabrus

Here is a couple of metallovidok put me in a dead end... Something like jota?
user posted image
user posted image

19.08.2008 22:24, Alexander Zarodov

Here is this one by keys on http://www.vim.de/falter/ It was identified as Amphipyra berbera, but I can't be sure... Moscow, August.

picture: sovka251.jpg
Likes: 2

20.08.2008 0:54, Stavropolec

Gentlemen, please help me again, now at night....if it's not hard

picture: _1.JPG
_1.JPG — (91.99к)

picture: _2.JPG
_2.JPG — (87.63 k)

picture: _3.JPG
_3.JPG — (108.17к)

picture: _4.JPG
_4.JPG — (76.15 k)

20.08.2008 2:03, Naturalist.Kazan

Vabrus is one type of Metalloid V-golden (beautiful) - Lat. Autographa pulchrina

Double A used your link, I think Amphipyra berbera eek.gif

The post was edited by Naturalist.Kazan - 20.08.2008 02:09
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20.08.2008 8:05, Guest

16.Lycia hirtaria?
21.Ematurga atomaria
22.Ennomos erosaria
23.With such a scuff, only Ennomos sp. no further.
24.Ematurga atomaria
25.Idaea ochrata?
27.Camptogramma bilineata
30.Cyclophora annularia
32.It seems to me an interesting form of Idaea aversata?
35.Xanthorhoe fluctuata
37.Macaria alternata

20.08.2008 8:22, svm2

Gentlemen, please help me again, now at night....if it's not hard

Actually, the quality....., preferably fishing dates
for the first
15-Alsophila aescularia
16-Lycia hirtaria
17,20-Peribatodes rhomboidaria?-very grated
18-Ectropis crepuscularia
19Agriopis aurantiaria-if in autumn
marginaria-if in spring

20.08.2008 8:34, okoem

Here is this one by keys on http://www.vim.de/falter/ It was identified as Amphipyra berbera, but I can't be sure... Moscow, August.

Thank you so much for the link!
I have three pieces of cooked Amphipyra pyramidea, they match perfectly with this key. So if the key is correct, then your definition is correct.

2 svm2
Thank you so much for the definitions! Very interesting information! Erschoviella musculana in August of this year, 4 specimens have already been recorded in two locations. Can you please send the image you have to me by e-mail? okoem@km.ru ?

This post was edited by okoem - 08/20/2008 08: 37

20.08.2008 8:43, svm2

Gentlemen, please help me again, now at night....if it's not hard

2 each in addition to what the guest identified
26-Scopula rubiginata
29-Lithostege griseata

20.08.2008 9:02, svm2

34-Scopula floslactata
37-notata in my
opinion 38-Aplocera plagiata the
rest as gost

20.08.2008 9:34, svm2

По 4
39-Chlorissa viridata
40-Gypsorhoa renitidata?
41Cabera pusaria
42-Pseudoterpna pruinata

20.08.2008 12:42, svm2

The remaining
28-possibly with Alpha (sterrhinae)
36-something from Philereme vetulata
38-Sterrhinae-nothing else is visible there

This post was edited by svm2 - 08/20/2008 12: 43

20.08.2008 14:18, svm2

Here is this one by keys on http://www.vim.de/falter/ It was identified as Amphipyra berbera, but I can't be sure... Moscow, August.

Here are more distinguishing features

20.08.2008 16:07, kut

and who is it? redface.gifMoscow oblast. august.
too bad bad angles redface.gifthank you

picture: P8099224.JPG
picture: P8129294.JPG

20.08.2008 16:24, Сергей-Д

Help to deal with the problem!
1. Schoenobius forficella?
picture: Schoenobius_forficella_____________23_24.07.2008.jpg
2. Something from the Phycitinae, that's what it is...
picture: ________1_____________23_24.07.2008.jpg
picture: ________2_____________29_30.07.2008.jpg
3. Leaf wrapper ?
picture: ____________23_24.07.2008____________.jpg
4, 5. A couple of moles, not yet leveled
picture: _____1_____________23_24.07.2008.jpg
picture: _____2_____________23_24.07.2008.jpg

to kut: in the first photo - lemongrass (Gonepteryx rhamni)

20.08.2008 17:46, Alexander Zarodov

Here are more distinguishing features

Unfortunately, without knowledge of German, these pictures do not tell me anything. Maybe someone will translate it?

