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Buying, selling, and exchanging insects

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsBuying, selling, and exchanging insects

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14.08.2018 10:07, VOVAN V.

Some things from the Palearctic and not.. Not complicated, but interesting. Write to 8964768@mail.ru


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number of downloads: 208

16.08.2018 21:37, vahemart

Armenia, Tsaghkadzor
Sale of the entire set for $60 with shipment. Also interested in exchanging for Dorcadionini, Glaphyridae, Cetoniini, Ripiphoridae.
picture: IMG_7923.JPG
Write to vahemart77@rambler.ru

17.08.2018 2:35, maks.malehornov

Friends! I'm not a bug person, so I don't know what's in the photo. Some small form of Lucanus cervus or other species? Voronezh, labels when buying.


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17.08.2018 15:01, VOVAN V.

Peru. The size is medium..A1. 2000r. pair. Write to 8964768@mail.rupicture: 1__3_.jpg

This post was edited by VOVAN V. - 17.08.2018 15: 01

17.08.2018 15:04, VOVAN V.

Caucasus.Krasnodarskiy kray. A1. Size very good 53 and 55. 1300r. pair. Bidding process. Possible exchange. Write to 8964768@mail.ru 1__7_.JPG

This post was edited by VOVAN V. - 17.08.2018 15: 06

19.08.2018 22:28, Erebia

Collected in various expeditions of recent years, who needs what-write to erebia.manto@mail.ru

Calopteryx haemorroodalis - Spain, Sierra de Baza (2017)
Palpares libelluloides - Bulgaria, S. Pirin (2018)
Nemoptera sinuata - Armenia, Khosrov (2003); Turkey, Van (2013)
ground beetle, pestles, bear - Bulgaria, Rila (2018), also two bears-Azerbaijan, Talysh (2017) and Turkey, Thermessos (2018)

20.08.2018 4:54, vahemart

Exchange, sale.
Armenia, Tsakhkadzor, 2600 m high.
Offers on vahemart77 rambler.ru

picture: IMG_8152.JPG
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21.08.2018 19:20, lunkov

For sale! 300 rub. for a butterfly.

Papilio fuscus xenophilus [Mathew, 1886]
Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands 042017

There are about 20 pairs available.
All A1 quality butterflies.

Offers only!!!! on lunkov1970@yandex.ru

Papilio_fuscus_xenophilus__Mathew__1886__Guadalcanal__Solomon_Islands.JPG — (2.02мб)

21.08.2018 22:16, Pavel Udovichenko

Fresh material from PANAMA! Write! Prices are friendly!)

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22.08.2018 21:28, PetrV

Hello, Everyone . I am interested in the following question: where do our compatriots buy butterfly pupae in bulk ? I know that In England, the Philippines, Thailand, etc., but I can't find the coordinates of these farms anywhere . It is clear that such information will not be found through a search engine or simply posted by someone from "our" on the Internet and yet, it is possible who owns the data and share it with me . I don't rule out mutually beneficial terms.

23.08.2018 12:26, VOVAN V.

Hello, Everyone . I am interested in the following question: where do our compatriots buy butterfly pupae in bulk ? I know that In England, the Philippines, Thailand, etc., but I can't find the coordinates of these farms anywhere . It is clear that such information will not be found through a search engine or simply posted by someone from "our" on the Internet and yet, it is possible who owns the data and share it with me . I don't rule out mutually beneficial terms.

And where is the email address to write to ?

23.08.2018 14:35, xoshAmadam

Hello, Everyone . I am interested in the following question: where do our compatriots buy butterfly pupae in bulk ? I know that In England, the Philippines, Thailand, etc., but I can't find the coordinates of these farms anywhere . It is clear that such information will not be found through a search engine or simply posted by someone from "our" on the Internet and yet, it is possible who owns the data and share it with me . I don't rule out mutually beneficial terms.

Does your mom change diapers for you? Or my grandmother?
Everything is perfectly searched by the search, located and read.

Only it's necessary to do this, and then-the child began to cry, immediately everyone came running and helped.

