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Caucasus, Ciscaucasia and Transcaucasia

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31.03.2009 15:41, Андреас

Okoyem and Karkovbut are pretty girls. "But the edge is steeper. wink.gif smile.gif

"Hey, maniacs wink.gif
- I didn't have much luck with my first catch yesterday. - We went to the lowered reservoir of the Pipe Plant and the Kuma River for Mineral Water; - I (after all, my interest was primarily in ornithology), my brother is a bug hunter and a fellow arachnologist. - I wanted to catch or take a picture of Nymphalis Polychloros (I didn't meet it-I was unlucky). - But Vovka found tarantula minks (!!!), and then my brother Michalis and I just delved into the slightly dried cow dung (tortillas) and got a lot of coleopterological pleasure! tongue.gif
- (Sorry, - but the photos don't want to be attached except for some) frown.gif

This post was edited by Andreas - 31.03.2009 16: 03

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01.04.2009 16:54, А.Й.Элез

Not according to the nymphalids, but according to the genus Nymphalis (or, in another nomenclature, Vanessa), i.e. xanthomelas, polychloros, antiopa, l - album; plus Aglais urticae, Inachis io. Alas, now I don't remember where it came across. But it's definitely not a special topic, we just touched on it in a nutshell. Then I answered someone else about it personally. As a reminder, I found only a mention of this in my old message (http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=266385#). About the picture: I was referring to estivation (i.e., going into hibernation in the summer; any dacha owner knows that from the month of July some of the species begin to fly in the windows, which then overwinter in the adult stage, first of all-the species listed above. You never know what will fly where, of course, but for these species such flights into the premises and hiding between frames, etc. - a normal phenomenon. They fly into abandoned buildings, hide under the eaves of a barn or rural house, or in the attic. But, for example, the mother-of-pearl girls will not be so imposed on guests, there it would be a pure accident. And these types - all the time. Therefore, they come out in the first days of spring as if they did not fly from July to October or at least to September, but only two days, or even completely fresh (except, however, for fading). And during the few days of summer in the spring, they are frayed as they should be (precisely because it is already summer, and not serving time in a shelter). For example, it would not be so likely for rhamni to hide in a barn or dig in between the frames of a country house in the summer, so that's why we see her rampart in nature until the cold weather. And of the named nymphalises, except for the mourner, after the first (after the withdrawal) two or three days of the most active summer and nutrition, you will not meet many people until spring itself. The mourning woman is seen, at least in not very bad years, much longer, but she comes out later (therefore, there is less risk of being devoured a hundred times before winter), and much less often finds herself between the frames, and even then closer to autumn. By the way, in mourning birds (maybe in others too, but only in a negligible proportion), most likely, the division of individuals into long flyers and those who immediately lie down is laid down, since in the spring many mourning birds come out with a perfect contour and a full set of scales (but, of course, with an absolutely bleached strip).

It is interesting that in the last determinant of the bulavousykh, simply put, the European part of the USSR (Lvovsky and Morgun) with this genus, it seems, they made quite a mess. For some reason, specific articles on some species indicate that butterflies overwinter, and on others-that it is females who overwinter. This distinction clearly indicates that the second category does not recognize wintering of males. This also applies to xanthomelas. Meanwhile, I have a video recording (unfortunately, VHS, not a figure) for the year 2004 of mating of this species at the junction of Odintsovo and Ruzsky districts of the Moscow Region, and against the background of thickets of flowering tufts, so mating before wintering is out of the question. The recording lasts a few minutes, I could have recorded it longer, but I decided that there was no need to stretch out such an eventful plot (they sit and sit). The recording quality is excellent, the butterflies are shown very large. Mating undoubtedly occurs in all these species in the spring, as well as in others that overwinter in the adult stage. I personally observed, say, the spring mating of Gonepteryx rhamni, Nymphais antiopa, and Aglais urticae. To mate before wintering and drag the fertilized belly under the wintering ground, in my opinion, would be unprofitable for butterflies. However, I will not say exactly about this, but I think that many people will not survive wintering because of frequent thaws, and that it would be sheer adventurism in relation to the population to spend the strength of males on fertilizing females, who will have to endure many months of temperature fluctuations from a small plus to a large minus.

