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Abstracts on entomology

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17.11.2009 12:05, Aleksey Adamov

I didn't understand anything.
And why cancel graduate schools? Thousands of righteous and wonderful professors work in universities.
In a small town, a fake cbn can create a school and referral. Not all cities are like Rostov.
The fight against left-wing dissertations is a complete elimination of paid messengers! You can do a lot in 3 years. If zat as. Work with Zoolog. Records and that's it. And we have dbn-s, some do not know what it is and when they are given a business trip to Leningrad, they calmly relax instead of working in the library. It's all about laziness and impunity.
My young colleague A. Volynkin is in the 1st week of graduate school. He has approximately 300 days in the field to his credit. Tens of thousands of collected samples. 5 trips to Novosibirsk, 2 to St. Petersburg, 1 to Munich. And there are still a lot of plans. If you can't work, then don't do it. This is my advice to those who complain about life and during the years of graduate school have not invested a single ruble in research.
Recently, a conversation - and why do you have fees from such and such a district is not. This is for a 3rd-year graduate student entering the defense.
The answer
is that they didn't give me any money!
I'd beat you for that. They didn't give it, didn't earn it, couldn't, didn't finish it - so they didn't want to! Why Solovyov is a graduate student of Zolotukhin (in the 3rd year of graduate school) He was twice in the Far East, 3 times in Vietnam, 1 time in Malaysia, 3 times in London, 10 times in Germany and recently published a 200-page paper in Germany. And someone 2 times waving a net thinks that he collected the material to become an academician.
Of course, I gave perfect examples, but, friends, if you are a taxonomist, then during the years of graduate school:
St. Petersburg, Moscow, Novosibirsk... one trip abroad and field field field... And it's real.

Dear Yakovlev,

You forgot to specify that the same graduate student who "knows how to work" (in your understanding) should not have a family or children.

And if not a graduate student, but a job seeker... do they send them a lot, at least to St. Petersburg?
Earn some extra money? Alone I agree, but with the family ... - abstract ideas.

17.11.2009 13:42, Shofffer

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17.11.2009 14:41, Aleksey Adamov

First of all, planes.

Maybe. But it is necessary to clarify... to be honest.

17.11.2009 15:43, Yakovlev

Dear Yakovlev,

You forgot to specify that the same graduate student who "knows how to work" (in your understanding) should not have a family or children.

And if not a graduate student, but a job seeker... do they send them a lot, at least to St. Petersburg?
Earn some extra money? Alone I agree, but with the family ... - abstract ideas.

Once I had to criticize the work, because a specialist in one region did not even know that 4 years ago a large specialized monograph on this region was published. When asked why he didn't use it, he refused, and then said that it was expensive, they didn't send it to us and all sorts of other crap with carrots.
None of the young colleagues I mentioned made the trip at the university's expense!!! I (who have 20 internships abroad and in the Russian Federation, 50 expeditions) was paid once for a business trip to Tomsk, and once I went for a free trip to the field. If you think that money is given to graduate students, you are mistaken.
And why he should not have children, a family... It's kind of weird. An officer fighting in Chechnya, a seaman, a shift worker - is it also not necessary to have a family??? Your logic is not very clear to me. A man who gets married and has children doesn't have to do his job...
Chekov said:
"It wasn't until I got married that I turned into a woman.
I understand perfectly well that there are situations, problems, and different conditions, but when someone tells me that I don't have any money... I ask you, how many applications to the Funds have you written? In some cases, there are 0 requests!
And then what to talk about.
My friend is a botanist Sergey Smirnov, PhD, head of the laboratory. genetic analysis, 33 years old says
-The more I spend, the more I earn.
This logic is very pleasant to me.
The guy has 50 expeditions to his credit, including 4 Japan, Uganda, 5 China, 4 Mongolia and a lot of Europe, and 2 cars and 50 articles!
Just work with your fists clenched and never complain. We are all compressed by the pricing grid, but we live differently. Only with a smile to meet failures, draw conclusions and work, work...

