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Moscow and the Moscow region

Community and ForumTravel and expeditionsMoscow and the Moscow region

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31.05.2009 16:41, Pavel Morozov

Well, in general, for Moose Island swallowtail is not uncommon.

31.05.2009 18:22, Solarway

This is really gratifying!

31.05.2009 20:28, Ilia Ustiantcev

Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, 30.05
There is nothing special among the diaries-swallowtails, dawns, mother-of-pearl (malaya and polevaya), thick-headed (palemon, sylvius, malvovaya), other spring banals. There were checkers, but I didn't pay much attention to them. During the day, you could also find moths - a lot of fireflies and moths (Cepphis advenaria, all sorts of greens and then completely banal), you can also find the scoop Colobochyla salicalis and Euclidia glyphica. It was no night at all, and the moon, the cold, and the weak lamp made it miserable.
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The next day, the A107 was relocated to the vicinity of the village of Pokrovskoye, in the Odintsovo district. It was then that I caught the butterfly I had long dreamed of sitting in the east of MO smile.gif- Egeria. There is also a swallowtail. Of the interesting ones (in my lepidopterological opinion), there were also blue barbels and short wings (in the definition).
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31.05.2009 22:01, AntSkr

Yes, the year turns out to be unsuccessful in general. Good weather - moon, no moon - bad weather.
Nothing worthwhile or interesting.
In addition to the fact that in the photos a couple of spilosis flew, various banal moth, K. lupulina.
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04.06.2009 18:08, Ilia Ustiantcev

I went today to Odintsovo district, near the village of Pokrovskoe. From day flies all sorts of crap and egeria, and from pyadenits almost all crap, and also Lomographa temerata was met, which I didn't see for a long time and the photo was disgusting. There was also a sickle-winged bird, Drepana falcataria, and a moose that didn't want to pose. frown.gif But the main result of the trip was the red book scoop Panemeria tenebrata. I wonder how rare it is in MO?
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04.06.2009 20:16, Vabrus

Ay, there would be a squirrel with a tail and cut-so in general on the cover NG smile.gif
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04.06.2009 20:18, Pavel Morozov

Well, I don't know why tenebrata was brought to the CC, but I see it as banal. Small and inconspicuous.

This post was edited by Morozzz-04.06.2009 20: 18
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04.06.2009 20:36, Sergey Didenko

Well, I don't know why tenebrata was brought to the CC, but I see it as banal. Small and inconspicuous.

I've never caught anything so small and inconspicuous. Apparently not very frequent, if not rare.
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04.06.2009 22:08, Pavel Morozov

If you search along the edges, preferably overgrown, well-warmed and with an abundance of flowers, you should be lucky. According to my observations, the imago flies until noon.
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05.06.2009 6:37, Sergey Didenko

If you search along the edges, preferably overgrown, well-warmed and with an abundance of flowers, you should be lucky. According to my observations, the imago flies until noon.

... and it is possible only in the west of the region, for example, in Odintsovo district. frown.gif
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06.06.2009 19:23, Sungaya

If you search along the edges, preferably overgrown, well-warmed and with an abundance of flowers, you should be lucky. According to my observations, the imago flies until noon.

... and it is possible only in the west of the region, for example, in Odintsovo district. frown.gif

And also in the north-east (Sergiev Posad district) and during the day and in the light.
And also caught in the Kolomna district (during the day)

06.06.2009 21:39, Sergey Didenko

And also in the north-east (Sergiev Posad district) and during the day and in the light.
And also caught in the Kolomna district (during the day)

Sergevo-Pasadsky district bolshoy, to me 83 km Yaroslavka neither day in the district nor at night...