As for summer hibernation, I've read about it somewhere in the old literature. Either at Hoffmann's, or somewhere else; if I remember, I'll give you a separate link later.

This post was edited by A. J. Elez - 01.04.2009 16: 57
Likes: 1

01.04.2009 19:11, Андреас

Not according to the nymphalids, but according to the genus Nymphalis (or, in another nomenclature, Vanessa), i.e. xanthomelas, polychloros, antiopa, l - album; plus Aglais urticae, Inachis io. Alas, now I don't remember where it came across. But it's definitely not a special topic, we just touched on it in a nutshell. Then I answered someone else about it personally. As a reminder, I found only a mention of this in my old message (http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=266385#). Regarding the picture: I was referring to estivation (i.e. going into hibernation in the summer;

"It was you who answered me. - I want to find out and get to the truth. - That's why I'm creating a new topic in "Life and Morals"; - let's go there, so as not to twist this one...
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08.04.2009 12:25, Андреас

Good afternoon. It just so happened that in this topic we began to post photo reports about our productive and unproductive trips to nature in the aspect of oenomological interest.
We went the day before yesterday with a friend arachnologist downhill-laccolite-magmatite Fork, which is remarkable in that in several places it has cracks deep from the top. Through these cracks, it is associated with volcanic activity. – In winter, in those places where hot water vapor escapes out-there are micro-islands of life that does not freeze in the cold period – all sorts of prehistoric crustaceans, millipedes and other flightless insects and arachnids, confined to this local oasis, climb. There are also evergreen ferns, horsetail, mosses, fungi and lichens. – I love this place!" – And on the other side of this mountain there are cracks, grottoes and caves-where even in the 38-degree heat in summer, the walls are covered with transparent and perfectly smooth ice, which in the light of a photo flash shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow! I saw a place where crystals of mineral salts grow through transparent fresh ice!!! – It's just a miracle how beautiful it is!!! - And it is also very scary when you hear booming and muffled explosions in this mountain, when the temperature difference between magmatic respiration and permafrost cracks the rock!!!
On the scree of this mountain grow crooked and creeping along the ground wild birches (On KMV all other birches in parks and cities belong to a different species and are planted by humans), and on the rocks grows blown by wind, frost and dried up by summer heat and drought - Oblong Juniper, and in darkened crevices – Cossack. On the northern side, giant columnar Eastern Beeches with smooth ash-green bark can be found in the hollows. South side – the kingdom of 3 types of oaks. -On the eastern and western sides, on the border of the forest and rocks, in the so-called chaos of stones, there are privet, 2 hawthorns, teren, honeysuckle, barberry, carcass, 2 types of mountain ash, maples, birches, dogwood, medlar, wild persimmon, hazelnut, 3 types of dogrose. Well, - and the background tree everywhere is of course ash.
- I'm sorry that I messed up here not on the topic maybe; - but still I described as much as I could the places where we climbed the day before yesterday to catch only one clean "Nymphalis Polychloros" - which we managed; but only in the amount of only one individual (female), a little shabby unfortunately. They tried to lure butterflies to a slice of orange, but they either shied away from it, or sat down next to it (on the observation platform), completely ignoring the fruit. The singing robin also paid no attention to the female peacock's eye squabbling under her nose. The excited males of turnips and cabbage plants reacted a little to the white net. Anglwing, attracted by the glint of blue duct tape on the handle of the net, tried to suck something "useful"out of it. And at the end of the route I met just a hilarious goblin-domovenka!!!

