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How do they do it

Community and ForumInsects imagesHow do they do it

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29.09.2007 23:33, omar

Already understood smile.gifI do not like these liktids. They look better than they actually are. lol.gif

This post was edited by omar - 09/29/2007 23: 44

29.09.2007 23:58, Victor Titov

Already understood smile.gifI do not like these liktids. They look better than they actually are. lol.gif

Actually, I agree. But lately I've become interested in them. Mostly under the influence of Elizar: he also specializes in xylobionts...

30.09.2007 1:03, Fornax13

The most fun thing is when the beetles break up and mate. Sorry, I couldn't get a picture of Rhynocyllus conicus c Lixus filiformis. But here is one of the variations of the position "Tiriam" performed by the pair Anatolica impressa smile.gif

picture: P5.jpg
P5.jpg — (134.21 k)

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30.09.2007 12:59, okoem

Not exactly insects, really, but...
Ozyptila sp. - Feodosia, March 22, 2007.

picture: 20070322_140229.jpg
20070322_140229.jpg — (147.06к)

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30.09.2007 22:01, okoem

A couple more - Scopula ornata
xp. Karabi yayla, Vostochny Su-At railway station.

picture: 20070810_234919.jpg
20070810_234919.jpg — (117.51к)

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30.09.2007 23:43, Заразознавец

..funny theme))

picture: 9_06.JPG
9_06.JPG — (57.21к)

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01.10.2007 9:09, Bad Den

I have already posted this photo, but I will repeat it again.
Suitable for this theme as well wink.gif

03.10.2007 19:25, Дзанат

Here I found more tender feelings on the site. smile.gif
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11.10.2007 4:09, Ekos

And here is a photo of how different species of pigeons do tongue.gifthis Here is a typical male Polyommatus icarus mating with a typical female P. tsvetajevi wink.gifPhoto taken in June last year in an alfalfa meadow on the floodplain terrace of the Amur River near Khabarovsk. Both of these species fly there together and en masse. And sometimes there are individuals that are intermediate in color between ikarus and tsvetaevi. Probably hybrids. Additional research is needed to accurately establish this fact. And I often see there when opposite individuals of different species are courting each other wink.gif

picture: icarus_et_tsvetajevi.JPG
icarus_et_tsvetajevi.JPG — (110.4к)

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11.10.2007 7:00, Ekos

By the way, if anyone is interested, then information on this little-known species (i.e. about Tsvetaev's golubyanka) is in this article:

download file Article_Evraz.doc

size: 93.5 k
number of downloads: 1277

A little off topic, but...
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21.08.2008 22:33, Victor Titov

picture: DSC02639_1.jpg
Aredolpona rubra

picture: DSC02168_1.jpg
Paracorymbia maculicornis

picture: DSC02254_1.jpg
Xylotrechus rusticus

picture: DSC01803_2_1.jpg
Ceuthorrhynchus sp.
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21.08.2008 22:58, Николаевич

picture: sold.jpgHere as they say help determine the form smile.gif
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16.09.2008 20:22, El Cazador

These guys are just getting started

picture: vlcsnap_187241.jpg
vlcsnap_187241.jpg — (555.97к)

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16.09.2008 20:52, Victor Titov

Syntomus phegea... If I, as a blinded "bugger", am not mistaken...
picture: DSC02023.JPG
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16.09.2008 21:25, Vlad Proklov

Syntomus phegea... If I, as a blinded "bugger", am not mistaken...

Syntomis nigricornis. And where was it taken (exactly)?
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22.09.2008 12:02, Grigory Grigoryev

Here, the Far-eastern unpaired....
Lymantria mathura aurora Butler, 1877

picture: Lymantria_mathura.jpg
Lymantria_mathura.jpg — (136.88к)

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09.10.2008 22:10, Alexander Zarodov

An interesting topic, but what is it here that you have only beetles and butterflies? wink.gif

Nabis limbatus, if I'm not mistaken.
picture: okhotnik101.jpg

There are also beetles in the assortment

picture: khrusch0102.jpg

picture: myagkotelka0602.jpg

picture: myagkotelka0109.jpg

well, the elephants + who joined them are out of competition!

picture: trubkovert0102.jpg

picture: dolgonos0305.jpg

picture: dolgonos1003.jpg

picture: dolgonos0402.jpg

picture: dolgonos0202.jpg

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10.10.2008 23:38, Victor Titov

  Syntomis nigricornis. And where was it taken (exactly)?

