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Preparation of genitals

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsPreparation of genitals

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11.10.2017 22:26, AGG

it will be difficult to shoot the video because of the size wink.gifof some groups, the genitals of males themselves come out when they are frozen. or it is easy to get, after an additional expansion of the anal opening, with a curved needle (for medium and small ones) or with thin tweezers (for large beetles). I mount almost all the material on dies!!! therefore ... when preparing "leaf blocks", I simply separate the entire abdomen according to the first ventrit, take out the edeagus/spermateca and mount it in place. those groups that have important signs on the ventrites, I mount the belly side by side on the same die. I think that your case is exactly the second, K. T. You are intensely interested wink.gifin cows I mount cows on tre-pentagons or transparent dies, because a large number of important signs are on the underside of the body. the same femoral lines are more convenient to look at on a torn belly - the hind legs do not interfere smile.gifjust stick a needle No. 00 between the rear basins, the abdomen will bounce off, and gut it in a drop of water under a microscope, as much as you can fit. "prepare" the drug, the warhead does not have a wash, almost everything is removed with the same thin needles when extracting

This post was edited by AGG - 11.10.2017 22: 29
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12.10.2017 14:15, Tortuga.

it will be difficult to shoot the video because of the size wink.gifof some groups, the genitals of males themselves come out when they are frozen. or it is easy to get, after an additional expansion of the anal opening, with a curved needle (for medium and small ones) or with thin tweezers (for large beetles). I mount almost all the material on dies!!! therefore ... when preparing "leaf blocks", I simply separate the entire abdomen according to the first ventrit, take out the edeagus/spermateca and mount it in place. those groups that have important signs on the ventrites, I mount the belly side by side on the same die. I think that your case is exactly the second, K. T. You are intensely interested wink.gifin cows I mount cows on tre-pentagons or transparent dies, because a large number of important signs are on the underside of the body. the same femoral lines are more convenient to look at on a torn belly - the hind legs do not interfere smile.gifjust stick a needle No. 00 between the rear basins, the abdomen will bounce off, and gut it in a drop of water under a microscope, as much as you can fit. "prepare" the drug, the warhead does not have a wash, almost everything is removed with the same thin needles when extracting

Thank you so much for such a detailed answer! smile.gif Yes, I am really interested in dissecting small species of coccinellids. On cooking microlepidopter hands stuffed, (...and that when boiling did not fly out the genitals with alkali stretch gauze, fine mesh fabric, which is then clamped with a test tube holder). The disadvantage of the cold* method of cooking the drug for me is that there is a lot of extraneous organic matter, while when cooking, only the necessary chitin remains.
But I don't know which way to approach the beetles.. eek.gif
Such a profane question still: tk beetles are dry, do they need to be soaked in a desiccator or in water before separating the abdomen??

This post was edited by Tortuga. - 12.10.2017 14: 45

12.10.2017 21:46, AGG

Of course!!!
otherwise, how do you clean your belly? personally, I pee first and then separate the belly on a piece of foam ceiling tile. I make a small depression in it equal to half the diameter of the beetle, for example, by slightly pressing the head of a pin. I put the beetle there on its back, perpendicular to the axis of the beetle's body at a short distance from it, I stick a thin needle rather thickly so that by pressing the head you can fix the beetle in the chest area, I drop a small drop of water!!! otherwise, both / or the beetle and / or the belly can fly on the table in different directions. and then I separate the abdomen. put the beetle in one Petri dish, the belly in the other, for preparation. I use a lid from a jar for tooth powder, but I think the usual polyethylene lid for cans will do. you can stick a pin in the soft material of the lid a little when preparing, but you can't do this on glass. of course, to be sure, you can hold it in alkali (if weak, then longer, if the concentration is higher, then less, even "hot", even "cold", but basically, this is not required. it happens that I leave the genitals in Ependorf for a day in 10% alkali, but this is extremely rare, for very "oak"
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21.02.2018 20:42, Odessa13

I apologize in advance maybe in the wrong topic.. well, I didn't find anything similar like, in general, there is someone who knows how to properly dissect the abdomen of large spiders ? so that it would not be wrinkled, just accumulated a decent number of corpses in the freezer for 10 years, and the hands will not reach to deal with them, throw away a pity, and the wife crepsit says release the refrigerator, zadolbal already put his muck there frown.gif

04.05.2018 15:58, Bianor

Real arachnologists will probably spit me out, but I separate the boyushko for the monster, dry the base like a regular beetle, and inflate the belly like a caterpillar. It is important not to forget to immediately stick a thin chip in the cephalothorax, in the place where the abdomen is attached, so that later the dried abdomen can be put on it and glued.

user posted image

This post was edited by Bianor - 04.05.2018 16: 00
Likes: 3

05.09.2019 3:52, Bianor

I don't know where to ask, but this topic will probably be best.
How to wash off the scales from the wings of butterflies? I tried it with alcohol - it doesn't work, it's too easy to tear thin membranes. It's too scary to soak in lye.

25.12.2019 12:50, kovyl

At work, I make preparations in the Fora-Berlese liquid. If the drug is made in a more or less thick layer of liquid, then after a while air bubbles form in the thickness, which is very difficult to get rid of.
How does euparal behave in this regard?

10.09.2021 18:36, Vorduk

I need to dissect the genitals of a beetle (genus Cicindela), the beetle is dried, I've never done anything like this. How to do it? Need detailed instructions mol.gif

PS search the forum for scattered messages lazy

11.09.2021 6:54, Бомка

I need to dissect the genitals of a beetle (genus Cicindela), the beetle is dried, I've never done anything like this. How to do it? Need detailed instructions mol.gif

P. S. search the forum for scattered messages laziness

Throw the beetle in a glass of boiling water, then pick out the edeagus with a blunt pin.
If you need to turn out the endophallus, then the technique is here:

26.09.2021 18:05, Vorduk

Throw the beetle in a glass of boiling water, then pick out the edeagus with a blunt pin.
If you need to turn out the endophallus, then the technique is here:

Thank you very much!

08.08.2022 20:40, Сергей Касай

Hello, everyone.
Please help me how to cook the genitals of plavuntsov genus Ilybius?)
You can do everything in detailed colors, I will be doing this for the first time and I want everything to go perfectly and just be able to determine the view)

08.08.2022 20:41, Сергей Касай

Hello, everyone.
Please help me how to cook the genitals of plavuntsov genus Ilybius?)
You can do everything in detailed colors, I will be doing this for the first time and I want everything to go perfectly and just be able to determine the view)

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