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25.05.2011 3:47, Dmitry Vlasov

Here is a photo of the mattresses.
10-yug MO

And what kind of dung manure from Khopr? vernalis or stercorosus? It is not clear whether there are grooves on the elytra...

25.05.2011 9:46, bugslov

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25.05.2011 20:06, Олег СССР

Tempus and I went to the Yuzhsky district of the Ivanovo Region on May 21-22 to collect food. I'll say right away that it wasn't very successful - we didn't see them, either early or unlucky enough to meet them. Either Sergey has made a mess of something, but I have no reason not to trust him.
We arrived in Yuzha at 14.30, and an hour later we were at the fork of the roads to the village of Mosta and Glushitsy. The weather met us there with a small short-term rain, after which the sun shone until the evening.
We started fishing as soon as we turned onto Glushitsy. We were the first to meet fresh chervonets Lycaena tityrus and Lycaena phlaeas, then we came across them all the way to the village, like various other butterflies. Especially worth noting is Callophrys rubi, which so far I have come across in single instances only 2 times. There are a huge number of them, the most common butterfly, and everywhere, even in the village itself. True, they are not fresh, but now it is clear where to go next year for good ones. And a lot of snakes caught my eye and even a small viper.
We reached the village slowly by 18 o'clock, after which we started looking for a place to spend the night. There are no good overnight places there, only satisfactory ones. Where there is good wood nearby, it is far from water and vice versa. The camp was set up near Glushitsy on the banks of the Klyazma River. We just got there before a thunderstorm and a good rainstorm, which hit the tent awning for a couple of hours and calmed down.
The next morning we were greeted by the sun and the various trills of many birds-beauty and nothing more. Yes, and only the mosquitoes with enviable persistence continued to annoy us with their endless buzzing and attempts to taste our blood.
From 9 o'clock in the morning they fished along the bank of the Klyazma River, in the vicinity of the village of Glushitsy and in the village itself. The locals were fine, they were normal, they thought that the fishermen had come to rest, so they came with nets-podsachekami.
At the end of the fishing trip, around 13 o'clock, I come across Tyria jacobaeae on the way back. Sergey is upset that this butterfly will not get to him and is happy for me. Five minutes later, luck catches up with him. Sergey is incredibly happy, after a while we see another bear, which runs away (flying away) from the net leads us to a clearing full of its fellows. We took 12 pieces for two. It happened not far from the village, at the sign with its name. The bears are all fresh. They also caught the only swallowtail they saw there.
They applied and didn't take it, but they were still satisfied with the output.
Here is the entire list of species that we managed to see:

Family Nymphalidae:
1)Inachis io (Linnaeus, 1758)- Day peacock's eye (en masse);
2) Aglais urticae (Linnaeus, 1758) - Urticaria (often);
3) Nymphalis antiopa (Linnaeus, 1758) - Mourning moth (sporadically);
4) Nymphalis xanthomelas (Esper, 1781)-Black-and-red polychrome (sporadically);
5) Vanessa cardui (Linnaeus, 1758) - Burdock (isolated);
6)?Fabriciana ?adippe ([Schiffermuller], 1775)-Red mother-of-pearl (only one specimen-and it is not clear whether it was one);
7) Issoria lathonia (Linnaeus, 1758) - Field mother-of-pearl (isolated);

Family Satyridae-Marigolds:
8) Coenonympha pamphilus (Linnaeus, 1758) - Common hayloft (1);

Family Lycaenidae-Pigeons:
9) Callophrys rubi (Linnaeus, 1758) - Raspberry (massively);
10) Lycaena phlaeas (Linnaeus, 1761 - Spotted chervonets (often);
11) Lycaena tityrus (Poda, 1761) - Brown chervonets (massively);
12) Celastrina argiolus (Linnaeus, 1758) - Spring pigeon (often);