17.11.2009 15:45, Coelioxys

We all have our own difficulties, problems and pleasant chores (for example, in the form of children and families), but it is completely wrong to shift this to the quality of our research. For an example. I have a friend who has a beautiful young wife and child, is studying, so to speak, in a university postgraduate course in entomology (and without any special chances, for many reasons, for success), but works 6 months a year at a construction site in Moscow (he lives in another city) in order to the remaining 6 months to do what you love. The conversation is about the fact that already upon admission to graduate school, the applicant must have a decent reserve accumulated during his student life. Otherwise, it is really very difficult (but possible!!!) do something more or less decent.
Now students have such opportunities that many of us never dreamed of, we only need a desire and good people from the world of science on the way (which, thank God, is enough).

This post was edited by Coelioxys - 17.11.2009 15: 54
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17.11.2009 16:13, Coelioxys

Just work with your fists clenched and never complain. Only with a smile to meet failures, draw conclusions and work, work...

Recently, Vladimir Gusarov (a specialist in staphylins, lives and works in Norway, one of the editors of Zootaxa, by the way) visited us at the Institute.A very pleasant person in all respects, who told a lot of interesting things about Russians abroad. Everything is simple there - everyone is equal, courses for almost any position are announced to the whole world via the Internet and any (!!!) he can participate, of course, if he has something on his mind. And for those who want to (and most importantly can) our prospects are very great.
Of course, the family, children, and a lot of other everyday difficulties partially inhibit the creative process, but as I said: "If you don't want to, you will find 1000 reasons, and if you don't want to, you will find 1000 opportunities."
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17.11.2009 16:24, Yakovlev

Opportunities for students and postgraduates are huge now. That's for sure. There are guys who just don't come out from abroad. And - this is not when parents pay.
One of my friends, Vanya Marin (now an employee of IMEZH), studied at the biofactory faculty in Barnaul. His dream was-the sea, the underwater world. When he wanted to write a diploma on this case in the 1st year, he showed up - everyone laughed at him - the teachers first of all. He himself was looking for contacts, the first trip to the White Sea station of the IMAGE, constantly trained as a diver. A diploma in some kind of crab in Vietnam. And here is a year in Vietnam, Canada, Panama, Europe ... Ph. D. is now writing his doctoral thesis. Wanted a person. And we will give a fool a topic to write the butterfly fauna of their area, and he breeds pens...

17.11.2009 16:26, Aleksey Adamov

Once I had to criticize the work, because a specialist in one region did not even know that 4 years ago a large specialized monograph on this region was published. When asked why he didn't use it, he refused, and then said that it was expensive, they didn't send it to us and all sorts of other crap with carrots.
None of the young colleagues I mentioned made the trip at the university's expense!!! I (who have 20 internships abroad and in the Russian Federation, 50 expeditions) was paid once for a business trip to Tomsk, and once I went for a free trip to the field. If you think that money is given to graduate students, you are mistaken.
And why he should not have children, a family... It's kind of weird. An officer fighting in Chechnya, a seaman, a shift worker - is it also not necessary to have a family??? Your logic is not very clear to me. A man who gets married and has children doesn't have to do his job...
Chekov said:
"It wasn't until I got married that I turned into a woman.
I understand perfectly well that there are situations, problems, and different conditions, but when someone tells me that I don't have any money... I ask you, how many applications to the Funds have you written? In some cases, there are 0 requests!
And then what to talk about.
My friend is a botanist Sergey Smirnov, PhD, head of the laboratory. genetic analysis, 33 years old says
-The more I spend, the more I earn.
This logic is very pleasant to me.
The guy has 50 expeditions to his credit, including 4 Japan, Uganda, 5 China, 4 Mongolia and a lot of Europe, and 2 cars and 50 articles!
Just work with your fists clenched and never complain. We are all compressed by the pricing grid, but we live differently. Only with a smile to meet failures, draw conclusions and work, work...

Well, first of all, graduate students are given money and sent on business trips…

Secondly, you yourself have already said that " ... there are situations, problems, different conditions...", but apparently you attach very little importance to these words. That's the problem.

Third, you say, " A man who gets married and has children doesn't have to do his job...(?)". This statement is true if the " man "works at least in the" educational " division of the university, for example, not to mention the "scientific" division. What if I don't work for it? What do you want to consider "your work" in this case?