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08.04.2009 13:11, Андреас

- And fishing and shooting locations:

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13.04.2009 19:42, Андреас

- And here, because of the snow and windstorm, all the blooming apricots and plums came up! "They're just beginning to bloom!" - so they hang with browned petals, without falling off... - The wind is a hurricane! "And the poor Latons gone with the wind weren't inspiring at all... - By the way, the first generation they have some zamukhryshnoe.
- In past years, wild almonds were already in full bloom (lacoliths were turning pink) - and swallowtails with podaliriyami grazed on their flowers. - Right now-empty. There was no rain either.
- Yesterday, a friend went to pick up a fresh Polyxene on Mount Kokurtlyi (a naive Chukchi youth) - I didn't meet any of them.
- And the local freaks burn dry grass on my unfortunate favorite travertine Mountain Goryachaya (I omit the nationality), and now even a normal person will have nothing to do there at all...

20.04.2009 20:57, Андреас

- We have neither rain nor snow, of course, was not, - but vetrugan from the Kalmyk steppes-mother do not grieve! - this is in the sun and at + 8.. - brr!

20.04.2009 21:08, Андреас

"One of our people wrote to me asking me to catch a certain species of Dorcadion in the Buden steppes, but I haven't got his letter yet!!! frown.gif
- If my partner agrees , I will definitely go soon. - There, the spring colepter fauna is very different from ours-especially with quantitative bursts of species per unit area... "After all, our country is mountainous - very rough-and there is steppe; and for the most part it is monotonous.

20.04.2009 21:16, RippeR

Andreas, go of course! And dorkadionov not any specifically, and all shovel smile.gifShob dorkash was not less than me smile.gif

Take a jar somewhere a liter, stuff the paper there with an accordion of sawdust, and throw beetles, and then pour ethyl acetate so that they flask there and do not tear each other while you collect)
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22.04.2009 16:11, Андреас

Hello. Yesterday I was in a small hike on Goryachaya Mountain (within the city limits of Pyatigorsk). The sun was shining, but the wind was searing and cold (I hate this kind of weather). - The soil is like sand already. I caught only one interesting little nutcracker and a ground beetle, I think, from the genus Amara.(I didn't take a picture of the Nutcracker).
"There were a lot of diptera and hymenoptera in the cherry plum blossom. The carpenter bee still can't be photographed. - And in general, - after a good soap dish was stolen from me, and I took a DSLR, - it is simply impossible to photograph insects with a whale lens!!! weep.gif - Season on the side! frown.gif- And I have absolutely no funds for a macro frown.giflens )
- Now, by the way, as I write this, snow is falling, clinging to cherry blossoms and cherry plums. And on apricots this year, the cross was put 2 weeks ago, when after one day of flowering, the wind blew at zero degrees - everyone froze.

- The site is terribly buggy - photos are not attached, but I will try.

This post was edited by Andreas - 22.04.2009 16: 15

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24.04.2009 1:02, AlexandrB

On Saturday, we went with Dima (Dorcadion) and my girlfriend to lay the experience in the direction of the Lagonak plateau.
As always, there were some excesses. The tram broke down and we almost missed the bus. In Maykop, the cops slowed down - crossed the road in the wrong place. But in the end, we got safely to Dakhovskaya. Heat is good. We laid the first series of traps, and at the same time collected Archiplectes miroshnikovi, A. reitteri, and Micrpolectes convallium.
Then we went to the Ardova glade on Azish-Tau. There was still snow in the forest. We wandered around a bit and found it. They pitched a tent there. I got a little bit of something and the rest of the day was lost weep.gif
And at night there was a minus. All terribly zakotsubli. In the morning, two more sets of traps were set. Overwintering Tribax circassicus was mostly found in rotten stumps. Then we went to the Guam Ridge. On the way up, a guy who drives horseback rides caught up with us, drove us to the base on Pyatigorsk Polyana and offered to stay with him for the night. After wandering around all day looking for a place to set traps and not finding a suitable one, we returned to the cabins. In the end, it was decided to set traps on the watershed, which we did, despite the darkness that had fallen.
Snow fell last night. Still, sleeping in cabins with a stove is much more pleasant than in a tent. It's a pity you can't take the house with you. We went down through mud and fog, but it was beautiful. Closer to Dakhovskaya in the Mixed forest laid a series of traps and went home.
Photos and additions are expected from Dorcadion.
Likes: 8

24.04.2009 2:23, RippeR

Yes, the walks you have rialne interesting!
Cool beetles are lying around like garbage smile.gif
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24.04.2009 6:13, AlexandrB

A lump of these beetles?