Family Hesperiidae-Thickheads:
13) Pyrgus malvae (Linnaeus, 1758) - Thick-headed mallow (isolated);

Family Pieridae-Whiteflies:
14) Leptidea ?sinapis / reali-Pea whitefly (common);
15) Pieris brassicae (Linnaeus, 1758) - Cabbage whitefly (rare);
16) Pieris rapae (Linnaeus, 1758) - Turnip whitefly (rare);
17) Pieris napi (Linnaeus, 1758) - Rutabaga whitefly (common);
18)Pontia edusa (Fabricius, 1777) - Mignonette (rare);
19) Anthocharis cardamines (Linnaeus, 1758 - Common dawn (rare);
20) Gonepteryx rhamni (Linnaeus, 1758) - Lemongrass (common);

Family Papilionidae-Sailboats:
21)Papilio machaon (Linnaeus,1758)-Махаон;

Family Geometridae-Moths:
22) Lythria rotaria (Fabricius, 1798) (common);
23) Scotopteryx mucronata (Scopoli, 1763) (1);
24) Chiasmia clathrata (Linnaeus, 1758) (rare);
25) Hypoxystis pluviaria (Fabricius, 1787) (common);
26) Ematurga atomaria (Linnaeus, 1758) (mass);

Family Saturniidae-Peacock Eyes:
27) Aglia tau, (Linnaeus, 1758);

Family Arctiidae-Dippers:
28) Tyria jacobaeae (Linnaeus, 1758).

Unfortunately, there is only one photo, the batteries were covered, and the stock was not taken. It shows the edge of the forest to the right of the road to the village of Glushitsy.

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25.05.2011 20:31, captolabrus

In Tau, only females fly to the light, but they do not arrive often. Pavonia is still flying. I caught one pretty fresh one this weekend. Now there are already a lot of hawkmoths that should fly - linden, oculate, pine, wine, crested more than 10 species - so catch them, they should come. I don't know what you catch, but the most catchy one is a split DRL, try it.

We catch 250 watts on the DRL, and the Ufa housekeeper.

25.05.2011 21:57, Victor Gazanchidis

My advice, split DRL.
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26.05.2011 0:52, Ilia Ustiantcev

: Is your Scotopteryx mucronata definitely not Petrophora chlorosata? On the one hand, it is much more likely, although if there is a krestovnikovaya dipper found, everything can be...

26.05.2011 3:17, Aaata

: Is your Scotopteryx mucronata definitely not Petrophora chlorosata? On the one hand, it is much more likely, although if there is a krestovnikovaya dipper found, everything can be...

In addition to Scotopteryx mucronata, there may be a twin species of S. luridata. They differ only in their genitals.

26.05.2011 7:07, Macroglossum

[quote=Oleg SSSR,25.05.2011 21: 06]
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26.05.2011 18:27, AGG

We decided to go along the Ilovay River on May 20-22 - Tambov region, Michurinsky district.
Line-up: I=Roman (AGG), Alexander (Zavento), Yuri (wild yuri), Ilya (irokez)
on arrival at the place almost ran over ...
we found only 2 masonry blocks in one clearing (
parking place "one of the 2 places of chalk=calcareous? exposures " and then artificial
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26.05.2011 18:42, AGG

bronzevki ate flowers...
and they ate formiki, and we mosquitoes...... however, the cycle...
overnight camped in a clearing: to the east of the Ilovai river floodplain-around a mixed forest
to the west mixed pine forest
different things were flying...
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26.05.2011 18:54, AGG

some results of the night, small change in bags...
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26.05.2011 19:06, AGG

only during the day-
Abode of Reeds! (I've caught less in my entire life (in qty) in more rivers than this puddle)
but ... back in the night
, everything would be fine if it wasn't for these guys..
but when they decided to have a threesome on the screen...
We began to get mad at the power of nature smile.gif
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26.05.2011 19:19, AGG

a light snack.......
we continued our research..
there were not only mnemosynes and polyxenes, but also ... .
an aspen tree bloomed in the forest. who is ready to throw a bull?
then they found a tree stump! and who needed it?
caught a female named Mendiki (who fixed her eggs on arrival) and Sasha and I went home, while Ilya and Yura continued north. we are waiting for Ilya's report...

