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04.04.2016 18:04, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #53758

Exactly :)

04.04.2016 14:05, Алексей Сажнев: comment on Family Heteroceridae

Augyles (s. str.) skalickyi (Mascagni, 1993)Ю Туркмения, с. Душак, 11–19.IV.1988 А. Шаров leg. (колл. МПГУ).Вид описан из Туркменистана, также известны находки вида с территории Израиля и Иордании. Настоящий экземпляр из коллекции Московского ...

04.04.2016 11:04, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #56288

This subspecies nonche :) It should, by the way in the title subspecies put parenthesis: http://cerambycidae.org/taxa/dichroa-(Blanchard-1871)

03.04.2016 21:27, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #6715

Removed reference.

03.04.2016 18:14, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #56037

Probably I went other ways) http://www.boldsystems.org/index.php/Taxbrowser_Taxonpage?taxid=205458 https://data.nbn.org.uk/Taxa/NBNSYS0000005801 http://www.jpmoth.org/Geometridae/Larentiinae/Xanthorhoe_quadrifasciata_ignobilis.html and others. Then she looked in the catalog Sinev (in print) - also quadrifasciata. Who lepiforum read that this is the old name. Thank you, Sasha.

02.04.2016 14:55, Peter Khramov: comment on http://store.insecta.pro — special entomological store for Insecta.pro users only

To carry relevant small - there are new plastic boxes with izolona at the bottom of 190 pe. http://store.insecta.pro/ru/catalog/2071

02.04.2016 14:15, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #56282

Thank you, Irina, lopuhnulsya :)

02.04.2016 12:03, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #56200

Eugene, however, and wrote - see for yourself, briefly looked. Here I agree, the more you're at higher magnification posmotret.Etot could sign more on some sites encountered, for example, there http://www.lepinet.fr/especes/nation/lep/index.php?id=35830.

02.04.2016 11:41, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #56281

I would like to hear Sergienko.

02.04.2016 11:40, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #3687

But there is some doubt - rather than Eulithis achatinellaria it? http://www.boldsystems.org/index.php/Taxbrowser_Taxonpage?taxid=467891 Lives in Siberia and the Far East.

02.04.2016 11:39, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #56275

There, Yuri.

02.04.2016 0:00, Alexander Korolev: comment on photo #56104

Thank you, Basil.

01.04.2016 23:55, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #55721

Tied not to the point of the photo, whether it can somehow decouple or snap to another point?

01.04.2016 11:02, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #56044

Victoria and adults can completely download? ZY For images with an increase in place, please setting "Super" at boot time, okay?

31.03.2016 17:25, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #56032

Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata? http://www.catocala.narod.ru/geom39i.html

31.03.2016 16:10, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #56038

Perhaps, Epirrhoe supergressa ? In this region, a subspecies albigressa http://www.boldsystems.org/index.php/Taxbrowser_Taxonpage?taxid=151078

31.03.2016 16:07, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #56034

I agree with the version of Ira

31.03.2016 13:47, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #55911

I basically do not mind that kind of kind Bryoleuca. But the species of this genus on this site are in the subgenus Bryoleuca kind Bryophila. What are the actions of a moderator? Rises to the rank of subgenus kind? on what basis? no work with the establishment of a new rank Bryoleuca, there is the type species of the genus, there is no kind of list. (More precisely, those I do not know if it's ...

31.03.2016 13:25, AGG: comment on Elytra diverge

такое не только у луканид. когда сохнут нужно соорудить конструкцию из иголок: сверху прижимает по две на кресте с каждой стороны ее фиксируют - это верх, и еще 2 булавки по бокам (в серединке) ндкр ГЛУБОКО! смотрим, ...

31.03.2016 11:47, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #56025

:) Do not be sorry, Sasha, ordinary, not just the case of an option, most importantly, the same definition) Authorship nice when looking for months and finally get to the bottom, this is not the case)

31.03.2016 7:39, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #56015

Yes, everything is normal. ! It happens.

31.03.2016 3:30, Kalganchik: comment on Help me get rid of the bug

ПавелУссурийск, воооооо у меня тоже кучаааа таких дома(((

30.03.2016 23:18, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #55992

Yes, like we do not have anyone over. However, just in case I insure (putting in inaccurate)) The female species are almost straight claws. The male curved claws: http://insecta.pro/ru/gallery/47912

30.03.2016 21:53, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #55737

Yes, just the basic working version - Russian. Here and people more active :) Therefore it is better to give priority to her)

29.03.2016 13:21, Vladimir Bobow: comment on photo #55906

Thank you Eugene for the link!

29.03.2016 10:31, Peter Khramov: comment on Development of a public website on insects

Буквально :--)Через пару часов все будет норм.

29.03.2016 0:54, Vladimir Bobow: comment on photo #55747

Thank you Irina, read. Now I understand why the picture is different.

28.03.2016 22:18, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #55802

I got what you mean. Just before they ever came across in the beginning of May, the truth is out - I thought the doll winter easier :)

28.03.2016 15:01, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #55858

Misprint, though :)

27.03.2016 20:38, Peter Khramov: comment on Somebody knows maybe?

We have to go and look again; -)

27.03.2016 18:56, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #55738

Thank ispravllyu at. For nomenclature not hijacking in a while ...

27.03.2016 18:54, Nikolai Vladimirov: comment on photo #55725

Thank you! I'll try, but one shot with a macro lens, pull seldom that I want :( Especially insect smaller than 5 mm

27.03.2016 17:09, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #55739

I do not undertake to photo. All major features, alas, not the top, and the size is not estimated. In Moscow there is something confused.

27.03.2016 16:51, Svetlana Shchavelina: comment on photo #33593

Ugums ... forgot ...

27.03.2016 15:51, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #55762

The photo will weigh less.

26.03.2016 23:56, Alexander Korolev: comment on photo #9834

Caterpillar is ready for pupation, crawling to dig into the ground.

26.03.2016 16:29, Ivan Pristrem: comment on photo #52342

I kept waiting for the photo will change ...

26.03.2016 15:42, Alexander Korolev: comment on photo #55667

Vasily, thank you! I did not notice that a mistake has crept into the title.

26.03.2016 14:20, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #55685

I spend the winter!

25.03.2016 21:22, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #55403

I put it in the race according to the assumptions. He started with the system they are even a little deal.

25.03.2016 21:18, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #55659

Further "tube" appear. It's hard with them ..... even those things .. Erotilid there a lot, but at least the data (

25.03.2016 21:03, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #55664

Subacronicta megacephala?

25.03.2016 18:36, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #55652

And for a glass of tea with pleasure, though Moscow I recent years, it does not add up - in fields away vacation! Including Come to Volgograd :)

25.03.2016 9:25, Peter Khramov: comment on Fixed search for Russian names

Cleaned glitch when avtopodstanovochny search in a major search site line could not operate on the Russian names of taxa.

24.03.2016 22:54, AGG: comment on 8 mm gutter in the straightener is quite enough for straightening Acherontia atropos?


24.03.2016 21:56, Peter Khramov: comment on Agrilus


24.03.2016 21:26, ИНО: comment on Metamorphosis


22.03.2016 22:19, Boris Georgi: comment on photo #55617

Somehow, I can not learn to distinguish between them ...

22.03.2016 21:09, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Aegomorphus obscurior

The short case :)

22.03.2016 14:16, Boris Georgi: comment on Acmaeops brachypterus

Yes, I did understand. A good option.

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