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06.12.2012 21:35, chebur

Numenes sp. (siletti sp. group) - Vietnam
picture: Numenes_siletti_sp._group.jpg
Likes: 10

07.12.2012 1:19, KONI

To chebur:Well, if our son and I are lucky again(in 2013)then we will keep you in mind about the male N. disparillis. I have some ideas for catching him.

07.12.2012 1:22, KONI

And many thanks for the photos of butterflies of the genus Numenes

07.12.2012 12:03, rhopalocera.com

Recently described from Southeastern Kazakhstan, Lymantria storozhenkoae Korb et Pozhogin, 2012 and the lectotype L. dispar asiatica Wnukowsky, 1926. You can learn more about the differences between storozhenkoae and dispar species in the latest issue of Eversmannia.

Likes: 8

29.12.2012 23:49, barko

China, Yunnan. Needs to be defined.

picture: 001.jpg

30.12.2012 14:59, Grigory Grigoryev

China, Yunnan. Needs to be defined.

picture: 001.jpg

Oleg, maybe it's a male Dasychira pilodes ? Nothing else worked : -)
Likes: 1

30.12.2012 16:35, barko

Oleg, maybe it's a male Dasychira pilodes ? Nothing else worked :-)
Grigory, thank you! And where can I view genitals? I don't have any literature on volnyanki frown.gif

31.12.2012 10:29, chebur

I also have one from Yunnan Province. I didn't even know which way to approach it smile.gif. Grigory, thank you so much for the tip-off!
Dasychira pilodes Collenette, 1935
picture: IMG_77401.jpg
picture: IMG_77411.jpg

Here is the first description of the view. Its image, apparently, is on the table, which I, alas, do not have.
picture: Dasychira_pilodes_Collenette__1935.jpg
Likes: 15

02.01.2013 20:15, chebur

Happy New Year to all!
As a New Year's card - Otroeda cafra (Drury, 1780).
The male is Cameroon. A real giant. Wingspan 84 mm
picture: IMG_81511.jpg
Likes: 20

03.01.2013 20:05, chebur

I present to your attention several species of the genus Pantana Walker, 1855. This genus includes 30 rather nondescript and monophonic species of volnyanok. But it also has some spectacular views.
Pantana luteiceps Swinhoe, 1896
picture: Pantana_luteiceps_Swinhoe__1896_____.jpg
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03.01.2013 20:08, chebur

Pantana nigrolimbata Leech, 1899
Male-Yunnan, China
(The female is quite different, but I'll put her out later.)
picture: Pantana_nigrolimbata_Leech__1899______________.jpg
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03.01.2013 20:16, chebur

Pantana visum Hübner, 1825
The top color is quite modest, but the underparts with a twist. The color of instances from different locations is slightly different.
Male – Thailand
picture: Pantana_visum_H__252_bner__1825________.jpg
Male – Vietnam
picture: Pantana_visum_H__bner__1825_______________.jpg
picture: Pantana_visum_H__252_bner__1825_____.jpg

This post was edited by chebur - 09.01.2013 20: 28
Likes: 15

03.01.2013 20:55, chebur

The genus Laelia Stephens, 1828 is very close to the previous one. Its typical view:
Laelia coenosa Hübner, [1808]
Male and female – Russia, Crimea
picture: Laelia_coenosa_H__252_bner___1808_________.jpg

This post was edited by chebur - 25.04.2014 21: 28
Likes: 15

03.01.2013 21:02, chebur

And here is a butterfly that is now in the same genus, but in my opinion has quite little in common with the previous species.
Laelia batoides, Plötz, 1880
picture: Laelia_batoides__Pl__246_tz__1880_________.jpg
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04.01.2013 14:49, chebur

Laelia figlina, Distant, 1899
Male - South Africa
picture: Laelia_figlina__Distant__1899____.jpg
Likes: 17

05.01.2013 9:21, chebur

Dasychira atrifilata Hampson, 1905
Male - South Africa
picture: Dasychira_atrifilata_Hampson__1905____.jpg
Likes: 15

05.01.2013 9:54, chebur

Dasychira goodii Holland, 1893
picture: Dasychira_goodii_Holland__1893________.jpg
Likes: 14

05.01.2013 12:44, barko

Oleg, maybe it's a male Dasychira pilodes ? Nothing else worked :-)
I boiled one male from this series and compared the genitals to the image in FS. Yes, this is Dasychira pilodes.
Likes: 1

05.01.2013 14:15, chebur

I boiled one male from this series and compared the genitals to the image in FS. Yes, this is Dasychira pilodes.

Or you can be asked to display a photo of your genitals. I don't think I'll be able to do better than you in the near future...