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29.05.2011 18:26, Kallima

May 29, log "Prince", near Oryol.
In the week that has passed since the last visit to this place
, the steppe has entered its most colorful phase...
Just like in one song -
"....In the field, in a wide field
, the wind walks in the open.
In the field, as if in a blue sea
, the waves run free.
High cotton clouds,
fall on the mint grass...
....Wildflowers painted the meadow blue,
wildflowers as blue as the Russian sky..."

There were noticeably more pigeons, just everywhere in huge numbers.
Thersites, icarus, aricii, argiades, Osiris, minimus, semiargus, alexis..
Chervonets dispar are bred, a lot of L. tityrus, L. phlaeas,
caught on the bottom of the beam L. hippothoe. In the afternoon
, bedstraw hawks and bumblebees began to fly.
Still fly swallowtails.. tattered mother-of-pearl dia and latones.
Crakes rattle,
and a light sand-colored fox runs down the steep slope...

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29.05.2011 21:31, Maksim M.

From 28th to 29th, Ugra River floodplain, Yukhnov city district: willow fat men walk along the roads, took three; huge female swallowtails fly, took one. In the afternoon, near the store, I took a black barbel 4 cm, mustache-10-12 cm, the type has not yet been determined. Night: fishing starts at 22: 45, the first hawk moth at 23:15. Six species, one linear, three large wine, 1m wine, 1 oak, 1 aspen(large.), 8 ocular. Feature: when the fog came, the hawk moth did not fall on the screen, but got confused in the wet grass 3-5 meters from the screen. There were also harpies, silkworms, and polar bears. Fishing finished at 03: 15, the night was warm, at 23: 00 to 20 degrees Celsius, in the morning 13. Hawk moth in the light near the screen - it's cool!
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29.05.2011 22:33, Maksim M.

I apologize, hawkmoth-bedstraw and pine, barbel-monochamus sp.

31.05.2011 9:09, TEMPUS

Are you sure your Scotopteryx mucronata isn't Petrophora chlorosata? On the one hand, it is much more likely, although if there is a krestovnikovaya dipper found, everything can be...

The fact that it was not Petrophora chlorosata,but Scotopteryx ?sp., I can say absolutely for sure.Petrophora chlorosata I used to catch in the light at my dacha, in the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye, and I can say that it differs quite well from Scotopteryx ?sp.As for Scotopteryx is mucronata or luridata, then Aaata is right,these species can only be distinguished by their genitals, and they cannot be determined by their appearance.In any case, this copy has been assembled,and as soon as it is finished, I can post a photo if necessary.

02.06.2011 2:47, Maksim M.

Night 1-2yun, the outskirts of Obninsk, in the light:the beginning of summer 23-15, t-16c, 1glazed,2lipovyh, beetles netuNIKAKIH, 3 types of thin worms raspberry, oak, and some, ran along the night paths and paths-there are no ground beetles created any, before 3 types of large-sized caught quite often.Feature-T dropped by 01-10 to 9grd,the screen stopped running and flying, and the years stopped on away. For some reason,there are no pavonias, although we came across them a little earlier?In the afternoon of June 1 in the ravine bed caught the eye of 2exp mourning birds flying-pecked - is this the remains of wintering or nonsense?

