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Moscow and the Moscow region

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03.05.2009 0:32, Kharkovbut

But how can you not see through it?.. To move somewhere for a hundred kilometers in three hours, then the same amount on your knees to crawl through these chalk mountains... finding a single caterpillar... smile.gifit's something you'll remember for the rest of your life...
Two or three days later , they wouldn't have found a single one. I miscalculated a little - but I thought that there would still be caterpillars of younger ages... smile.gif

So we should be happy about this, and I am happy about it. wink.gif

03.05.2009 10:45, lepidopterolog

Well, you can't guess here - for example, they flew to Divnogorye last year only in June, and in Tuzov there is a photo of a specimen caught in the same place at the end of April! tongue.gif

03.05.2009 18:13, Pavel Morozov

Yes, MO is not Crimea.

And at the dacha on May Day with the weather was not lucky. At night, from the 1st to the 2nd, the thermometer dropped to -7!!!
If you could catch something during the day, then you could not even think about night fishing. The only trophy is Lycia hirtaria.
In the morning, I looked around the forest edges in the hope of finding E. versicolora, but apart from Archiearis parthenias, last year's nymphalids and lemongrass, there was nothing fresh Araschnia levana. Only on the 3rd, some red-haired swift butterfly swept by at a height of 3 meters. But it is impossible to say for sure that it was a silkwing.
But I was pleased with the sharp-faced frogs, whose males are in a wild-blue mating outfit.

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03.05.2009 21:28, Kharkovbut

Well, you can't guess here - for example, they flew to Divnogorye last year only in June, and in Tuzov there is a photo of a specimen caught in the same place at the end of April! tongue.gif
The Ace has a lot going for it. smile.gif For example, a photo of tarpeja from the Kharkiv region... rolleyes.gif

03.05.2009 22:17, Zhuk

This weekend from 1 to 3 was in the village (Ruzsky district, Lenkovo).
At first, the weather failed, but on the second day it went wild. There was nothing special during the day. C. argiolus, A. cardamines, L. sinapis, P. napi, A. levana, and A. parthenias flew from fresh air. Almost did not catch, the current put the banks under the birch sap smile.gif.
I also caught 2 nights in the light.
We flew:

Cleora cinctaria
Paradarisa consonaria
Selenia tetralunaria

Achlya flavicornis

Scoliopteryx libatrix
Orthosia gothica
Orthosia incerta
Orthosia populeti
Cerastis rubricosa
Brachionycha nubeculosa
Eupsilia transversa
Lithophane socia

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And here are the results of fishing:
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This post was edited by Zhuk-08.05.2009 14: 56
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06.05.2009 8:11, Sergey Didenko

I was at the dacha, neither tau, nor pavonia (although Vladimir V. said that a couple of days ago he caught one, pavonia in the sense), the sea of May, harpies and tassels flew. Fluffy and endromis can be seen over.

06.05.2009 11:10, Anomalocaris

Little by little it starts)
Yesterday, in the Istra district of the Moscow region, I caught several Cicindela hybrida and campestris on the edge of a coniferous forest in a slightly overgrown clay-sand area.

06.05.2009 15:10, AntSkr

The forum didn't work, so the report on the past weekend is now:
From Thursday to Sunday, he turned on the lamp in Moscow. regions.
Very bad, although the temperature was more or less normal, on different days from 7 to 11, but the moon was shining and it was flying badly.
All as usual, orthosia, gracilis flew, banal Ectropis crepuscularia and Cleora cinctaria appeared, one fresh Agriopis marginaria arrived, I caught a female Trichopteryx carpinata and a new one for me, Acasis viretata. I saw one A. derrivata.

06.05.2009 16:45, MXM

I don't know if it's important or not, but I'll write it down. Somewhere in 2005, I found the Argiope bruennichi spider on Moose Island, but I didn't see it again.

This post was edited by MXM-06.05.2009 16: 47
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06.05.2009 18:36, Sergey Didenko

new for me Acasis viretata.

I caught it myself for the first time last year, and it can be seen everywhere, but very, very little.

06.05.2009 18:37, AntSkr

I caught one myself last year for the first time, and you can see it everywhere, but very, very little.

Interestingly, I caught it in the morning, saw it flying and caught it when it landed.

06.05.2009 19:26, Vlad Proklov

I caught one myself last year for the first time, and you can see it everywhere, but very, very little.

