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Preparation of genitals

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsPreparation of genitals

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03.08.2016 15:13, rhopalocera.com

Colleagues, what kind of needles do you use when dissecting / straightening particularly small genitalia (for example, Microlepidoptera)?

Thin ones...

I was lucky at one time, I managed to buy typesetting needles (a metal handle in which the needle is clamped). So, in the set there are needles thinner than a hair. The metal is unclear, but they bend easily. They work comfortably up to the genitals of micropterigids.

03.08.2016 15:42, Vlad Proklov

Thin ones...

I was lucky at one time, I managed to buy typesetting needles (a metal handle in which the needle is clamped). So, in the set there are needles thinner than a hair. The metal is unclear, but they bend easily. They work comfortably up to the genitals of micropterigids.

And where are they sold?

03.08.2016 17:05, okoem

Colleagues, what kind of needles do you use when dissecting / straightening particularly small genitalia (for example, Microlepidoptera)?

Microlepidoptera is a very flexible concept. When dissecting, for example, Depressariidae, I use, first of all, a thin sharp tweezers. Also with a regular tattoo needle, for example number 0.

04.08.2016 1:39, Dracus

Microlepidoptera is a very flexible concept. When dissecting, for example, Depressariidae, I use, first of all, a thin sharp tweezers. Also with a regular tattoo needle, such as the number 0.

In my case, we are talking about 0.5 mm or less. Ordinary entomological pins are too thick for real work with such devices. Now I'm experimenting with the 000 minuts, but they bend quite easily on the sclerites...

23.08.2016 13:18, AlexEvs

Guys, can you tell me where you can buy euparal by mail now? My favorite lab shop has closed in Rostov ((

23.08.2016 17:17, rhopalocera.com

And where are they sold?

I bought it in entosphinx

24.08.2016 20:44, AlexEvs

Maybe I asked the wrong question... Order euparal to be sent by mail. I didn't find it on our entomology stores.

07.09.2016 20:29, AlexEvs

Does no one really use euparal? Can someone tell me if it is possible to buy it in St. Petersburg?

22.09.2016 10:18, greengrocery

Narchuk E. P. A convenient method for storing drugs in a liquid medium in a collection. Entom. obozr. 1975. 54 (3): 676-677.

download file Nartshuk_1975_method.pdf

size: 143.16 k
number of downloads: 235

picture: A084.gif

22.09.2016 21:49, Dracus

Narchuk E. P. A convenient method for storing drugs in a liquid medium in a collection. Entom. obozr. 1975. 54 (3): 676-677.

Compare it very conveniently until the size of the genitals begins to approach 5-8 mm. But for permanent work, it's still not the same.

19.10.2016 21:46, Bianor

Why invent something if there are Eppendorfs? Put a drop of glycerin in a test tube and the preparation together with the belly coverings. The size of the smallest test tube is comparable to the size of the label, which is very convenient. Although, catching some small genitalia, such as Inurois, is a test of vigilance.


user posted image

20.10.2016 22:22, greengrocery

Why invent something if there are Eppendorfs?

Well, the reasons can be as follows:
1) the method is not much younger than the Eppendorfs,
2) test tubes cost other money,
3) in many groups, objects are usually smaller than Inurios.

It seems that in ZINA, a significant part of the dipteran collection was assembled using this method.

23.10.2016 23:10, Dracus

And I have a banal question, colleagues-what do you advise to color the muscles in a partially enlightened preparation? It is difficult to understand when they overlap each other inside the sclerite.

24.10.2016 11:44, lepidopterolog

I paint with eosin.

24.10.2016 12:21, Alexandr Zhakov

Narchuk E. P. A convenient method for storing drugs in a liquid medium in a collection. Entom. obozr. 1975. 54 (3): 676-677.

I have been using this method for a long time, only now there is a heat-shrinkable tube (cambrick), sold in radio markets and radio stores, I take transparent, different diameters for different sizes from 2 mm to 5 mm. First, one end is sealed, a gas lighter, Then squeezed with tweezers, a drop of glycerin is added to the bottom with a syringe, the preparation is added to it, if necessary, glycerin is added, the absence of glycene is required 2-3 mm from the open cut, It is heated, the cut is squeezed with tweezers. Germitichnost is checked by easy squeezing.