07.06.2009 19:28, AntSkr

MO, Stupinsky district
The first day it rained after midnight, very heavy, the second day-in the evening the clouds dispersed and the moon shone, besides the temperature was only 9 degrees.
During the day, I searched for M. castrense caterpillars, found only one, but on a low spreading willow bush I collected S. pavonia caterpillars.
Platitudes were thrown at the light. Bad year.
Eilema sororcula
Spilosoma lubricipedum
Spilosoma lutea

Korscheltellus lupulina (mass produced)

Calliteara pudibunda

Pheosia gnoma

Mimas tiliae

Autographa gamma
Diachrysia stenochrysis
Abrostola triplasia
Leucania comma
Polia nebulosa

Abraxas sylvata
Chiasmia clathrata
Hypomecis punctinalis
Lomaspilis marginata
Lomographa bimaculata
Lomographa temerata
Ematurga atomaria
Epirrhoe alternata
Electrophaes corylata
Cosmorhoe ocellata
Timandra comae

This post was edited by AntSkr - 07.06.2009 22: 53

 the image is no longer on the site: pavonia.jpg pavonia.jpg — (116.02к) 07.06.2009 — 21.06.2009
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08.06.2009 15:57, Pavel Morozov

Moscow region, Odintsovo district, Chigasovo, June 05-08.
The weather was not pleasant, especially at night. Strong gusty winds and air temperatures falling to +5-6, reduced the effectiveness of night fishing to almost nothing. The only things I took were Hadena bicruris and Actinotia polyodon. Day trips made up for this mess a little. In general, nothing special, a nice blue barbel on a rowan tree (coleopterists, I think, will determine it), moth, moth and moth.
The background of C. advenaria, L. marginata, S. floslactata, B. temerata, and E. advenaria included R. hastata and I. putata.
A surprise was the discovery of a large number of Spargania luctuata, which I had not met before. The butterflies kept to either open places like clearings with willow-aspen-elderberry undergrowth, or at the very edge of the forest.
The forest, I must say, was very badly damaged by the hurricane that swept through this week. At the edges, almost all the trees are either broken in the middle of the trunk, or uprooted. I was struck by a broken lime tree, with the bark stripped off like a banana.
In the photo:
barbel, plz, determine, very interesting
Spargania luctuata
Ate after the hurricane
Stripped linden at the station S. luctuata
well, and the catch.

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08.06.2009 18:34, Vabrus

Barbel Carilia virginea like.
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13.06.2009 11:51, Tyomochkin

I caught it last night (June 12-13).
I must say right away-ooch has not seen such a summer for a long time!
The waning moon, cloud cover is quite strong, the alternation of DRL400, DRL250, DRV250 gave a very good result.
Woke up already all the hawk moth (pine just did not see), all the banal stuff scoop, a couple of moths, there was still some kind of cocoonworm (?), the female laid a bunch of eggs on the screen)))))
In general, the fishing is very good.
Korostelevo settlement, Kashirsky district, Moscow region.
PS I can't post a photo, because I write from a netbook, the Internet is very expensive....
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13.06.2009 13:00, taler

So at least the list is specific...

14.06.2009 20:15, AntSkr

Moscow Region, Stupinsky district.
Very good years, I haven't seen anyone for a long time. I also hung up the screen at 20-30 m from the forest, as a result, I collected a lot of new species for myself.
The photos show almost everything that I collected + 2 more copies. blind hawkmoth and poplar. Strange, but there were quite a few scoops, even banal ones.

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14.06.2009 20:16, Андреас

"Still a raspberry?" confused.gif "Isn't it the second generation?"
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14.06.2009 20:20, Андреас

- Anton, - this is so flying probably on the outskirts of the village on an ordinary lamp? "Or is it on a generator somewhere on the lawn, where the woods or rivers are raised?"

14.06.2009 20:49, AntSkr

I turn on the DPR-250 on the site, the screen is 20-30 m from the forest, across the road from the site immediately the forest begins, the lamp illuminates a fairly large area.
For example, in my forest there are no conifers at all, so a pine hawk moth flew through the field from the forest for 2-3 km.
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15.06.2009 15:13, Pavel Morozov

Report on a short summer vacation on June 9-15. Odintsovo district, Moscow region.
Collected mostly in the light. Day trips were mainly devoted to collecting worms. We managed to find a fresh brood on a young oak tree, preferably Phalera bucephala, which we will now have to deal with.
The weather at night was more pleasant compared to the night on the 15th, when the air temperature dropped to +8 by 1 o'clock in the morning. Before that, it was +16-19. Collection for the DRL-125 lamp.
Summer is good, except for last night, I was pleased with Cerura erminea, Cucullia asteris, some other Cucullia (I'll spread it out and lay it out). Spargania luctuata moth flew in from afar, and there were quite a few Earias clorana. I couldn't resist grabbing a fat female Trachea atriplicis. I will not disclose the entire list, everything is in the photo, please ask.
Overall, nothing particularly supernatural, but cute.

