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03.02.2021 22:02, chebur

Porthesaroa parvula (Kenrick, 1914)
Male-Madagascar, leg.V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 7

04.02.2021 22:02, chebur

Two well-known species of the Madagascar-endemic genus Sychnacedes Collenette, 1953 show pronounced sexual dimorphism and polymorphism in male coloration.
For example, the following species Sychnacedes epiclithra (Collenette, 1956) has a male form with almost completely orange hindwings.
Male-Madagascar, leg. Romyald
Female-Madagascar, leg. V. Efremenko
picture: ________.jpg
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05.02.2021 20:00, chebur

The second species of the genus, Sychnacedes perroti (Oberthur, 1922), is also very variable (males and females of this species were described several times in the last century under the names brontonepha (Collenette, 1931); idiopis Collenette, 1953, and tamsi (Collenette, 1959). Now all of them are combined into synonyms.
Male and female-Madagascar, leg. V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 9

06.02.2021 18:55, chebur

Rivotra mantasoa Griveaud, 1977
Male-Madagascar, leg. V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 8

06.02.2021 20:13, chebur

Rivotra zonobathra (Collenette, 1936)
Male-Madagascar, leg.V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 7

07.02.2021 10:15, chebur

Rahona albilunula (Collenette, 1936)
Male and female-Madagascar, leg. V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 8

08.02.2021 21:42, chebur

Masoandro ambohimanga Griveaud, 1977
Male-Madagascar, leg. V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 8

09.02.2021 21:54, chebur

The first in any systematic list of volnyanki. smile.gif
Abakabaka phasiana (Butler, 1882)
Male and female-Madagascar, leg. V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 8

10.02.2021 20:42, chebur

Volana lichenodes (Collenette, 1936)
Male-Madagascar, leg.V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 7

11.02.2021 22:26, chebur

Croremopsis argenna (Mabille, 1900)
Male and female-Madagascar, leg. V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 9

12.02.2021 21:49, chebur

Barlowia charax (Druce, 1896)
Female-Tanzania, leg. Romyald
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 11

13.02.2021 13:51, chebur

Olapa leptomita Collenette, 1931
Male-Uganda, leg. V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
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14.02.2021 11:25, chebur

Olapa tavetensis (Holland, 1892)
Male-Uganda, leg. V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 9

15.02.2021 23:14, chebur

Euroctis apoblepta Collenette, 1953
Female-Madagascar, leg. V. Efremenko
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 9

16.02.2021 22:54, chebur

Euroctis stenobia Collenette, 1959
Male-Madagascar, leg. V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 8

17.02.2021 21:28, Sergey Rybalkin

Lymantria umbrosa Butler, 1881
Russia, Kunashir Island.

picture: Lymantria_umbrosa.jpg
Lymantria_umbrosa.jpg — (325.12к)

Likes: 10

18.02.2021 16:52, Sergey Rybalkin

Lymantria mathura subsp. aurora
Kunashir Island

picture: Lymantria_mathura_aurora.jpg
Lymantria_mathura_aurora.jpg — (295.91к)

Likes: 11

18.02.2021 22:34, chebur

Lymantria (Spinotria) ihlei (Schintlmeister, 2004)
A rare species known from only one mountain system in Central Vietnam.
Male and female - Vietnam, leg. V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg

This post was edited by chebur - 02/18/2021 22: 37
Likes: 9

19.02.2021 10:05, chebur

Lymantria (Griveaudtria) rosea (Butler, 1879)
Male and female-Madagascar, leg. V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 8

20.02.2021 0:11, chebur

Lymantria (Griveaudtria) polysticta Collenette, 1929
Male and female-Madagascar, leg. V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 9

20.02.2021 20:40, chebur

Lymantria (Griveaudtria) brunneata (Kenrick, 1914)
Male-Madagascar, leg.V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 8

21.02.2021 9:58, chebur

Lymantria (Griveaudtria) malgassica (Kenrick, 1914)
Male and female-Madagascar, leg. V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 11

07.03.2021 22:52, chebur

Lymantria (Griveaudtria) binotata (Mabille, 1880)
Female-Madagascar, leg. V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 9

10.03.2021 23:29, chebur

Lymantria (Griveaudtria) dulcinea Butler, 1882
Female-Madagascar, leg. V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg

The post was edited by chebur - 11.03.2021 23: 19
Likes: 8

11.03.2021 23:18, chebur

Lymantria (Griveaudtria) polycyma Collenette, 1936
The smallest member of the genus.
Male (22mm) - Madagascar, leg.V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 8

12.03.2021 22:24, chebur

Radamaria miselioides (Kenrick, 1914)
Male-Madagascar, leg.V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 8

16.03.2021 22:54, chebur

Radamaria salvatgei Griveaud, 1977
Male-Madagascar, leg. V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 8

20.03.2021 23:31, chebur

Euproctis fervida (Walker, 1863)
Male-Madagascar, leg.V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 7

20.01.2022 13:05, chebur

Euproctis lemuria (Hering, 1926)
Male-Madagascar, leg.V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 8

21.01.2022 15:05, chebur

Euproctis ochrea (Butler, 1878)
Female-Madagascar, leg. V. Golovizin
picture: _________.jpg
Likes: 7

22.01.2022 14:54, chebur

Gallienica lakato Griveaud, 1977
Male-Madagascar, leg. V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg

The post was edited by chebur - 22.01.2022 14: 54
Likes: 7

23.01.2022 18:56, chebur

Gallienica maligna (Butler, 1882)
Male and female-Madagascar, leg. V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 6

24.01.2022 10:27, chebur

Gallienica sphenosema (Collenette, 1959)
Male-Madagascar, leg.V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 8

25.01.2022 11:02, chebur

Jabaina ithystropha (Collenette, 1939)
Male-Madagascar, leg.V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 6

26.01.2022 11:32, chebur

Zavana acroleuca (Hering, 1926)
Male and female-Madagascar, leg. V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 7

27.01.2022 10:38, chebur

Zavana iodnephes (Collenette, 1936)
Male and female-Madagascar, leg. V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 6

28.01.2022 11:18, chebur

The Daplasini tribe unites the most primitive volnyanki and includes only a few known species distributed in South and Southeast Asia.

Daplasa irrorata Moore, 1879
Male-Laos, leg.Viktor Sinyaev
picture: ________.jpg
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29.01.2022 11:49, chebur

Daplasa cf. blacklinea Chao, 1985
Male-Vietnam, leg. V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 8

30.01.2022 15:29, chebur

Cozola austriaca Semper, 1899
Male and female - Philippines, Leyte Island, leg.Iv Shin
picture: ________.jpg
Likes: 6

31.01.2022 21:10, chebur

Cozola xanthopera (Hampson, 1897)
Male-Vietnam, leg. V. Golovizin
picture: ________.jpg
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Pages: 1 ...23 24 25 26 27 28

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