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Corrected data. Lamprias pubipennis (L. Dufour, 1820) → Lebia (Lamprias) pubipennis (L. Dufour, 1820).
Corrected data. Lamprias fulvicollis (Fabricius, 1792) → Lebia (Lamprias) fulvicollis (Fabricius, 1792).
Corrected data. Lamprias festivus (Faldermann, 1836) → Lebia (Lamprias) festivus (Faldermann, 1836).
Corrected data. Donacia clavipes Fabricius, 1793 Fabricius, 1793 → Donacia clavipes Fabricius, 1793.
Corrected data. Acronicta megacephala ([Denis & Schiffermtiller], 1775) was removed from the synonyms list
I don't see what signs point to a new taxon, but in my opinion it is a typical brevitarsis. It cannot be that the entire group living in the Far East has migrated to a new taxon solely on the basis of its locality.
Dagestannot what you need? - dagestan - you need to be able to, even by districts, even the Palearctic, and not by the square-nest method by default) there, unfortunately, are different tricks - I don't reveal this one here (it's easier to explain with a picture), and there is also a layout and a way to write regions, and in this window by link - where else includes a window in the obviously ...
Lucid Key-standard3I key - Dmitriev's homepage-software and instructions.In principle, some key can be collected from private phylogenetic publications, where, as a rule, the encoding of morphological features and the matrix are given.(but most likely it will not help - for morphology, representatives from supraspecific groups are taken - that's when you need to figure it out - where to look for ...
Previously, when setting a new map point, the "Radius" value might not be picked up, and it had to be entered additionally on the mark editing page. Now this problem has been fixed. You can to specify the radius when setting the new point, and it will be displayed correctly.
Corrected data. Euclidia (Callistege) intercalaris Grote, 1882 → Callistege intercalaris Grote, 1882.
Corrected data. Euclidia (Callistege) triangula (Barnes & McDunnough, 1918) → Callistege triangula (Barnes & McDunnough, 1918).
Corrected data. Euclidia (Callistege) fortalitium (Tauscher, 1809) → Callistege fortalitium (Tauscher, 1809).
Corrected data. Euclidia (Gonospileia) triquetra (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775) → Euclidia triquetra (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775).
Colleagues, I would like to know your opinion on the question: is it necessary to spread the paws of ladybirds so that they stick out from under the belly?Sometimes one three-millimeter cow takes an hour or two of time: while I took out five paws, the sixth one stuck in, I took out the sixth one , the other two stuck in, etc. etc. Often during this time, some paw comes off (and the last time the ...
excellens, I took from many years of personal experience "communicating" with ticks. I have them, however, did not climb into the refrigerator, but into and out of insectariums, but the important thing is that they seeped in huge quantities through the smallest holes. But where you get the information (often erroneous or incorrectly interpreted by you) that you so violently fantasize about in ...