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Identification of larvae and pupae

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of larvae and pupae

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30.06.2017 13:26, NIKSTER

Help me determine it.
Vladimir region
1 photo taken in July
2 photos taken in August

I may be wrong with the dating, because the tc didn't know that it was necessary to determine it.

1 - Spilosoma sp.
2 - Phalera bucephala
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30.06.2017 13:32, Сантьяга

Thank you. What can you say about the rest?

30.06.2017 13:37, dim-va

3 - Malacosoma castrense
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30.06.2017 17:43, Сантьяга

Hello. Help me determine it.

Pterophorus pentadactyla?

01.07.2017 17:56, Andrey Ponomarev

Pterophorus pentadactyla?

Very similar to
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02.07.2017 8:36, Hellisa

I will assume that this is one of the bandwrights. possibly Catocala fraxini.

Oh, thank you. I might have seen some of them in our neighborhood. And do not tell me how long the pupal stage lasts in this species, which I did not find. And in what conditions is it better to keep it?
We put it on a twig in a jar and moisten it sometimes.

02.07.2017 14:22, okoem

how long does the pupal stage last in this species, something I did not find. And in what conditions is it better to keep it?

The pupal stage in this species lasts about a month.
Put the baby pupa in a cardboard box. Tighten the box with gauze. Spray from a spray bottle from time to time.

03.07.2017 0:20, Andrey Ponomarev

M. O., Voynovo Gora, 29.06.2017, mowed down from the grass, what eats I do not know, died.
picture: IMG_0053.jpg
picture: IMG_0056.jpg

03.07.2017 8:28, insectamo

M. O., Voynovo Gora, 29.06.2017, mowed down from the grass, what eats I do not know, died.

It resembles young Phragmatobia fuliginosa
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03.07.2017 16:45, Сантьяга

Hello. Help me determine it. August. Vladimir region.

picture: DSC03159.JPG
DSC03159.JPG — (291.58к)

03.07.2017 17:30, NIKSTER

Hello. Help me determine it. August. Vladimir region.

Maybe it's Ascotis selenaria
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04.07.2017 13:01, Shamil Murtazin

03.07.2017, Yuzhny Ural, Ufa
1. mown with an inflorescence of horse sorrel, but it could have been brought there =)
picture: IMG_5358_22.jpg

picture: IMG_5360_21.jpg

2. from the water meadow
picture: IMG_4972_92.jpg

picture: IMG_4976_91.jpg

04.07.2017 14:03, insectamo

03.07.2017, Southern Urals, Ufa

1-Hypera arator has a similar larva
2-probably Dolerus sp.
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04.07.2017 16:22, Hellisa

The pupal stage in this species lasts about a month.
Put the baby pupa in a cardboard box. Tighten the box with gauze. Spray from a spray bottle from time to time.

Thank you very much

04.07.2017 18:48, KM2200

Please tell me. I'm trying to raise a sac, but I don't know what to feed.
Kiev, June 11. Length 8 mm. Sat on buckthorn, but buckthorn does not eat, crawls on the box.
picture: mesh.jpg

Instead of a butterfly, a parasite emerged from the pupa on 28.06. I identified it by "green" as Diadegma sp. (Ichneumonidae, Campopleginae). Can you say something about the caterpillar itself?
picture: diadegma.jpg

This post was edited by KM2200-04.07.2017 18: 53

04.07.2017 23:22, vafdog

Instead of a butterfly, a parasite emerged from the pupa on 28.06. I identified it by "green" as Diadegma sp. (Ichneumonidae, Campopleginae). Can you say something about the caterpillar itself?
picture: diadegma.jpg

Probably Sterrhopterix fusca (HAWORTH, [1809])

05.07.2017 0:39, KM2200

Probably Sterrhopterix fusca (HAWORTH, [1809])
Thank you, but isn't it too small for Sterrhopterix fusca? They write Wingspan (male) 18-25 mm, and my caterpillar was only 8 mm long.

05.07.2017 8:55, vafdog

Thank you, but isn't it too small for Sterrhopterix fusca? They write Wingspan (male) 18-25 mm, and my caterpillar was only 8 mm long.

probably the caterpillar was not an adult or because it was eaten from the inside-it did not grow up

05.07.2017 17:32, KM2200

probably the caterpillar was not an adult or because it was eaten from the inside - it did not grow

Well, maybe. Although it's pupated, so it's an adult. Can a parasite cause a caterpillar to pupate prematurely? I don't know.