02.06.2011 15:08, AGG

remains. no nonsense

02.06.2011 17:50, Sergey Didenko

Night 1-2yun, the outskirts of Obninsk, in the light:the beginning of summer 23-15, t-16c, 1glazed,2lipovyh, beetles netuNIKAKIH, 3 types of thin worms raspberry, oak, and some, ran along the night paths and paths-there are no ground beetles created any, before 3 types of large-sized caught quite often.Feature-T dropped by 01-10 to 9grd,the screen stopped running and flying, and the years stopped on away. For some reason,there are no pavonias, although we came across them a little earlier?In the afternoon of June 1 in the ravine bed caught the eye of 2exp mourning birds flying-pecked - is this the remains of wintering or nonsense?

There are big doubts about the oak tonkworm (probably a cocoonworm). It will only fly in a month smile.gif

03.06.2011 3:40, Maksim M.

There are big doubts about the oak tonkworm (probably a cocoonworm). He won't be leaving for another month smile.gif

I'll take a picture,show you ,I use it myself, butterflies of the mo, looks like an oak tree, today after the night I got caught - I also got caught like it, a hole, 3sr wine, 2lipovyh and on trifles, the beginning of 23-15, t-18c, years ended 02-15, t-13c.Feature-if there is a pripyatstvie,dead wood,chain-link fence,dry trees nearby,then on a warm night the speed of summer is high, the animals cut large circles around the screen, beat pumpkins about all the pripyatstvie, get concussions or get upset? and as a result, they fly away from the screen, it was 10 times today.The worst is a solid chain-link fence!

03.06.2011 10:29, Sergey Didenko

By the way, in oak cocoonworms, only females arrive at the light (not earlier than in a month), maybe you are confusing it with oak-leaved? And it is better to use Latin letters...

03.06.2011 12:44, Aaata

By the way, in oak cocoonworms, only females arrive at the light (not earlier than in a month), maybe you are confusing it with oak-leaved? And it is better to use Latin letters...

It's a little early for Gastropacha quercifolia, too... Most likely, it was about Phyllodesma. In general, yes, you can't do without Latin in entomology.

03.06.2011 16:03, Victor Titov

Well, here's a vacation. While I'm driving around "my possessions" - the Rostov district of the Yaroslavl region. Some success is there: I collected a small, but still a series of Nivellia sanguinosa on mountain ash flowers (this barbel is not frequent and local in our country), caught interesting elephants (Alophus triguttatus, Hylobius pinastri). But the main find of the beginning of June is Calosoma (Campalita) auropunctatum. In the Yaroslavl region, this beauty has not been collected recently. I caught only one specimen (a female) completely by accident (I noticed a large beetle crawling across a path in coniferous plantings near an abandoned field out of the corner of my eye). I immediately put traps in the place of the discovery, but they have not yet yielded any results - all sorts of crap falls into glasses, among which Poecilus lepidus prevails .mad.gif In the second decade of June, keeping my promise to my wife, I'm going to Turkey with her. I hope you'll be lucky there, too. And so - everything is great: the grass turns green, the sun shines, the horses jump, the barbels wiggle their sawyers... Summer, however, friends!!!
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03.06.2011 16:47, Maksim M.

Here they are photos of controversial animals.

03.06.2011 16:48, Zhuk

Here they are photos of controversial animals.

pine cocoonworms (Dendrolimus pini)
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03.06.2011 18:03, omar

Calosoma (Campalita) auropunctatum doesn't seem to be known from you at all. This is an investor based on old finds. Or am I confusing something?
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03.06.2011 18:33, Alexandr Rusinov

Calosoma (Campalita) auropunctatum doesn't seem to be known from you at all. This is an investor based on old finds. Or am I confusing something?

All right. This species was not recorded, although we have been waiting for its discovery for a long time - it was found in the Kostroma region near the border with Yaroslavl, in the Vologda region. Lucky so lucky. Already enviable. wink.gif
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03.06.2011 18:55, Victor Titov

All right. This species was not recorded, although we have been waiting for its discovery for a long time - it was found in the Kostroma region near the border with Yaroslavl, in the Vologda region. Lucky so lucky. Already enviable. wink.gif

Come on, don't worry! wink.gif First, I'll give you a couple of Nivellia sanguinosa and Cryptocephalus sp. postponed it. Secondly, the main thing is that the long-awaited discovery has come true! beer.gif jump.gif
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03.06.2011 19:18, Victor Titov

Calosoma (Campalita) auropunctatum doesn't seem to be known from you at all. This is an investor based on old finds. Or am I confusing something?