20.08.2008 19:59, Guest

angles are really not very good...Photo 1 has already been identified, and something very strange is happening in photo 2. If it wasn't in the Moscow region, it would be possible to dig further. And for moe11

20.08.2008 20:04, Guest

I apologize for accidentally sending it without finishing smile.gifthe text: Maniola jurtina or Hyponephele lycaon (although I'm not very sure,it will be interesting to hear other opinions), only not the usual ones, but something like a form or aberant.According to my observations, they are very variable this year.I need to register and post photos of aberants and color forms of these types.Only here in which topic is better?

20.08.2008 23:43, PG18

and who is it? redface.gifMoscow oblast. august.
too bad bad angles redface.gifthank you

picture: P8099224.JPG
picture: P8129294.JPG

1. Female lemongrass (G. rhamni)
2. Erebia aethiops, like a female too
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21.08.2008 0:25, okoem

I need to register and post photos of aberants and color forms of these types.Only here in which topic is better?

Better in the one that is intended for this purpose - Aberrants, gynandromorphs, etc. http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=233833

21.08.2008 7:47, svm2

Unfortunately, without knowledge of German, these pictures do not tell me anything. Maybe someone will translate it?

Actually, everything is drawn there, but some translation can be obtained using googl

21.08.2008 14:50, Сергей-Д

There is no Vlad-there is no one to determine the micro (
Then a few scoops.
1,2. Something from Agrotis, Euxoa?
picture: Agrotis_Euxoa_1_____________23_24.07.2008.jpg
picture: Agrotis_Euxoa_2_____________23_24.07.2008.jpg
3. Chortodes pygmina/fluxa?
picture: Chortodes_pygmina_fluxa____________________12_13.07.2008.jpg
4. Cucullia-only cook? similar to chamomillae / umbratica
picture: Cucullia_chamomillae_umbratica____________________12_13.07.2008.jpg
5. Hadena perplexa/syriaca podolica?
картинка: Hadena_perplexa_syriaca_podolica_1____________________12_13.07.2008.jpg
картинка: Hadena_perplexa_syriaca_podolica_3_12_13.07.2008___________________.jpg
6. Lacanobia what?
picture: Lacanobia_sp.____________________12_13.07.2008.jpg
7. Mysterious white ?a scoop, maybe some form of Aegle kaekeritziana? the second photo to compare with it.
picture: _______________________________12_13.07.2008.jpg
picture: ______________Aegle_kaeketzeriana______________.jpg
8. The scoop
picture: _________________1____________________12_13.07.2008.jpg

This post was edited by Sergey_D - 08/27/2008 07: 30

22.08.2008 0:02, STIGMA

Dear entomologists,! Help me identify marigolds, although I myself am only an amateur and can be mistaken in many ways. All the butterflies were caught at the very end of July in the central part of Bashkiria, in the Urals. Thank you in advance for your help))

picture: IMGP1259.jpg
IMGP1259.jpg — (136.74к)

picture: IMGP1261.jpg
IMGP1261.jpg — (134.29к)

picture: IMGP1263.jpg
IMGP1263.jpg — (134.46к)

picture: IMGP1264.jpg
IMGP1264.jpg — (142.56к)

picture: IMGP1258.jpg
IMGP1258.jpg — (143.32к)

23.08.2008 0:43, Kharkovbut

Dear entomologists,! Help me identify marigolds, although I myself am only an amateur and can be mistaken in many ways. All the butterflies were caught at the very end of July in the central part of Bashkiria, in the Urals. Thank you in advance for your help))

Hipparchia autonoe, Arethusana arethusa, Melanargia russiae.

23.08.2008 1:41, okoem

3. Chortodes pygmina/fluxa?
7. Mysterious white ?a scoop, maybe some form of Aegle kaeketzeriana? the second photo to compare with it.

As far as I can tell, both are Aegle kaekeritziana . And the color is different - either male and female, or variability. We also have another white scoop-Chortodes morrisii. But the shape of her front wings is not the same.
Likes: 1

23.08.2008 7:39, Mylabris

Dear colleagues. Help us identify Vietnamese butterflies. The first is like Acraea violae?

picture: lepid1.jpg
lepid1.jpg — (132.04к)

picture: lepid2.jpg
lepid2.jpg — (145.58к)

23.08.2008 10:08, mikee

Dear colleagues. Help us identify Vietnamese butterflies. The first is like Acraea violae?

