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29.12.2014 3:48, John-ST: comment on Arcte Golubaya: literature search

  Идея прекрасная. Посоветуйте в каком разделе разместить "Классификация насекомых"? И как бабочек выкладывать, по семействам?Я думаю, лучше создать тему в "изображениях", у нас там уже есть персональные темы ...

28.12.2014 18:58, dim-va: comment on Prof Dr Kauri Mikkola passed away

вот как-то все волнами... несколько человек за пару лет (( Светлая память

27.12.2014 9:59, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #36904


27.12.2014 8:50, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #36911

Usually I do not set size, but if you have any questions relating to the type, please ...

27.12.2014 1:05, Edino: comment on Dino-Lite microscope for sale

Продаю цифровой Цифровые микроскопы Dino-Lite микроскоп Dino-Lite. Увеличение от 20х до 900х. Возможны специальные световые режимы. Подключается к компьютеру, ноутбуку. Удобно взять с собой на выезд. С помощью микроскопа можно ...

26.12.2014 23:13, Svetlana Shchavelina: comment on photo #30008

It? http://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/510246022

26.12.2014 16:25, Peter Khramov: comment on C coming season 2014 Dear friends !!!

Basil, what are you zanudstvuesh. I do not have any "such" approach, it's time to really get used to, yeah - (.) (.)

26.12.2014 11:11, Basil Sergienko: comment on photo #15263

Types of genital well vary in females and molekulyarke (it's sort of the female). So it is difficult to see the differences, though, if you have a series of both and take into account written below, then assign a small probability of error is possible.1 Spreading (meaning luridata) by Hausmann (GME 3) -Yug Russia, southern Urals and a point somewhere in the region of Tatarstan by Sineva have ...

25.12.2014 0:32, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #35790

Here are the questions and doubts have arisen. I looked the description and all the images that are available, and 15 species of the genus Adites. At least 9 of them belong to the so-called bizonoides complex may be reliably identified using genital analysis. But it is possible to arbitrarily select 4 groups (type 2-3) included in the complex.For each group of species are characteristic external ...

24.12.2014 22:22, Aleksandr Ermakov: comment on Professor Kauri Mikkola in the hospital

Здоровья 76-летнему профессору!

24.12.2014 20:51, DYNASTES: comment on Tapeworms and mottles (Limenitinae): Limenitis, Seokia, Neptis Aldania

Neptis yerburii pandoces Бирма Картинки:2.jpg — (149.83к)   

23.12.2014 20:25, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #36765

If odorodnogo background ambiguous question about the broader fields.

23.12.2014 17:09, Irina Nikulina: comment on Spartopteryx kindermannaria

Note to the form Spartopteryx kindermanniaria (removed from the base of 23.12.2014 17:13): Peter, this double page http://lepidoptera.ru/taxonomy/5135, you want to merge. In Sinev and faunaeur.org - Spartopteryx kindermannaria (Staudinger 1871) ( no i )

23.12.2014 14:28, Diogen: comment on Erebia polonina and Erebia limena

Это из каталога дневных бабочек бывшего союза.Корб С.К., Большаков Л.В. 2011. Каталог булавоусых чешуекрылых бывшего СССР... // Эверсманния. Отд. вып. 2. 124 с.

23.12.2014 10:06, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #32889

Basil fixed the machine, do not see what has already corrected. it does not matter, let it be as it was, but so right. :)

22.12.2014 18:12, DYNASTES: comment on Iolana iolas (Lycaenidae) in Ukraine

Телица (рум. Teliţa) — село в Новоаненском районе Молдавии. Является административным центром коммуны Телица

22.12.2014 15:52, Valentinus: comment on Subspecies of Kretania pylaon (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) in the Crimea

  На каком из Кавказов? На Северном уж точно zephyrinus нет. Там его тайный  заместитель (Дагестан, Гилязи).А на Северном, возможна ведь зона перекрытия, скажем, в Чечне?Или в Закавказье, по южному макросклону?У меня есть ...

21.12.2014 0:28, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #36676

Peter, apparently, the then and the view was written in Latin in the file name.