24.04.2009 11:57, алекс 2611

In Maykop, the cops slowed down - crossed the road in the wrong place.

What nice patriarchal mores in the city of Maykop. Cops stop you for crossing the street in the wrong place... as in my childhood back.
Or he can leave everything and go to the glorious city of Uryupinsk.... ugh, of course to the glorious city of Maykop.

24.04.2009 14:38, Nilson

What nice patriarchal mores in the city of Maykop. Cops stop you for crossing the street in the wrong place... as in my childhood back.
Or he can leave everything and go to the glorious city of Uryupinsk.... Ugh, of course to the glorious city of Maykop.

And then - the second most comfortable city in the Russian Federation!
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24.04.2009 15:09, omar

And then - the second most comfortable city in the Russian Federation!

What's the first one then?

24.04.2009 16:00, Bad Den

What's the first one then?

Only there are curbs!!!
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24.04.2009 16:16, omar

In, damn, I thought that Rublevka is only in third place... frown.gif

24.04.2009 22:02, Nilson

What's the first one then?

Belgorod was in its time.
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25.04.2009 10:11, entomolog

Belgorod was in its time.

I was born there...)))

18.05.2009 10:27, Андреас

- Hello everyone! - Yesterday we had the warmest day of the year - 26gr.! Early in the morning we went to the Dzhemukha River, which winds through reed supports and salt marshes. Around the steppe that corresponds to the soil, the amount of precipitation, etc.
- Then after lunch we rushed to the Terkonzavoda Lake, located on the edge of the forest and meadows near the Snake Mountain. The grass is lush and tall. There are lots of different beetles everywhere. "It's just El Dorado!" - But as eo obysno at us with the friend happens - that we catch - it is impossible to photograph. - In short, everything is in the jar in the freezer waiting for me to buy a table lamp smile.gif. This gives us a better account of the nature of the gathering place for these most coveted beetles. I will be glad if you like it; and again, advertising a guest program for those who want to stay with me. smile.gif

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18.05.2009 10:42, Андреас

Next steps:

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18.05.2009 10:58, Андреас

The rest don't fit in. weep.gif

18.05.2009 15:25, Zhuk

The rest don't fit in. weep.gif

in my opinion, it is possible without BIRDS, then everything will fit... The forum is still entomological!
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27.05.2009 20:07, Андреас

"Hello, tramps! - With the most productive colepterology time for you! (The night of lepiopterology is also not far behind) "I don't mind the reports, either. Especially on the skirmish of Kharkiv smile.gifresidents ! - And I have no one to walk with (I never learned after the death of a friend).
- Yesterday I went with an old ecologist to take pictures of birds (I didn't even take boxes, so as not to be distracted). Passed 30 kilometers. Dropper-Lysogorka-Konstantinovka. There was almost no sun. The grass was very wet, and we were soaked up to our knees. Only in one place in the floodplain of the Podkumok River did I come across an amazing meadow slope that was never plowed, burned, mowed, grazed or trampled! - Friends , it's an enchanting sight!!! - Grassy vegetation like a clingy sticky prickly fur, exuding fragrance, phytoncides and essential oils! "You won't make it!" Blooming not banal, but unknown to me exotic plants. And this is all very far from home. - I even wanted to cry and stay forever, disappearing into this element, becoming an integral part of it!... (not before the photo was). It is interesting that these tiny "reserves" exist seemingly under the nose, but in places that are very inaccessible to ordinary people. And the difference between a degraded area, which you are satisfied with every day, and this real, virgin miracle, on which no human foot has ever set foot, is immediately apparent!!! It was in this place that I saw a bumblebee that I had never seen in my life. (I don't post birds and flowers at the request of forum members)

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P5262212.JPG — (450.46к)

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P5262215.JPG — (504.28к)

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27.05.2009 23:49, Fornax13

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28.05.2009 15:12, Vabrus

Birds and flowers at the request of forumchan not spread

In vain. You don't need a lot, but you can use the best ones (a couple). Imho, it won't be an unpleasant offtopic experience. We're mostly naturalists, not smile.gifhard-core entomologists
Likes: 5

28.05.2009 15:47, Андреас

In vain. You don't need a lot, but you can use the best ones (a couple). Imho, it won't be an unpleasant offtopic experience. We're mostly naturalists, not hard-core entomologists smile.gif

- OK. smile.gif - only a couple: - a laughing gull (Larus cochias) on a shallow salty fishless lake (a few pieces of last year's young and adults) and a male lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) - cut circles above his head and screeched (probably there was a nest nearby).

