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10.11.2011 5:25, bora

A good guide-according to the Hamburg scoresmile.gif-I will consider the one where, say, Pyrgus will be offered to cook, and not to determine the shape of any specks (which is like death for a novice user in general, and for "advanced" ones, as experience shows, also not very much...smile.gif).: 1) photos and / or drawings of straightened specimens, 2) photos in nature, 3) drawings of genitals, 4) current and up-to-date information on distribution, biology, etc. As far as I know, there is no such thing - and it is unlikely to be expected. smile.gif

Can you use illustrative material in this format?

P._damone.jpg — (709.84к)

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10.11.2011 10:51, Pirx

What does Russia have to do with it, if even Austria is not considered Europe

That is?

10.11.2011 11:00, barko

That is?
For sunset Europeans, Austria is Eastern Europe.

10.11.2011 11:00, introvert

Can you use illustrative material in this format?

I'm sorry-has this been published yet?

10.11.2011 12:47, rhopalocera.com

+1 to question

10.11.2011 13:35, bora

I'm sorry-has this been published yet?

No, it takes a long and tedious time to prepare.

Glaucopsyche_alexis.jpg — (731.93к)

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10.11.2011 13:52, Pirx

For sunset Europeans, Austria is Eastern Europe.

It's clear. It's nice to know that I live either in the Ciscaucasia or the Urals lol.gif
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10.11.2011 14:13, barko

It's clear. It's nice to know that I live either in the Ciscaucasia or the Urals lol.gif
I'm not talking about book geography, but about how the people of Europe themselves think. I was told that about 20 years ago there was a sign "Welcome to Europe"at the entrance to Germany from Austria.
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10.11.2011 16:22, Proctos

Previously, it seems that the GDR was considered not quite Europe (Eastern)?

10.11.2011 16:43, Kharkovbut

Can you use illustrative material in this format?
Of course! smile.gif I forgot about preimaginals in my Hamburg post...

Will it be only Lycaenidae? If (suddenly) you need some photos of imagos in nature , I will be happy to provide them. smile.gif
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10.11.2011 16:50, bora

Will it be only Lycaenidae? If (suddenly) you need some photos of imagos in nature , I will be happy to provide them. smile.gif

Thanks! Yes, only Lycaenidae. There will also be genetics based on mitochondrial and nuclear genes, and a system based on genetics. This has already been done completely. Genitals are 90% photographed. Most of all messing around with the full development cycle, more than 60% is done.

This post was edited by bora - 10.11.2011 17: 00
Likes: 4

10.11.2011 17:12, amara

I'm not talking about book geography, but about how the people of Europe themselves think. I was told that about 20 years ago there was a sign "Welcome to Europe"at the entrance to Germany from Austria.

I'm sorry, but it's hard for me to understand at least one reason why a country located in the very center of Europe and which has given Europe the most European composers, Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Franz Schubert, Anton Bruckner, Johann Strauss, Sr. and Johann Strauss, Jr., Arnold Schoenberg, Anton Webern and Alban Berg, is European a country is not considered even by someone, even in jest? And this is only one part of the cultural contribution.

This post was edited by amara - 10.11.2011 17: 21

10.11.2011 18:22, Proctos

If we continue the Hamburg account, then maybe we can put photos of standard copies in the illustrated table?? smile.gif

10.11.2011 20:24, Alexandr Zhakov

Received the first volume of the book on the biological diversity of the higher sawyers of the Dnipropetrovsk region of Ukraine. The print quality is poor, but otherwise the book is good. It is very good that such books are published.

Two books have been published on insects. Daytime Butterflies (2007) and 1t. Higher raznousye (2010). The print quality is the same. Daylight photos with color photos of almost all species and biotopes.

The third volume of butterflies, by scoops, 508 pages, has been published.
In total, there are about 10 books on the biodiversity of the Dnipropetrovsk region in the series. All podgovleny on one scheme.
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10.11.2011 20:29, barko

I'm sorry, but it's hard for me to understand at least one reason why a country located in the very center of Europe and which has given Europe the most European composers, Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Franz Schubert, Anton Bruckner, Johann Strauss, Sr. and Johann Strauss, Jr., Arnold Schoenberg, Anton Webern and Alban Berg, is European a country is not considered even by someone, even in jest? And this is only one part of the cultural contribution.
I do not know the reasons, I just told you about what I saw and heard.

