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How do they do it

Community and ForumInsects imagesHow do they do it

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30.08.2011 19:18, Коллекционер

I have already removed all

30.08.2011 20:31, Bianor

I don't know who they are:

user posted image

Papilio xuthus

user posted image
«Papilio xuthus"on Yandex.Photos

Babahnul at random, when viewing it seemed that "chetavetomest"

user posted image

This post was edited by Bianor - 30.08.2011 20: 34
Likes: 1

30.08.2011 21:30, Peter Khramov

And here is ucoz: a large and well-known hoster in the ru zone. I do not think that it is difficult to" close the valve " with them.
And, well, if this is a free hosting provider, there is a slightly different situation, yes.

04.09.2011 0:47, Dmitry.F

Here I will make my contribution-Western Kazakhstan, Ustyurt, funny elephants, who are I don't know, if someone determines I will be immensely grateful!

picture: DSC_09540846.JPG
DSC_09540846.JPG — (236.43к)

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05.09.2011 0:33, John-ST

How do they do this?
Enjoy your meal lol.gif

a pair of Cantharis (Cantharis) livida Linnaeus, 1758 and Cantharis (Cantharis) nigricans Muller, 1766 as a sex toy or sex snack confused.gif
Moscow region, Zheleznodorozhny


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03.07.2012 21:53, Victor Titov

July 03, 2012, Yaroslavl region, vicinity of Borisoglebsky settlement, river bank. The mouth.
That's a squiggle, you know... Entomogeyparad? mad.gif
picture: DSC08237.JPG
picture: DSC08238.JPG
picture: DSC08239.JPG
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03.07.2012 23:39, Kharkovbut

July 03, 2012, Yaroslavl region, vicinity of Borisoglebsky settlement, river bank. The mouth.
That's a squiggle, you know... Entomogeyparad? mad.gif
Funny... smile.gif I haven't seen this happen. Well, they will not be able to mate smile.gif(although, judging by the photo, sperm transfer by the" active " male took place).

The books say that male dragonflies are not particularly picky and can grab just anyone - for example, a male from an already formed tandem. smile.gif
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04.07.2012 7:59, Pirx

Funny... smile.gif I haven't seen this happen. Well, they will not be able to mate smile.gif(although, judging by the photo, sperm transfer by the" active " male took place).

The books say that male dragonflies are not particularly picky and can grab just anyone - for example, a male from an already formed tandem. smile.gif

There is an opinion that mating and copulation are different things, seriously. That is, in this case, mating is an objective and documented wink.gifreality.
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04.07.2012 21:07, Kharkovbut

There is an opinion that mating and copulation are different things, seriously. That is, in this case, mating is an objective and documented wink.gifreality.
If by mating we mean the formation of a pair smile.gif- then, of course, I meant that they will not be able to copulate. Thank you for the correction... wink.gif

07.07.2012 16:52, Egorus

Bavius is doing well in our area, and is happy to do so...

picture: 1_ik.jpg

picture: 2_ik.jpg

picture: 3_ik.jpg

picture: 4_ik.jpg

picture: 5_ik.jpg

picture: 6_ik.jpg
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07.07.2012 17:08, Alexandr Zhakov

Bavius is doing well in our area, and is happy to do so...

Beacon contributes wink.gif
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07.07.2012 17:14, Egorus

Well, maybe...
I don't know. smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif

07.07.2012 17:56, Egorus

Here are some more pictures from May.
Steppe gullies in the surrounding area of Zaporozhye
By the way, no one will tell you the type.

picture: IMG_0229_ik.jpg

(Presumably Blitopertha lineolata ???)