_2_.JPG — (92.63 k)

_4_.JPG — (78.38 k)

Likes: 6

30.05.2009 12:52, Андреас

"May my entomologist brothers not stone me!" - I didn't catch anything yesterday-it was cold, rainy and windy. "Climbing a conglomerate of rock that jutted out of the wet, boring micro-oasis that huddled on the ledges, walls, and summit of this peak, kurtinok crazy beauty of mountain flowers, mosses, and twisting trees! I'm still so full of adrenaline after the descent! Of the butterflies, only the thistle is clean. It's a pity, my friend is only interested in arachnids.
- I share my visual and cognitive impressions:

1_g._Tupaja.JPG — (781.27к)

2_g._Medovaja.JPG — (707.15к)

3_molodilo.JPG — (686.34к)

4_beresklet.JPG — (645.26к)

5_Scrophularia_nodosa.JPG — (582.58к)

6_P1080865.JPG — (572.65к)

7_Onosma_tauricum.JPG — (569.25к)

8_P1080753.JPG — (561.77к)

picture: 9_g._Ostraja.JPG
9_g._Ostraja.JPG — (536.68к)

10_irga.JPG — (534.21к)

picture: 11_P1080831.JPG
11_P1080831.JPG — (532.12к)

12_P1080760.JPG — (529к)

picture: 13_g._Byk.JPG
13_g._Byk.JPG — (526.31к)

14_P1080716.JPG — (507.9к)

picture: 15_g._Razvalka.JPG
15_g._Razvalka.JPG — (460.07к)

picture: 16_g._Verblud.JPG
16_g._Verblud.JPG — (436.94к)

picture: 17_g._Beschtau.JPG
17_g._Beschtau.JPG — (418.41к)

18_kupena.JPG — (414.81к)

19_ja.JPG — (414.24к)

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18.06.2009 16:27, Андреас

"Your reports are making my hands sweat!" -
- Just tore up sdi and barko with their written quantitative reports!
- wise_snake with its crazy photos,
- and Neoversal with its stunning European finds and stunning places!

