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Moscow and the Moscow region

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30.06.2009 0:37, barko

Part 2 of 2.
Please share the bait recipe.

30.06.2009 3:02, А.Й.Элез

Please share the bait recipe.

This particular bait was made at random from just about anything. Since the end of May, there was a solution of honey in beer on the table (since beer is pasteurized, it could stand forever without fermentation), previously used as bait to no avail. There were still about a hundred grams of it left. Three days before departure, I added the same amount of homemade grape wine (last year's harvest, only three weeks ago a friend brought it from the Odessa region to drink, the unfinished remains were kept warm and already began to stink). This mead with old homemade wine was used. I think bottled pasteurized beer can be safely deducted from the recipe, past experience has shown that it does not give anything, since it absolutely does not ferment. The main thing is honey and sourdough, i.e. the initiator of fermentation.

In the old days, I generally made mead (luring the same species plus others depending on the season) quite usually: I bred honey (real) in water, added the usual baking yeast (not dry, but soft in the form of "sticks"!) and let the mixture ferment properly. Katokals, for example, flew at such a mess in a wave. True, in recent decades, briquette yeast is no longer so easy to find on sale, and previously it was lying around in every grocery store for 15 kopecks apiece. It seems that they can be found at grocery markets. I never used Brewer's yeast. I know that someone uses it, but I didn't deal with these recipes.

This post was edited by A. J. Elez - 30.06.2009 03: 07
Likes: 1

02.07.2009 20:18, lepidopterolog

Today, a Beetle and I skidded to the Tugolesye station, which is located in the very center of the world in the east of Moscow region - a round-trip ticket costs almost 400 rubles!!! We wanted (on a tip from Morozzz) to catch various representatives of the boreal fauna in the swamp, but, as usual, everything turned out quite differently from what was planned...
And so. At 10.15 am, we arrived in Tugolesye and were struck by the xerophytic biotopes extending on both sides of the tracks.
We had descended from the platform and were walking through what looked like a xerophytic meadow when the Beetle suddenly began to scream wildly, waving its net. It turned out that we came across a population of the rare green moth Pseudoterpna pruinata, which was known in the MO only from the PTZ!!! Happy, they wandered on, heading for the swamp, which didn't even smell like anything in the immediate vicinity. It only smelled when I caught Boloria aquilonaris on the railway slope among the xerophilic vegetation (this fact took out my brain for a while). Pyrgus alveus, killed Brenthisdaphne, Melitaea cinxia and, perhaps, everything (and boloria still) were also isolated from the cluster of all sorts of banal mace-moustaches.
As soon as we arrived at the swamp, we were attacked by hundreds of bloodthirsty horseflies. Catching a few deadCoenonympha hero and Aquilonaris capitulated back to the mound.
Over the next few hours, we caught another pyrgus, a fresh daphne, Rhodostrophia vibicaria, and collected a small batch of P. pruinata.
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That's about how we went, the Beetle will add more.

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02.07.2009 20:38, Zhuk

Yes, I'll add smile.gifsome more details . The places are just oboldennye, I was very pleased. That's what you don't expect, then you'll catch it, I'm talking about the prunata moth. It turns out that there is a whole population there. Also caught barbel Monochamus galloprovincialis and dung beetle Onthophagus sp.
Well, get to the point smile.gif

Pyrgus alveus
Heteropterus morpheus

Lycaena dispar
Lycaena alciphron
Vacciniina optilete
Plebeius idas

Colias myrmidone

Coenonympha hero
Lasiommata petropolitana

Melitaea cinxia
Melitaea diamina
Boloria aquilonaris
Brenthis daphne

Diacrisia sannio

Cabera exanthematapusaria
Hylaea fasciaria, pink
Macaria brunneata
Pseudoterpna pruinata
Mesoleuca albicillata
Camptogramma bilineata
Lithostege farinata
Scotopteryx mucronata
Idaea serpentata
Idaea sp.
Rhodostrophia vibicaria
Scopula sp.