Taken on 17.06.2008 in Gelendzhik, Krasnodar Region.
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08.02.2009 0:11, Tigran Oganesov

Here are more mosquitoes smile.gif

picture: limoniidae.jpg
limoniidae.jpg — (30.24к)

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08.02.2009 6:50, gumenuk

Golden bronze-Cetonia aurata. Moscow
Region Syntomis_phegea-Voronezh Region

This post was edited by gumenuk - 08.02.2009 06: 57

picture: 2082.jpg
2082.jpg — (152.83 k)

picture: Syntomis_phegea_002360.jpg
Syntomis_phegea_002360.jpg — (92.1к)

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08.02.2009 9:19, DmitryBurkow

Well, I will add, although these animals are probably already boring to everyone...

picture: Religiosa_10a.jpg
Religiosa_10a.jpg — (136.41к)

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08.02.2009 11:59, barko

Hooliganism, of course, on my part.

picture: DSC09812.jpg
DSC09812.jpg — (138.04к)

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08.02.2009 13:02, Zhuk

pestrianki finally burn! lol.gif

08.02.2009 13:17, Pavel Morozov

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08.02.2009 13:29, RippeR

how does the male hold up? 0_o that's the power!
or are they on glue?

08.02.2009 13:36, barko

how does the male hold up? 0_o that's the power!
or are they on glue?

No glue, just the power of LOVE wink.gif
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08.02.2009 13:39, Victor Titov

You can't hide from these goosebumps! mad.gif
picture: DSC01461_1.jpg
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08.02.2009 17:02, Pavel Morozov

Striped moths of Striglina sp.
Nepal, Pokhara

picture: IMG_6516.jpg
IMG_6516.jpg — (538.39к)

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08.02.2009 17:07, Stas Shinkarenko

My possible contribution to the development of the topic:

picture: IMG_4078.jpg
IMG_4078.jpg — (140.35к)

picture: 812.jpg
812.jpg — (138.34 k)

picture: 813.jpg
813.jpg — (132.89к)

picture: IMG_3962.jpg
IMG_3962.jpg — (134.13к)

picture: IMG_4495.jpg
IMG_4495.jpg — (140.05к)

picture: IMG_5384.jpg
IMG_5384.jpg — (138.07к)

picture: _______C.soluta4.jpg
_______C.soluta4.jpg — (137.79к)

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08.02.2009 19:11, barko

Anorthoa munda-forever together

This post was edited by barko - 08.02.2009 19: 13

picture: DSC09881.jpg
DSC09881.jpg — (139.19к)

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08.02.2009 19:16, Victor Titov

Barko, you're a wizard! Give lovers relative eternity... wink.gif
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08.02.2009 19:22, barko

Barko, you're a wizard! Give lovers relative eternity... wink.gif

There is no special magic involved. All by itself it turns shuffle.gifout

08.02.2009 22:33, Liparus

Weevils how do they do it?
Photos from different sites.
Have a fun view
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08.02.2009 23:06, RippeR

Apoderus coryli - so much passion!!1 smile.gif

08.02.2009 23:28, Hemaris

Scabiose bumblebees in the vicinity of Brest

picture: P1030032______.jpg
P1030032______.jpg — (149.09к)

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09.02.2009 0:00, Liparus

Apoderus coryli - so much passion!!1 smile.gif

And Rhynchites giganteus (Krynicki, 1832) on the Mendal which is also nothing redface.gif redface.gif

09.02.2009 13:57, Yakovlev

I saw one type of Lasiocampidae in Berlin - mating butterflies. Vps to all - who is the holotype?

09.02.2009 15:03, RippeR

who was identified as the naked type in the publication is the holotype smile.gif
in general they came up with a cool idea smile.gif

09.02.2009 22:48, Liparus

who was identified as the naked type in the publication is the holotype smile.gif
in general, they came up with a cool idea smile.gif

And pvratip is when a husband and wife or they did it in a couple, groupotypes smile.gif

09.02.2009 23:01, barko

It is very rare to see a copulating shovel. They don't fly into the light, but go find them in the dark...
There is no light, but sometimes they come for bait wink.gif
Orthosia cerasi-Budapest neighborhood, March

picture: P3271488.jpg
P3271488.jpg — (131.57к)

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Pages: 1 2 3 4 5

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