10.11.2011 20:31, barko

The third volume of butterflies, by scoops, 508 pages, has been published.
In total, there are about 10 books on the biodiversity of the Dnipropetrovsk region in the series. All are prepared according to the same scheme.
Is it possible to get an instance?

10.11.2011 20:34, Alexandr Zhakov

Is it possible to get an instance?

I'll try to pass it on during the day, but I'll try very hard on scoops. smile.gif

I did my best smile.gif.
Oleg, I have your book, I will try to send it faster than the first
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10.11.2011 20:37, vitalbata

Kádár M., Petrányi G., Ronkay G., Ronkay L., 2010: A photographic identification guide to the noctuids (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) of Hungary. 71 pp. incl. 23 coloured plates.
~16.00 EUR

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10.11.2011 20:40, barko

I did my best smile.gif.
Oleg, I have your book, I will try to pass it on faster than the first one
Thank you very much! I'll be waiting.
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13.11.2011 22:11, Morfey

The Voronezh State University Press has published the textbook "Parasitology"by Professor S. P. Gaponov, Doctor of Biological Sciences.

If you have any questions about purchasing a textbook, please contact the CPI of Voronezh State University at the address: 10 Lenin Square, Voronezh, 394000.

Phone: (473)259-80-26.
E-mail: pp_center@ppc.vsu.ru

Director: Yurgelas Vladimir Viktorovich

You can also contact the author-Gaponov Sergey Petrovich
E-mail: zoop283@yandex.ru

The book costs 370 rubles (including VAT). You should also add the cost of shipping costs by mail.

picture: paras1.jpg
paras1.jpg — (32.02к)


download file gaponov_book.pdf

size: 7.14 mb
number of downloads: 789

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13.11.2011 23:21, Dmitrii Musolin

The Voronezh State University Press has published the textbook "Parasitology"by Professor S. P. Gaponov, Doctor of Biological Sciences.


And no one in St. Petersburg will not order?

21.11.2011 3:05, Aleksandr Ermakov

Morfey, what's the print run? I assume this tutorial will sell quickly?!
No matter how you find it in Yekaterinburg, a book of 800 pages will weigh more than its own price at the post office.

24.11.2011 17:03, Kharkovbut

Judging by the samples of maps in the new edition, Ukraine is somehow covered, at least several times more fully than in the 2002 edition (how adequately is still a questionsmile.gif). So the Europeans haven't left yet? wink.gif I wonder who gave the information?
I'm answering my own question. smile.gif In the new edition, the data for Ukraine were given by I. Plyushch and R. Gerasimov.

I was surprised to learn that in the vicinity of Kharkiv there are modern (after 1980) finds of C. leander, L. megera and P. afra. What's the joke? smile.gif I can't believe the researchers mentioned above did this. What then-glitches? smile.gif On the other hand, for example, P. (A.) pyrenaicus is not listed from the territory of Ukraine in any form. Apparently, another glitch is lost.
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24.11.2011 20:49, Sanangel

Can you tell me how much this little book costs? Maybe someone needs it?Can you tell me how much this little book costs? Maybe someone needs it?

20111124_1.JPG — (106.26к)

24.11.2011 20:53, Sanangel

I apologize, I wrote normally, there are some filters..

24.11.2011 21:58, А.Й.Элез

Yura! S. Gundorov announced relatively recently that he wanted to buy one (though he didn't say whether it was a paper one or a scanned one); I did inform him about the availability of its scan on the web, but he didn't react. Try to write to him directly, maybe he needs you again.

24.11.2011 22:56, Bad Den

I took it for about 2000 rubles, pickup from Thailand smile.gif

25.11.2011 22:58, Kharkovbut

I'm answering my own question. smile.gif In the new edition, the data for Ukraine were given by I. Plyushch and R. Gerasimov.

