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26.10.2013 20:42, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #24238

In this photo the same butterfly, as here http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/23773, but in the expanded form.

26.10.2013 20:42, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #24237

In this photo the same butterfly, as here http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/23773, but in the expanded form.

26.10.2013 20:36, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #9235

Yes you are right. The photo really Catocala elocata

26.10.2013 16:48, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #20129

Eurema simulatrix(in the ill-defined)

26.10.2013 16:45, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #9053

Araschnia levana

26.10.2013 16:17, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #15824

Polyommatus icarusin the ill-defined

26.10.2013 15:40, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22901

Yponomeuta malinellus

26.10.2013 15:40, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22930

Yponomeuta malinellus

26.10.2013 15:40, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22931

Yponomeuta malinellus

26.10.2013 15:39, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22900

Yponomeuta malinellus

26.10.2013 15:39, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22902

Yponomeuta malinellus

26.10.2013 15:35, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22784

Zygaena minos(in the ill-defined)

26.10.2013 15:34, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22790

Zygaena minos(in the ill-defined)

26.10.2013 15:06, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22844

Argynnis pandora

26.10.2013 14:49, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #13735

Oleg, and where the results of the definition, since it was carried out on photographs?

26.10.2013 14:48, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #12892

Sitochroa verticalis- a bad angle, but it seems that it is this kind.

26.10.2013 12:27, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22311

This species is identified correctly.

26.10.2013 12:27, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22312

This species is identified correctly.

26.10.2013 12:27, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22313

This species is identified correctly.

26.10.2013 12:23, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #10780

Oh, no, not exactly Operophtera fagata. Epirrita autumnatait.

26.10.2013 12:23, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #10781

Oh, no, not exactly Operophtera fagata. Epirrita autumnatait.

26.10.2013 12:01, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21993

Vasily, so it was finally moved? Just I saw Ivan Pristrem's page and there when you move your cursor over its picture, there is a sign appears "species is not identified". Thus I said. I should've checked the very species photo page if it had the ID. So I didn't, my pardon. Anyway here's some clear bug about this dyssynchrony between the identified species on its photo page and allegedly "not ...

26.10.2013 11:50, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #12722

The butterfly is very shabby, but it is clear that this Hypomecis sp. Although attrition instance, wavy outer sash can be seen, and on the basis of a butterfly is more consistent with H. roboraria. Result -Hypomecis roboraria(in the ill-defined)

26.10.2013 11:38, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #13128

Defined correctly, it can be accurate.

26.10.2013 11:37, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #10031

No Xanthorhoe spadicearia here does not even smell. Epirrhoe alternatait.

26.10.2013 11:22, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21993

Why has not yet been moved? It is now four months has been determined. And do not blame in this case the employment moderators. First, for the past four months it could be vouchsafed and transfer, and secondly, the site has three moderator.

26.10.2013 11:18, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #10982

Lasiocampa quercus

26.10.2013 11:17, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #12931

Phragmatobia fuliginosa

26.10.2013 11:17, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21868

Ethmia pusiella (source: http://www.lepiforum.de/lepiwiki.pl?Ethmia_Pusiella)

26.10.2013 11:15, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #3324

Thank you and on this one.

26.10.2013 3:07, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21985

"Butterflies all Volgograd" - it is quite obvious in my opinion. Picture Exotics from this author there.

26.10.2013 3:05, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21993

It is necessary to move.

26.10.2013 3:04, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21988

It is necessary to move.

26.10.2013 3:04, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21989

It is necessary to move.

26.10.2013 3:04, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21985

It is necessary to move.

26.10.2013 3:02, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #24197

Clear. No questions.

26.10.2013 2:59, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #3324

I was already e-mailed Synev's book by Alexandr. Question closed. Now another bothers me. Moreover, looking at this, http://lepidoptera.pro/gallery/3535, he's not quite precise in IDs (which anyway doesn't derogate his worth). Hecatera dysodea isn't mentioned in Synev's book in Amur region. Which is still not a criterion, as it turns out. I wonder now if I was right this is Hecatera dysodea or ...

26.10.2013 2:57, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #3324

I was already e-mailed Synev's book by Alexandr. Question closed. Now another bothers me. Moreover, looking at this, http://lepidoptera.pro/gallery/3535, he's not quite precise in IDs (which anyway doesn't derogate his worth). Hecatera dysodea isn't mentioned in Synev's book in Amur region. Which is still not a criterion, as it turns out. I wonder now if I was right this is Hecatera dysodea or ...

26.10.2013 2:48, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21978

Transfer is necessary, how long ago determined.

26.10.2013 2:45, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21868

Ethmia pusiella(source: http://www.lepiforum.de/lepiwiki.pl?Ethmia_Pusiella)

26.10.2013 2:31, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #24197

"and perhaps there will be more time to cool spices and something will go from the category of race, in the category of view, without any cooking" - it does not happen. Either members of the group and all the experts are always determined only on the genitals or not. One of the two. There is no third.

26.10.2013 2:20, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #3324

Alexander, need your authoritative opinion:Hecatera dysodeait or not?

26.10.2013 1:18, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #24214

"I just did not understand. What is so amused by Sergei" - very much fretting error turned out in this case.

26.10.2013 1:17, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #13995

Alexander, first of all, I apologize for the excessive sharpness. "And now a very complex case" - but with these let us disagree. maxima and distinctive appearance is markedly different from other members of the genus Lygephila

26.10.2013 1:05, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #24214

Yeah, you really have fun here. Macdunnoughia confusait. For a long time so I do not laugh. Lots and heartily.

26.10.2013 1:01, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22080

Type defined incorrectly. It is anything but not Aporia Crataegi.

26.10.2013 0:23, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #13995

I might be hardly blamed by Alexandr Zhakov, still say this is Lygephila maxima.

26.10.2013 0:00, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #3324

Petr, thanks for the hint. Will get it in use.

25.10.2013 23:59, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #3324

Clear. But this butterfly bicolorata quite unlike. Well, so be it. Let it remain uncertain. Maybe someone someday it will determine. Although unlikely ... I believe in it with difficulty.

25.10.2013 23:49, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #3535

CorydalisCnetodonta grisescens

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