05.07.2017 19:00, NIKSTER

Can a parasite cause a caterpillar to pupate prematurely? I don't know.

This is unlikely. Because the parasite usually slows down the caterpillar's growth process.

06.07.2017 19:12, akulich-sibiria

good afternoon, can you tell me what kind of pest makes such nests?
Crimea, early July.
picture: IMG_3298.jpg
picture: IMG_3301.jpg

06.07.2017 19:14, akulich-sibiria

really abb?

06.07.2017 19:19, insectamo

good afternoon, can you tell me what kind of pest makes such nests?
Crimea, early July.

Hyphantria cunea
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06.07.2017 23:01, akulich-sibiria

Hyphantria cunea

Thank you, so I was right smile.gif

08.07.2017 6:16, Urman

Please help me understand the definition of a cocoonworm. North of the Omsk region, forest zone. On a birch tree.

picture: DSC04543.JPG
DSC04543.JPG — (290.91к)

08.07.2017 17:31, djdjs

Help us recognize what kind of miracle is this? As long as I live, I see it for the first time, a little shocked. Lugansk.

picture: 778093404.jpg
778093404.jpg — (293.47к)

picture: 778093504.jpg
778093504.jpg — (291.21к)

08.07.2017 17:42, insectamo

Help us recognize what kind of miracle is this? As long as I live, I see it for the first time, a little shocked. Lugansk.

Saturnia pyri

08.07.2017 17:46, djdjs

I forgot to add the size of an adult man's index finger.

picture: 778093454.jpg
778093454.jpg — (293.86к)

08.07.2017 17:49, djdjs

Thanks! It's good that I didn't nail it. It is listed in the red Book! But my imagination ran wild!!!

08.07.2017 19:32, dim-va

Please help me understand the definition of a cocoonworm. North of the Omsk region, forest zone. On a birch tree.

This is a pleasant and infrequent view. With the genus, everything is clear-Phyllodesma. The view is more complicated. From a couple of possible ones, I will assume that this is Ph. japonica.

08.07.2017 22:40, RoPro

Please help me figure it out. Amphipyra berbera ? Near Moscow, on some herbaceous plant.

picture: DSCN9330.jpg
DSCN9330.jpg — (319.72к)

08.07.2017 23:24, Елизавета Рысенкова

Please help me identify the caterpillar.

Samara region, Mastryukov lakes
picture: IMGP0197.JPG

08.07.2017 23:40, insectamo

Please help me figure it out. Amphipyra berbera ? Near Moscow, on some herbaceous plant.

Judging by the color of the horn-yes.
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08.07.2017 23:41, insectamo

Please help me identify the caterpillar.

Samara region, Mastryukov lakes
picture: IMGP0197.JPG

Is there a side view? And bigger.

09.07.2017 3:38, Елизавета Рысенкова

Is there a side view? And bigger.

No, this is the only photo.

09.07.2017 5:44, Urman

This is a pleasant and infrequent view. With the genus, everything is clear-Phyllodesma. The view is more complicated. From a couple of possible ones, I will assume that this is Ph. japonica.

Thank you. This species is found in our country in early summer.
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09.07.2017 11:41, insectamo

No, this is the only photo.

I would like to say that this is a leafhopper, for example, Archips, for example, xylosteana, but there are a lot of similar ones, both in this family and in others (Gelechiidae, Elachistidae), and maybe even somewhere else.
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10.07.2017 6:40, Викторович

Please help with the definition.
Sawfly false burrs (possibly red pine) were removed from larch. For a photo shoot, they were transplanted to a spruce branch. Collection point: Parabel, Tomsk region. July.

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (195.49 k)

picture: 3.jpg
3.jpg — (306.07 k)

picture: 5.jpg
5.jpg — (339.44 k)

10.07.2017 6:46, Викторович

I also ask you to identify a sawmill operator from the Tomsk region Parabelle. Found on cedar.

picture: 6.jpg
6.jpg — (297.42 k)

picture: 7.jpg
7.jpg — (298.95 k)

picture: 8.jpg
8.jpg — (297.67 k)

picture: 9.jpg
9.jpg — (278.41к)

picture: 15.jpg
15.jpg — (306.23 k)

10.07.2017 6:53, Викторович

Please identify one more Parabelist sawyer. Found on cedar. There are spider nests there, so I assume Sawfly is one of the weavers. Thank you in advance.

picture: ____________102.jpg
____________102.jpg — (305.25 k)

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