23.08.2018 15:56, collector

I'll buy daytime butterflies.

You need the following types (only in the spread ): EX PUPA or A1 qualities.

1) Apatura iris - 1 pair ($3 male,$ 6 female )
2) Apatura ilia - 1 pair ($3 male,$ 6 female )
3) Limenitis populi - 1 pair ($3 male,$ 6 female )
4) Polygonia c-album - 1 pair ($3 male,$ 6 female )
5) Polygonia vau-album - 1 pair ($3 male,$ 6 female )
6) Nymphalis xanthomelas - 1 pair ($3 male,$ 6 female )
7) Nymphalis polychloros - 1 pair ($3 male,$ 6 female )
8) Nymphalis urticae - 1 pair ($3 male,$ 6 female )
9) Nymphalis antiopa - 3 pairs ($12 male,$ 25 female )
10) Nymphalis cardui - 1 pair ($3 male,$ 6 female )
11) Argunnis paphia - 1 pair ($3 male,$ 6 female )

With suggestions, call by phone - 8 985 005 27 11 ( MTS - Moscow).

This post was edited by collector - 29.08.2018 14: 42

24.08.2018 3:05, maks.malehornov

Does your mom change diapers for you? Or my grandmother?
Everything is perfectly searched by the search, located and read.

Only it's necessary to do this, and then-the child began to cry, immediately everyone came running and helped.

Did you just crawl out? Well, the person asked, and well done for asking, so you can normally answer!

24.08.2018 3:06, maks.malehornov

Does your mom change diapers for you? Or my grandmother?
Everything is perfectly searched by the search, located and read.

Only it's necessary to do this, and then-the child began to cry, immediately everyone came running and helped.

And your nickname is dumb! What DO YOU LIKE???
Likes: 1

24.08.2018 16:41, D.Alex

Hello, Everyone . I am interested in the following question: where do our compatriots buy butterfly pupae in bulk ? I know that In England, the Philippines, Thailand, etc., but I can't find the coordinates of these farms anywhere . It is clear that such information will not be found through a search engine or simply posted by someone from "our" on the Internet and yet, it is possible who owns the data and share it with me . I don't rule out mutually beneficial terms.

Try to view it here, if you are interested in something specific https://www.insect-classifieds.com/lepidopt.../livestock.html
Likes: 1

24.08.2018 22:19, VOVAN V.

Colleagues, calm down., die down the fervor. You will again get fouls from the moderator..Why the fuck do you need that?. Already everyone ( almost) has experienced this for themselves over time..And for a squabble, it's time to open a separate topic on the forum ( joke). But seriously, the question to the moderator, direct, and where did that option ( button) where it was possible ( before) to designate spam go? Objectionable boors and impudents like xoshAmadam ??? Omurleli to the edge. Beginners need help . if possible. Don't troll them. Anyone who doesn't agree, pick up the wool.!

This post was edited by VOVAN V. - 24.08.2018 22: 22
Likes: 5

26.08.2018 23:36, Petr Petrovic

Hello Russian (and other) brothers!
As a young entomologist, I look for a new partner to exchange some long-horned beetles... please find below my humble list. If you are interested in any species... PM smile.gif

Phoracantha recurva
Agapanthia asphodeli
Agapanthia irrorata
Agapanthia annularis
Dorcadion brannani
Clytus rhamni bellieri
Stenopterus mauritanicus
Stenurella nigra
Phytoecia coerulescens
Agapanthia suturalis
Nustera distigma

Agapanthia cf. detrita
Tetrops cf. formosus
Turanium scabrum
Glaphyra schmidti
Acmaeops brachyptera
Phytoecia cf. coerulescens

Turanium scabrum
Acmaeops brachyptera

Anaesthetis testacea rufescens
Anaglyptus simplicicornis
Clytus arietis oblitus
Mesosa nebulosa
Tetrops gilvipes
Xylotrechus arvicola
Ropalopus macropus
Phytoecia coerulescens
Pogonocherus hispidulus
Leiopus nebulosus caucasicus
Isotomus comptus