1. Acraea violae
2. Danais chrysippus

Both are background views for Southeast Asia. Chrysippus is generally distributed from west Africa to the Philippines, including flights to Central Asia.
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23.08.2008 15:29, barry

Help me determine it... Crimea, August, at night in the light.
(?) Ennomos fuscantaria

picture: IMG_3081.jpg
IMG_3081.jpg — (177.73к)

23.08.2008 15:55, PG18

Help me determine it... Crimea, August, at night in the light.
(?) Ennomos fuscantaria

I think-Selenia dentaria.
Boris, I never received anything from youfrown.gif

23.08.2008 18:28, Ilia Ustiantcev

There are about 60 photos on the map from the Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district of the Moscow region. To begin with, a few of the most interesting
ones are: 1.user posted image2.user posted imageAmphipoea oculea?
3.user posted image4.user posted image
5.user posted image6.user posted imageLacanobia suasa?
7.user posted image8.user posted imageEmaturga atomaria?
9.user posted imageuser posted imageI don't know if it's alveus, malvae, or something elsesmile.gif.

23.08.2008 19:49, guest: Don

to Ilya Y
1. Anarta trifolii?
2.Amphipoea oculea
3.Amphipoea lucens
4.Amphipoea sp. fucosa?
6.Lacanobia suasa
7.Trachea atriplicis
8.Ematurga atomaria
Likes: 1

23.08.2008 21:47, Ilia Ustiantcev

Thank you, but 7 is probably not it (the shape of the wings is different, and they have already flown away, besides there is no white stroke. This is something Mamestro-melanchro-shaped), and 3 exactly-does not pass just in size, and generally looks like noctuina.

This post was edited by Ilya U - 08/23/2008 21: 50

24.08.2008 9:04, guest: Don

Ilya, if this is the August training camp, then yes, atriplicis has already left.By the way, it seemed to me that there is a white stroke, which is why I gave such a definition (probably it was a glimmer), but if not, maybe 7. Anaplectoides prasina?It's just from Noctuinae.Although I don't know if it comes across in August?
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24.08.2008 9:26, Ilia Ustiantcev

Here it looks more like prazina, just the remnants of the green pattern seem to turn into stripes. The kidney-shaped spot seems normal, but the ring-shaped one is confusing. And by what can be noctuina, I meant 3, it is probably twice (well, one and a half times exactly) larger than Amphipoea.

24.08.2008 10:05, okoem

2 Ilya At
the Scoop nom.7 apparently Acronicta rumicis.
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24.08.2008 10:13, Ilia Ustiantcev

Thanks! Probably her. And I was trying to remember who else had such a kidney-shaped spot! Eurois occult from the Tver region also first searched among the strelchat girls.

24.08.2008 11:35, guest: Don

Ilya, the size of the photo is difficult to take into account ... 3. maybe then Diarsia sp.? it looks more like a female florida to me.
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24.08.2008 12:12, Ilia Ustiantcev

Well, perhaps, only I came across diarrhoea, too, small, probably Ruby. I'll post it soon

24.08.2008 22:14, Андреас

- Dear forumchane, - please tell me the names of these butterflies:
1) - shashechnitsy
2) - I think not even scoops (Zheleznovodsk, early April, forest, stream, hornbeam bloomed)
3) - pestryanki (28.07.06 clearing in the forest on the eastern slope of Mount Mashuk, scabiosa flower)

24.08.2008 22:45, Ilia Ustiantcev

1 - Melitaeamellicta sp. (athalia, aurelia, britomartis, caucasogenita) The latter is well distinguished by the underside.
2-nolida, previously referred to as scoops. There are many species in the Caucasus, but it may be a fairly well-known Meganola strigula.
3-Mottled bird Zygaena, most likely carniolica.
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24.08.2008 23:40, Андреас

1 - Melitaeamellicta sp. (athalia, aurelia, britomartis, caucasogenita) The latter is well distinguished by the underside.
2-nolida, previously referred to as scoops. There are many species in the Caucasus, but it may be a fairly well-known Meganola strigula.
3-Mottled bird Zygaena, most likely carniolica.

- thanks. The last 2 types of draughtsmen do not live on KMV, - (unfortunately, the underside did not take a picture). This is the first time I've ever seen Nolida here. And this motley bird seems to be called Ocular in Russian (we have it).

This post was edited by Andreas - 24.08.2008 23: 53

Pages: 1 ...109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117... 985

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