You can ask me how many applications I have written,... you can, because you know that it is also 0. Do you suggest writing a bunch of applications for novice researchers??? Those who are not "Graduate Students", for example? Who doesn't have an academic degree? Not having any serious work on the account, due to the "beginning" of their work? What are the chances of an application with these parameters and without using the "administrative resource"?

Therefore, a slow carapace in your work, without a university, a wound, etc.; without expensive business trips (which only dream); and familiarization with literature, by ordering copies in VINITI... consultations with leading specialists, via the Internet-this is normal.
And the lack of stunning results, in such conditions, is an expected phenomenon. Which doesn't mean that "we don't want to work" and so on.

17.11.2009 16:37, Coelioxys

No surnames. But, one guy (a graduate student) from the European part of Russia, having practically no worthy publications (maybe, except for the theses of the REO congress), received a sickly grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research for the mobility of young scientists in 300 thousand. (and for a year). Everything is learned by comparison...

17.11.2009 16:50, Yakovlev

Dear Alexey (Adamov),
The fact that you are on this forum, the fact that you were interested in whether I have any material from Mongolia on your group-these are the most serious signs that you are a serious person and researcher. You love and diligently do your job.
I don't want to argue with you, because we can take offense at each other, and this is stupid.
Write applications, learn the language, and get in touch with the bourgeoisie. And stop blaming your problems. This is nonsense. You are a young, active person and you will succeed-just try and never give up.

17.11.2009 17:57, Aleksey Adamov

No surnames. But, one guy (a graduate student) from the European part of Russia, having practically no worthy publications (maybe, except for the theses of the REO congress), received a sickly grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research for the mobility of young scientists in 300 thousand. (and for a year). Everything is learned by comparison...

A graduate student, after all, has something to "build on" (category: "young scientist"). And the graduate school wasn't in Zina by any chance? (not Gapon tea?)

17.11.2009 18:02, Aleksey Adamov

Dear Alexey (Adamov),
The fact that you are on this forum, the fact that you were interested in whether I have any material from Mongolia on your group-these are the most serious signs that you are a serious person and researcher. You love and diligently do your job.
I don't want to argue with you, because we can take offense at each other, and this is stupid.
Write applications, learn the language, and get in touch with the bourgeoisie. And stop blaming your problems. This is nonsense. You are a young, active person and you will succeed-just try and never give up.

Yes, it's really better not to argue... I will not write applications, because who am I (?). But we will study the language and communicate with people.

17.11.2009 22:16, Большаков, Тула

Entomologists should be engaged in ENTOMOLOGY, not discussing someone else's blunders. And this will be much more useful for understanding the world than the opposite point of view smile.gif.

Well, first of all, when studying entomology, "someone's mistakes" interfere, so they should be noted so that other colleagues are not disoriented. In our case, we are talking about the appearance of unreliable ecological and faunal materials that distort reality. Secondly, in 100 years they will find these "forgotten names" in the archives (the falsifiers and charlatans we criticize) and will start raising them in every possible way to the shield. Here we are establishing the truth in hot pursuit. This is the real science, in terms of protection from pseudoscience, which is developing in parallel with it for the sake of career and profit, to a decisive extent thanks to "werewolf scientists" and simply those who simply do not care about a reliable picture of the world.
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18.11.2009 2:37, Konstantin Shorenko

Wait a minute, gentlemen, apparently I was misunderstood or I expressed my thought poorly. So, let me explain exactly what I mean. 1. That there is a subject of study of entomology - insects, so we need to deal with them. Explore, work and dive into this business with your head, everything else should be secondary. 2. Of course, we live in a world of people, but I really want to believe in a normal scientific dispute, without looking for dirt. 3. it is necessary to correct blunders, but do not jump for joy "AHA!!!! I found an inaccuracy in his work!!!" 4. I think so that the one who does nothing is not mistaken, but of course, as they said here-to go to the defense with the level of the third class, this is nonsense. 5. Gentlemen, we are not investigators, we are researchers, and although these words differ only in the first two letters, they have a completely different meaning. Think about it.