Zygaena lonicerae

This post was edited by Zhuk-02.07.2009 20: 41

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02.07.2009 22:30, Pavel Morozov

Ah. how awesome!
It seems to me that everyone who goes there catches something fundamentally new.
I consider it very, very necessary to sincerely thank the forum participants who opened this place for others! mol.gif

It's strange that Daphne trepannye fly. It's a little early for them. and on the weekend they were quite fresh and clearly just appeared.
We were surprised by pruinata, who I didn't see any of them on Saturday.
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02.07.2009 23:20, RippeR

no hero-va smile.gifgrandmother is good)

03.07.2009 0:50, Liparus

Yes, I'll add smile.gifsome more details . The places are just oboldennye, I was very pleased. That's what you don't expect, then you'll catch it, I'm talking about the prunata moth. It turns out that there is a whole population there. Also caught barbel Monochamus galloprovincialis and dung beetle Onthophagus sp.
Well, get to the point smile.gif

Pyrgus alveus
Heteropterus morpheus

Super thickheads, I've never met them in nature, maybe because they don't exist

05.07.2009 9:36, SVV

I spent yesterday in the vicinity of the PTZ trying to find an osmoderm. The weather was not very lucky, it was cool, although sunny most of the time. Osmoderma was not found, and a pupa was found in one of the hollows during the next sorting of dead wood. Question to our specialists: is it bronze?

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There were clouds of banal butterflies, especially nymphalids, marigolds, and fatheads. The newly released chervonets of fire were drying. Polyxena caterpillars were also not found in the thickets of kirkazon.

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05.07.2009 12:14, Kemist

Look carefully to see if there is a mid-thoracic process or not. If not, I congratulate you.
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05.07.2009 18:34, Sergey Didenko

Weekend report.
On Friday, Nikitsky and I were looking for trogosoma again. A complete repeat of last year's story, not even to write about. I've arranged everything with window traps and soil traps, which I don't really believe are effective. It was necessary to catch there at night on the light with the generator. Of the butterflies there, one can distinguish only an abundance of mother-of-pearl daphne and marigold maera/petropolitan, black and red nymphalis. Zhukov banal collected for Vladimir, says to take all, so let him suffer smile.gif. At night I was at the dacha, years in the rain is good, but nothing rare-banal cocoonworms ringed, euphorbia, plum, oak-leaved and poplar-leaved, some males; a male volnyanka Calliteara fascelina flew in about which everyone says banal, but no one admits to mass fishing in the MO (I have the second of all time). The rest of what flew is not worth mentioning. The second night was generally super-plus three degrees of heat, not even mosquitoes, what butterflies... All the photos from the trip with Nikitsky, I don't understand worms very well, but there is no doubt about the podmorennikov hawk moth.

This post was edited by sdi-05.07.2009 18: 37

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07.07.2009 20:41, А.Й.Элез

The nature of the metropolis. Mountains. Moscow, July 1, 2009
Explanations: the female aquilonaris is already completely flown, for this species I was obviously too late; cranberries are mostly in berries, although some of them are still blooming; blueberries have faded all over, already in berries. Rosemary has also long since faded.
Link to the self-extracting zip file:
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09.07.2009 18:43, Ilia Ustiantcev

Moscow region, Odintsovo district.
Is Erebia ligea supposed to fly out this year? confused.gif
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More interesting things: Eustroma reticulata
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Rivula sericealis
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Lagria hirta
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09.07.2009 19:12, Zhuk

Is Erebia ligea supposed to fly out this year? confused.gif

and who forbade her? smile.gif
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10.07.2009 19:17, Solarway

10.07.2009 20:27, Ilia Ustiantcev

This is SNT "Hermes" near the village of Pestovo. However, if you really want to catch blackheads, go to the end of July to the north of Lake Asho in the Pskov region-there you will also catch an unmarked Ethiopian.

This post was edited by Ilya U-10.07.2009 20: 27

11.07.2009 8:40, Solarway

12.07.2009 18:32, omar

Good afternoon!
Finally, I got lucky and was given a two-week vacation. And I finally started seeing interesting live insects. But first things first. I spent two days relaxing, and on the third day I went to the playground and caught Chlorophorus herbsti for Vasilenko. I went after to see if there were any other barbels on the willows under the windows, but found nothing but Pelecotoma fennica on a broken willow tree that was affected by white rot.

