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Identification of larvae and pupae

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of larvae and pupae

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29.07.2016 22:48, Nick444444

What kind of beauty? Ocd. Bryansk. July. Thank you very much.

Orgyia antiqua
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30.07.2016 1:40, undina-bird

Good afternoon!
Please tell me, is this Orgyia antiquoides? It doesn't seem antiqua...
06.06.2012 Pskov region, Bezhanitsky district, Polistovsky nature reserve, verkhovoe boloto
user posted image

And one more thing: Notodonta torva? 24.07.2016 Leningradskaya oblast, Lomonosovsky district, Ropsha neighborhood, Bereznyak
user posted image

30.07.2016 16:19, Nick444444

Good afternoon!
Please tell me, is this Orgyia antiquoides? It doesn't seem antiqua...
06.06.2012 Pskov region, Bezhanitsky district, Polistovsky nature reserve, verkhovoe boloto

And one more thing: Notodonta torva? 24.07.2016 Leningradskaya oblast, Lomonosovsky district, Ropsha neighborhood, bereznyak

Everything is defined correctly smile.gif.

This post was edited by Nick444444 - 30.07.2016 16: 20
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30.07.2016 17:48, lazardin

Help, someone from the Nymphalidae, I believe
picture: DSC07845.JPG

30.07.2016 19:34, John-ST

Help, someone from the Nymphalidae, I suppose

Vanessa atalanta
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01.08.2016 21:32, MIV

Something familiar, something I've seen before, but I can't remember. If anyone knows , please tell me. I ate a cultivated peony at a garden uch-ke near Krasnoyarsk in early July.

picture: _______________________________________________._________._17.07.16.jpg
picture: _______________________________________________._________._17.07.16..jpg

Can someone tell me and this moth? Fed on nivyannik, in the same place and at the same time as the previous one. Quite large - approx. 30 mm.

picture: ____________________________________________________._________._16.07.16.___________25.07.16.jpg

02.08.2016 0:02, okoem

Something familiar, something I've seen before, but I can't remember. If anyone knows , please tell me. I ate a cultivated peony at a garden uch-ke near Krasnoyarsk in early July.

The scoop is, in my opinion, from the subfamily Heliothinae. Moth - from Ennominae.
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02.08.2016 3:33, Ольга Титова

Is it possible to determine from the pupa what kind of butterfly will appear?
Found yesterday, Sakhalin.

picture: DSC_0248____.jpg
DSC_0248____.jpg — (50.46к)

picture: DSC_0251____.jpg
DSC_0251____.jpg — (55.35к)

02.08.2016 8:40, Nick444444

Is it possible to determine from the pupa what kind of butterfly will appear?
Found yesterday, Sakhalin.

Aglais io
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02.08.2016 9:21, Woodmen

Something familiar, something I've seen before, but I can't remember. If anyone knows , please tell me. I ate a cultivated peony at a garden uch-ke near Krasnoyarsk in early July.

It is similar to the caterpillar Pyrrhia exprimens, but they seem to feed on monkshood...

02.08.2016 9:52, Grigory Grigoryev

Everything is defined correctly smile.gif.

This is Orgyia recens, not antiqua

02.08.2016 10:15, Nick444444

This is Orgyia recens, not antiqua

I didn't think it was antiqua smile.gif
Read the post carefully.

02.08.2016 16:28, AlexIva

Please help me identify the caterpillar:
Moscow region, Serpukhov district, Luzhki, 30.07.16

picture: 11.JPG
11.JPG — (138.25к)

picture: 12.JPG
12.JPG — (150.19 k)

02.08.2016 18:39, okoem

Please help me identify the caterpillar:
Moscow region, Serpukhov district, Luzhki, 30.07.16

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02.08.2016 21:43, MIV

The scoop is, in my opinion, from the subfamily Heliothinae. Moth-from Ennominae.

You're right. This is the caterpillar Pyrrhia exprimens. By the way, the" mother " of this caterpillar flew into the world at the end of June. The caterpillar itself managed to escape from the jar.
In general, what does it usually develop on?
Moth - from Ennominae successfully pupated. Will wait.

02.08.2016 23:44, okoem

In general, what does it usually develop on?

Monkshood, as far as I know.

This post was edited by okoem - 02.08.2016 23: 44
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03.08.2016 10:25, t00m

July 20 central Tien Shan

picture: DSC03553.JPG
DSC03553.JPG — (298.98к)

04.08.2016 22:55, аруд

Just the same-transformer. ????? Ocd. Bryansk, Aug. Thank you very much.

image: ______. jpg
______.jpg — (315.07к)

04.08.2016 23:07, Andrey Ponomarev

Just the same-transformer. ????? Ocd. Bryansk, Aug. Thank you very much.