18.11.2009 15:12, Yakovlev

I agree - we are not investigators. And in vain we argue here on this topic. I assure you - none of those who were criticized by Lavr Bolshakov, whom I criticized, even know about this forum. You're protecting the wrong people.
Imagine that you are a protected specialist in entomology - and you know less about it than a third-grader who is passionate about it. No one talks about mistakes. Mistakes are made by those who do something.
If you really support the topic of abstracts - a phrase from the abstract:
- In the middle of summer, in the middle of haymaking, Argynnis paphia is abundant in the meadows.
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18.11.2009 15:19, Yakovlev

A human Ph. D. student shows a human Ph. D. student a South American pigeon - teklina hefty, which any child would look at and immediately say that he flies either in Africa or in Brazil... Both are butterfly people.
And he says-yes, I caught it in the Altai in the summer.
The second gaped, asking-where??? Then he adds, " I'm not surprised at anything anymore

A female candidate of biological Sciences, now a dbn entomologist, looking at Apollo Stubbendorf in the collection, says - you shouldn't have put a hawthorn tree on the sailboats. The owner of the collection declares-this is a sailboat. To which the entomologist responds extremely indignantly
-What are you saying-I already know my objects.

Human Doctor of Biological Sciences describes subspecies of the THIRD ORDER in fish.

Duplicate to the page "entomologist's tales"
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18.11.2009 15:37, Vlad Proklov

Zhzhzhyr! lol.gif

19.11.2009 17:56, Большаков, Тула

I agree - we are not investigators. And in vain we argue here on this topic. I assure you - none of those who were criticized by Lavr Bolshakov, whom I criticized, even know about this forum.

Dear colleagues! "They" really hardly read what we write here, but some" their " friends definitely read, and draw conclusions, and maybe bring them to attention. Yes, and students with graduate students who, in the absence of their own material, "get" it on the Internet, also read, and someone will understand that they have nothing to do in science (they passed their "exam" on a cheat sheet or for a bribe, and run without looking back). Therefore, our discussion will not just take place.

Wait a minute, gentlemen, apparently I was misunderstood or I expressed my thought poorly. So, let me explain exactly what I mean. 1. That there is a subject of study of entomology - insects, so we need to deal with them. Explore, work and dive into this business with your head, everything else should be secondary. 2. Of course, we live in a world of people, but I really want to believe in a normal scientific dispute, without looking for dirt. 3. it is necessary to correct blunders, but do not jump for joy "AHA!!!! I found an inaccuracy in his work!!!" 4. I think so that the one who does nothing is not mistaken, but of course, as they said here-to go to the defense with the level of the third class, this is nonsense. 5. Gentlemen, we are not investigators, we are researchers, and although these words differ only in the first two letters, they have a completely different meaning. Think about it.

Regarding the fact that "not investigators", this is not entirely true. You have to be them, otherwise you will have to quote all the quack nonsense and make indecisive explanations like "this is plausible for them, but this is not". In such cases, it is unacceptable to pretend that nothing is happening, it is necessary to extract the truth by "investigative" methods and make it available to the whole world.
Finally, we do not "celebrate "someone's mistakes at all, but resolutely (without cowardly silences or interjections) expose charlatans.
Well, sometimes you have to pay attention to harmful blunders in the scientific literature. But this is done without "jumping for joy", but with great regret. Alas, it also happens that I provided a colleague with all the necessary information, and he ignored it or completely misrepresented it. But there is also a corresponding attitude to this (similar to a positive judgment about a dissertation with an nth number of comments).
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19.11.2009 18:16, Yakovlev

Lavr, I agree with you, but there is one "but".
You can be a great teacher and no scientist, and an excellent researcher, but an exceptionally stupid teacher. I do not justify your opponents, it seems that the situation in Tula has gone into some chaos with these defenses. There are similar phenomena in our region - you know , I wrote to you. In short, if students read all this about their teachers , they will not want to study at all, and perhaps these shitty dissertators are quite pleasant lecturers who can interest young people... I'm just guessing. And I'm also against these terms - werewolf scientists, etc. What kind of werewolves are they?.. It's just that they want to receive 3 pieces of salary increments... assholes, in a word. Werewolves are going to be a lot tougher.
You are in pedagogy dissertations read. There is a doctorate (except for a couple of pedagogical specialties) in its scientific status as any course in zoology. I work in an institution where most of these pedagogical methodologists work. This is a nightmare, this is a real snake's nest. The whole industry lives on profanity.
A woman who defends herself according to the method of pedagogy is still fine... but here are the men who voluntarily came to this specialty ... oh... and then I'll say something else obscene.