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I was a little happy about this and went to drink vodka. When I woke up in the morning, I saw my neighbor in the garden and went to say hello. "Hey, do you know what kind of bug is in my garden?" "What is it?" he asked, handing me the osmoderma. "Of course I know," I said, and began to get ready for the osmoderma in Beloomut.
The next day I went for osmoderma, as planned. I passed green grasshoppers along the way
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My victims were Cryptocephalus sexpunctatus of unusual coloring, small black Calathus (not micropterus), some other amars and harpals. I saw a large amulet on a willow leaf and decided to take a picture, but it flew away without getting into the photo and stain. Arriving at the place, I looked at all the oaks for a long time and poked around in the hollows, but I didn't find osmoderma. I got sad and went down the path, from which I picked up the back of some beauty (not an inquisitor). When I got home, I found this barbel in my garden
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The next day I went to ask about the population of an interesting wingless beetle on the hills that no one had yet plowed, which I offered to the Verkhovye Foundation through Nikitsky for a micro-order. With deep satisfaction, I was convinced that the necessary security measures were taken, although not by the Verkhovye Foundation, but by someone else.
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I crawled through the barbed wire and made sure the beetles were all right.
The next day I was supposed to look at phytophilic beetles in the meadows, which I did. Victims were another Cryptocephalus sexpunctatus, Cryptocephalus bipunctatus, Phytoecia affinis (on a carrot tree), Mogulones abbreviatulus, a bunch of smaller tsutorhinchin, in tinder boxes he picked up interesting black-bodied and small yet incomprehensible griboedov, under the bark he saved Neatus picipes from formica, which dragged him by the leg, along the way he came across a suitable lake and found a population of Demetrias imperialis, I dug up some omophrons for the Ripper and caught one Chlaenius tibialis, caught an interesting elephant from the very small coastal ones,and was quite satisfied with this.
I didn't have to go to the light much, the nights were cold and the beetles didn't fly, I turned on the lamp only a couple of times, and my dream of fishing with the generator in the fields had to be postponed until better and warmer nights because of the unprofitability of this enterprise. And I just figured out this miracle of Japanese technology! It's a pity that the vacation ended just with the onset of just such nights. All sorts of different butterflies flew, I attach photos of some of them. Of the interesting beetles, only two species came out - Ophonus stictus and Otodonteus armiger, which I have never seen before.
There were so many synodendrons that they often got out right on the asphalt
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I also caught a lot of interesting stuff at dusk by hand, when the beetles were flying. Especially good is the little yellow bug that landed right on top of me.
There was nothing special about the butterflies:Three types of draughtswort, hawthorn, polychrome, thistle, large forest mother-of-pearl began to fly, and in the last two days false mottled nigricornis flew, which I thought were phegees, but the cat behemoth, with whom I just had time to drink beer, opened my eyes. The rest is up to you, plus July crunches and Trox scaber
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Also, the hopes of meeting Neptis sappho, which starts flying at me at the same time, were not fulfilled. Once, when I saw a familiar flight, I thought it was her, but when I got closer, I saw that it was Camille.

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12.07.2009 20:39, Pavel Morozov

Report on the joint trip of Morozzz & Zhuk to the Tugolesye platform area of the Shatursky district of the Moscow Region on 11.07.09.
The plans were to drive to the Voimezhny station next to Tugolesye, from where you can reach the Tugolesye platform by foot with nets drawn.
Task completed on 4+.
On the way to the Woodlands, there were many Syntomis phegea flying among the raspberry bushes and sitting in the grass, and quite a few Brenthisdaphne.
Closer to the finish, we found a good mowing area, where 3 caterpillars and 1 adult scoops of Anarta myrtilii were collected during mowing. We have collected boxes of Silene sp sandman. with the tracks of the tracks, the scoop is presumably Hadena sp., let's try to deduce.
Callopistria juventina and lichen Setina irrorella were collected directly near the Tugolesye platform. Met, but, unfortunately, missed the bear Coscinia cribraria.
They also scored Pseudoterpna pruinata, swallowtails are already flying, torn Clossiana dia, Boloria aquilonaris come across. Many Plebejus argus and P. idas.

What I forgot to write, I think Tolya will add. we had a good trip.
And on the platform, right in front of the train, I caught a very large beetle smile.gif

This post was edited by Morozzz - 12.07.2009 21: 26

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12.07.2009 20:51, taler

Yes,indeed, the beetle is too big, but the mandibles are too small...
Pavel!You've got something!

12.07.2009 21:05, Pavel Morozov

Yes,indeed, the beetle is too big, but the mandibles are too small...
Pavel!You've got something!