This post was edited by Egorus-07.07.2012 18: 13
Likes: 3

13.07.2012 20:39, Egorus

Even very small ones do this...smile.gif
Candidus is like surprised-How is that? On its territory... and this...
By the way, a fresh photo (from 12.07.12) and a new point of discovery.
So, look around the wormwood, colleagues.smile.gif

picture: IMG_0814_ik.jpg
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12.08.2012 20:07, Коллекционер

I apologize for the qualityshuffle.gif
picture: S8000899.JPG
picture: S8000811.JPG

This post was edited by Collector-12.08.2012 20: 09
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28.01.2013 16:35, okoem

And it happens.... eek.gif
user posted image
Photo from here

This post was edited by okoem - 28.01.2013 16: 36
Likes: 11

29.01.2013 14:05, okoem

On April 24, 2012, Euchloe ausonia volgensis was observed to fly and mate extensively
picture: 20120425_182630.JPG
picture: 20120424_161251.jpg
picture: 20120424_164315.jpg
picture: 20120424_180414.jpg
picture: 20120424_184446.jpg
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31.01.2013 10:50, Сергей-Д

golubyanki to me more often than other lepidoptera got to a frame (Lugansk region)
picture: Satyrium_acaciae_7___________.jpg

picture: Cupido_osiris_7_2_mf___________.jpg
picture: Cupido_osiris_8_2_mf___________.jpg

picture: Everes_argiades_9__________.jpg

picture: Glaucopsyche_alexis_10______________.jpg

picture: Neolysandra_coelestina_2_2____________________.jpg

picture: Polyommatus_amanda_5___________.jpg

picture: Polyommatus_icarus_6_1___________.jpg

picture: Polyommatus_thersites_7_2_mf___________.jpg

picture: Plebejus_argus_4______________.jpg

A.damone tanais
picture: Agrodiaetus_damone_tanais_1_1_mf_______________.jpg
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05.02.2013 20:58, Коллекционер

P. affinis
picture: P1000716.JPG
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06.02.2013 12:02, Andrey Ponomarev

Acanthocinus griseus
picture: Acanthocinus_griseus____________________________.jpg
Leptura quadrifasciata
picture: Leptura_quadrifasciata.jpg
Saperda carcharias
picture: Saperda_carcharias________________.jpg
Brachyta interrogationis
picture: ____________________Brachyta_interrogationis_..jpg
Cryptocephalus moraei
picture: Cryptocephalus_moraei.jpg
Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata
picture: Psyllobora_vigintiduopunctata.jpg
Melolontha hippocastani
Picture: Melolontha_hippocastani_______________________2.jpg
Melolontha melolontha
picture: _______________________Melolontha_melolontha.jpg
picture: _______________________Melolontha_melolontha1.jpg
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31.10.2013 21:08, Liparus

Cucujus cinnaberinus
31.10.2013. Kharkiv region, near the village. Pokotilovka (But they did not do this there - once, they fell into diapause under the bark of old, standing, withered Oak trees).

This post was edited by Liparus - 31.10.2013 21: 09

picture: DSCF4144.JPG
DSCF4144.JPG — (222.56к)

picture: DSCF4143.JPG
DSCF4143.JPG — (225.51к)

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22.05.2014 8:55, KingSnake

Well, something like this )

user posted image
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22.05.2014 10:42, OEV

In the network I came across a sort of gruppavukhu lol.gif

user posted image
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23.05.2014 13:14, TEMPUS

And here's how the dawns do it.

Anthocharis cardamines (Linnaeus, 1758)

29.04.2014 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, Polki village neighborhood, mixed forest

picture: crop_84825057_SUIqkC.jpg
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07.06.2014 23:23, vasiliy-feoktistov

Protaetia (Potosia) metallica (Herbst, 1782)
07.06.2014 Vladimir region, Petushinsky district, okr. der. Old Pools.
picture: 043.JPG
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06.07.2014 19:54, vasiliy-feoktistov

From the life of Chalcophora mariana (Linnaeus, 1758)....
Pretty brutal (I'll ask the nervous ones to close their eyes) smile.gif
This zlatke will definitely be in the mass there and will never be transferred wink.gif
06.07.2014 Vladimir region, Petushinsky district, okr. der. Old Pools.
picture: chalcophora.jpg
picture: 001.JPG

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 06.07.2014 20: 04
Likes: 7

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