Coleopterists – photo of a carabida that arrived at the light around 0: 30

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15.06.2009 15:14, Bad Den

Coleopterists – photo of a carabida that arrived at the light around 0: 30

Badister sp.
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17.06.2009 21:11, chebur

Report on Lepidoptera species encountered over the weekend(12-14.06.09 ) in the Chekhov district of the Moscow region.
The weather was extremely unstable: short but heavy rains interspersed with glimpses of the sun.
I managed to make two sorties: one in the forest and one in the field.

Nordmannia pruni L (right in the garden on plums and jasmine)is one of the daytime butterflies.
Polyommatus icarus Rott (ubiquitous)
Lycaena dispar rutila Werneburg (one female in a field)
Boloria selene D&S (forest ravine)
Polygonia c-album L (forest ravine)
Vanessa cardui L (everywhere)
Coenonympha pamphilus L (ubiquitous)
Carterocephalus palaemon P (forest ravine)
Ochlodes sylvanus Esper (Forest ravine)

In the forest, we were struck by the abundance of moths on tree trunks:
Boarmia punctulata Shiff
Cleora cinctaria D&S
Electrophaes corylata Thumb
Hypomecis punctinalis Sc
Lomographa bimaculata F
Mesoleuca albicillata L
Thera variata D&S
Lampropteryx suffumata D&S
Pechipogo strigilata L
Dioryctria abietella D&S

Panemeria tenebrata Scop was found in a forest clearing. Также днём летали
Euclidimera glyphica L
Hapalotis argentula Hb
Cepphis advenaria Hb
Phasiane clathrata L
Pseudopanthera macularia L
Scopula immorata L
Scoria lineata Sc
Timandra amata L
Spilosoma lubricipeda L
Eurrhypra urticata L
Ostrinta palustralis Hb
Сrambus lathoniella Znk.
Chrysoteuchta culmella L.
Celypha lacunana D&S
Epiblema sticticana F
Digitivalva reticulella Hb
Epiblema scutulana D&S

I planned to catch the light on the night from 13 to 14. What was my surprise when the carefully suspended DRL 250 lamp refused to work… It turned out that the electricity was cut off in the village. However, I left the lamp plugged in, as well as the light in the house. Suddenly the lights came on and woke me up at 00: 05. After 4 minutes, when I went outside, I got into a real cloud of butterflies. Mostly they were scoops, and their rapid arrival is explained by the fact that at a distance of 2.5 meters there is a hedge covered with some kind of climbing plant, the flowers of which attract hawks and shovels. There were no fewer than 15 hoods, but as far as I could see, all of them were Cucullia umbratica L.
I just stood there for a few minutes, admiring the butterfly-studded screen, and then frantically searched for cans and a net. But as soon as I found them and started to catch the scoop, the lamp went out...
Erastria fasciana L
Trachea artiplicis L
Xestia c-nigrum L
Agrotis exclamationis L
Xanthorhoe montanata D&S
Spilosoma luteum Hufn

Even at dusk, Angerona prunaria L, Hepialus humuli L and Korscheltellus lupulinus L were caught on the fly.
He caught two species of hawk moth on the bindweed: Chaerocampa elpenor L and Deilephila galii Rott.
картинка: _______13.06.09_Lycaena_dispar_rutila_Werneburg___________2_.JPG
picture: 13.06.09_Lycaena_dispar_rutila_Werneburg___________2_.JPG
picture: 13.06.09_Panemeria_tenebrata_Scop.___________2_.JPG
picture: 12.06.09_Zanclognatha_tarsipennalis_Tr.___________1_.JPG
picture: 12.06.09_Angerona_prunaria_L___________1_.JPG
picture: 05.06.07_Deilephila_galii_Rott____________1_.JPG

This post was edited by chebur - 18.06.2009 11: 05
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17.06.2009 21:43, Pavel Morozov

to chebur: how is Thera britannica???????
Maybe Thera variata?
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18.06.2009 11:07, chebur

to chebur: how is Thera britannica???????
Maybe Thera variata?