I was not evil before
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12.07.2009 21:42, AntSkr

Stupinsky district, Marinka.
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In addition to all this, the female L. populi was the very first to arrive.

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13.07.2009 7:50, Pavel Morozov

Yes, I completely forgot.
After Tugolesya, I went to my dacha in Chigasovo, where there was a very decent wind at night, but until the moon rose.
In general, nothing particularly supernatural, but here's what I caught (or rather, selected from the arrived one):

Deilephila porcellus
Notodonta dromedarius
N. torva
Ptilodon capucina
Calliteara abietis
Agrotis clavis
Mithymna turca
M. impura
Acronicta psi
Apamea ophiogramma
Macrochilo cribrumalis
Apoda limacodes
В остальном - G. papilionaria, A. repandata, A. monoglypha, A. prasina, X. ditrapezium

This post was edited by Morozzz - 13.07.2009 08: 18
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13.07.2009 12:39, Zhuk

Report on the joint trip of Morozzz & Zhuk to the Tugolesye platform area of the Shatursky district of the Moscow Region on 11.07.09.

Yes, we went very cool. And what is interesting, Tugolesye always gives new finds, I will definitely go there again.
And Morozzz forgot to mention the moth Scotopteryx mucronata and chenopodiata.

This post was edited by Zhuk-13.07.2009 12: 40

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13.07.2009 17:44, mikee

13.07.2009 17:59, Ilia Ustiantcev

Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, Moscow region, July 11-12. The first time I caught on DRL, but it was not possible to put a screen, because of which (and also because of the bright moon) the catch is not very large, although it exceeds the amount of any of the ones received from an incandescent lamp. Half of the butterflies were identified by Zhuk. smile.gif
During the day, a lot of garbage flew, which, having studied the diaries of the fishing place well enough, I did not pay attention to. I was attracted by large numbers of nymphalisses on the linden tree, which (at least the specimens in the photo) turned out to be not polychromatic at all, but xanthomelas.
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Actually, how the fishing was carried out. A lot of butterflies were falling on the bush under the lamp, some of them I found only the next day.
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Actually the list of species-could forget any already caught banals.
Arctia caja
Cybosia mesomella (днём)
Mitochrista miniata
Spilosoma lutea - many
Spilosoma urticae - many
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Cataclysta lemnata
Elophila nymphaeata
Evergestis extimalis
Pleuroptya ruralis
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Drepana falcataria
Ochropacha duplaris
Tethea or
Tetheella fluctuosa
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Eversmannia exornata - just one, and even then at the end... frown.gif
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Laspeyria flexula
Paracolax tristalis
Hypena proboscidalis
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This post was edited by Ilya U-13.07.2009 19: 11

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13.07.2009 18:04, Ilia Ustiantcev

Apeira syringaria
Biston betularia-lots
of Camptogramma bilineata (by day)
Colostygia pectinataria
Cyclophora albipunctata
Ectropis crepuscularia
Eulithis pyropata
Idaea dimidiata
Idaea humiliata
Lomaspilis marginata - don't care, I didn't look for opis and didn't see it.
Macaria alternata
Macaria liturata
Ourapteryx sambucaria - много
Scotopteryx chenopodiata (днём)
Selenia tetralunaria
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Dendrolimus pini
Euthrix potatoria
Malacosoma castrense
Malacosoma neustria
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13.07.2009 18:24, Ilia Ustiantcev

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Euproctis similis
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Abrostola triplasia
Agrotis exclamationis
Anaplectoides prasina-a lot
of Apamea lateritia Apamea
Autographa bractea
Autographa pulchrina Pleases the lack of gamma.
Axylia putris
Cosmia pyralina - many
Deltote bankiana
Diachrysia chrysitis
Diachrysia stenochrysis
Euplexia lucipara
Eurois occulta - many
Melanchra persicariae - many
Mythimna ferrago
Mythimna impura
Mythimna pallens
Mythimna turca - many
Ochropleura plecta
Panthea coenobita
Protodeltote pygarga - very many
Trachea atriplicis - fresh
Xestia c-nigrum
xestia ditrapezium
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DSC04718.JPG — (110.35к) 13.07.2009 — 27.07.2009
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13.07.2009 18:32, Ilia Ustiantcev

Nola aerugula
Nola cucullatella
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Notodonta ziczac
Phalera bucephala
Pheosia gnoma
Ptilodon capucina
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Deilephila elpenor
Laothoe amurensis
Smerinthus ocellatus
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Zygaena lonicerae

This post was edited by Ilya U-13.07.2009 18: 35
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13.07.2009 19:16, Ilia Ustiantcev

For those who need an exornata, remember: the butterfly is very small, the size of some Idaea, you can't confuse it with a silvata, if you know - at a time when I hadn't caught an exornata yet, I also confused it... By the way, none of them landed on my installation - I only found them on wild grapes nearby.