Stenopterus ater
Stenopterus rufus
Stictoleptura cordigera
Paracorymbia fulva
Chlorophorus trifasciatus
Brachyta interrogationis (all forms)

Cerambyx scopolii
Agapanthia dahli
Agapanthia cf. viti
Pyrrhidium sanguineum
Exocentrus lusitanus
Exocentrus adspersus
Pogonocherus hispidus
Phymatodes testaceus

Obrium cantharinum
Exocentrus lusitanus
Exocentrus adspersus
Pogonocherus hispidus
Pogonocherus hispidulus
Leiopus nebulosus
Xylotrechus arvicola
Xylotrechus antilope
Tetropium castaneum
Molorchus minor
Stenostola ferrea
Ropalopus macropus
Poecillium alni

27.08.2018 19:52, Dorcus

Buy Aegosoma scabricorne +55 mm, Rhaesus serricollis +60 mm.
Offers on vlady_2011@mail.ru

28.08.2018 10:46, Odessa13

I rarely unsubscribe anywhere, I apologize for the flood off-topic, but.... This subject xoshAmadam puts his snout everywhere, and in social networks, in groups on ants, on forums and so on, maybe this is a double of ENO ? or his brother ?) No photos, no data, a way to prove yourself on the Internet as another offended keyboard vegetable ? Funny :D Druzhochek, before you advise other people how to behave, and what to do, strain the gyrus-maybe it's no longer interesting to anyone, such autistic people are usually banned on all forums, but there are some too loyal moderators...

28.08.2018 14:31, PetrV

Does your mom change diapers for you? Or my grandmother?
Everything is perfectly searched by the search, located and read.

Only it's necessary to do this, and then-the child began to cry, immediately everyone came running and helped.

I didn't think that such an uneducated person would be present on such a specific forum , but no , I was mistaken .
You say hello to your mother and grandmother for such an uncultivated offspring.
If you sit in front of the opu for weeks in front of the monitor, then there is probably a lot of information that is both necessary and unnecessary . Below in the text and wrote for the likes of you - "on mutually favorable terms", (read the text of the message to the end, understand the ambiguity). So it took me a couple of hours to understand what is and what is not .

Below text is not for "xoshaMadam"

Those prices that are offered on the sites of farmers, considered inflated (screenshots below), about this price is resold in Russia, contacted our sellers and they indicate the cost of some types of pupae sometimes lower ! . Maybe I'm wrong about the prices provided by the Philippines, advice knowledgeable or who has encountered this issue waiting in the comments.
" DAlex " thank you for the information, I'm still studying .

This post was edited by PetrV - 29.08.2018 04: 10

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28.08.2018 18:27, Евгений88

On sale Swallowtail pupae

29.08.2018 14:44, collector

Buy daytime butterflies from central Russia.

You need the following types (only in the spread ): EX PUPA or A1 qualities.

1) Apatura iris - 1 pair ($3 male,$ 6 female )
2) Apatura ilia - 1 pair ($3 male,$ 6 female )
3) Limenitis populi - 1 pair ($3 male,$ 6 female )
4) Polygonia c-album - 1 pair ($3 male,$ 6 female )
5) Polygonia vau-album - 1 pair ($3 male,$ 6 female )
6) Nymphalis xanthomelas - 1 pair ($3 male,$ 6 female )
7) Nymphalis polychloros - 1 pair ($3 male,$ 6 female )
8) Nymphalis urticae - 1 pair ($3 male,$ 6 female )
9) Nymphalis antiopa - 3 pairs ($12 male,$ 25 female )
10) Nymphalis cardui - 1 pair ($3 male,$ 6 female )
11) Argunnis paphia - 1 pair ($3 male,$ 6 female )

With suggestions, call by phone - 8 985 005 27 11 ( MTS - Moscow).

This post was edited by collector - 29.08.2018 14: 47

30.08.2018 9:40, M.S.