All right. It's just that I defined it a long time ago, when I didn't have many sources of information. shuffle.gif

19.06.2009 23:51, Dr. Niko

Caught on the DRL-250 on June 13, 14 and 16 in the Istra district of the Moscow region. This has never happened in my meager practice. It got warmer after all and the years were just amazing! In general, I didn't take a lot of things, especially mikra and pyadenits. But krupnyachok didn't miss it! Now I attach photos of the material and in general on the topic, and then I will post butterflies in the definition. Do not judge strictly, in the definition is not strong.
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And Dr. Niko himself is on the case smile.gif

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As I understand in the first photo:
1,2 - Hyles gallii
3,4,5,6 - Smerinthus ocellatus
7,8 - Mimas tiliae
9,10,11,12,13 - Deilephila elpenor
14,15,16 - Deilephila porcellus
18 - Dendrolimus pini
But 17?
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20.06.2009 3:42, Sergey Didenko

"But 17? "
Yes, the white harpy, Cerura erminea. But what's in the first photo in the lower-right corner? Is a pine cocoonworm really like that?

20.06.2009 10:52, barko

But what's in the first photo in the lower-right corner? Is a pine cocoonworm really like that?
Gluphisia crenata-Crested crew

20.06.2009 12:49, Grigory Grigoryev

"But 17? "
Yes, the white harpy, Cerura erminea. But what's in the first photo in the lower-right corner? Is a pine cocoonworm really like that?

I believe that this is a male C. abietis (crenata does not fit at least in size-compare with S. ulmi)
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20.06.2009 13:12, barko

"But 17? "
Yes, the white harpy, Cerura erminea. But what's in the first photo in the lower-right corner? Is a pine cocoonworm really like that?

I believe it is a male C. abietis (crenata doesn't fit at least in size-compare with S. ulmi)
It's definitely a male abietis. And it's still too early for crenata.

This post was edited by barko - 06/20/2009 13: 14

20.06.2009 14:11, Aaata

It's definitely a male abietis. And it's still too early for crenata.

And in the next photo, isn't it Gluphisia crenata ?

20.06.2009 21:33, Grigory Grigoryev

To Aaata:
"And in the next photo, isn't it Gluphisia crenata ?"

She is, of course, a darling!
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21.06.2009 14:55, Sergey Didenko

It's definitely a male abietis. And it's still too early for crenata.

I was at the dacha near Sergiev Pasad, north MO, so krenaty only crested flying in the mass that krenaty 20 in the morning on the wall of my house in the country dried the wings dominated, that's for sure early.

This post was edited by sdi - 21.06.2009 14: 56

 the image is no longer on the site: 20062009384_1.jpg 20062009384_1.jpg — (208.84к) 21.06.2009 — 05.07.2009
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21.06.2009 16:09, barko

I was at the dacha near Sergiev Pasad, north of Moscow region, so the only crested birds flying in the mass are krenaty...
In Hungary, I came across krenaty only in July.

23.06.2009 15:23, А.Й.Элез

June 21, 2009, Moscow region, Shatursky district, platf neighborhood. Tugolesye.

 the image is no longer on the site: IMG_3684.JPG IMG_3684.JPG — (428.31к) 23.06.2009 — 07.07.2009
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23.06.2009 15:28, Vlad Proklov

June 21, 2009, Moscow region, Shatursky district, platf neighborhood. Tugolesye.

What's the neighborhood like? I would like to slap the point, the last scoop is the highest score, this is Callopistria juventina!

23.06.2009 15:29, omar

A. Y. Elez, you have very soft, natural colors in your photos. It seems as if you have already entered the forest and are standing in it.
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23.06.2009 15:31, omar

The same one came to me last year, but I didn't take it. shuffle.gif

23.06.2009 15:33, Vlad Proklov

The same one came to me last year, but I didn't take it. shuffle.gif

In Trappers?

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