I was surprised to learn that in the vicinity of Kharkiv there are modern (after 1980) finds of C. leander, L. megera and P. afra. What's the joke? smile.gif
Update: Managed to find out that this data was still in the 1st edition of 2002. So I. Plyushch and R. Gerasimov have nothing to do with them. Then who is it? I'll try to find out for fun, but I'm afraid it will be difficult... smile.gif

In this regard, the question arises: let's say it turns out that this is a glitch (which I have almost no doubt) - computer or human. How do I get rid of this data now??? What is written with a pen is not cut down with an axe. Will be referenced and referenced. The question, of course, concerns not only this particular insignificant episode, but in general-how can one overcome established misconceptions? smile.gif

(to I. G. Plyushch: Igor Georgievich, in case you are reading the forum: please contact me by e-mail. I promised to send you the final version of our note, but I can't do it - your email address, which I previously wrote to you, has been reflecting emails for a couple of months.)

This post was edited by Kharkovbut - 25.11.2011 23: 01

25.11.2011 23:04, Hierophis

Yes, no way, because what is relevant for a narrow circle, and difficult to verify, then it will remain so. I was told about such cases, and not only with butterflies, but also with animals that seem to be easily checked.
Actually, you can write it, because the authors are indicated for a reason ) In the new edition, they are listed as authors, so writewink.gif

In general, why are there no such species, how can we be sure? Here we seem to have no lemongrass, but in fact it is! But it is so rare that it destroys all ideas about the need for the mass age of the species to survive)

25.11.2011 23:40, Kharkovbut

In general, why are there no such species, how can we be sure? Here we seem to have no lemongrass, but in fact it is! But it is so rare that it destroys all ideas about the need for the mass age of the species to survive)
Slightly paraphrasing O. I. Bender, I will say that only an insurance policy can give a person complete confidence. wink.gif And so, in general, a little knowledge of the faunistics of the native land and adjacent territories makes you very confused. smile.gif If you can find out where the legs grow from in this data, it will be good, because the identity of the data author IMHO strongly correlates with the degree of trust in them.

25.11.2011 23:58, Hierophis

The one about personalities and authorities and correlations.... all this is conditional, only objective data is important, you can write anything you want. But anything can also happen - we now have almost all the ranges of even butterflies artificially torn apart, everything is huddled in refugiums separated by agrocenoses, in forest belts and deposits with non-natural plant associations, uncharacteristic species can also occur locally, so you can climb the entire area for several years and in some landing or hole you will not be able to find them. look in and there will be something unusual.

26.11.2011 23:36, Sanangel

One more time, please. Not by pickup from Thailand, but between us girls.
What is the real price of the book?

20111124_1.JPG — (106.26к)

27.11.2011 0:52, Bad Den

One more time, please. Not by pickup from Thailand, but between us girls.
What is the real price of the book?

I bought in Tae for 2000 rubles.
Here it is sold for 118.00 pounds, here - for 83.6 Singapore pupaars.
As we reported earlier, it is available for free online.
I would put the price of bucks at 150.

27.11.2011 1:04, Sanangel

Thank you.

27.11.2011 21:57, Alexsey

One more time, please. Not by pickup from Thailand, but between us girls.
What is the real price of the book?

Yuri is the publishing house of the SIAM INSECT-ZOO Museum http://www.siaminsectzoo.com
its cost is 1400 baht (about 1300 rubles) write to them, air shipment will cost more than 1000 (its weight is more than 1 kg), there are other volumes there.

28.11.2011 10:57, Sanangel

On the contrary, I wanted to get rid of it, and now I'm thinking, maybe I can buy other volumes. Thank You

05.12.2011 18:06, lepidopterolog

To a recent discussion of Chikolovets ' new book.
picture: 5817_.jpg
Yesterday this opus went on sale at insecta.de in the 90s. I'm sitting here thinking whether I need it or not confused.gif
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05.12.2011 21:10, rhopalocera.com

Appeared the day before yesterday. Philately rules.

05.12.2011 22:46, lepidopterolog

smile.gifThe day before yesterday, the philatelic industry was even gaining momentum, with "stamp catalogues" of this scale (almost half of the Palearctic!) so effortlessly no one has ever released)
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23.12.2011 16:21, vitalbata


Lepidoptera: Roesslerstammiidae - Lyonetiidae / Fjärilar: Bronsmalar - rullvingemalar. By B. A. Bengtsson. 2011. 494 pages. Illustrated throughout in colour.

Price € 54.00

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