She also flew to my garden (London) last week! Fresh, green smile.gif
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06.05.2009 23:57, А.Й.Элез

From 5 to 6 May 2009, Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, vicinities of the village. Donino.

At night, years into the world – poor, completely something banal, 5 species of moth, 6-7 species of scoop, a May beetle and then a little. 1 female pavonia and 1 male Endromis arrived. But Panolis flammea could be scored under a hundred pieces. During the day, the fauna is common for the beginning of May. Rubi and argiolus are isolated, rutabaga is common (more males), lemongrass is common (males and females are approximately equal), urticae and io are common (pictured IMG_2862a.JPG -rear view of io-to the question that it is the females that overwinter, according to Lvovsky and Morgun; the picture was taken near the platf. 49th km of Kazanskaya railway tracks), c-album is isolated, levana is not numerous, cardamines is not marked at all yet. Leptidea sp. - rare, so far only males. Also, during the day, moths (including on trunks), including numerous ones (but already more on the forest road than on the edges or in general open places), female parthenias (males singly, flown in a hollow), were thrown from the upper tier by a very sharp gust of wind and once turned over a female Endromis (already who laid eggs). In the forest, the cranberry peat bog is almost completely covered with water (except for hummocks and simply raised islands). The last picture is a protivozaytsevoe decoration of the fence section along platform No. 3 of the Ramenskoye railway station.

This post was edited by A. J. Elez - 07.05.2009 00: 01

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07.05.2009 11:34, John-ST

Here is such a beast named as zlatka in the "definition of larvae"
25.04.2009. Moscow Region, Zheleznodorozhny.
In the pupal chamber under the bark in the upper layer of wood of the stump of a young poplar of a dead poplar.
[attachmentid ()=62463]
Turned out to be a Saperda perforata mustache (removed on 07.05.2005)
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07.05.2009 18:58, John-ST

Here's another mustache

Pogonocherus fasciculatus

Moscow region, Odintsovo district, Krasnoznamensk
[attachmentid ()=62483]
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07.05.2009 19:24, Liparus

It turned out to be a barbel Saperda perforata (released on 07.05.2005)

Saperd should be picked ,in the sense of picking larvae, and then removing beetles,so you won't find them in nature

In aspen it is necessary to pick green Saperda sp.
And in the ash tree some blue barbel Saperda sp. leaded

07.05.2009 19:34, chebur

Saperd should be picked ,in the sense of picking larvae, and then removing beetles,so you won't find them in nature

Well, why not meet. For example, I found Saperda scalaris several times on the trunks of birch trees while walking through the forest. Another thing is that they are very shy and move quickly, but if you are lucky, you can meet them. smile.gif
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08.05.2009 1:30, Aaata

Well, why not meet. For example, I found Saperda scalaris several times on the trunks of birch trees while walking through the forest. Another thing is that they are very shy and move quickly, but if you are lucky, you can meet them. smile.gif

Many Saperda fly well into the light. And Pogonocherus was registered a couple of times by the DRL.
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08.05.2009 18:24, Ilia Ustiantcev

While everyone in the Central District is waiting for pavonias and tau,almost summer butterflies are flying in Moscow! (05.05)
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From the pupa collected on 02.05 in the Dintsovsky district, this banal thing was hatched today.
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Also today I went to Volynskoye (Between Minskaya Street and Matveyevsky)
In the forest, sour cherry blossoms and red squirrels are crawling. I found there the first leaflet for the season (in the definition)
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In the field and near Setuni, in addition to quite urban banalities, leptidae fly (maybe you can determine whether it is real or synapis?) and dawns, and not in the smallest amount (these infections twice flew right out from under the lens!) I think I also saw a latona, but it could have been a mottledwing. By the way, this photo of the turnip is my first, previously I only took pictures of the turnip! smile.gif
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09.05.2009 0:26, А.Й.Элез

I think I also saw a latona, but it could have been a mottledwing.

Today I searched this field between Starovolynskaya St., Setun River and Minskaya St., plus a meadow near Minskaya St. on ber. Setuni at the stop "Stone Dam". Latonia is noted in both points (rarely), variegated moth is not marked at all. As for leptidea, it seems that they have now established that it is reali; however, they have established exactly this, and the population itself has been known to me personally for more than thirty years. Urticaria has been singly noted, peacock's eye is not numerous, reali only males (only one suspicion of a female), napi males are common (plus one darkish and bright yellow undergarment female flew by). There are few lemongrass plants (both sexes). The male zorka is not numerous. On the bank of the Setuni - beaver pogryz. On the other side of Minskaya Street, in the south-western corner of Victory Park, a T-shirt was found on the southern slope path near the Kievskaya railway station (this is hardly an accidental flight...)