This post was edited by Yakovlev - 19.11.2009 18: 23
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19.11.2009 18:22, Vlad Proklov

Lavr, I agree with you, but there is one "but".

But just don't talk about it as if it's something you should take for granted...

This is not a normal state of affairs!
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19.11.2009 18:26, Yakovlev

This is an abnormal state of affairs. I agree. So Vlad, become an expert of the Higher Attestation Commission in Biological sciences and change the situation.
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19.11.2009 18:28, Vlad Proklov

This is an abnormal state of affairs. I agree. So Vlad, become an expert of the Higher Attestation Commission in Biological sciences and change the situation.

And how to become one? I b tried smile.gif
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19.11.2009 18:33, Yakovlev

Defend your PhD or doctorate, then become a corresponding member.Then he became an academic. Everything is simple. The transition from doctor to correspondent member is not very clear. Most often, this is the head of a large academic institution. So move from London to St. Petersburg or Novosibirsk and go for it. Or to Moscow-I forgot there is an image there.
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19.11.2009 18:53, okoem

A female candidate of biological Sciences, now a dbn entomologist, looking at Apollo Stubbendorf in the collection, says - you shouldn't have put a hawthorn tree on the sailboats. The owner of the collection declares-this is a sailboat. To which the entomologist responds extremely indignantly
-What are you saying-I already know my objects.

I had a similar case. A high-ranking certified botanist told me that you can distinguish between crocus and evergreen [and these are plants from different families!] can only be used on the shells of bulbs. Translating into the language of entomology: "To distinguish between hawthorn and mnemosyne, it is necessary to examine the preparations of the genitals." lol.gif weep.gif wall.gif
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19.11.2009 18:59, Большаков, Тула

You can be a great teacher and no scientist, and an excellent researcher, but an exceptionally stupid teacher. I do not justify your opponents, it seems that the situation in Tula has gone into some chaos with these defenses. There are similar phenomena in our region - you know , I wrote to you. In short, if students read all this about their teachers , they will not want to study at all, and perhaps these shitty dissertators are quite pleasant lecturers who can interest young people... I'm just guessing. And I'm also against these terms - werewolf scientists, etc. What kind of werewolves are they?.. It's just that they want to receive 3 pieces of salary increments... assholes, in a word. Werewolves - it will be more abruptly..

And no one goes to school there. They only get credits and diplomas. And if someone is interested in insects for a while, they will do everything to spoil it both as a researcher and just as a person.
I have two hands for good lecturers and popularizers, but in Tula they do not smell like that. They only discourage students from entomology. And their dissertations are similar to those in your area on pedagogy.
And "werewolf scientists" are not so much Tula charlatans as real scientists who make big deals with their conscience for their own benefit. In this case, first of all - individual Moscow "luminaries", dragging the dissertations of charlatans as if they were their relatives. Just as "werewolves in uniform" are not so much sentries and patrolmen, but more senior (and quite professional !) intelligence officers, but corrupt.
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19.11.2009 19:29, Vlad Proklov

Defend your PhD or doctorate, then become a corresponding member.Then he became an academic. Everything is simple. The transition from doctor to correspondent member is not very clear. Most often, this is the head of a large academic institution. So move from London to St. Petersburg or Novosibirsk and go for it. Or to Moscow-I forgot there is an image there.

Not. I have no time for such bullshit smile.gif
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19.11.2009 19:31, omar

And no one goes to school there. They only get credits and diplomas. And if someone is interested in insects for a while, they will do everything to spoil it both as a researcher and just as a person.
I have two hands for good lecturers and popularizers, but in Tula they do not smell like that. They only discourage students from entomology. And their dissertations are similar to those in your area on pedagogy.
And "werewolf scientists" are not so much Tula charlatans as real scientists who make big deals with their conscience for their own benefit. In this case, first of all - individual Moscow "luminaries", dragging the dissertations of charlatans as if they were their relatives. Just as "werewolves in uniform" are not so much sentries and patrolmen, but more senior (and quite professional !) intelligence officers, but corrupt.