24.10.2016 15:46, AVA

I have been using this method for a long time, only now there is a heat-shrinkable tube (cambrick), sold in radio markets and radio stores, I take transparent, different diameters for different sizes from 2 mm to 5 mm. First, one end is sealed, a gas lighter, Then squeezed with tweezers, a drop of glycerin is added to the bottom with a syringe, the preparation is added to it, if necessary, glycerin is added, the absence of glycene is required 2-3 mm from the open cut, It is heated, the cut is squeezed with tweezers. Germitichnost is checked by easy squeezing.

I have been using similar polyethylene tubes of different diameters for many years. However, with one difference. I do not clamp the outer end of the tube, but insert a plug made of styrofoam "worms" cut into pieces, used as a sealing filler. This ensures constant access to the drug without the need to cut off the outer end of the tube (and, accordingly, shorten it).
When necessary, without removing the container from the pin, I remove the stopper and take out the drug with a curved pin at the end. No problem.
There are only a couple of important points. First, you need to heat the tip of the tube, but clamp it with cold (!) tweezers. Secondly, glycerin should not reach the plug from the inside, so that there is no capillary leakage.
By the way, some foreign analogues also suggest the possibility of regular opening of the container. But their difference lies in the fact that the pin is stuck not in the flattened "tail" of the container, but in its silicone plug. However, it is more difficult to remove such a container from the stopper than to remove the stopper. And, as experience shows, " my " way is simply safer for an impaled insect.

24.10.2016 17:09, EvgenD

For storing drugs, I use tubes from droppers, it is sold in almost any pharmacy, it is inexpensive, the kit includes about a meter of the tube. The exact name is "one-time system for infusion of infusion solutions", the pharmacists themselves call it simply - "system". For small and medium-sized butterflies, it is quite suitable, larger scoops, for example, Amphipyra pyramidea, are already problematic to cram there (therefore, in addition, I recently purchased a package of micro-tubes "for a large animal" on Entosfinx). I borrowed the idea here, on the forum, about 5 years ago. But the tubes were supposed to be sealed at both ends. Pretty quickly, I decided that this was inconvenient and began to solder only on one side, and on the other - to plug a small plasticine stopper. Now I first solder and cut the tube into pieces of the desired length, then use a syringe to inject 1-2 drops of glycerol into each piece (insulin syringes are not suitable, the hole is too small, the glycerol does not pass well; you need to take a syringe with a thicker needle). then I make plugs and plug the "test tubes". After that, I glue a rectangle of cardboard to the middle of the tube with cyanoacrylate glue (supermoment), for which the entire structure is pinned under the insect. It looks something like this:
picture: IMG_7742.jpg

25.10.2016 16:22, AVA

For storing drugs, I use tubes from droppers, ...

The containers you have provided have several disadvantages at once:
- such tubes are made of PVC, which, unlike PE, does not melt when heated, but burns with charring (with the release, by the way, of dioxins). Therefore, it is very difficult to make a flat "tail" on such a container;
- the PVC gets darker over time.
- the proposed method of gluing the container to the die is not very reliable, since PVC is chemically passive and even on cyanoacrylate does not last very long.
Conclusion-look for PE tubes. Containers made of them are more technologically advanced and more durable.

25.10.2016 17:47, ИНО

PVC does not darken, but becomes cloudy, but PE is similar. Tubes" from droppers " are sold in the assortment in any household market (as well as in pet stores), and their diameters are different, even for Saturn enough. Why solder it if you can just plug it with a second sealed plug?

25.10.2016 20:21, Dracus

And is such a plug really sealed? I mean for a period of 20-30 years at least.

25.10.2016 20:39, ИНО

It is unlikely that anyone has 20-30 years of experience using such tubes, so it is not possible to answer exactly. But once, in the design captured in the photo, one plug is already available, it means that the second one will not hurt much.

25.10.2016 21:51, EvgenD

"...these tubes are made of PVC ..."