Snapshot IMG_2871а.JPG -preferred location of lathonia, reali, cardamines within the route. It is at this moment, and in general they fly more abundantly in other points, this spring very much affected by the fall. This is where the picture was taken IMG_2877а.JPG.

This post was edited by A. J. Elez - 09.05.2009 00: 26

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09.05.2009 22:51, сди

I hand over MIKHAIL Mikkey at the moment, he successfully poisons pavonias with a generator in a myrmidon nursery (I write from the phone so briefly)

10.05.2009 2:01, mikee

I hand over MIKHAIL Mikkey at the moment, he successfully poisons pavonias with a generator in a myrmidon nursery (I write from the phone so briefly)

Yes, that I take smile.gifa ride today to the PTZ in order to see what and how to catch A. tau. In the place where a year ago I saw 5 males in an hour, today I did not see them at all for almost 2 hoursweep.gif, whiteflies of all stripes fly Along the Drying valley, completely burnt and stripped urticae and io, c-album, ruby, argiolus are relatively rare. Then I took a ride to Luzhkov and the Republic - there are a lot of people everywhere and signs "Security zone". The bird cherry hasn't really bloomed yet, there's not much fresh grass, only last year's burnt-out hair, but the cuckoos are working hard and the crested bird is in full bloom. For some reason, a healthy hole was dug in Mnemosyne meadow... I spat and went to the myrmidon nursery - a mad dog, as you know, does not detour seven versts, only 1.5 hours away. I was there today for the first time, although I passed by dozens. The pine nursery wildly resembles the same one I have in Gus-Zhelezny, where the Apollo station is located, and stonecrop grows along the edge and broom. Yes, and the forest around is almost the same. By the way, in this place with butterflies is much richer than in the PTZ. At least for now. Almost the entire set of spring butterflies is present (latona, cardamines, ruby, levana, io, argiolus, urticae, napi, sinapis/reali, c-album...) and quite abundant, even though it was already 17 o'clock. Endromisov in the forest did not find, waiting for the evening fishing ride to the river Nerskaya and looked for a place for the night. Everything would be fine, but at the opposite end of the nursery, a cheerful company was walking, with a powerful music unit and, almost, with a TV. I left there at 0: 38, and they were still pushing pesnyak. However, it didn't bother Lovu. As a result, I caught two pavonia females, one perfect, the other slightly beaten along the edge of one wing. One lays its eggs on a pin, but the other seems to be virgin - it flew too fast and struggled in a net. And it's got a different belly, too. Sergey-sdi on the phone persuaded me not to strangle this female and wait for the morning to catch males. But, alas, my combat friend-wife said that she could not stand frown.gifit any longer It was flying, in general, a little bad, although the sky was covered with clouds (the moon came out only in the first hour), it was relatively warm (8-9 degrees) and a little fog (the river is quite close). The shovel was small, more than a moth. Several crested birds arrived, one was definitely a siversi, the rest looked like a carmelita. The latter were driven into the stain for sdi. On the way home at the gas station, I saw floaters and a couple of water lovers flying into the light.
In general, the goal is achieved. And in general, it is clear that pavonia is not uncommon in the east of the region. I used to catch it and find caterpillars near Pavlovsky Posad. It seems that, at least, between Gorkovsky and Yegoryevsky highways, it is everywhere. In fact, I don't see any reason for its absence in other areas in the Moscow City Administration. regions.
Yes, I caught on a split DRL-250 with a generator. With all the abundance of May beetles, about a dozen and exclusively males arrived at the light. The small birches around them buzzed with beetles.