Are you sure of your definitions, Lavr? If I were you, I'd be more careful with my conclusions. I do not know what happened to Dr. Korotkova-I cannot judge, but I admit that you are right. I saw Mamontov's fees personally - not all of them, but some of them - and it doesn't look like they were completely falsified. However, seeing your peremptory attacks, I am beginning to think that in the case of Korotkova you have exaggerated too much.

This post was edited by omar - 19.11.2009 19: 32

19.11.2009 19:38, Vlad Proklov

Are you sure of your definitions, Lavr? If I were you, I'd be more careful with my conclusions. I do not know what happened to Dr. Korotkova-I cannot judge, but I admit that you are right. I saw Mamontov's fees personally - not all of them, but some of them - and it doesn't look like they were completely falsified. However, seeing your peremptory attacks, I am beginning to think that in the case of Korotkova you have exaggerated too much.

Rum, fees - this is not science smile.gifyet

19.11.2009 19:44, omar

I'm not saying that. But we are talking about falsification, incorrectly defined beetles, or even the absence of them at all. In other words, about quackery, the word is not mine. smile.gif I realize disser is weak, yes. But I would not talk about falsification or substitution of concepts.

19.11.2009 19:46, Yakovlev

Not. I don't have time for this shit smile.gif

you shouldn't have said that - in fact, this is what work in science is all about. it's bad for a soldier who doesn't want to become a general. I know only two corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, botanists Sidelnikov and Kamelin. They are excellent people. And they didn't do shit

19.11.2009 19:47, Yakovlev

And no one goes to school there. They only get credits and diplomas. And if someone is interested in insects for a while, they will do everything to spoil it both as a researcher and just as a person.

I don't believe that. I will answer briefly and clearly
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19.11.2009 19:50, Vlad Proklov

you shouldn't have said that - in fact, this is what work in science is all about. it's bad for a soldier who doesn't want to become a general. I know only two corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, botanists Sidelnikov and Kamelin. They are excellent people. And they didn't do shit

Well, this is who got the title in the old days! This is of course!
My father-a corresponding member (physicist) - is a real scientist smile.gifThen the rhythm of life was different.
And at the present time, I'm already thinking, if someone is a doctor: where did a person get the time to defend his doctorate, maybe he doesn't like to work?..

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 19.11.2009 19: 51
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19.11.2009 19:53, Yakovlev

My father, a corresponding member (physicist), is a real scientist smile.gif

Bow low
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19.11.2009 20:27, Vlad Proklov

I don't believe that. I will answer briefly and clearly

But for some reason, I'm easy...
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20.11.2009 5:18, Yakovlev

I don't like delusions. Nobody, us, them... I DON'T BELIEVE THAT PEOPLE DON'T STUDY AT A STATE UNIVERSITY. I have a lot of close friends in the suburbs-Barnaul, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk, Ulyanovsk. There are also checks, educational programs, and online exams. Stop talking nonsense...

20.11.2009 10:14, PVOzerski

In fact, the "learn-not-learn" attitude is somewhere in the middle. Now, thanks to the efforts of our dear comrade Fursenko, university teachers are placed in such conditions that they are very limited in the possibilities of expelling students - on pain of their own reduction. On the other hand, a lot of young people go to universities (and sometimes to graduate school) not for a specialty and not for knowledge, but for "crusts" (because now they don't even take them to the stall to sell without VO) and to "cut off" from the army. At the same time, the Unified State Exam, the possibility of applying to many universities at once, and incredible benefits for disabled people did everything to ensure that the guys got not where they wanted to go, but where they will be able to go. At Herzen State Pedagogical University (formerly Leningrad Pedagogical Institute), for example, the profile "ecology and nature management" did not require a biology exam this year - and now teachers working with first-year students do not know what to do with them. And there are rumors that next year the Unified State Exam in biology will not be needed at the Herzen Biofactory Faculty at all. Well, and how can such a contingent be taught when, due to completely lacking students, people cannot give material so that children with normal biological training can feel that they are studying at a university, and not repeating the school curriculum? The idea is slowly crystallizing that it is necessary to teach those who want to learn and can - and the rest to put "triples" "for beautiful eyes". This is probably the least of the evils, since this way you can train at least a certain percentage of normal specialists - but the byproduct will be numerous certified ignoramuses. And it's not a fact that all these happy owners of the coveted "crusts" will go to "managers" and sellers, someone can think of themselves as a biologist frown.gif
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20.11.2009 11:20, Vorona