I hadn't really thought about it before. Can you tell me how to determine what plastic the tube is made of? I didn't find any labels on the packaging about this. As for the difficulty of sealing, the photo is rather not a very successful sample, which was made in a hurry. If you carefully heat the tube near a low flame (for example, an alcohol lamp or a candle), it melts normally and does not burn, a flat tail is easily formed with tweezers.
The question of the reliability of gluing also bothered me, I used other adhesives before. Sometimes the tubes fell off. I have been using cyanoacrylate for 3 years, during this time there were no problems. Perhaps gluing is really worth giving up. Next time I'll try to make longer ponytails and pin the tubes through them.
My plasticine plugs do not claim to be leak-proof. They may lose their properties over time. I'll be able to tell you about it in 20 years. One colleague suggested using wax instead of plasticine, but I haven't had time to try it yet. Probably, it is possible to plug both sides with plasticine, why not. I just do what I'm used to. I also saw the option of storing drugs in such tubes, sealed on one side and open on the other. But in this case, the glycerin will dry faster.

26.10.2016 16:12, AVA


I hadn't really thought about it before. Can you tell me how to determine what plastic the tube is made of?
PE melts under moderate heating. PVC-as if it swells, and then charred and burns with the release of black smoke and an acrid smell. Silicone does not melt at all, only deforms.

... the photo is rather not a very successful sample, which was made in a hurry. If you carefully heat the tube near a low flame (for example, an alcohol lamp or a candle), it melts normally and does not burn, a flat tail is easily formed with tweezers.
In principle, you can create a "tail"for their PVC pipe. But the compressed layers do not fuse, as a result of which glycerin flows through the remaining micro-gap, causing corrosion of the pin.

The question of the reliability of gluing also bothered me, I used other adhesives before. Sometimes the tubes fell off. I have been using cyanoacrylate for 3 years, during this time there were no problems. Perhaps gluing is really worth giving up.
For gluing PVC, there are special types of glue that I haven't seen on sale for a long time. And since I myself did not use such glue, I have no idea about its durability. But the fact that such glue, judging by the smell, contains vinegar, is not good for collections.

My plasticine plugs do not claim to be leak-proof. They may lose their properties over time. I'll be able to tell you about it in 20 years. One colleague suggested using wax instead of plasticine, but I haven't had time to try it yet. Probably, it is possible to plug both sides with plasticine, why not.
Plasticine has one hidden disadvantage – often its plasticity is based on the addition of glycerol to the original mixture. So when glycerin gets on the cork from the tube, plasticine absorbs it and turns into sour cream, thoroughly soiling the tube itself from the inside. Neither wax nor paraffin improves the problem.
I tried a different approach: using a metal tube of the desired diameter with a sharpened edge, I simply cut out cylinders from fine-pored PPE ("foam"), with which I plugged the tube.

I also saw the option of storing drugs in such tubes, sealed on one side and open on the other. But in this case, the glycerin will dry faster.
Yes, it will gradually evaporate if the humidity is low. But, on the contrary, at high humidity, glycerin absorbs moisture, filling the entire tube and even flowing out of it.

26.10.2016 16:33, Vlad Proklov

You guys are fucking around! For a long time sold here are such figoviny very convenient:


26.10.2016 17:02, Alexandr Zhakov

You guys are fucking around! For a long time sold here are such figoviny very convenient:

The code word "sold", without forwarding, is five times more expensive than pins, yes.gif
they're no good for micra, like catching a small shrimp in a bucket of water.
For large ones, the scoop is no longer necessary, but if you are used to one, it is convenient, aesthetically pleasing and the genitals do not fly around the box. smile.gif
Previously, there was a "Corex tape" and no one buzzed smile.gifI have 30-year-old samples and nothing, working, even do not need to digest.

26.10.2016 17:06, Vlad Proklov

What do you mean they're no good for mikra? Just don't put the glycerin in there, but put a small drop-and chick-briquettes! There, by the way, and a smaller size is.

Great thing!

26.10.2016 17:50, AVA

Long been sold here are such figoviny very convenient.