This post was edited by mikee - 05/10/2009 09: 54
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10.05.2009 19:47, Ilia Ustiantcev

Yesterday and today I was in Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, Antsiferovo and Podosinki stations. During the day, in addition to quite banal ones, spring pigeons fly (a little), raspberries(dofiga) and dawns(enough). There are also a lot of tau, in large numbers they are found on the stretch between stations, closer to podosinki, but here you need to know the specific place. Of the nocturnal moth species, there were Ectropis crepuscularia, Ematurga atomaria, Aethalura punctulata, and Hypoxystis pluviaria (very many). Many of the beetles are Platycerus sp. and Actenicerus sjaelandicus.
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10.05.2009 23:01, mikee

A strange picture is emerging this year in the Moscow region - all reports on the capture of the "big three" smile.gif(tau, versicolora, pavonia) come exclusively from the eastern sector. Either no one is fishing in other areas, or the natural conditions have developed this spring, or something else... Meanwhile, it is the eastern direction that is considered the most polluted. Any opinions on this?
PS. And tau-the male in the photo of IL_U looks badly beaten, i.e. years have been going on for quite a long time. At home in the forest (Railway) I haven't found any tau today, although I've met them regularly before.

11.05.2009 0:32, Tyomochkin

Caught 9 at night in the south (?) MO, p. Korostelevo. Pavonia is nowhere to be seen, and neither is Tau. I didn't see them during the day either, although I walked a long way and didn't find them in the grass.... On cherelovanie DRL 250 and DRL 400 mostly banal stuff from scoops and moths. Along the way, they have a point in the east there... North and south "off topic" ...

11.05.2009 10:38, Zhuk

From 8 to 10 I was in the village (Ruzsky district, Lenkovo) and in the Kaluga region, Orekhovka.
I arrived on the 8th at night straight to the already turned on lamp, which had already been burning for quite a long time, but there was nothing but May beetles.
The next day, early in the morning, I went to Obninsk with my father, who had to go there on some business. I looked around, but there were no interesting places, only plowed fields. Already near Obninsk, I noticed a birch forest, where I landed. After 2 hours of walking on the edge of the forest, I realized that there was nothing to do here and just a huge number of ticks (I caught 9 pieces on myself). I took only a few banal moths, a sickle-wing and a leptid. In the evening, already at home, I caught the light. It flew better, but the night was very cold. Among the interesting things, I first caught Acronicta auricoma and Trichopteryx polycommata. May beetles are simply vogon... The next day I didn't catch much, I took whatever I could find, mostly beetles.

Drepana lacertinaria (Northern region)

Aethalura punctulata (Northern region)
Chiasmia clathrata (Northern region)
Cleora cinctaria (Northern region)
Ematurga atomaria (Northern region)
Hypoxystis pluviaria (Northern region)
Trichopteryx carpinata
Trichopteryx polycommata
Eupithecia sp.

Acronicta auricoma
Nycteola degenerana
Colocasia coryli

Pheosia gnoma

Orekhovka's surrounding area
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and here's the catch
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Oh, I forgot to add, tau and pavonius aren't exactly even in the west frown.gif

This post was edited by Zhuk - 05/11/2009 12: 30
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11.05.2009 12:35, Zhuk

to rhopalocera.com:
butterfly in birch sap-Achlya flavicornis.
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11.05.2009 14:54, Pavel Morozov

Chigasovo, Odintsovo district, MO.
During the day in a mixed forest there is a lot of Aglia tau. The light is sluggish - a full moon and relatively cool (+6-8). A lot of Orthosia gothica and incerta, there are cruda and cerasi, Cerastis rubicosa, Conistra did not take-torn.
Clostera pigra and Odontosia carmelita came from crested whales, and Selenia dentaria, Rheumaptera cervinalis, Eupithecia sp., and grated Trihopteryx carpinata came from moth - eaters.
From May 10 to May 11, the flight was completely lousy. Besides, the Ice Hockey World Cup final!
I congratulate everyone on the victory of the Russian national team!!! beer.gif

This post was edited by Morozzz - 05/11/2009 14: 55

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11.05.2009 18:30, AntSkr

A couple of days I turned on the lamp in the MO, the first day the moon shone, and on the second day the moon rose late, but it was still a bad year.
Nothing interesting, except that the dentaries flew, although this is a common species, I was surprised by the arrival of Lomaspilis marginata. Also female orthosias, pluviaria and female atomaria.
Also flying "unknown" for the MO A. derrivata.
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11.05.2009 22:13, Victor Titov

From 8 to 10 I was in the village (Ruzsky district, Lenkovo) and in the Kaluga region, Orekhovka.
The next day I didn't catch much, I took whatever I could find, mostly beetles.

Yes,you have chosen Molorchus, ov minor well! smile.gif There are at least 10 pieces on the mattress!