A little more about weak dissertations.
Now, after all, all pedagogical institutes have become universities (why-this is a question). The administration (which is mostly made up of all sorts of humanitarians like philosophers) is ready ...tear your mouth out to prove that they really are a university. And they begin to fight for the improvement of the teaching staff. Is it clear to everyone how it is implemented? Last year, the Murmansk PED reduced almost all non-retired teachers (including graduate assistants). Well, everything is clear with PhD students-philosophers - they quickly stick their theses together, especially according to the teacher (who gave lectures for graduate students on philosophy and the history of science), in order to write a dissertation, you don't need anything - no library, no trips. "Everything is in your head", damn it. wall.gif
And what is left for graduate students who would like to stay to teach? Sculpt what happens. Because there is simply no time for scientific work.
Of course, you will say that there is nothing for such people to do in a pedagogical university. But there are no others. Well, there are several biological institutes in Murmansk. Only with what fright their employees go to the PED to teach...

This post was edited by Vorona - 11/20/2009 11: 20
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20.11.2009 14:59, PVOzerski

Why they were renamed in the first place is not very clear, but it is a fact. But now our Dmitry Medvedev said in his message that pedagogical institutes are not needed in Russia at all. So how lucky we are that we are no longer a pedagogical institute! smile.gif

20.11.2009 15:15, Yakovlev

1. In pedagogical universities, philosophers are not always in the administration. If this is the case in Murmansk, it does not mean that it is the case everywhere. I repeat once again - no need for obshcheny!!! Delusion is savagery that violates the rules of logic. Write - in Murmansk pedagogical universities are run by philosophers. And give a decoding of what it is. I have a brother who is a Ph. D. I have the deepest respect for his opinion. I think such a philosopher could be useful to the administration of any university.
2. Pedagogical universities are one of the most conservative universities, i.e. they teach very strictly there. Just like in honey.
3. Students at peds are now very weak, but this is not the fault of the teachers who work there. The crude and generally incorrect Soviet thesis-there is no mind, go to the ped, has now acquired a new brutal meaning, no longer funny or humorous. Working in the professional development system, I understand what modern teaching means. And the most important thing is that there is no shift. Well, or almost none. The complete loss of prestige of the profession is not the problem of the pedagogical university teams, but the problem of the president and K. And maybe in five years pedvuzi will start accepting morons to close their bets.
4. In some cases, pedagogical universities have the strongest departments, which give odds to classical universities. It's about leadership.
5. The Unified State Exam is an ass.
Likes: 4

20.11.2009 17:57, Coelioxys

The pro-smile.gifphilosopher Taught philosophy at our Ped very colorful uncle, one name is worth it-Livshits Rudolf Lvovich. Very smart guy, erudite, knows several languages, in general, a good girl. But a communist. And to the bone. Responsible secretary or something like that of the Communist Party branch in Komsomolsk-on-Amur (at that time). He would start a lecture, but after a few minutes he would be so engrossed in some lyrical digression that the topic of the lecture would rest. He talked a lot, and often pressed his knowledge (when you know what's going on (talking about communist principles, ideals, etc., but it's useless to argue how he will bend something like "Procrustean bed of his triads" or "fifth column", so I didn't even want to drink beer after the steam).
Once he recounted an incident from his stedenstvo. He studied in Yekaterina (then, of course, Sverdlovsk).
Occupation of the Military Department. Topic: "Rules of public behavior in emergency situations". Polkonik tells you where to run, what to take, and how to behave. Our young Rudik (with a very serious expression on his face) asks permission to apply and asks the question: "What should the OLIGOPHRENICS do during the alarm?"
The teacher thought for a few seconds, and replied:" Well, they have their own detachments, their own commanders. "
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