05.01.2013 14:22, chebur

What kind of view is this? Collected in Yunnan.
Top for comparison of Dasychira pilodes.


Judging by the size and some elements of the drawing, I would classify this butterfly more likely to belong to the family Eupterotidae.
Likes: 1

05.01.2013 14:25, chebur

Well, I will continue to present the fauna of the tropical rain forests of West Africa. Here is such a rather large wave (wingspan 65 mm)
Dasychira achatina Hering, 1926
picture: Dasychira_achatina_Hering__1926________.jpg
Likes: 15

05.01.2013 14:38, chebur

One of the most unusual and spectacular African waves. The wingspan is 55mm.
Barobata trocta Karsch, 1895
Male - Cameroon
picture: IMG_81601.jpg
picture: IMG_81651.jpg
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05.01.2013 16:45, chebur

Mylantria xanthospila Plötz, 1880
Male and female-Cameroon.
picture: Mylantria_xanthospila_Pl__246_tz__1880________.jpg
Likes: 15

05.01.2013 16:50, barko

Or you can be asked to display a photo of your genitals. I don't think I'll be able to do better than you in the near future...
In a hurry shuffle.gif

picture: op1880m_edited_1.jpg
Likes: 6

05.01.2013 16:58, chebur

Dasychira macrodonta Hering, 1926
picture: Dasychira_macrodonta_Hering__1926________.jpg
Likes: 15

05.01.2013 17:55, chebur

But the butterflies of the genus Lomadonta Holland, 1893 were first classified as sickle-wings, which is not surprising, given the shape of their wings.
Lomadonta umbrata Bryk, 1913
picture: Lomadonta_umbrata_Bryk__1913________.jpg
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05.01.2013 17:58, chebur

Lomadonta erythrina Holland, 1893
picture: Lomadonta_erythrina_Holland__1893________.jpg
Likes: 15

05.01.2013 18:00, barko

Image of male genitalia from FS.

picture: 00002.jpg
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05.01.2013 18:38, chebur

Euroctoides acrisia Plötz, 1880
picture: Euproctoides_acrisia_Pl__246_tz__1880________.jpg
Likes: 15

05.01.2013 18:44, chebur

Neomardara africana Holland, 1893
picture: Neomardara_africana_Holland__1893________.jpg
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05.01.2013 18:51, chebur

Conigephyra citrona Hering, 1926
picture: Conigephyra_citrona_Hering__1926________.jpg
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05.01.2013 19:00, chebur

Synogdoa simplex Aurivillius, 1904
picture: Synogdoa_simplex_Aurivillius__1904________.jpg
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05.01.2013 19:23, chebur

The genus Lymantria Hübner, [1819] is also represented in this region. However, there are very few species of this genus in Africa. Here is the largest of them.
Lymantria (Griveaudtria) vacillans Walker, 1855
Male - Cameroon
картинка: Lymantria__Griveaudtria__vacillans_Walker__1855________.jpg

This post was edited by chebur - 05.01.2013 19: 26
Likes: 16

05.01.2013 22:50, Bad Den

chebur, which Cameroonian do you take them from? smile.gif

07.01.2013 14:01, chebur

Butterfly, which with the light hand of RippeR received the name "hole wing" on our forum.
Arctornis obtusa Walker, 1862
Male - Malaysia
picture: Arctornis_obtusa_Walker__1862_________.jpg

This post was edited by chebur - 07.01.2013 14: 01
Likes: 13

09.01.2013 20:06, chebur

Lymantria (Nyctria) capnodes Collenette, 1932
described from mainland Malaysia. It is also found in Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia (Sumatra, Kalimantan and Java). So far, only males are known.
picture: Lymantria__Nyctria__capnodes_Collenette__1932________.jpg
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15.01.2013 21:12, chebur

Lomadonta sp. Cameroon
picture: Lomadonta_sp._Cameroon.jpg
Lomadonta sp. and Lomadonta erythrina
picture: Lomadonta_sp._and_Lomadonta_erythrina.jpg
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18.01.2013 21:28, chebur

Aclonophlebia poecilanthes Collenette, 1931
картинка: Aclonophlebia_poecilanthes_Collenette__1931________.jpg
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20.01.2013 9:37, chebur

Dasychira antica Walker, 1855
Males - Cameroon
picture: Dasychira_antica_Walker__1855__________2_.jpg
picture: Dasychira_antica_Walker__1855________.jpg
Likes: 14

20.01.2013 9:47, chebur

Dasychira cameruna Aurivillius, 1904
picture: Dasychira_cameruna_Aurivillius__1904________.jpg
Likes: 13

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