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 05/11/2009 22: 15

11.05.2009 22:31, Zhuk

Yes,you have chosen Molorchus, ov minor well! smile.gif There are at least 10 pieces on the mattress!

Yes, I left the same number of survivors smile.gif
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12.05.2009 18:31, chebur

09.05.09 Moscow region, Chekhov district

In the afternoon, two males of Ematurga atomaria L. met.
From daytime: Aglais urticae L, Araschnia levana L, Nymphalis io L, Polygonia c-album L, Pieris napi L, Anthocharis cardamines L
Night fishing on a lamp DRL 250. until 24: 00
1 Trichopteryx carpinata Borkhausen -- 2
2 Boarmia punctulata Shiff -- 1
3 Boarmia crepuscularia Hb -- 3
4 Eupithecia lanceata Hb -- 3
5 Xanthorhoe biriviata Borkhausen -- 1

6 Conistra vaccinii L -- 2
7 Orthosia gothica L -- 6
8 Orthosia cruda D&S -- 3
9 Сerastis rubricosa D&S -- 1

10 Clostera anachoreta D&S -- 1

11 Zophodia grossulariella Hb – 3

12 Agonopterix arenella D&S -- 2
13 Agonopterix heracliana L -- 5

10.05.09 Fishing was unsuccessful - only
Orthosia gothica L-3 and a few Agonopterix arenella & heracliana,
however, one Orthosia cerasi F arrived

This post was edited by chebur - 12.05.2009 19: 43
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18.05.2009 0:38, А.Й.Элез

Moscow, May 17, 2009 Under the bark and in the bark of a dead tree (more precisely, a stump with a height of under 3 m). I attach a photo of the trunk (with mushrooms) before removing the bark. Buggers, please identify who it is. Earlier, it seems, just such did not occur (and now in the vicinity of the dead trees with an anthill under the bark there are enough, but I did not find a single one of these beetles anywhere). They actually lived in the thickest part of the anthill, which was located under the bark from below the ground level to a height of about 70 cm. Higher up the trunk, where the anthill did not reach, beetles were also absent (m. b., a simple coincidence). Beetles are very smelly, but this clearly does not deter ants, they run around them quite calmly.

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18.05.2009 0:43, omar

Diaperis boleti
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18.05.2009 10:20, Liparus

Moscow, May 17, 2009 Under the bark and in the bark of a dead tree (more precisely, a stump with a height of under 3 m). I attach a photo of the trunk (with mushrooms) before removing the bark. Buggers, please identify who it is. Earlier, it seems, just such did not occur (and now in the vicinity of the dead trees with an anthill under the bark there are enough, but I did not find a single one of these beetles anywhere). They actually lived in the thickest part of the anthill, which was located under the bark from below the ground level to a height of about 70 cm. Higher up the trunk, where the anthill did not reach, beetles were also absent (m. b., a simple coincidence). Beetles are very smelly, but this clearly does not deter ants, they run around them quite calmly.

Diaperis boleti - those that are large
Mycetophagus ?quadripustulatus (Linnaeus, 1760) - the image shows (two small ones) Mycetophagidae

25.05.2009 16:45, Ilia Ustiantcev

I went to the Krylatsky Hills today. Almost exclusively banal moth flies fly there, but a few species during the day and in the city are still not bad. Also dofiga weevils.

Ematurga atomaria
?Epirrhoe alternata
Lomaspilis marginata
Lomographa bimaculata
Pseudopanthera macularia
Semiothisa clathrata
?Xanthorhoe spadicearia

Deltote bankiana

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25.05.2009 17:23, Liparus

[quote=Ilya U,25.05.2009 17: 45]

25.05.2009 17:26, omar

Dolgonosov always dofiga
Let me modestly disagree
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25.05.2009 17:42, Liparus

Dolgonosov always dofiga
Let me modestly disagree

I'm sorry I said something wrong.
- The species themselves dofiga, you also know that dofiga them in the forest, that's just not caught the eye, but they are there 100%

31.05.2009 13:39, Solarway

Yesterday, my wife and I were walking around Losiny Ostrov(from Golyanovo), there are a lot of whiteflies flying, lemongrass, pretty well-flown hives, but our most unexpected meeting happened with whom would you think? We met Papilio machaon!!! Medium size and perfect quality. I would like to think that this is not a stray migrant, but a representative of the local population.

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