Georgia. Maybe someone needs to write dubininbris@rambler.ru

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31.08.2018 18:01, Renchan

buy cocoons with pupae (live, of course) Saturnia Pyri. preferably a lot (for breeding next year).

also of the non-native species, Dryocampa rubicunda pupae are very interesting.
for communication by personal email or email s-k-shop@ya.ru

02.09.2018 12:13, Sergey Pushkin

I will buy or exchange skin-eating beetles from anywhere in the world for the material you are interested in.[color=red]

02.09.2018 19:05, D.Alex

easier, of course. but I'm interested in pear saturnia, not tropical pop for "babochkarii" rolleyes.gifso I hope that someone living in a region where they are not very rare will be able to sell at least some. we don't have them, and I don't have the opportunity to go to another region to look for caterpillars or cocoons.

Продавец Dryocampa rubicunda - sulaiman.conteh@yahoo.com
Likes: 1

04.09.2018 12:18, radusho

Parnassius charltonius romanovi pair: 150€

picture: charltonius_romanovim.jpg
picture: charltonius_romanovif.jpg

07.09.2018 7:42, maik

need horns (Lucaninae) in exchange for Caucasian archiplects write in pm 11maikl59@mail.ru

This post was edited by maik-08.09.2018 06: 09

07.09.2018 9:00, M.S.

Georgia. Banal stuff. Maybe someone needs to write dubininbris@rambler.ru

This post was edited by M. S. - 09.09.2018 11: 06

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07.09.2018 9:58, ArthurAA

Ornithoptera goliath ssp. samson. Price 3000 rubles. (+female in rasp) only Moscow. Possible exchange. Call 89857812070
Write to your email address AroyanAA@yandex.ru

This post was edited by ArthurAA - 11.09.2018 17: 55

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08.09.2018 18:14, Sergey Pushkin

For sale 12 copies. Ronisia brutia (PeLagna, 1787). Not price

12.09.2018 18:58, Yakovlev

Buy Cossidae. I'll be at the fair. If you don't recognize me, contact via Pasha Morozov

14.09.2018 13:00, trener

Dear Friends and Colleagues.
I offer various Mixed collections of insects from Tajikistan.
I posted a photo on the Internet. To see the photo, you need to "click"
on the link.

very important.
Sold Mixed - whole mattresses. Sampling from the mattress is NOT POSSIBLE.

Hymenoptera, Neuroptera, Mantodea, Phasmatodea, Culicidae,
Arachnida, Heteroptera, Ascalaphidae

very important.
Sold Mixed - whole mattresses. Sampling from the mattress is NOT POSSIBLE.

* Price (when buying one or more mattresses) - $ 0.60 per unit.
* Price (when buying THE ENTIRE QUANTITY) - $ 0.40 per piece.

Please use my direct email addresses to contact me
dmitriy.goshko@gmail.com or dmitriy_goshko@mail.ru

All the best Dmitry.

"DIFFERENT" MIXES/ Hymenoptera & Culicidae & Neuroptera - 129 Exs.
(Tajikistan; W.Pamir; Shugnan range; Chorog city environs;
Sangou-Dara; H-3300; 14-28.06.2018)
http://images.vfl.ru/ii/1535220249/d94fd716/23048196.jpg (17 Exs.)
http://images.vfl.ru/ii/1535220270/6846d6e3/23048198.jpg (9 Exs.)
http://images.vfl.ru/ii/1535220290/5908d1cf/23048202.jpg (59 Exs.)
http://images.vfl.ru/ii/1535220315/35ffb52e/23048209.jpg (36 Exs.)

"DIFFERENT" MIXES/ Hymenoptera & Culicidae - 6 Exs.
(Tajikistan; East Pamir; Muzkol range; "MUZKOL" national
reserve; West Pshart riv.; 20 km W. from Ak-Tash pass; H-4000;
http://images.vfl.ru/ii/1535220361/dfa46251/23048213.jpg (6 Exs.)