This post was edited by Ilya U-13.07.2009 19: 16

16.07.2009 9:13, omar

Of course, a different view.

Yesterday, in Alpatievo, I saw Neptis sappho. But of course she flew away.
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19.07.2009 0:30, mikee

Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district of Moscow State University. regions. Years of oak cocoonworms. Last night, sdi and Kazax stocked up on females, while only one male was caught during the day. Today I tried it... There are no chances weep.gifto catch a male, except by accident-a rapid chaotic flight, there are no established routes, it ended at 18-00 (I arrived at 16). In flight, the males resemble mother - of-pearl in color and size, but the speed is simply wild. I saw 40 pieces (probably with repetitions), but I never even managed to get close to the striking position. They fly throughout the forest, but are most noticeable and frequent in clearings along overgrown with birch and raspberry clearings.
Based on the results of night fishing, I hope the guys will unsubscribe themselves.
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19.07.2009 9:41, Liparus

Yesterday I went to the PTZ for osmoderma.

Do they sit on trunks or near hollows?
And we can catch it now,my friend brought out a couple, said the larvae were collected in the roots of a pine tree!

This post was edited by Liparus - 07/19/2009 09: 43

19.07.2009 12:18, SVV

Do they sit on trunks or near hollows?
And we can catch it now,my friend brought out a couple, said the larvae were collected in the roots of a pine tree!

The beetle was sitting on an oak tree at the edge of a hollow tree and tried to hide there as soon as I began to approach the tree

19.07.2009 13:51, omar

Do they sit on trunks or near hollows?
And we can catch it now,my friend brought out a couple, said the larvae were collected in the roots of a pine tree!

oh? wink.gif

19.07.2009 14:09, Liparus

Oh, right? wink.gif

yes it is the same OSMODERMA EREMITA

19.07.2009 19:37, omar

in the roots of a pine tree?

19.07.2009 21:34, Solarway

Yesterday (18.07) I was in the PTZ in the vicinity of the village of Respublika. Very often I came across swallowtails, perfect quality, I took one as a representative of this particular area. A huge number of banal satyrs (Aphantopus hyperantus is very shabby), I was hoping to meet Lopinga achine, but alas. Somewhere before 13: 00, a lot of Maculinea teleius flew in the shade of trees after this time, sporadic meetings, but Polyommatus daphnis, Cupido argiades, Cupido minimus, Lycaena tityrus flew in large numbers. Both males and females fly around Lycaena virgaureae everywhere, and the males lost their fear so much that they sat on a hot body and drank sweat.)) Also just a WILD number of Gonepteryx rhamni, so wild that they had a real chance to overlook something really worthwhile.
There were a lot of Araschnia levana interesting color with wide red bands on the wings, took a few copies.
There were very few large mother-of-pearl birds, I met a couple of males Argynnis paphia, a few Argynnis adippe and Argynnis aglaja.
There are a lot of Melitaea athalia and Melitaea aurelia among the draughtsmen. I was lucky to catch Melitaea didyma in perfect quality: 1 male and 4 females. jump.gif
In general, I am very happy with the trip, I aimed to catch the missing checkers and pigeons in my collection, and the goal was achieved. I was satisfied with the point I found, and I will definitely go there next weekend. I also plan to go there for night fishing. Here's the deal, folks! wink.gif
PS: there are no photos, because the camera is dead.((
Likes: 6

19.07.2009 22:54, Zhuk

There are a lot of Melitaea athalia and Melitaea aurelia among the draughtsmen.

Are you sure about Aurelia?

20.07.2009 8:53, Liparus

in the roots of a pine tree?

I definitely don't remember,I'll wash it on the uprooted stumps of a pine tree with roots...you will need to specify my

20.07.2009 9:00, Solarway

Are you sure about Aurelia?

Not 100%, because I determined it on the go, but it's very similar. Is Aurelia rare?

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