20.12.2014 19:02, Valentinus: comment on Leptidea juvernica (Williams, 1946)

 По исследованию Dincă, Vlad; Lukhtanov, Vladimir A.; Talavera, Gerard; Vila, Roger (30 April 2011). "Unexpected layers of cryptic diversity in wood white Leptidea butterflies". Nature Communications 2: 324. doi:10.1038/NCOMMS1329.  2011 в  (stat.nov.) входит в комплекс с L. reali и  L. sinapis  Это исследование ...

19.12.2014 22:51, Vladimir Bryukhov: comment on photo #36588

Upload a photo Coscinia cribraria with the size height 768. All of the old.

19.12.2014 18:00, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #7131

Ah, would pour all the photos of Constantine to clickable were ....

19.12.2014 16:39, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #36574

Thank you :) I add the geography of the Old :) All of the new born and the first views of this kind on the site)))

19.12.2014 12:51, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #1646

Et I recall. You just work somewhere Tama was, I thought, we can, not far. Oh well, more choice of good and different.

19.12.2014 8:38, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #33607

Thank you for reasonable assurance. :)

18.12.2014 21:51, Andrey Kravtsov: comment on photo #36392

It is necessary to drag the underside №36393

18.12.2014 21:23, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #1645

maybe it's a photo in the furnace?

18.12.2014 16:05, Alexander Belousov: comment on photo #36573

Thank you! The most popular high-quality work!

18.12.2014 13:14, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #36582

Species that there stoyat- like I have difficulty in determining not called. I do not remember, but cooked just like light. Work items (the series) is still there - if necessary, cook. Hemorrhoids was a native Cleora

18.12.2014 10:36, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #36505

Excess poudalyal. As for geography, I think, everything is understood.

18.12.2014 9:19, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #36580

Now you need to remove all these photos with boxes

17.12.2014 23:02, Aleksandr Ermakov: comment on Insect Traps

Это не книжка, а фото-коллажи различных ловушек (гл. образом светоловушек и феромонных), которые автор первого сообщения использовал в течение 45 лет. Скачать pdf-ку у меня не получается.пару картинок для ...

17.12.2014 17:44, Peter Khramov: comment on Choristoneura lafauryana

Ugums made.

16.12.2014 18:16, Eugene Davkaev: comment on photo #36519

In the book, The Butterflies of Dzungar, Tien Shan, Alai and Eastern Pamir, v. 1, p. 76 in this region noted dwelling ssp. glaucopis Bryk & Eisner, 1934.

16.12.2014 16:06, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #36520

Thank you, we will see who since late summer :)

16.12.2014 8:41, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #36514


16.12.2014 8:41, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #36434

The photo Nola squalida, how determined Vlad Proklov. Nola desmotes - Australian animal. :)

15.12.2014 22:22, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #36397

Archaeoprepona meander megabates (Fruhstorfer, 1916)

15.12.2014 21:08, Andrey Kravtsov: comment on photo #36444

No, Junonia iphita The shape of the rear wing is not the .Skoree Junonia gregorii of Ugandy.Dayu ispod.Etiketki no .Voobsche it's a bit darker, I had to add layers to show image

15.12.2014 20:45, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #36466

Camouflage is a camouflage :) But where in this group of my moth Abraxas grossulariata?

15.12.2014 14:24, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #29572

I agree.

14.12.2014 14:42, Andrey Ponomarev: comment on photo #36424

I agree overlooked

14.12.2014 12:09, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #36415

Wooly doll :)

13.12.2014 17:48, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #34910

Alexander, I think about the biology of the form can not be judged only by a single article.

13.12.2014 0:28, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #28938

Everything is clear now, thank you, Basil!

12.12.2014 22:05, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #35256

Nothing to say except that to the underside of these comrades we must also have the upper hand;)

12.12.2014 14:55, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #35664

That butterfly of this kind, no doubt, any one of two? will decide in future date, the curator of the taxon. Why would she be uncertain?

12.12.2014 13:08, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #36318

Kamchatka (34 regions) have not given Sineva.

12.12.2014 12:31, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #35986

Alexander, but I would give sradostyu cooking and establish the truth. Well, or exchanged for any zhukovё .... Only here I do not know a man in Moscow who would be interested. This Well-tropics in the end ...... A problem with them forever ( The fact that I am here at the moment exposed - only the "tip of the iceberg" ..... Other afraid even to stand :)

12.12.2014 2:29, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #36313


11.12.2014 20:53, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #36312

Fancy as a carpet :)

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