"DIFFERENT" MIXES/ Hymenoptera & Culicidae - 9 Exs.
(Tajikistan; E.Pamir mts.; 18 m E. from Tohtamish vill.;
S.W. spurs of Sarykol range; upper stream of Dunkel'duk river;
H- 4200; 8.07.2018)
http://images.vfl.ru/ii/1535220412/8405d0d8/23048223.jpg (9 Exs.)

"DIFFERENT" MIXES/ Heteroptera, Arachnida, Phasmatodea, Culicidae,
Hymenoptera, Ascalaphidae - 68 Exs.
(Tajikistan; Ghissar mts; Romit reserve; Sorbo vill.vicinity;
H-1800; 25.05- 9.06.2018)
http://images.vfl.ru/ii/1535220485/86a3c148/23048235.jpg (22 Exs.)
http://images.vfl.ru/ii/1535220507/fc133e76/23048236.jpg (31 Exs.)
http://images.vfl.ru/ii/1535220526/a5d0cfe2/23048239.jpg (15 Exs.)

"DIFFERENT" MIXES/ Heteroptera, Hymenoptera - 36 Exs.
(Tajikistan; Darvaz mts.; Peter 1 range; Ganishou vill.;
H-1800; 31.05-03.06.2018)
http://images.vfl.ru/ii/1535220574/b0270a6f/23048247.jpg (36 Exs.)

"DIFFERENT" MIXES/ Arachnida, Hymenoptera - 9 Exs.
(Tajikistan; Darvaz mts.; Kugireui range; Kalaishum city
environs; Host vill; /board with AFGHANISTAN/; H-1800;
http://images.vfl.ru/ii/1535220624/b7270dc8/23048259.jpg (9 Exs.)

15.09.2018 0:30, VOVAN V.

Central Russia. One lot. Not expensive. Write to 8964768@mail.ruIMG_0004.JPG

15.09.2018 11:23, trener

Dear Friends and Colleagues.
I suggest CICADIDAE from Tajikistan.

Tajikistan; Ghissar mts; Romit reserve; Sorbo vill. vicinity;
H-1800; 5-6.06.2018

The price for one piece is$2.
Sampling from the mattress is NOT POSSIBLE. If there is a desire, then
the entire mattress is bought entirely. ($64 per mattress).

Please use my direct email addresses to contact me
dmitriy.goshko@gmail.com or dmitriy_goshko@mail.ru

All the best Dmitry.

P1020083.JPG — (2.69мб)

15.09.2018 11:24, trener

Dear Friends and Colleagues.
I offer various (Mixed fees) ARCTIDAE from Tajikistan.

MIXES- 9 Exs.
Tajikistan; W.Pamir; Shugnan range; Chorog city environs;
Sangou-Dara ; H-3300; 14-29.06.2018

MIXES- 21 Exs.
Tajikistan; Ghissar mts; Romit reserve; Sorbo vill.vicinity;
H-1800; 25-27.05.2018

The price for one piece is$3.
Sampling from the mattress is NOT POSSIBLE. If there is a desire, then
the entire mattress is bought entirely.

Price (when buying THE ENTIRE QUANTITY) - $ 2.5 per piece.
Total MIXES ARCTIIDAE : 30 Exs. * 2,5 USD = 75$

Please use my direct email addresses to contact me
dmitriy.goshko@gmail.com or dmitriy_goshko@mail.ru

All the best Dmitry.

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15.09.2018 17:01, Евгений 777

Buy goldfish: Buprestis octoguttata, Buprestis haemorrhoidalis, Dicerca moesta, Buprestis rustica, Melanophila acuminata, Dicerca berolinensis

16.09.2018 10:14, VOVAN V.

Carabus auratus .Not expensive 750 rubles . couple..And many other species from Yu.Europe. Everything is not expensive. I'll send your photos to your email address. Write to 8964768@mail.ru IMG_0001.JPG

download file CARABIDAE.doc

size: 42k
number of downloads: 183

17.09.2018 21:22, DISAF


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Project editor in chief and administrator: Peter Khramov.

Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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