Absolutely. I checked it out now, and Anthrenus confirmed it. First find, then. Now it is known from us! wink.gif
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03.06.2011 19:40, omar

Oh, lucky people!
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04.06.2011 6:25, Dmitry Vlasov

Calosoma (Campalita) auropunctatum doesn't seem to be known from you at all. This is an investor based on old finds. Or am I confusing something?

I was in Moscow at the Intermuseum and returned at 2 a.m. today, so I'm joining the discussion just now.
Indeed, there were no finds, BUT Kryzhanovsky (1962) indicated that the species extends north to Yaroslavl.

This post was edited by Elizar-04.06.2011 06: 28

04.06.2011 17:12, Maksim M.

Today we were in the floodplain of the river with our family, with nets.Protva. The flowers were empty except for bees and bedbugs. There is not a single barbel for 3 km. Barbels swarmed around a large, lonely and battered fir tree. Especially pleased with the bright red.P6040018.JPG
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04.06.2011 19:45, OEV

bright red beetle in the photo in the top row is a Pyrochroa coccinea fire flower from the family of the same name, and not a barbel umnik.gifat all

04.06.2011 19:46, Kemist

Isn't red a fire flower, by any chance?" And then very similar

04.06.2011 20:53, Maksim M.

I meant the red color of the beetle,not its belonging to the family.barbels.Question: why does the presented bumblebee have blue wings?

04.06.2011 23:27, Victor Titov

Question: why does the presented bumblebee have blue wings?

Because it's not a bumblebee, but a carpenter bee - Xylocopa violacea smile.gif
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04.06.2011 23:35, Bad Den

Because it's not a bumblebee, but a carpenter bee - Xylocopa violacea smile.gif

It seems to me that this is not a xylocope-there is a light pubescence on the leading edge of the prsp.
It is necessary to place a large photo in the topic "Definition of hymenoptera", IMHO
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05.06.2011 17:09, Kallima

June 5, Bryansk region, Mylinka station.
Approximately in the middle between Karachev and White Banks....
I have long wanted to visit these places, the trip was for "intelligence" purposes, to look for mnemosyne. Much to my surprise, mnemosines fly here even on the outskirts of the village.
And further away - many dozens, of course, already years are running out, so there are already completely "killed" females.
The places are very beautiful - the river Snezhet, there is a lake in the middle of the forest.
To my great joy, I came across two Mathurnas, and Selenes and Phoebes were also flying.
Toltogolovki P. malvae and O. sylvanus, haylofts C. pamphilis and C. arcania, bird cherry many caudates S. pruni, hawthorns appeared.
We put a few glasses on the ground beetles, it's a little late, of course. Horses only came
across meznyaki, there was a hope to catch C. silvatica, but alas..
The umbrella islands are full of life, as always...

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06.06.2011 21:05, Maksim M.

I went to the light from the 5th to the 6th of June, the beginning of summer 23: 45 t-19c, 02: 15 ended t-12c, flew in waves, and? without any time sequence,the last one is a pine hawk moth. Feature:arrived 3-5shtuk kr. brazhnikov, not eyes, poked at the screen and no doubt disappeared in the dark, catch on the outskirts of Obninsk different light around a lot. In the afternoon, a few beetles gathered along the paths in the park, and we were pleased with the 4.5 cm beetle and 2 barbels. A bigger sawyere from the night before,under the streetlight-fundamental. There was no one visible on the grass and flowers, and the rest were biting into the old wood. The fat man was running down the road. Here is the photo:P6060024.JPGP6060034.JPGP6060031.JPG
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