18.06.2009 16:35, Андреас

Hello everybody! The day before yesterday, we went with a fellow arachnologist and an old ecologist to Mount Bull (also naturally the same navel in the steppe as the rest of our 16 unexploded volcanoes-laccoliths; - and to the very first and lowest ridges of the Caucasus on a straight line (150 kilometers to the south) from the village of Bykogorka, located 5 km west of Zheleznovodsk. We took a taxi directly to the mountain from Beshtau railway station for 140 rubles.
We were climbing the southern slope. The soil is very rocky. The slope below is badly beaten out by cattle. The higher the altitude, the more diverse the dry-loving vegetation was. The forest-steppe began. Beetles just nemereno! – They took mostly just the big stuff. Excellent collections gave all sorts of flowers (especially hogweed) on which all this was fed; and fresh carrion (chicken – we found it when we came to the place from which the vulture and the bearded man rose-Red Book! - the bearded man is just a giant!), which smelled so disgusting that barely suppressing the urge to vomit, we still collected with tweezers various chic dead eaters, gravediggers, staphylins, skin eaters and toddlers. The heat and dryness are terrible. Found 2 steppe Dybok! Found karakurt (for the second time in my life)! - My friend just peed at the ceiling! Then the steep climb up the rocky ridge began. Juniper of 2 types. On the top of the north side is a completely different world! - Real wild crooked creeping birches! Cold wind. Mosses, ferns, and lichens. Very wet. The ground is black and wet, but there are rocks everywhere. Then the forest with deep bedding. Thick columnar beeches with smooth greenish-gray bark. Creepers of all kinds. And then we noticed a huge predatory haymaker sitting on a mossy rock. He walked quickly, but with the classic haymaking gait of his stolid, harmless people. Which are ramparts on the shady walls of buildings. "This one walked on six legs, by the way!" – and the front legs were bent, thick and jagged!" (they didn't take a picture, but they took it with them. He's already eaten a scoopie caterpillar at a friend's insectarium today).
When we came out of the forest-another world again! - Thickly moist meadows, gradually becoming drier and changing the floral composition, full of all sorts of amazing flowers. Which you will never meet where trampled, torn, mowed down, grazed cattle, and burned!!! - The Beshtauga poppy, for example, is endemic to the CMS! - 1.5 meters high! "a flower the size of a child's head!" In the ravine, a wild boar was startled with such cool striped piglets! Then a light rain began to fall and a rainbow appeared. We were soaked to our underwear in the dew. We saw a flying wasp eater – also a red book.
- And at the end of it all for the first time in your life, and even at the bus stop-Acherontia atropos!!! - the infection was squeaking! - They took it and gave it to our forumchaninu Babochnik-u (Biryukov) - for divorce. "He's really good at it."
First, a few photos of places (the batteries may have quickly run out of radiation... - there are uranium mines at every step-probably due to the fact that the zone was forbidden – nature is still preserved).

- the first photo shows the city of Zheleznovodsk.

This post was edited by Andreas - 18.06.2009 17: 24

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Likes: 10

18.06.2009 16:52, Pavel Morozov

where are the insects? smile.gif
Likes: 4

18.06.2009 17:05, Андреас

- Everything doesn't fit! frown.gif - Maybe delete photos of "places" from your previous property??? "will it help?"

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18.06.2009 17:12, Андреас

Next attempt:

This post was edited by Andreas - 18.06.2009 21: 28

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Likes: 9

18.06.2009 17:14, Victor Titov

And then we noticed a huge predatory haymaker sitting on a mossy rock. He walked quickly, but with the classic haymaking gait of his stolid, harmless people. Which are ramparts on the shady walls of buildings. "This one walked on six legs, by the way!" – and the front legs were bent, thick and jagged!" (they didn't take a picture, but they took it with them. He's already eaten a scoopie caterpillar at a friend's insectarium today).

Like this? I shot this one last year in Gelendzhik, on the Markotkhsky ridge.
 the image is no longer on the site: DSC01902_1.jpg 

DSC01902_1.jpg — (139.86к) 18.06.2009 — 02.07.2009
Likes: 5

18.06.2009 17:19, Андреас

- Very similar. Only the pattern on the abdomen is different and the front legs are different.

18.06.2009 17:33, Андреас

- I deleted several photos of "places" from the first post , but the size for adding new photos did not increase! frown.gif - I will know now that the explanatory message in the red "warning-helping" line that appears is chas mad.gif.
"I'll drop off the rest tomorrow."

This post was edited by Andreas - 18.06.2009 21: 26

 the image is no longer on the site: _45_.JPG _45_.JPG — (583.5 k) 18.06.2009-02.07.2009
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Likes: 8

18.06.2009 21:12, Андреас

- You have to throw it in pieces mad.gif- And from this all the relish is lost!... frown.gif

This post was edited by Andreas - 18.06.2009 21: 25

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Likes: 6

18.06.2009 22:01, RippeR

Andreas, super!!! Just a sight to behold! I just want to come as soon as possible )

Do you even collect beetles? Butterflies?
Likes: 1

19.06.2009 12:33, Андреас

Andreas, super!!! Just a sight to behold! I just want to come as soon as possible )

Do you even collect beetles? Butterflies?

Collecting and especially processing material is a sore subject. "Don't poison your soul.
The plant is called Umbrella Susak (Butomus umbellatus)
- I will come to the KMV on July 4. - Drive as fast as you can.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7... 31

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Project editor in chief and administrator: Peter Khramov.

Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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