Thyatira batis
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05.08.2016 1:19, Arikain

Caterpillar in a coniferous forest, on a small fir tree. End of June, Karelia.
picture: cat1.jpg
picture: cat1_1.jpg

05.08.2016 9:45, Woodmen

Kirov region, Sovetsky district, Nemdy River valley, on the black currant. 19.07.2016.
Someone from the Ennominae, Boarmiini...

user posted image user posted image

user posted image user posted image

Kirov region, Kirovo-Chepetsk district, on an aspen tree. 17.07.2016.
Notodonta sp. , but what is it?..

user posted image user posted image user posted image

This post was edited by Woodmen - 05.08.2016 15: 54

05.08.2016 21:51, Andrey Ponomarev

Kirov region, Sovetsky district, Nemdy River valley, on the black currant. 19.07.2016.
Someone from the Ennominae, Boarmiini...

user posted image user posted image

user posted image user posted image
Kirov region, Kirovo-Chepetsk district, on an aspen tree. 17.07.2016.
Notodonta sp. , but what is it?..

user posted image user posted image user posted image

1 Hypomecis punctinalis
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07.08.2016 0:15, KM2200

Tell me, maybe, who knows whose larva it is? It hatched about a week ago from eggs like the one next to it in the photo, laid on a leaf of some plant. The size is approximately 2 mm together with the cover.
picture: L1.jpg
And another second question, there is such a moth caterpillar, the caterpillar itself of course can not be determined, I do not hope, but what is it on it for a ball, a parasite egg? If so, which one (well, before the squad...)?
picture: L2.jpg
picture: L2a.jpg

08.08.2016 12:08, t00m

Three girlfriends from the central Tien Shan. Collected in July. what to expect? are there any ryukbayli among them, for example?

picture: DSC03623.JPG
DSC03623.JPG — (294.76к)

08.08.2016 19:02, Трофим

Tell me what kind of hawk moth?

picture: bEj5Cfsv1Bg.jpg
bEj5Cfsv1Bg.jpg — (63.3к)

picture: srp08kUQRBc.jpg
srp08kUQRBc.jpg — (40.71к)

08.08.2016 19:24, Hierophis

So like w some wine hawk moth smile.gif
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08.08.2016 21:07, Andrey Ponomarev

Tell me what kind of hawk moth?

Deilephila elpenor
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09.08.2016 9:22, Dmitry Vlasov

Colleagues mol.gif
Is it possible to determine the caterpillar (it looks like some kind of volnyanka) - the south of the Yaroslavl region, riding swamp, mowing on myrtle bushes (marsh myrtle, wild rosemary), heather and blueberries... 7.8.2016
image: ____. jpg

09.08.2016 12:10, Елизавета Рысенкова

Please help me identify the caterpillar.

Nepe village, Ostashkovsky district, Tver region. 31.07.2016

picture: IMGP5310.JPGpicture: IMGP5315.JPGpicture: IMGP5317.JPG

09.08.2016 12:17, Nick444444

Please help me identify the caterpillar.

Nepe village, Ostashkovsky district, Tver region. 31.07.2016

caterpillar of some hawk moth
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09.08.2016 13:58, Елизавета Рысенкова

a hawk moth caterpillar

And more precisely, it is impossible to determine?

09.08.2016 14:16, Evgenich

Elizaveta Rysenkova
Sphinx pinastri-pine hawk moth.
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09.08.2016 14:18, Evgenich

A brown color indicates that the caterpillar is ready to pupate. Most likely, you found her crawling on the ground.
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09.08.2016 16:32, Елизавета Рысенкова

A brown color indicates that the caterpillar is ready to pupate. Most likely, you found her crawling on the ground.

Yes, I crawled by the tent. They took it under the trees so they wouldn't accidentally crush it.

Is that him?
picture: __________________130_.JPGpicture: __________________108_.JPG

This post was edited by Elizaveta Rysenkova - 09.08.2016 16: 38

09.08.2016 17:55, Ruankis

Good afternoon! Guys, please help me determine the type of caterpillar. Found it today not far from the house on a bush. Hanzhou city, south China, near Shanghai. I searched the entire Internet and couldn't determine the type. The caterpillar is large and shows fake red eyes when alarmed.

picture: 20160809191855.jpg
20160809191855.jpg — (278.12к)

picture: 20160809191815.jpg
20160809191815.jpg — (278.6к)

picture: 20160809191718_1.jpg
20160809191718_1.jpg — (295.37к)

09.08.2016 19:57, insectamo

Colleagues mol.gif
Is it possible to determine the caterpillar (it looks like some kind of volnyanka) - the south of the Yaroslavl region, riding swamp, mowing on myrtle bushes (marsh myrtle, wild rosemary), heather and blueberries... 7.8.2016

Bald Orgyia antiqua
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09.08.2016 20:02, insectamo

Tell me, maybe, who knows whose larva it is? It hatched about a week ago from eggs like the one next to it in the photo, laid on a leaf of some plant. The size is approximately 2 mm together with the cover.
picture: L1.jpg
And another second question, there is such a moth caterpillar, the caterpillar itself of course can not be determined, I do not hope, but what is it on it for a ball, a parasite egg? If so, which one (well, before the squad...)?

2-probably one of the green motes (Geometrinae)
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09.08.2016 20:20, insectamo

Kirov region, Sovetsky district, Nemdy River valley, on the black currant. 19.07.2016.
Someone from Ennominae, Boarmiini...

2 - Dare I suggest that N. torva
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09.08.2016 20:24, insectamo

Caterpillar in a coniferous forest, on a small fir tree. End of June, Karelia.

Panolis flammea
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09.08.2016 20:28, insectamo

Something familiar, something I've seen before, but I can't remember. If anyone knows , please tell me. I ate a cultivated peony at a garden uch-ke near Krasnoyarsk in early July..

2-similar to Ectropis crepuscularia
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