These are the test tubes I had in mind when I mentioned foreign analogues (see URL #378).
But I would not be in a hurry to say that they are more convenient than others. Tested by experience and denied use. Why?
First, I have already written about the fact that the test tube is removed from the silicone stopper with difficulty.
Secondly, it is even more difficult to return the removed test tube to its place. You must first insert a thin pin between the stopper and the tube wall, push the tube all the way down, and then carefully remove the pin. The fact is that the silicone stopper fits very tightly into the test tube, and the compressed air simply pushes the stopper back (perhaps someone else remembers how the rubber stoppers on penicillin bubbles were closed?). In this, in principle, there is no problem when you have pin number 3 and thicker, and when 00-000? Yes, with your manipulations, you are more likely to bend the pin or damage the object than to remove the test tube and return it back.
And, finally, you have a cute bug removed there. But my objects are at least 3-5 times smaller than even the smallest of the available test tubes of this type. Do I have to fill the whole box with test tubes?
No, please don't. frown.gif

26.10.2016 17:51, ИНО

26.10.2016 18:50, AVA

I still use it today. They close normally, with a little effort, but the alcohol then evaporates for decades (glycerin, probably, will be for centuriessmile.gif). Of course, the size is not suitable for genitals.

Yes, the size will be too small... lol.gif

26.10.2016 19:48, Bianor

You guys are fucking around! For a long time sold here are such figoviny very convenient:


That's what I'm talking about...

user posted image
Likes: 1

26.10.2016 19:54, AVA

That's what I'm talking about...

Hmm, it's all about the pin, isn't it? confused.gif
Nope, this option is not suitable for small things at all.

26.10.2016 20:01, Bianor

Some are spinning, so you have to clamp them not in the bend, but near the test tube. You can't even stick a zero in most of them. Here's a little thing with test tubes, nothing is spinning:

user posted image

By the way, about the size. Here are the genitals of Inurois and some moth on the same scale, which I cooked just for the sake of example:

user posted image

The butterfly itself is twenty times larger, and the genitals are so tiny that you don't even have to combine pieces of images, it fits completely into the frame, and there is still room. Most likely it is connected with the winglessness of females, because Erannis also has disproportionately small genitals, but there the butterfly itself is large.

This post was edited by Bianor - 26.10.2016 20: 13
Likes: 2

26.10.2016 20:33, Vlad Proklov

That's what I'm talking about...

Oh! These are even cooler! Where are they sold?

26.10.2016 21:04, Alexandr Zhakov

Everything is right. smile.gif Everyone offers what they use and what they find convenient. And already everyone decides for themselves what to use. The more ways you know, the more options you can choose. To whom it is convenient for frequent use, to whom for aesthetics in a box, to whom for long-term storage, and to whom and to be angry and cheap. smile.gif
Thank you all.

26.10.2016 21:35, Troglodit

Colleagues, can you tell me where in Moscow it is convenient to buy reagents for microscopy? You need chloral hydrate, gum arabic, euparal, dyes, and some other things. Judging by a cursory review of the Internet, most companies do not work with individuals, and the packaging is often large, the same chloral hydrate is offered for 1 kg, which is very much.
Likes: 1

26.10.2016 22:07, Vlad Proklov

I bought it at Labtech: http://www.labteh.com/contacts.html
But that was 2010-2011.
Now the site says that they only work with legal entities - but maybe you can come to their store and buy everything you need...
I didn't have any problems then...
Likes: 1

26.10.2016 22:18, ИНО

Colleagues, can you tell me where in Moscow it is convenient to buy reagents for microscopy? We need chloral hydrate, gum arabic.

And what is the use of gum arabic in microscopy? You can get a lot of apricot gum here, which is almost the same thing. I keep thinking about where to apply it.

26.10.2016 22:49, Troglodit

And what is the use of gum arabic in microscopy? You can get a lot of apricot gum here, which is almost the same thing. I keep thinking about where to apply it.

In the preparation of Fora-Berlese liquid.
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26.10.2016 22:50, Bianor

Oh! These are even cooler! Where are they sold?

I buy 0.2 ml at a local medical equipment store. They cost us twenty kopecks each. I think that you can also order via the Internet:

By the way, about the moth preparation. This is the first time I dissected a moth, no experience, I didn't open anything? Moth with metallic shiny wings.
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26.10.2016 23:03, Vlad Proklov

I buy 0.2 ml at a local medical equipment store. They cost us twenty kopecks each. I think that you can also order via the Internet:

By the way, about the moth preparation. This is the first time I dissected a moth, no experience, I didn't open anything? A moth with metallic glistening wings.

Yes, it seems normal, everything is visible =)
What kind of moth, however, I will not say: there are many metallic ones in different families. If there is a photo - come on!

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